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Aloys Christof Wilsmann
Die zersägte Jungfrau by Aloys Christof Wilsmann

Ein äußerst lesenswertes Ebuch über Magier, Schwindler und Scharlatane. Wilsmann vereint hier eine Reihe von faszinierenden Geschichten und Anekdoten von Zauberkünstlern und solchen die sich deren Methoden bedienten. Es gibt kein vergleichbares Werk im Deutschen Sprachraum. Zusätzlich stellt Wilsmann am Ende die erste Bibliographie Deutscher Zauberliteratur zusammen. Für jeden Sammler und Wissbegierigen ist es eine wunderbare Liste um neue Bücher zu entdecken.

  • Statt einer Vorrede
  • Magie ohne Magie
    • Das Geheimnis eines Papyrus
    • Was Alkiphron berichtet
    • Der Schwindler von Abonuteichos ...
Graham Hey
Book Him Danno! by Graham Hey

Another fabulous comedy mentalism effect with a full comedy routine.

An envelope is in full view which contains a single book. A plastic tumbler contains many pieces of paper - each piece has the titles of two books written on it. The spectator freely selects one piece of paper. They then have a choice of either book - and they can change their mind! They finally select one ... and it's the same as the one in the envelope.

The envelope contains one book - the selected one. The envelope is then ripped up to prove there is nothing else inside. This is virtually a self-working effect and...

Ken Muller
Rings of Troth: F.U.N. Rings Series by Ken Muller

A novel blending of Linking Rings and Ring on Rope Magic during a demonstration of ancient marriage rites. This is not just a series of intriguing illusions, but an immersion to ancient betrothal rituals where magic and myth were alive and natural.

Three Routines:

  • Troth Ritual
  • Troth Ceremony Suggestions
  • Pledge Bond Suggestions

Moves, sleights and stratagems adapted from the Primal Rings eBook. This is designed for an engagement party with lost of audience involvement with special attention for the special couple. Effects occur in their hands and because of their betrothal commitments. It is story...

★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Most Impossible Diviniation by Joseph B.

As you can understand from the title this is an impossible divination. The method is becoming more and more diabolical.

The effect is a classic: the spectator chooses a card and the magician finds it. Here, however, the conditions are strict for the magician. There is seemingly no way the magician could find the card. The deck is shuffled while the performer looks away. Despite this, he will be able to find the chosen card face down. All this with a normal, borrowed, totally impromptu deck.

1st edition 2022, video 12:03

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Deckless Angels and Devils ACAAN by Unknown Mentalist

Please note that this is deckless. And that does not mean propless. Two double blank business cards are used in this effect, with something written/printed on them of course, as you will get to know in this manuscript. This ACAAN is notoriously unknown as DAD ACAAN. And this is completely different than the earlier Deckless ACAAN.

3 different participants freely and randomly choose a card value, a number, and a suit. All are fair choices...or so it seems. And you read all 3 minds with a uniquely stunning impact. You can even perform this to a single participant or even in a virtual show or a video call....

Max Sterling
The Magical World by Max Sterling

The Magical World is one of the few weekly periodicals in magic. This periodical ran from November 1910 until May 1911 and was edited by Max Sterling. Volume one contained 26 issues and volume two ended the series with No. 3 - a total of more than 470 pages.

For the continuation of this periodical see the second series.

Volume 1, Number 1 (November 2nd, 1910)

  • Announcements
  • Between Ourselves
  • What Others Are Doing - Oswald Williams
  • Practical Magic - Levitation of a Card
  • For Beginners - A Japanese Floral Fan-cy
  • Impromptu Tricks - The Impossible Die
  • Cards - Simple Effect
  • Whereabouts This Week ...
★★★★ $8
Hypnotising Animals by Supreme-Magic-Company

Very little on this fascinating subject has been published before, but you will find some references in Oriental Conjuring and Magic by Will Ayling and also in the books of Stanton Carlisle.

Let us make it quite clear that it is not possible to place an animal under genuine hypnosis. What you do is to induce a sort of muscular paralysis which has no ill effects on the animal subjects used. You will learn to do this for a variety of animals, including hens, roosters, rabbits, ducks, and even reptiles and frogs.

1st edition 1982, 3 pages; PDF 4 pages.

★★★★★ $8.50
Scott Baird
The Hermit Magazine Vol. 1 No. 5 (May 2022) by Scott Baird

Volume 1, No. 5: May 2022, 52 pgs.

The fifth issue of The Hermit Magazine features:

    • Coins to Purse / Bill Citino
    • Ultimate Brainwave Deck / Kyle Leon
    • Three Coin Production / Giacomo Bertini
    • P.Q.I. / Patrik Kuffs
    • The Gambler, The Magician, and The Psychic / Scott Baird
    • Tossed Across / Mystic Slybaba
    • The Management of Added Information / Alvaro Berbel
    • Sankey Says - Sharing your Humour / Jay Sankey
★★★★★ $8
Percy Abbott
Sensational Spirit Cabinet Act by Percy Abbott

A modern seance, with a tie that is like lightning for speed, and yet is the most convincing of all ties. Each wrist is securely tied with a length of rope. Any number of knots may be used and knots can be sealed. The ends of the rope are made secure to the back of the chair. Feet are also tied to chair legs. All ties are thoroughly inspected and the committee is convinced that there is no slack in the ropes and that magician is really secure. The cabinet is placed around magi ready for the tests. For instance, a card is selected and shuffled back into the pack, the pack placed between the...

★★★★★ $12
Graham Hey
Where's my Dove? by Graham Hey

A hilarious effect and routine for anyone who does any kind of stand-up - from friends to comedy clubs to cruise ships. A fantastic, self-working method makes this effect the perfect trick for all occasions. And you don't need anyone on stage to help you.

Tell your audience they could win several amazing prizes - including a diamond worth $1million! Five colored ropes are hanging out of a gift bag. Inside the bag, Derek the Dove is tied to one of the ropes. The audience has four guesses, but each time, their selected rope is removed and there's no sign of Derek. The final rope is removed...

Laurie Ireland
Ireland's Year Book 1952 by Laurie Ireland
  • Six More Hummers
    • The Four G Men
    • The Card On The Window Pane
    • Double Thought
    • A Rare Coin Stunt
    • A Possible Impossibility
    • Imagination
  • Three Magical Beauties
    • Making A Production Out Of The Pyramid Puzzle
    • Chlorophyll Gag Card
    • The "Trey (Tray) Of Diamonds" Gag Card
  • Match-A-Card
  • Cavorting Cards
  • Animal, Vegetable And Mineral
  • Build It Yourself Nest Of Boxes
  • The Cigarette Vending Machine
  • The Extra Load
  • Kirk's Comedy Spaghetti Winder Gag Prop
  • A Paper Folding Routine
  • Secrets Of Sharpshooting
  • Ali's Eyeful
  • Flower Floats
  • Telephone Fooler
  • Boxadime
  • Idea For The Buddha Tubes ...
★★★★ $12
Paul R. Hadley
How to Develop Mental Magic by Paul R. Hadley

This coursebook teaches how to build a two-person mentalism act, allowing names, dates, personal effects, and more to be quickly and effectively transmitted and described without the use of electronics or gimmicks.

Audiences will gasp in amazement as they witness your sensational and uncanny demonstration of apparent psychic ability between you and your "medium" or "telepath." Spectator questions, personal articles, birthdates, pocket change, jewelry, and more are revealed by the on-stage psychic.

If you've seen the motion picture "Nightmare Alley," you've had a glimpse at how mesmerizing...

★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Fooler Fooler Fooler by Joseph B.

The magician attempts to find the spectator chosen card under impossible conditions. In the end, he also manages to find the four aces. Everything is done with a normal deck of cards. Requires minimal sleight-of-hand.

1st edition 2022, video 12:52

★★★★★ $19.50
James McKnight
The Modern Magician by James McKnight

This periodical ran from October 1932 to April 1934 and saw 8 numbers published. Complete files are uncommon. In this digital form, it can be enjoyed by a much wider group of readers.

Volume 1, Number 1, October 1932

  • Editorial
  • How to Stick a Hatpin through the tongues without injury
  • I Witnessed Betty Jane's Act. By an Observer
  • The Meeting Place. Conducted by George Linnhauser.
  • Doc. Distel effect. Card Stabbing Supreme
  • Reviews: The Vanishing Goat, by Frank Lane

Volume 1, Number 2, November 1932

  • Editorial
  • A New Pass. J. Burnes
  • A New Box Escape.
  • Wrinkle. By Kolar
  • The Autobiography...
Roy Baker
Baker's Capers by Roy Baker

From the Foreword:

What started out as a few lecture notes seem to have reached the size of a small book. I hope that the reader will find something to stir his or her imagination. Do try out some of the effects. All are practical and have been tried out. Most have been in constant use. The coin routine and the dice routine for instance. I must have performed both of these many thousands of times.

  • Foreword
  • About Roy Baker
  • "Stuck-Kup"
  • "Catch The Cup"
  • Cigarette Through Handkerchief Baker Style
  • Roy Baker's Method Of "Knife Thro' Coat"
  • Two Stunts With A Pen
  • It's Getting Larger
  • The...
Jonathan H. Green
Gambling Exposed by Jonathan H. Green

Full exposition of all the various arts, mysteries, and miseries of gambling.

It is a complete exposure, of the different and various ways of deception and cheating in all the numerous games played, such as Faro, Two, Three, and Four-Handed Poker, Shuffling Cards, Roulette and Rolling Faro, Vingt-Un, Brag, Euchre, Game of Boston, All Fours, Cribbage, Whist, Dice, Stealing out Cards, Palming, Playing by Signs, Marking Cards, Backgammon, Solitaire, Playing Three against One, Spring Tables, Spring Boxes, Pulleys, Ingenuity of Gamblers, Card Manufactories, Lotteries, then modes of drawing and...

Unknown Mentalist
Enigmatic Economies by Unknown Mentalist


This is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf. Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a specially designed, high quality, gloss laminated postcard sized (approx 4 inches x 6 inches) gimmick which supposedly is based on a United Nations report of 2020 on World Economic Prospects. With reasonable care, this card should last you many years.


  1. You invite a participant to take part in an interesting mind-reading demonstration.
  2. You use the provided gimmick to perform...
Jonathan H. Green
Games and Tricks with Cards by Jonathan H. Green

You will find here card tricks, cheating exposes, card games, and gambling stories.

A later expanded version of this book was published under the title Gamblers' Tricks With Cards Exposed and Explained.

  • Chapter I
    • Invention Of Cards
    • Mysterious Trick Of Thirty Six Cards; Telling The Card You Look At Without Seeing The Pack.
    • To Tell A Card Thought Of
    • Three Jacks As Thieves, Caught By A King As A Policeman
    • To Burn A Card And Fin'd It In A Watch
    • How To Shift Cards
    • The Four Associates
    • To Make A Card Jump Out Of The Pack
    • How To Change Cards To Pictures
  • Chapter II
    • All Fours
    • Deceptions Used In The Game Of All Fours
    • How To...
Frances Marshall & Jay Marshall
Ireland's Year Book 1965 - 66 by Frances Marshall & Jay Marshall
  • Jack Gwynne
  • The Turn-Over Vanish
  • Houdini And Ponzi Gwynne
  • Penny - Thru
  • Tricky Farmer
  • Tips On Ball Handling
  • Severed Silk
  • Balloon Trix
  • The Safety Salesman
  • Following Directions
  • Jack Gwynne In U.S. O.
  • Linking Rings
  • Stock Market Manipulations
  • Banging The Bang Gun Around
  • "It's So Nice To Have A Ham Around The House"
  • When The Flag Goes By
  • The Invisible Match Box
  • "X Marks The Card!"
  • Bob Lewis' Top Hat Illusion
  • On The Establishment Of Comedy
  • Krazy Kumpass
  • Stronger Than Dirt
  • Beauty Of Magic
  • 93 Years Ago - A Lady Magician
  • Nun To Present Magic Shows At St. Vincent Festival Sunday ...
Ken Muller
Ring Bind: Magic More Series by Ken Muller

A Linking Rings enhancement module for any set or routine (4"-12"). Can be used in a traditional approach starting with separate rings, or with Reverse Rings and the four linked at the start - or in the middle somewhere.

This can replace the standard Odin Count to show the four rings to be separate, with the added astonishment of penetrating the rope. With Reverse Rings, each ring penetrates both the other rings and the rope.

A set of four metal rings are displayed tied together with a double looped length of cord or ribbon tied in a bow. This cord is untied with a demonstration of the secure binding....

NEMCA: New England Magic Collectors Association
NEMCA Newsletter Volume 1 Number 2 (April - June 2022) by NEMCA: New England Magic Collectors Association
  • Welcome From the President
  • Name Our Newsletter Contest
  • Upcoming Events
  • Interview with Steve Cohen
  • Volunteers Needed
  • Past Events
  • Member Spotlight
  • Magic Collectors Expo 2022 Review
  • Classified Ads

1st edition 2022, PDF 37 pages.

Hanns Friedrich
Kartenzauber ohne Fingerfertigkeit by Hanns Friedrich

Eine wunderbar geschriebene Einführung in die Zauberkunst mit Karten von der sich selbst der Erfahrene Präsentationsideen abschauen kann.

Aus der Einleitung:

Mit einem gewöhnlichen Kartenspiel von zweiunddreißig Blatt, ohne Bühne und ohne Vorbereitung, kann man jede anspruchsvolle Gesellschaft reizvoll und elegant unterhalten. Dies zu zeigen, bestimmte die Methode dieses Buches, das sich vor allem an problemfreudige Menschen wendet.

Die Kunst, mit Karten umzugehen, ist ein geistreiches Spiel von überdurchschnittlichem Geselligkeitswert. Diese Zeilen sind geschrieben nicht so sehr...

★★★★★ $7
Under Water Box Escape by Supreme-Magic-Company

One of the great publicity stunts. The box may be made by a local concern and placed on display for examination before being used. The magician is tied with a length of rope, placed in the box, and a committee is allowed to fasten the lid with either screws or nails. Nails may be driven into any part of the box. The box is lowered into the water and almost immediately magician is seen emerging from the water at some distance from the box. After he has been identified he sinks from view. The box is raised from the water, the lid removed, and out steps the magician.

PDF 4 pages.

★★★★★ $6
Vincent "Vinny" Boyar
Ghostly Seconds by Vincent "Vinny" Boyar

A version of a strike-second deal that the author calls the "shutter" method, referring to the shutter of a camera.

This version could be easier for some to perform than a classic strike-second because the coordination of the thumbs is built into the method itself. While the author claims that his method is practically self-working, there is some amount of practice necessary to acquire the knack. Still, his discovery has earned the praise of top-flight card experts, who have called it perfect in action and imperceptible to the keenest observer.

The second deal is an indispensable sleight...

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