Challenge repeat lie detector test
This is one of the most amazing self-working tricks you will ever see. It is so ingenious that you will fool yourself when you first perform it. Many magicians say that they can't fool their wives. Rest assured, this effect is so amazing that it will blow your wife away with no feasible solution; not only her, but most of your magic buddies as well. Read every word carefully and then ponder how such a thing is possible. This is done with a borrowed deck under challenge conditions.
Borrow a deck or use your own. Have a spectator shuffle the deck and then...
Der dritte Band aus der "Magischen Bibliothek".
Aus dem Vorwort:
"Magisches Allerlei," so habe ich meine neuste Sammlung magischer Täuschungen und Experimente benannt; denn in buntem Durcheinander bringt sie eine Reihe wirkungsvollster Tricks aller Gebiete der Magie nach eigenen und fremden Ideen.
Mit Bezug auf obiges Motto hoffe ich mit dem Inhalte dieses Buches jeden meiner Leser zufriedenzustellen, den gewandten Handkünstler ebenso wie den mit grossen Effekten rechnenden Illusionisten, den geheimnisvollen Antispiritisten und Mnemotechniker ebenso wie den unerschöpflichen Kartenkünstler...
This is the pocket trick of the universe. And this is the best ebook ever written on it. You may have seen this performed by a carnival pitchman or magic demonstrator at a fair or exhibition. Briefly the effect is that a tiny little mouse scampers all over the place. It walks along the hand, it turns left, right and even rolls over. It will scamper out of a glass and hop from one deck of cards to another. It is a sensation!
Also included in this ebook is a description of the Magic Coin trick and the Spooky Pencil trick. The pencil trick in particular is a fabulous trick in it's own right...
Here's an entertaining, 40-60 minute lecture that you, the magical performer, can present on the topic of paying attention to avoid getting taken in by scams, cons and crooked politicians. And it's a money-maker, too.
Entertain your talk with magic: Your audience will not only be informed, but entertained with magic effects that you likely already have, or modestly priced items easily obtained from most any dealer. This newly revised edition also includes three effects recommended by Larsen, that you would previously have had to buy separately.
This lecture is in demand: Not a magic show...
Biography of Captain Gilbert S. Aleman's, a.k.a. Al Mann, early part of his life.
You may know Al Mann only as magician and mentalist. He was also a master mariner, a captain in the merchant marines, who spent years on the sea. This is an autobiographical account of his life before he became a mentalist. There is some mention of gambling, John Scarne, and how Al Mann got into magic, which may be of particular interest to magicians.
Included are 8 videos plus an informative Preface with pointers and performing tips.
McDonald's Aces is a time-honored gem-stone ... one of the finest routines ever created ... and so easy to do. Learn all about the one-armed magician, "Mac" McDonald, his traveling magic show with Louis Tannen, and Mac's performance of McDonald's Aces for Presidents and European Royalty.
This is not just a trick ... or just an assembly - it is an entire elegant routine with a number of revelations, from beginning to end - the perfect opener or closer. You will be proud to perform this beautiful routine. ...
Manipulative or sleight of hand magic is undoubtedly the purest form of the conjuror's art. Now you can add more than 20 beautiful and entertaining effects to your routine. Edwin A. French was a true artist, as shown by the moves that are well described by Chas. C. Eastman. Add to this the line art by none other than Nelson Hahne, and you have a combination that is hard to beat.
In addition to French's artistry, this edition also includes additional effects by Murray Sumner, John Morin, Nelson Hahne, Joseph Walker, Bert Douglas and Sid Lorraine.
While it's hard to be partial, as we like all the material, the Penetration effect is especially...
The addition of a clever device - something you have likely around the house - lifts this old favorite out of the amateur category and makes it a solid mainstay. Nor more of that "one behind the back..." method, this is ideal for walk around, as the reset is automatic.
You will receive a PDF and a video (see your digital shelf).
1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages, video length 26 s.
Imagine walking up to a random spectator and revealing a PIN code they generated moments back per your instructions. The spectator never says or writes any digit of the pin code.
1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages, video length 7 min 30 s.
A knock-out impromptu mentalism demonstration of answering audience questions. Can be worked solo, as a one-man effect, or by a crystal gazer, with an assistant, for use on the stage. Complete routine, with two methods described, and full opening lecture.
The original manuscript is very hard to find nowadays, being jealously hoarded by collectors. If you've wanted to perform a Q&A (question and answer) type of mental act, this title is one you should add to your library. In our opinion, the tips and suggestions from editor T. A. Whitney are alone worth the investment.
"If you are looking for something...
My name is Mark Lewis. This is the book that changed my life. In fact, I suspect it changed the life of a lot of other card magicians too. The Royal Road to Card Magic was first published in 1949 and 70 years later it is still considered the standard work in card magic. A terrific study plan which if you follow carefully (as I did) you cannot possibly fail to achieve proficiency as a card magician. You can start the book knowing nothing about card tricks but by the time you get to the end you will become an expert. Of course, a lot of things have happened in card magic over the last 70 years since the book was first published...
It's witty and it's full of wisdom. These are the ramblings of Mark Lewis on Internet forums. Irreverent and funny at times and full of deep thinking about magic and mentalism at other times.
Many incredible anecdotes of his varied life as a fortune teller, magician and hypnotist. In addition to this are techniques described on how to pitch svengali decks, how to do psychic readings, and most important of all how to do magic with showmanship and verve.
Included is a video clip of his legendary svengali deck routine which he has performed all over the world thousands of times plus tips...
Ever prolific and creative Werner Miller mixes ideas, themes, strategies, to explore the possibilities of sleight-less and math based magic effects. All of his methods are well described and very well illustrated. Fool yourself or fool your friends with these unique creations.
1st edition 2019, 25 pages.
Geometry is one of the most logical human pursuits. Geometry can also be deceiving, and magicians use it to create the illusion of magic. This ebook discusses magic tricks based on geometric vanishes, also known as the Missing Square Puzzle. These magic tricks have recently become wildly popular with millions of views on YouTube.
These magic tricks evolved from a mathematical error to an apparent paradox. Magicians have added layers of deception to turn mathematics into a piece of theatre. This ebook discusses the history and principles of the three types of geometric vanishes:
Imagine walking up to a complete stranger, having a short interaction with them regarding zodiac signs, and then handing them a black envelope. To their surprise it has their horoscope and also their zodiac sign written.
1st edition 2019, PDF 5 pages, video 18 min.
Die Holländische Zeitschrift de Magier, das Hausorgan von Mephisto Huis, wurde für einen Jahrgang (1961) auch in Deutsch publiziert. Alle 12 Hefte sind in dieser digitialen Ausgabe inkludiert.
[Es gibt offiziell 13 Hefte weil zu Beginn ein Probeheft publiziert wurde. Jedoch ist dieses Probeheft vom Inhalt gleich mit Heft 1. Daher vom Inhalt gesehen gibt es nur 12 Hefte.]
Heft 1 (April 1961)
Un'altra grande routine da Ken De Courcy , piena di mistero, umorismo e partecipazione del pubblico . Questo gioco di carte è adatto per essere eseguito in close-up, sul palco, in un locale o ovunque preferiate. Il colpo di scena finale, completamente inaspettato (seppur logico), sorprenderá enormemente il pubblico e non mancherá di regalarvi un lungo applauso.
EFFETTO: Una signora del pubblico viene invitata come assistente e le viene chiesto di scegliere una delle quattro buste presentate apertamente su un tavolo. Le rimanenti tre vengono lasciate in piena vista. Viene consegnato all’assistente...
Perhaps the simplest and most sure-fire of all book tests, using three unprepared books. Can be performed as a one-person or two-person test.
The original manuscript sold for the equivalent of $19 when first introduced and has been out of print for years. Now available once again at a very reasonable price as ebook. The author claimed that the bold method and presentation created more favorable talk than anything else he presented. You, too, can create a "buzz" of publicity when you perform it. If working as a two-person effect, there are no codes used. Can use any girl as the medium. A great...
This is the deck switch from the train car poker game scene in the movie The Sting, executed by John Scarne, renowned gambling expert. It is straight forward and within the range of anyone willing to devote the time necessary to master it. Add it to your skill set. You will receive a PDF and a video (download from your digital shelf).
Here is the clip from The Sting where the switch is executed.
1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages, video 17s.
The original eye-popping effect plus great new routines by William G. Stickland and Bob Gill.
A version of this stunning effect first appeared in print in Hugard's Monthly Magic Magazine dated April 1962. The effect and method of the 'Wild Card' originated by Peter Kane, and described on his behalf by Gus Southall, has become a classic.
Top flight magicians all over the world acclaimed the effect. However, many magicians "fought shy" of it feeling that it was difficult to do, or, sometimes having difficulty in obtaining sets of cards which had really strong contrasts to emphasize the astonishing change. Peter Kane's 'Wild Card...