British magician Alex Elmsley carved a permanent niche for himself into the field of card magic, not only for his Elmsley Count, but two outstanding effects: "Between Your Palms" and "Point Of Departure". This manuscript explores a new and combined approach to these, put together by Ian Baxter. Easy, straightforward and uncomplicated. One of Baxter's best and highly recommended.
1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages.
Baxter jumps in yet again with three stunning revisions of classics mined from the past. "Marlo Off The Cuff", "Above And Below" and "Redemption Poker Deal". David Jones once again steps forward with a pertinent Introduction: "...another collection of highly effective card tricks accomplished through careful construction rather than complicated sleight of hand. Each of these is a 'worker' and worthy of your attention." That says it all!
1st edition 2019, PDF 11 pages.
The two most important elements of a performance are the opening and close. The opening sets the environment for the audience to be entertained. The close is the magician's last chance to leave a lasting impression on the audience. To be effective, the opening must meet specific goals. This text identifies them and provides ideas, samples and recommendations to help the magician attain them.
The Cyborg System uses a new method in phone mentalism. Imagine walking up to any random spectator handover your phone to them and ask them to think of any random icon/app they see, and instantly that icon/app pops open.
1st edition 2019, PDF 2 pages, video 11 min.
Aus der Einleitung:
Diese Karten-Routine enthält keine sogenannten "Allerweltskartenkunststückchen", wie sie schon der selige Adam seiner geliebten Eva im Paradies - mehr schlecht als recht - vorgeführt hat. Hier sind ausgesuchte Effekte zu einem erfolgsicheren Programm "zusammengebaut". Diese Routine ist nicht für den Anfänger bestimmt. Damit ist aber nicht gesagt, daß sie ein außergewöhnliches Kartenkönnen voraussetzt. Jeder durchschnittliche Kartenliebhaber beherrscht nach kurzem Studium dieses Programm und wird damit überall den gewünschten Erfolg erzielen. Wichtig ist, daß...
A gimmickless method of knowing anyone's memory.
In Memory Catcher, you get to reveal anyone's embarrassing memory. There are no gimmicked envelopes, no impressions, no switches, and no sneaky below the table peek. All you need are envelopes, pieces of paper and pens, and you are all set to put up a 7 minute routine which gradually and dramatically builds to the memory reveal. Suitable for both stage and close-up. Moreover, Arthur shares his whole routine and presentation in this PDF.
1st edition 2019, PDF 9 pages.
A complete comedy prediction routine with a surprise finish.
A spectator is shown various words written on sheets of paper. These are folded and dropped into a bag, placed behind he spectator's back and any paper is selected - the future predicted word. On stage the magician has a large book with the word 'PREDICTION' on the cover that has been in full view all the time. Before the spectator unfolds and reveals the chosen word, the magician pages through the large format book revealing various comedy predictions. Eventually the spectator reveals the word and the entire book drops open in...
Ralf Rudolph takes on the challenge to let a lighted match float. He explains in detail how to make the gimmick, and how to perform the effect. You need to perform this under somewhat dimmed lighting conditions with some distance to your audience. It is best performed off-beat when nobody expects you to perform a magic trick. For example, it has become dark and you want to light a candle. Take a box of matches, light a match, and suddenly the match floats for 2-3 seconds. Then you light the candle with it.
1st edition 2019, length 15 min.
Some have argued that George Kaplan's Fine Art of Magic is the best magic book ever published. Juan Tamariz, who wrote a foreword to this second edition, says: "Hardly a performance where I do not include an effect from this book. It's the only book that contains only good and excellent tricks."
This magic treatise has stood the test of time. It has become a standard magic reference work. The First Edition is one of the most sought after magic books and is now available in its Second Edition, which incorporates additions and corrections from Kaplan's own notes, as well as adds more than 25% new and...
Vintage gold. This was Hugard's first manuscript released to the profession; originally hand-typed and sold only through him. These entertaining card effects require no apparatus and no prepared cards, making them ready to present wherever you may be: at a party, backstage, or after dinner. While the title says 10, you actually get a full dozen card miracles, moves and subtleties presented with a standard deck. Fit for the program of the most fastidious performer, yet easily within the reach of the amateur. While the author claims that no complicated moves are involved, we should note that these...
This is an impressive prediction. It has fried the minds of lay people and fooled almost every magician or mentalist, I have shown this to. Many magician's say they can't fool their wives. I guarantee this is one effect she will be totally baffled by. This effect is so amazing, that you will fool yourself each time you do it wondering how such a thing is possible. Yet the effect is completely self-working with no skill or sleights.
EFFECT: Using a borrowed deck (if desired) the mentalist instructs a spectator to deal a poker hand consisting of a straight hand in a horizontal row. For example;...
Aus dem Vorwort von Alfini:
In diesem Büchlein hat Kammersänger Max Felmy mit großer Liebe zur Kunst hundertfach erprobte Effekte beschrieben. Man muß Max Felmy selbst erlebt haben, um ermessen zu können, wie unerhört magisch er wirkte. Seine in langjähriger Schauspiel- und Operntätigkeit an größten Bühnen erworbene Sprechkunst verband sich mit einer technisch gekonnten und absolut bühnensicheren Vorführung. Für jeden Zuschauer ein zauberhaftes Erlebnis.
From the introduction:
"Accusation" is a court-room drama, not exactly legal, of course, but realistic enough to cause the accused to lie and the witnesses to commit perjury! If the trick does not have impact, it will be your own doing.
The Effect: From a list of criminals a spectator mentally selects a name and, from then on, 'becomes' this person. He also selects the crimes he will be accused of in the course of the examination. He also selects one, two or three witnesses who are put in the 'witness-box'. Despite the lack of clues, the performer reveals the criminal's name and his crimes. ...
It's hard to believe, but we've unearthed six more psychic entertainment treasures from the Nelson Enterprises catalog. Volume 4 contains five hard-to-find Nelson Enterprises manuscripts and presentations for mentalists and magicians, plus a free bonus effect from William Wallace Lee.
Mentalists, psychic entertainers, magicians, collectors and magic historians will be pleased to discover the following manuscripts, books and effects from the Nelson Enterprises catalog, now updated and edited for a new generation of performers:
The Thunderbolt Deck - Nelson's answer for what could be the...
The Q&A act is one that many believe is the best in mental entertainment. The excellent method described here is one that many paid over $100 to obtain . . . and thought it was a bargain at that price.
Performer passes out small cards on which spectators write their questions and sign their name. Cards are collected, placed in small envelopes and sealed. On returning to stage, the first envelope is placed to performer's forehead and answered. This envelope is then opened for verification and immediately returned to the spectator who wrote it. This continues with as many messages read as you...
Presented are two versions of the effect, "Twisting the Night Away," by Gregg Webb as first published in the ebook, The Book That Doesn’t Exist. The two versions presented here each have their own subtleties and strengths.
1st edition 2019, 5 pages.
This effect was originally published in Gregg Webb's ebook Soapbox Derby. This Super Session is an improved and updated version. Bob Cassidy loved the effect and came up with the name for it. This ebook has hand-lettered text.
1st edition 2019, 5 pages.
From the foreword by Jeffery Atkins:
To a true lover of the Magic Art, the name of David Devant conjures up every conceivable facet of illusion. He was truly the Master of his craft, and as long as the art of deception continues the name of David Devant will live.
Explorations, examples, and routines using equivoque.
Hobson's Choice: the choice of taking either what is offered or nothing else; the absence of choice. [after Thomas Hobson (1544-1631) of Cambridge, England, who rented horses and gave only one choice, that of the horse nearest the stable door]Equivoque or Magician's Choice in its myriad of forms is considered a First Principle by students of mentalism. What fascinates me is the elusiveness of this subject because no one has yet written a definitive, synoptic, and detailed magnum opus on the subject. There have been good piecemeal accounts written here and there about and most magicians understand how it basically works in specific cases; however, trying to ferret out its...
Ein Konzept zum Ringflight.
Ringflights gibt es viele, aber nur wenige, die so bestechend einfach und zuverlässig sind. Natürlich habe ich mir ein paar Bedingungen überlegt, die erfüllt sein sollten, wenn ich mir schon die Mühe mache, einen „neuen“ Ringflight zu ersinnen:
Aus der Einleitung:
Ich war überrascht und erfreut über das vielfältige Echo, das die beiden ersten Teile der Rau-Glatt-Enzyklopädie im In- und Ausland ausgelöst haben. Es war ursprünglich gar nicht meine Absicht, dazu noch einen dritten Band herauszubringen. Im Laufe der Zeit sind mir aber weitere Materialien zugegangen, die ich in Verbindung mit einigen eigenen neuen Kombinationen hier beschreiben möchte.