Two complete scripts and very simple handling for the Triumph effect, which not only fools people, but entertains them immensely. No difficult sleights, no gaffs, no problems.
Many versions of Triumph are either complicated and hard to follow, or gaffed, or even a knuckle buster.
Well, the author of How To Write A Script shows how he used his methodology to write 2 different scripts that explains and entertains with the Triumph effect, while technically putting it well within the reach of every magician. This ebook gives you every line, joke, piece of timing, setup and nuance of the routine.
The ebook...
Night club performer Tony Kardyro (Senor Torino) reveals his favorite card mysteries in this clever collection. Drawing heavily from eighteen years' experience in the night club and banquet field, Kardyro created these effects to fill modern day demands for magic, as well as professional demands of the performer. Some of the effects depend on well-known sleights that are within the capacity of any adept magician. These proven, audience-pleasing effects will prove that you're a master of mystery.
Two of the ten effects, Strange, Very Strange and Two Ace Change were called out by Walter B. Gibson as being...
Aus der Einleitung:
Diese Schrift handelt von einer schönen Force einer Farbe mit Hilfe eines Quadrats von 16 Feldern. Die Force taucht verschiedentlich in der Literatur auf und findet auch heute noch ihre Liebhaber. In seinem Artikel "Nirvana Numbers" im JINX 70, 1939 hat der Autor Fredric Kolb angegeben, sie stamme vom britischen Zauberer Stanley Collins (1881-1966).
Kürzlich hat der bekannte englische Zauberer David Berglas eine neue Version der Force gezeigt; ob sie von ihm selber stammt, wissen wir allerdings nicht. Angeregt durch Berglas hat der eine von uns (Olaf Spell) ein sehr handliches Requisit geschaffen,...
A compilation of three manuscripts Super Dupes, Odd Lifts, and Secret Subtractions.
Note that different moves and techniques have been called 'Gypsy Switch' over the decades. See for example a technique to switch bills using an envelope: Gypsy Switch. The technique described here by Jon Racherbaumer uses a handkerchief and is mostly used with coins, but the basic technique is flexible and utilitarian, which means any object that is conveniently flat and compact can be switched for a similar object, using a handkerchief. This includes objects such as coins, poker chips, billets, cards (business and torn playing card pieces), and folded currency.
In its antecedent form this move appeared...
A very easy to do routine in which a black card repeatedly flies from hand to pocket leaving spectators amazed again and again, despite the performer trying to simplify things. All can be examined.
Imagine deliberately counting five cards....four of which are red with only one black. Each and every card is called and shown - without a single false move four cards are tossed to the table and the black card is seen to have vanished. It is reproduced from the pocket. Now Imagine that you can do it again and again each time eliminating one red card to make it easier for the public to follow the...
Alexander de Cova zählt seit vielen Jahren zu den innovativsten Zauberern im deutschsprachigen Raum. In jedem dieser sechs Bände sind viele Tricks und Ideen beschrieben, die er sich die letzten 15 Jahre ausgedacht hat. Das Material ist in der Praxis entstanden und hat sich in unzähligen Vorführungen bewährt. Viele professionelle Künstler haben seine Kunststücke bereits fest in ihr Repertoir eingebaut.
Die Methoden der Kunststücke sind so einfach wie möglich gehalten, damit Komplikationen bei der Vorführung vermieden werden. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad wurde bei den meisten Tricks auf...
Aus dem Vorwort:
Jede Kunstform, in der live vor Publikum vorgeführt wird, braucht von Zeit zu Zeit wieder neue Gesichter, frische Interpretationen und Innovationen bzw. Varianten, damit die Kunstform frisch bleibt. Ich bin der Meinung, dass Zauberkunst nicht aussterben wird, solange es gute Performer gibt. Die Menschen werden noch viele Jahre gute Zauberei sehen und sich verblüffen lassen wollen.
In diesem Band der BURNERS Reihe geht es weniger um die Tricks (obwohl von denen sehr viele vorhanden sind), sondern um die Ideen und Gedanken dahinter. Ich werde dir ein paar meiner...
Aus dem Vorwort:
Wie man es bei meinen Publikationen gewöhnt ist, zeichnet sich mein Material durch eine gewisse "Einfachheit" aus. Ich habe schon immer großen Wert darauf gelegt, dass die Sachen in der Praxis leicht umzusetzen sind und vor allem funktionieren. Allzu komplizierte Apparate und Vorgehensweisen mag ich nicht besonders. Das Risiko der Fehlfunktion und oftmals auch bei der Vorführung damit verbundene Streß widerstrebt mir zutiefst. Je einfacher, desto besser ...
Es müssen auch nicht immer "brandneue" Ideen sein, die mich von einem guten Zaubertrick überzeugen. Wenn man...
An amazing induction from the Devin Knight hypnosis show designed for experienced hypnotists only. The performer invites certain people from the audience to come forward and sit in a row of chairs. To the utter amazement of the audience, the moment these people sit in the chairs they all immediately go into a hypnotic trance. A real show stopper with full directions on how to do this. This is as strong as you can get and will create much talk.
There is no pre-show work by the performer. Not recommended for beginners. This is for the stage hypnotist only and not for hypnotherapy. No stooges...
A romantic-comedy novel about a failed magician.
"Poignant comedy genius at its best" - The GuardianWhen twenty-something James Valentine seeks refuge from the rain, the only shelter he can find is under the canopy of a fortune teller's dilapidated shed in Whitby. Madam Lulu invites him in and reveals that he's going to meet three women who will influence his life in ways..."The perfect summer tonic! Hilarious!" - Uri Geller
"Reading the hilarious story from the bus, where James unsuccessfully fights his biological urgency, I only narrowly escaped pissing myself from laughter." - Chris Wasshuber
From the Foreword:
"Tosheroon" is an odd but memorable name. It sounds amusing and somewhat incantatory - especially for a card trick. Bob Driebeck, who dubbed it, knew that the word was Cockney slang for a half-crown, which is also the type of coin he used to perform this offbeat card trick.
The basic effect is a transformation done with an impediment in place - the impediment or obstruction in this case is a coin, which is placed onto the face of the card that eventually changes.
Effect: A card is selected and lost in the deck. Then a borrowed coin is marked and placed onto the face...
Wonderful biographical information about magician Baron Hartwig Seeman, and juggler William D'Alvini. Also includes a chapter on the German magician Bellachini and a fascinating chapter on the psychology of conjuring.
Long out of print, we're pleased to bring you this collection of baffling close-up and small group effects for magicians and psychic entertainers, from the minds of Larsen and Wright.
The material in this ebook was chosen for its entertainment value, its suitability for small audiences, and to ensure that the methods are new and novel. Not a rehash of old content, this is magic that your audiences will enjoy as much as you will enjoy performing it.
You get:
The Magic Mail - The magician forgets to stamp a letter. A spectator chooses a denomination from among 16 choices and holds the...
Over $1,200.00 of professional mentalists secrets are divulged in this illustrated volume, originally released as a limited edition that is now out of print.
To make it even more compelling, three new methods are included in this newly revised and updated edition (the original edition actually only contained 49 methods). Now you get a full 52!
Explained are methods used by stage mentalists, club entertainers, psychic "office" workers and phony mediums to obtain the data and, if not captured by the performer himself, how to secretly send this information to the mentalist.
From the introduction:
In presenting my "second" book to the magical fraternity I have kept in mind the old saw, "Brevity is the soul, not only of wit, but applies to many magical tricks".
I have tried to make the text brief and, by giving plenty of illustrations, cut down on too much solid type. I give no patter as I feel that every entertainer should be himself and develop a style of his own.
Fred Keating rose to stardom. "The Bird Cage", "Sympathetic Silks" and "Card in the Cigarette" were marvellous in his hands; others copied, but Keating's name still lives. "Be a magician, not...
From the introduction:
Showing a trick is comparatively easy to putting it clearly in print, and I want to thank Anneman for his judicious use of the blue pencil, finding spots where I could write less and tell more, and in general, being a marvelous deleter and paraphraser.
To John Northern Hilliard, whom I consider the greatest writer on Magic as an Art, I want to extend my sincere thanks for the encouragement that caused me to start and finally finish my maiden effort, to wit: Al Baker's Book.
Poker Deals includes two self-working card effects, ideally suited to performing for spectators who are familiar with the rules of poker. Both effects utilize the StayCard Principle and were first published in OCD and Other Effects: The StayCard Principle.
Ten Card Poker Deal Variation
A procedural variation on Arthur Buckley's celebrated Ten Card Poker Deal. The magician and a spectator are each dealt five cards (either person can deal). The spectator decides whether to keep his cards, or whether the cards should be mixed by dealing again. No matter how many times the dealing is repeated before the cards are examined, the magician's hand wins....