Einer der besten Interpreten der deutschen Zauberkunst hat hier ein Fachbuch geschaffen, das zu den herausragenden Werken der deutschsprachigen magischen Nachkriegsliteratur zu zählen ist. Aus allen Hauptgebieten der Magie sind außergewöhnliche Tricks zusammengestellt und zu diesem Buch vereinigt worden. Alles ist hundertfältig ausprobiert, was hier geboten wird, es ist arteigen und stilvoll. Dieses Fachwerk stellt eine Kostbarkeit dar und dürfte wohl die Perle jeder Fachbücherei sein.
Contains all the early Marlo material for your convenience. Formerly put out in a dozen or more pamphlets - now with improved art work in digital form for easy study.
Major corporations, large festivals and fairs offer large paying contracts. In these environments a magician needs more than just a business card and brochure. The best approach is to provide them with a promotional presentation. Some refer to it as a promo pack and others just call it a press kit. Regardless the term those who get hired often gain their consideration based on the promotional information they provide.
One does not have to go out and invest a lot of money to build a professional presentation pack. You can purchase high quality folders from the local office supply store. Using...
You will learn the secrets and get detailed video instructions of how to make four impressive 'impossible' objects.
The Fork on Card will impress...
Learn how to fold three beautiful cards. Included are templates and detailed video instructions. Particularly the Twist Flap is interesting, because it has a 'reveal'. You show the card which does not immediately look particularly impressive or impossible. You then lift a flap to expose a much more difficult situation that will impress everybody.
25 tricks, tips and routines designed for the Nielsen, Weller, or other rubber vanishing/appearing bottle.
If you own a rubber beer, cola or ketchup bottle, this is the book for you. From the 1940s to now, there have been thousands upon thousands of rubber beer, soda and ketchup bottles sold. While it is effective just to wad up the (supposedly) glass bottle in a paper bag and toss it offstage, you can do so much more with it. And that's the purpose of this informative ebook.
You would indeed be fortunate to somehow locate and afford a copy of the hard to find, out of print first edition...
Looking for something a little bit different in magic? Here are 14 card and general magic ideas with the accent on novelty and practicability. Wilbur Kattner, the mastermind behind such ingenious effects as The Shattering Flask and The Prolix Spirit Writes, has filled the pages of this ebook with conjuring that deserves a place in your program.
Contains Orville Meyer's Restless Colors, and the torn corner effect, CLIMAX!, which won the Caryl Fleming Gold Medal Award for the author. Also included is a complete explanation of how to make Daub ala Meyer, a marketed product for card magicians, which has since...
Charles Morritt was able to hold the entire theatre audience spellbound with what was, in essence, a pocket trick. After inviting two members of the audience onstage he would allow them to figuratively change places, thus transcending and descending their social classes using only two purses and four coins. Two copper coins, held by the "workingman", and two gold coins, held by the "uppercrust", change places while being held in purses by each witness. This updated version replaces much of the skill required by substituting gimmicks that can easily be made at home, while retaining the powerful...
The original ad:
Here is an entirely new idea in mentalism. Several spectators think of various objects. The performer psycho analyses them and divines the objects being thought of.
George Armstrong's introduction:
A short while ago, through the introduction of my good friend Monty Wynne (of the Montagues, the two well-known mentalists of Bournemouth),...
C’est avec une grande fierté que The Mystery Store vous propose pour la première fois en français l’une des toutes premières, si ce n’est LA première, routine de mentalisme psychologique. Créée par Chandu, rédigée par George Armstrong, publiée en 1950, et… à portée de mains (ou de clics…) !
Elle a traversée les années jusqu’à vous, ne nécessitera qu’une très légère mise à jour (notamment en ce qui concerne le script d’introduction de la routine), est facile à faire et donnera l’impression à vos spectateurs que vous analysez réellement leurs réponses...
Skriptum Erlesener Magie Band II
Erstausgabe 1959, 33 Seiten; PDF 29 Seiten.
Imagine the performer going to a corner in any room, turning his back so he can’t see what is going on and having someone just point to a card from a deck spread face up on a table. With no verbal communication from his assistant, the performer then reveals the card.
He does this without seeing the deck and without the aid of secret electronics. The performer can be closely watched and nothing will be found to be amiss. This is a real fooler done under test conditions and will fool many magicians.
Full Effect: The mentalist or medium goes to a corner of the room and turns his back. He...
Packed with field tested material - this ebook will offer you 5 effects and moves that'll be sure to give your magician friends a blow in their gut. This contains an out of the box poker demonstration, a creative variation of the "Triumph effect", an extremely useful utility switch, an "at the table" four-of-a-kind production and a subtle table false cut.
Not a trick in the ebook, but contains more real information on how to entertain with magic than you can get by reading a hundred others. Gives details so frequently neglected. Invaluable to any magician, for not only must one know how to do tricks, but he must also understand how to make his tricks entertaining.
Showing that your deck is mixed and ordinary, you also show a card with a prediction written on the back. The spectator chooses a card completely at random, by rolling 1, 2 or 3 dice. You deal to their number (no force). When you reveal the prediction you have not only predicted their chosen card, but also what number they rolled on the dice.
You will need a blue and a red deck (or any two decks with matching faces but different backs) to make this yourself. No arts and craft, just a sharpie and a bit of writing. The dice are optional. You can use real dice, you can use a dice app on your...
One of the cleanest procedures imaginable at the service of a very fair impromptu prediction effect.
A spectator picks four cards from a shuffled deck and rearranges their order. (Free choices.) The magician correctly predicts if one of them matches his favorite card - on the table from the start - and its position in the packet.
Impromptu. Easy to do. Instant reset.
1st edition 2019, 4 pages.
A beautifully illustrated ebook on tables and side stands for you to build. Gene Gloye uses the tag line, "without drapes", because all the tables described are used in many ways, but without cloth drapes.
The ebook begins with several pages of discussion on stage furniture and its possibilities, with illustrated advice on transporting it, plus storing it. The various multi-panel and single panel tables described in detail, with easy to follow building plans, often have diabolically clever "black art wells" and other secret devices. A "Night Club Table" is so simple and so useful, and so...
Bill Larsen reveals the inside secrets for performing magic to children in this newly revised ebook.
Aside from the author's sage and practical advice, garnered from hundreds of shows for youngsters, you get twelve entertaining routines using standard equipment you likely already own. Now you, too, can crack this lucrative field and beat out the local competition. Included are tricks using toys, animals, rings, coins, handkerchiefs, silks, etc. Most of the described effects include full patter.
Best of all, this edition has been newly revised and updated with performance suggestions and...
This effect, "Nate Leipzig Poker Deal X," was originally published in Gregg Webb's ebook, The Lizard Wizard's Diary as part of his SOHO trilogy. This ebook has hand-lettered text.
1st edition 2019, 2 pages.
This effect was originally published in Gregg Webb's various newsletters as "Hit-and-Run" before landing in Genii Magazine as "Coins Across 2000." This Super Session is an improved and updated version. This ebook has hand-lettered text.
1st edition 2019, 5 pages.
Diese Serie wurde vom Zauberkunst Verlag unter der Leitung von Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf herausgebracht.
Erstausgabe 1956, 32 Seiten; PDF 37 Seiten....
Here's a collection of 35 mental and spirit mysteries worthy of performance by any psychic entertainer.
For the performer looking to present something beyond the normal, these (actually 36) effects are ones that you'll find yourself using anywhere people gather. And if you're called upon to provide seance-worthy demonstrations, the effects described in this ebook to make you a medium to be reckoned with. Inside you'll find mental magic with cards, cigarettes, silks and billets, as well as plenty of reputation-makers for the "dark" spirit seance room.
Here's a sampling of the contents: ...
A rare and original manuscript that explains 13 tricks and routines using "cellophane" as the "main ingredient".
In an early issue of the Sphinx Grant wrote about this manuscript:
Here's a sure HIT. It contains up-to-date practical tricks for pocket, parlor and club, all worked with CELLOPHANE, the popular item everybody is talking about. And the best part is you can work the tricks as soon as you get the manuscript, as no special apparatus is required. Get set for some real Tricks, Stunts and Fun...