No. 1
This is the perfect start into the world of folding impossible bills. You will learn four easy but still gorgeous looking folds which make great give-aways or presents. For each fold you will receive a PDF template for easy printing, a photo of the final folded bill, and detailed video instructions of how to fold each bill.
You will learn:
This bibliography collects about 2000 works that deal with tricks and illusions, and with the varied deceptions that are usually presented as part of a conjuring entertainment, including automata, chapeaugraphy, chemical and electrical tricks, escaping, fire handling, gamblers' tricks, hand-shadows, juggling, lightning sketches, optical illusions, pseudo-spiritualistic manifestations, second sight, thought reading, thought transference and ventriloquism. The list includes languages other than English in particular German and French books. Excluded are books on the so-called occult arts, but...
A terrific triple prediction with a double climax using three spectators, three chairs, three big envelopes and a deck of cards.
One of the most astonishing mental effects which we have ever been privileged to offer you.
Unusual: Strange: Bizarre!
Three chairs are in a line on the stage. A committee of three spectators are asked to come forward. One of the spectators is handed three large envelopes. He is asked to mix the envelopes up and then to lay these down on any of the chairs, in any order he chooses. Three spectators are to sit on any of the chairs again just as they choose....
An effortless ACAAN that the audience performs for themselves.
Participant 1 deals down one of the halves and stops anywhere he/she desires, the card gets turned over. To make things random, the participant again deals down to the value of the turned over card. Now that...
This was considered by W. G Magnuson to be the perfect method for doing a question and answer act. No manila envelopes are used. The performer passes out slips of paper and pencils. He can do this or have an assistant pass the slips out.
Once the slips are passed out, each audience member writes a question on the paper and folds it up. The billets are collected by either the performer or an assistant to speed things up. The collected billets are brought forward and dumped on a table in full view. They are not switched; the actual billets are in full view. The mentalist picks up a closed billet...
Primarily stage and parlor effects with mechanical apparatus.
1st edition 1943, 47 pages; PDF 36 pages.
Effect: The book of love poems may be given for examination, opened at any page by a spectator, and whatever the number of the page is selected, spectator counts the words of this number and remembers same. Performer then picks up a paper and pencil, and predicts the word selected. This can be repeated with a different word.
Note: You will receive the force book (Anthology of Love Poems by S. Wynne Burne) as PDF. The easiest way to use it is to load it onto a phone, tablet or eReader and present it that way in electronic form to the spectators. Alternatively you can print and bind it at a...
The performer extends his arm and a paper streamer appears. This is gathered up, placed in a bowl. Water is added. Using chopsticks the water is stirred, and the paper streamer transforms into real noddles you can eat. A Chinese classic.
Everything is explained in a PDF and a video.
1st edition 2019, 4 pages, video length 2:12.
This is the classic twisting effect on steroids with multiple changes and a climax that hits you between the eyes. First you show four cards that have the same face and back designs, for example four kings of diamond with black backs. When you turn one king face up, they magically all are face up. Suddenly one of them turns upside down but it has a different colored back. Then two more different backs appear. Then all revert to the original backs. The climax is that all kings change to four different aces that have each a different back and each card is shown and tabled individually.
From the Foreword:
Written entirely during my service in the Army and the major part of it whilst under shellfire at Ypres and on the Somme, this book was ready for the press save the sketches, early in 1919.
Anticipating almost immediate demobilisation, I determined to post to my home the manuscript that had been such a labour of love to me, with some small magical apparatus that had accompanied me during the campaign. I am still awaiting the arrival of that parcel.
Considerably lightened by the possession of an exceptional memory, my task of re-writing is now finished and I confidently...
Vol. 15, No. 2, May 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Henry Harrius
(Larsen is writing as Rev. Dr. Richard Straussberg)
Whether you want to haunt a house, perform a parlor seance, or entertain a private audience with a series of ghostly mysteries, this book shows you how to do it. Long out of print, this limited edition manuscript is now available to a new generation of house haunters, spirit mediums and practitioners of bizarre magick. Use these spine-chilling effects to scare the yell out of your victims. If you're a storyteller, use one or more of these macabre stunts to accentuate a horror story.
Use an effect or two to spice up your existing act....
Now you can perform a sealed message reading psychic act, without the use of paid accomplices of any kind. Not just one, but two complete presentations are thoroughly and patiently explained.
The Question-and-Answer or "Q&A" Act is one of the most riveting that the psychic entertainer can present. Your audiences will be amazed to find that the psychic performer is able to discern their thoughts ... even though their questions remain sealed and in view in a glass bowl upon the stage. And yes, their questions can be returned after the performance.
This act is the result of years of successful...
Four prize winning routines on the "find the ace" theme, performed with extra giant cards that you can print yourself.
The performer shows three extra giant cards. The audience are asked to follow the movements of the Ace of Diamonds, The Ace is mixed up with the two other extra giant cards shown - the Two and Three of Clubs. The audience never are able to discover the whereabouts of the elusive Ace. The Ace transposes continuously in an incredible manner even while it is in the hands of a spectator or while it is marked by a clip. The spectator himself takes the ace in...
Eine vergnügliche magische Quizrunde.
Aus der Einleitung:
Die Anregung zu diesem Programm erhielt ich durch das Buch Opus Thirteen von Eric C. Lewis (ein Lieblingsautor von mir!). Das war doch etwas für mich: Mit Hilfe von Zaubertricks eine Parodie auf eine Quizrunde zu machen, wo doch jetzt (ich baute das Programm etwa 1968 auf) im Rundfunk, im Fernsehen und auf Unterhaltungsbühnen Quiz so groß geschrieben wird. Und bis heute hat sich daran ja nichts geändert, höchstens daß die Preise, die zu gewinnen sind, noch gigantischer geworden sind und daß das Wort Quiz häufig durch "Game-Show" ersetzt...
El legendario Bob Cassidy solía terminar su famosa actuación de mentalismo con una demostración que dejaba boquiabiertos a propios y extraños: era capaz de memorizar una baraja realmente mezclada por los espectadores en menos de quince segundos.
Este breve manual es la síntesis de décadas de trabajo para lograr ese efecto, al alcance de cualquier persona con unas capacidades mentales estándar. El sistema que aquí se describe permite memorizar secuencias completas no solo de cartas, sino de palabras nombradas al azar por espectadores, listas de objetos o cualquier otra información...
The meaning of Kabbala, translated from Hebrew, means something received and handed down. This definition resonates. Knowledge of magic, after all, is handed down from generation to generation, from magician to magician, and from teacher to disciple. Prior to xerography and personal computers, most magical knowledge was transmitted in this primitive, semi-private, and intimate means. Word-of-mouth reigned supreme and to a certain extent still does.
The magic scene in the Seventies was a blooming, buzzing place, atwitter with contentiousness and creativity. Close-up magic, particularly with...
From the introduction:
You will find that most of my mterial is suitable for the stand-up performer. This is due to the fact that in Europe there aren't too many opportunities to work restaurants, bars and other close-up situations. We have to deal with small stand-up shows, birthday parties, wedding parties, smaller theatres and cabarets, and the like. Naturally, if you want to survive as a performer, you will have to adapt to this situation and develop suitable material. Above all, the material must be direct and to the point, because the European audiences generally don't have too much...
You show four Queens of heart with a red back. Suddenly the backs become blue and then all four backs change again into four completely different back designs.
You will need four Queens of Heart with four different back designs. One double backer (one back matching one of the Queen's back) and one blank face card where the back matches the other back of the double backer.
1st edition 2019, length 2min 50s
From the Foreword:
Magic is changing and a lot of the reason for this is that people's attention spans are shorter because of the pace of life today and more distractions.
We don't have the luxury of people dying for entertainment. There is too much entertainment and to compete, we have to get to the point quicker.
If you look at my magic a certain way, it is a direct result of chipping away at long tricks trying to distill them down.
The format follows Gregg's established style of illustrations and hand-lettered text.
This ebook continues where Ian stopped with his Five Kinks series. His tinkering with classic routines continues.
Too Easy Ace Cutting sees Ian reducing sleights to an absolute minimum for this timeless favorite, adding a surprise ending.
Distinctive Side Steal describes a handling for this sleight which resolves the one fundamental problem with the move, making it far easier to acquire.
Brown's Wandering Card: Ian describes his own version here and includes a subtlety which significantly enhances the deceptiveness of Brown's routine.
1st edition 2019, 17 pages.