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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 3398 to 3421 (of 10405 products)
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★★★★★ $9.95
Debjit Chaudhuri
The Social Prediction by Debjit Chaudhuri

The Social Prediction has fooled the best minds in mentalism and now Debjit has finally decided to share it with the magic community. The video and PDF covers two revolutionary impromptu techniques to predict anything weeks in advance.

Imagine asking someone to think of anything, they open your Facebook profile from their phone and they see that you had already predicted it months ago.

The effects can be performed live or over phone calls, messages, Skype and radio. They can also be used to predict the winners of the World Cup or any event on social media. And it's the best way to promote...

★★★★★ $6
Jack Chanin
Center Tear Bill by Jack Chanin

One of the best impromptu tricks ever invented for an unprepared dollar bill, invented by the late Jack Chanin. Long off the market. This charming bit of magic is almost forgotten today. This sold in the 70s for $10.00. According to Dollar Times that would be over $60 in today's dollars.

You show an unprepared dollar bill and fold it into quarters. At the folded corner of the bill you tear off a section, as shown on the cover photo. The audience plainly sees the missing section. Placing the small torn piece into your mouth, you blow it at the bill. Instantly, the bill is restored, pulled...

Todd Strong
Dice Stacking by Todd Strong

Dice stacking is not only magical, but it is fun too. The art of scooping up a series of dice and stacking them one on top of the other is not nearly as hard as it looks. Professional juggler and entertainer Todd Strong has developed a method to easily teach you how to stack dice. In fact, using Todd's methods, you can learn to stack dice proficiently in just a few short hours.

Being a juggler, Todd has created numerous unique and highly visual dice stacking techniques, many of which magicians have never seen before, including fantastic aerial dice moves and two-handed stacking. You will...

Jochen Zmeck
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 27: Schreibtafeln by Jochen Zmeck

Ein Handbuch für die Verwendung von Schreibtafeln in der Zauberkunst.

Aus der Einleitung:

Die Idee, "Geisterschriften" auf leeren Tafeln erscheinen zu lassen, stammt nicht von einem Zauberkünstler, sie kommt von den spiritistischen Schreibmedien des ausgehenden 19. Jhdts. Das berühmteste war Henry Slade, der eine enorme Fertigkeit darin entwickelt hatte, auf leeren Tafeln Schriften zum Vorschein zu bringen. Er bediente sich dabei der verschiedensten Methoden, verwendete bereits vorher beschriftete Tafeln, schrieb mitunter während der Sitzung selbst, verwendete auch schon eine Art Daumenschreiber....

Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly (1934 - 1940) by Will Goldston

This bundle includes all issues including the two page supplement from volume 5 which is missing in most files. This magazine was cut short due to the start of WWII. It is an eclectic collection of - at that time - completely new and innovative tricks, apparatus, and effects. It also covers the magic scene with reports, reviews and other newsworthy contributions. Will Goldston was very well connected and could draw contributions from the best magicians world-wide.

Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 6 (Dec 1939 - Sep 1940) by Will Goldston

84 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 6 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 6, Number 1 - December, 1939 - 24 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Will Goldston wishes all Readers in the Army, Navy and Air Force ... A Happy Christmas and Good Luck in 1940
  4. Book Reviews - Charles Hepworth
    • Books
      • Entertaining Children With Magic - Eddie Clever
  5. Editorial
  6. Ventriloquism in War Time - Arthur Prince
  7. News of Magicians
  8. The Magicians' Club
  9. The Aladdin Brotherhood of Magicians
  10. Contributed By
    1. Two Tiny...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 5 (Dec 1938 - Sep 1939) by Will Goldston

111 pages [1 double page]

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 5 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 5 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 5, Number 1 - December, 1938 - 40 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. Let's Have Spectacle - Hilaire White
  5. Seen This Trick? - John Carpenter
  6. News of Magicians
  7. Contributed By
    1. The Mexican Coin Vanish - Rupert H. Slater
    2. Two Good Tricks for Your Christmas Party - J. P. Donovan
      • Is Seeing Believing?
      • A Coin and a Packet of Cigarettes - Gravity Defied
    3. The Mysogynist - Capt. J. R. Cleland
    4. Production of Flags...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 4 (Dec 1937 - Sep 1938) by Will Goldston

96 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 4 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 4 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 4, Number 1 - December, 1937 - 24 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. News of Magicians
  5. What is a Book Club Worth? - Hilaire White
  6. Reviews - Charles Hepworth
    • Books
      • It's Fun to be Fooled - Horace Goldin
      • Keith Clark's Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks
      • Aus Eins Mach Zehn - Ottokar Fischer
      • Watch Me Closely - Louis Lam
      • General Magic - Will Dale
  7. Contributed By
    1. "Zara" Passing a Solid Steel Rod...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 3 (Jun 1936 - Mar 1937) by Will Goldston

160 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 3 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 3 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 3, Number 1 - Summer, 1936 - 40 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. Elections, 1936
  5. Question of the Next Wearer of Thurston's Mantle - Caryl S. Fleming
  6. Contributed By
    1. Divination with Cards - Hubert Elliott
    2. Thought Reading Extraordinary
    3. A New Billiard Ball Producer - E. Lewis Philpot
    4. Okito's Inexhaustible Chinese Mat
  7. Don't Discard Your Old Apparatus - Will Goldston
  8. Bodies for Burial - A Short Story - Howard Jones
  9. Ceeley...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 2 (Jun 1935 - Apr 1936) by Will Goldston

160 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 2 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 2 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 2, Number 1 - Summer, 1935 - 40 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. Elections 1935
  5. A Letter to all Members of the Magicians' Club - Horace Goldin
  6. Contributed By
    1. A Trick for Card Manipulators - Royal V. Heath
    2. Mento-Test Card Effect - John B. Ward
    3. The Melting Knot - E. Brenton Jennings
    4. Writes Right - Rupert H. Slater
    5. Cyro's Mass Production
    6. The Mysterious Cut
    7. A Goldin Flight - Horace Goldin
    8. The "Do It Again" Rope...
Will Goldston
Goldston's Magical Quarterly Volume 1 (Jun 1934 - Mar 1935) by Will Goldston

160 pages

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1 - 2 pages - originally at the end of the file
  2. Volume 1 Index

  1. Goldston's Magical Quarterly - Volume 1, Number 1 - Summer, 1934 - 36 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Editorial
  4. A Word to Students - Louis Gautier
  5. Elections
  6. Contributed By
    1. An Original Bowl and Silk Production - Shu Foo Yai
    2. The Human Penetration Mystery - "Cyro"
    3. Coincidence Extraordinary - Brian Godfrey
    4. "Could You Deal Me a Nap Hand?" - G. W. Hunter
    5. Simplified Reckoning with Hammond's Set-Up Pack - Carlo Rossetti
    6. A Good Production Tube - Le Walke
    7. Cutting a Cigarette...
August Roterberg
1911 Supplementary Catalogue of New Tricks by August Roterberg

From the introduction:

The splendid array of tricks offered in the following pages is the result of a most careful selection from several hundred new ideas. Of these new tricks, I have embodied in this catalogue only those which I consider to be the very best, this being practically the first time that the majority of these tricks have been offered for sale. All descriptive matter is original with me and the illustrations have been made from my own ideas, under my personal supervision, great care having been taken to neither exaggerate nor misrepresent the effects in either the reading matter...

★★★★★ $15
Alexander de Cova
Matrix Opener by Alexander de Cova

A clever gimmick that allows one to secretly introduce four coins singly from a deck of cards.

Al Schneider's Matrix is a classic. It didn't take long for magicians to invent ways to produce the four coins from the deck. Notable contributions stem from Ray Mertz, Don England, Paul Harris, Nick Einhorn, Michael Broden and others.

With this humble contribution, Alexander de Cova joins the row and offers a version to produce the coins singly from the deck in the course of an Ace cutting routine.

Of course, there are many variations and handlings possible with this gimmick. Play around and find your...

Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 2 by Mark Elsdon

More killer magic that you're not doing. A guidebook to fabulous but forgotten material curated by Mark Elsdon.

He has been making notes and sticking Post-its in all his books for decades, so he has hundreds and hundreds of great tricks book-marked, annotated and logged, and after some (not so subtle) prompting by friends he finally decided to collect 100 of them together and publish them in an ebook.

That book - Hidden Gems - proved far more popular than he ever expected. So here we are with Vol. 2 and another 100 killer tricks that most of us have either forgotten about or never even seen before....

★★★★ $8
William W. Larsen
Thayer's Comedy Crystal Gazing Act by William W. Larsen

Here's the perfect "one man" comedy mentalism act that's great for those occasions when you aren't able to perform your regular show. Or add it as a feature to your regular act.

Don't confuse this with the old "two person" comedy mindreading act. This hilarious routine can be performed by you, alone, without assistants, stage hands or stooges. Using a crystal ball, a jumbo electric light bulb, or even a swirly-painted bowling ball, you cause a laugh riot by apparently answering questions which have been merely "thought of" by your audience. There's no mystery to it. All you need is this clever...

★★★★★ $12
Jon Racherbaumer
Whispers by Jon Racherbaumer

This treatise is a detailed exploration of a glorified location-divination, framed by a whimsical conceit - namely that an inanimate object - a playing card - is the supposed agency that makes the entire trick work. In this regard it was an effort to upgrade an essentially puerile divination effect.

Here is the basic approach or plot: The way the performer learns the identity of a freely selected card is apparently due to enlisting the assistance of another playing card (usually a Queen), which whispers the name of the selection to the magician. The magician then acts as the Queen's proxy...

Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 06 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 6. Ausgabe:

  • Vanishing Card Box
  • Die Slippy Tip
  • Gedanken zur Ambitious Card
  • Tamariz Stack (5)

Erstausgabe 2019, 8 Seiten + videos

Senor Mardo
White Sorcery by Senor Mardo

Acclaimed by experts, Senor Mardo reveals 19 choice close-up and platform magic miracles in this "lost classic."

It's not black magic, it's . . . White Sorcery! Mardo's wizardry with new effects and novel takes on existing magic makes this a worthy addition to any performer's library of legerdemain.

Here's a partial list of contents:

  • A Coin Routine
  • A New Rope Cut Technique
  • Another Rope Cut Technique
  • The Vanishing Light
  • Booming the Aces
  • Rose
  • The Nudist End
  • Television Technique
  • The Ball and Vase
  • Matching the Colors
  • Dye Tube Routine
  • The Adams Block
  • The Yarn
  • Three Out Of One...
★★★ $4
Devin Knight
Secret of Crying Blood Tears by Devin Knight

One of the most amazing demonstrations of stigmata you will ever see. Imagine crying tears of blood at will. You could start a religious cult with this secret! 100% safe as no chemicals or drops are put into your eyes.

This little-known secret used by mediums and spiritualist ministers is completely revealed in this PDF. At some spiritualist summer camps, mediums will use this trick to apparently cry blood while giving a reading from a dead loved one. At spiritualist churches some ministers will cry blood tears while giving messages.

Psychic Jason Michaels used this trick to cry blood...

Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 3 by Dave Arch

In Part One, we explored a five-minute routine that a blind person can perform for a sighted person using a deck of cards. In Part Two, we visited a routine that a blind person could perform for another blind person. In Part Three, you'll receive Dave's Svengali Deck routine that a blind person can successfully perform for a small group of sighted friends or family. Complete with a PDF document and five audio files that ultimately serve as practice prompts for the visually impaired person you might be teaching.

1st edition 2019, PDF 1 page + audio 30 min

Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 05 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 5. Ausgabe:

  • Matrix Opener
  • Lowe Palmage
  • Jazz Aces
  • Und ... Action!
  • Tamariz Stack (4)

Erstausgabe 2019, 8 Seiten + videos

Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 04 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 4. Ausgabe:

  • Rorschach
  • Die Sache mit der Faust
  • Coinvelope
  • Geldschein in Birne
  • Die-lemma
  • Faro Tipps
  • Ringflight Tipp
  • Tamariz Stack (3)

Erstausgabe 2019, 11 Seiten + videos

Alexander de Cova
Solidmagic Magazin 2019 Nr. 03 by Alexander de Cova

Inhalt der 3. Ausgabe:

  • Musty Daumen
  • Multiplying Bottles
  • Bill Simon Vanish
  • Lager Switch
  • Fahrstulkarten
  • Tamariz Stack (2)

Erstausgabe 2019, 9 Seiten + videos

★★★★ $0
Wilhelm Eberhard
Complicado Pero Divertido by Wilhelm Eberhard

Una rutina cartomágica complicada de Peter Duffie y cómo estudiarla y ensayarla.

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