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Bob Cassidy
Ipnosi da Scena - la vera arte by Bob Cassidy

La serie italiana di Bob Cassidy, a cura di Matteo Filippini, continua con un libro molto importante della produzione del Master Mind Reader: “Ipnosi da Scena - La Vera Arte” .

L’ipnosi dimostrativa e da scena, oggi tanto di moda, analizzata da un autentico colosso del mentalimo internazionale, Mr Bob Cassidy!

“Ipnosi da Scena - La Vera Arte” svela i fondamenti per una dimostrazione ipnotica di successo e lo fa in modo diverso rispetto ad altri lavori del genere. Ad esempio, molti altri scritti sull’ipnosi da scena iniziano spiegando cosa sia l’ipnosi, fornendo poi delle...

★★★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Super Session #8: Five Card Phlugelheimer by Gregg Webb

The featured effect, "Five Card Phlugelheimer," enables you to walk among your audience and allow five people to mentally select five cards from a deck:

  • Each spectator mentally selects a card - the deck is shuffled and cut each time.
  • The miracle worker rapidly reveals the selected cards.
  • As a bonus kicker, a sixth spectator mentally selects a card - the deck is shuffled again. Single cards are dealt to the table as the name of the selected card is spelled - the final card dealt is the selection.
This ebook has hand-lettered text.

1st edition 2020, 5 pages.

Gregg Webb
Super Session #7: Thief Scrambld by Gregg Webb

This is for mentalists ... The original version of this effect, "The Key on the String," was first published in Gregg Webb's ebook, The Shade. However, this Super Sessions ebook features an all-new and expanded effect using 13 "thought cards" - no key and string used here, making a simpler and more direct presentation. Gregg's friend Jeff McBride's enhanced version is also explained as a bonus at the end of this ebook. This ebook has hand-lettered text.

1st edition 2020, 4 pages.

H. F. C. Suhr
Wunder aus der 4ten Dimension by H. F. C. Suhr

Der original Untertitle lautet:

Enthüllung der verschiedenartigsten spiritistischen und verwandten Phänomene, sowie genaue Anleitung zur Darstellung derselben in privaten Kreisen durch Dilettanten.

Es ist ein sehr gut geschriebenes Buch mit Illustrationen was für Bücher bei Suhr nicht oft vorkommt. Es behandelt vor allem wie man sich von Seilen und Handschellen befreit (Houdini's Metamorphosis Illusion wird im Detail beschrieben), wie man diverse Hellsehexperimente durchführt, wie man Schriften auf Schiefertafeln erscheinen lassen kann, wie man Objekte schweben lassen kann, und sogar Erklärungen...

Bob Cassidy
Il Libro Nero del Mentalismo by Bob Cassidy

A Joseph Dunninger è stato spesso attribuito il merito di aver detto: "Ogni volta che si aggiunge un oggetto di scena al vostro spettacolo, il vostro cachet diminuisce". Il suo ragionamento dovrebbe essere ovvio - ogni orpello aggiuntivo indebolisce l'illusione di ciò che appare come "vera lettura della mente". E, come Bob ha fatto notare molte volte nei suoi precedenti lavori, anche ogni ulteriore forma di mentalismo che viene dimostrato (telepatia, precognizione, psicocinesi, chiaroveggenza, ecc). Recentemente un "mentalista" ha sfidato Bob su tale punto: "Quanto è divertente dimostrare...

★★★★★ $5
Sam Dalal
Learn the Secrets of Magic by Sam Dalal

This ebook will teach you how to be a magician. Some of the lessons cover the techniques of performing magic, while others cover magic tricks, for you to perform a magic show at a party or any informal gathering.

The descriptions of the tricks are generally divided into four parts - the Effect, the Requirements and Preparation, Performance or Presentation, and Additional Notes. There are more than 75 effects explained, and over 100 illustrations are included to make everything easy to understand.

  • Introduction
  • The Real Secrets of Magic
  • One Way Handkerchief
  • Waterproof Fingers
  • Impossible...
Prolay Bhattacharyya
Wanderlust by Prolay Bhattacharyya

If you love sleight of hand and if you want to do a creative routine in card magic, then this is the perfect four ace transposition routine for you. It requires you to be able to do the Elmsley Count and the Classic Palm.

This routine has been inspired by esteemed magicians like Larry Jennings, Dani Da Ortiz and Bebel. What sets this routine apart from others is that it employs only sleight of hand and no gimmicks whatsoever. I have performed this routine in many shows. It is a visual treat for the audience for its kicker ending which includes card from box. You will be very happy to see...

Silas Linden
Birthday by Silas Linden

Any person in the world has a unique moment ... that moment in which everything started ... Silas Linden's Birthday is a unique system to the Date-of-Birth revelation. A masterpiece that he was holding for a long time is finally available.

  • 100% propless
  • No language restriction
  • No math procedures
  • No psychological forces
  • 100% reliable and practical
Just in a casual interaction and conversation, you will be able to reveal that intimate and personal information. You will be able to reveal not just the participant zodiac sign in a direct and simple manner, but also pushing further and be...
Abhinav Bothra
Pigment and Pixel 2 by Abhinav Bothra

Pigment & Pixel 2.0 has two marking systems designed for the standard Bicycle Rider Back. Both the marking systems are based on something that you've been seeing since your childhood hence it is almost impossible to forget. One of the marking systems is small and while the other is big, so you're covered of either kind of eyesight.

Note : This download consists of only the marking systems and does not come with any tricks with a marked deck.

1st edition 2020, 9 pages.

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 91 (March 2020) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2020; 60 pages
Cover: 4MG - The Boyband of Magic

  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. What's Inside This Issue
  4. 4MG - The Stage Is Set - cover article/interview
  5. Making An Impact - How to Generate Great Table Reactions when Performing Commercial Close Up - Mark Leveridge
  6. Kris Sheppard - interview
  7. Magic & Technology - Cooper McRae
  8. Shaman & Showman - Magic and Healing; Magic with Meaning; Magic and Hope - interview by Jay Fortune
  9. Getting Started ... with Magic Singh
  10. Bucking The Trend - The Rise of Megan Knowles-Bacon - interview by Mark Leveridge
  11. Reader's Letters - Have Your...
★★★★ $8
Maurice Fogel
The Houdini Seance: Fogel's Top Secrets No. 4 by Maurice Fogel

Fogel's presentation is impressive, a fascinating story which unfolds in front of the very eyes of the audience. The routine consists of a block penetration effect, spirit knots, and a spirit slate effect using two ungimmicked pieces of blackboard. Additionally you will need candle, candlestick, and a photograph of Harry Houdini.

From the foreword:

The story is so compelling that Maurice told us he had, in fact, used this many times on its own without the magical effects and he once broadcast this story over the radio from the Middle East.

PDF 15 pages

★★★★★ $12
Michael MacDougall
Mickey's Five of a Kind by Michael MacDougall

A compilation of five impossible to find card magic manuscripts of the 1920s and 1930s from the self-styled Gambling Detective. These manuscripts originally cost the equivalent of $120 when first released. Now, in this compilation, they are available for less than the price of a fast food lunch.

You get Mickey's Favorite four Ace Routine: The four Aces are placed face up on the table, then three indifferent cards are placed on the top of each ace. After one pile is shown to actually contain an ace and three indifferent cards, the four cards are shown again, back and front, and the ace has...

Brick Tilley
Inferno: Hole Card Switch by Brick Tilley

During the 1970's Dai Vernon demonstrated this around the Magic Castle to anyone who was interested. He was quite fond of it. It is a neat, highly deceptive, practical hole card switch using natural actions, something he highly favored.

1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages, video 12s.

★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Lazing: Lazy Man's Card Trick by Jon Racherbaumer

This compilation, like my others, my goal is to discover the "bits and pieces" and in this particular case, to partially answer how and why The Lazy Man's Card Trick came into being?

  • A Few Words Before You Begin
  • Introduction
    • An Inauspicious Beginning
    • Origin Story: The Seed
    • The Row of Ten Cards (S. W. Erdnase)
    • About the Supposed Operative Principle
    • Ziska's Incomprehensible Card Effect
    • Incomprehensible Divination (Hilliard)
    • Who Was Ziska?
  • A Morphing Begins
    • That Number Down (Doc Miller)
    • The Traveling Card (Jack Miller)
    • A Lazy Man Does a Card Trick (Al Koran)
    • Lazy Man's Card Trick (Harry Lorayne)
  • The Plot Resurfaces...
★★★★★ $60
Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT III Unauthorized by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

Beyond the Eight major pieces of material, not to mention sleights and subtleties, that have remained unavailable since the 20-year run of the New Tops ended, Wesley James has completed the task of fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."

If the long-unavailable Marlo items were all Wesley compiled, this would be an important contribution to the literature of card magic. As tribute to Ed, Wesley wanted this volume to offer more. So, he added clarifications and corrections - both logical and grammatic - plus his own personal Notes. Some of those Notes...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Spell Deck by Unknown Mentalist

The Spell Deck is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use memorized deck. Just a couple of very simple rules and you instantly know the value of any given position and vice versa. The Spell Deck is also flexible in that the same rules can be used to generate 4 different memorized decks. All that is explained clearly.

S.O.S Vol3 is included in this ebook. It contains 3 cool ideas for ordering suits, not just for the Spell Deck, but can be used for other stacks as well. When you combine the 4 variants of Spell Deck with these 3 Suit Ordering Systems and their built-in variants, you can create a whopping...

Robert Kaldy-Karo
Feurige Ideen by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Als Feuerwehrhauptmann weiß Karo mit Feuer umzugehen. Feuer ist eine seiner Spezialitäten. In diesem E-Buch sammelt er eine ganze Reihe seiner Ideen mit Feuer, von den besten Zündmechanismen, Blitzen und feurigen Üeberraschungen.

  • Zündmechanismen
    • Sesam Blitze
    • Waberlohe
    • Feuer aus Hand
    • Brennende Fingerhüte
    • Brennende Handschuhe
    • Feuerschale
    • Stockspielereien
    • Stock zu 2 Fakeln
    • Schwebender, Brennender und Tanzender Stab
    • Brennender Riesenchip
    • Brennend Erscheinender Kandelaber
    • Kerzen Manipulationen
    • Brennender Kartenfächer ...
★★★★ $0
Larry Brodahl
Hints and Tips 2 by Larry Brodahl

Tricks, tips, hints on a wide variety of subjects

Includes a Thumb Tip finesse, how to tell time during your show, a billet or money holder, making an egg for the silk and egg trick, and even a software program (with source code) for generating random runs of cards to use when practicing, and many more items.

1st edition 2020, PDF 55 pages.

Bly by Doan

In this download, Doan teaches you three very magical, impromptu effects using just one rubber band.

BUDDHISM - Wrap the band around your fingers and make it jump through them.

POILOCK - The band on your index finger jumps to your middle finger instantly.

SINGL8 - Visually form an 8 with the band within a second.

All of these amazing effects are taught in slow motion and are easy to understand. Download the video and start learning now.

1st edition 2020, length 6:10

Maurice Fogel
Fogelism: An Attitude to Life by Maurice Fogel

The famous British mentalist, Maurice Fogel, leveraged his success as performer to branch out into the self-help category, by writing this book. He writes:

There is no strange mysticism about Fogelism; it is simply a mental attitude towards life which, I have found, achieves unsuspected results. It is the logical training of one's mind so that it sizes up the approach to a problem and tackles it rationally, instead of allowing the magnitude of that problem to overwhelm.

  • Foreword
  • The Mind Is Lazy
  • Controlled By Subconscious
  • Secret Of Hypnotism
  • Learn To Relax
  • Power Of Suggestion ...
★★★★ $8
Maurice Fogel
The Fortune Formula: Fogel's Top Secrets No. 2 by Maurice Fogel

In this second manuscript in Fogel's Top Secrets series, he explains his system of how to develop a new routine, what he calls "The Fogel Formula". It is a system of how to structure and proceed with your training and development towards a particular goal. Fogel is using his success system for things he wants to achieve in general not just magic.

Fogel demonstrates how his formula operates by applying it to a question he often received after his shows: "Can you tell fortunes?" To address this frequent question he developed a particular routine involving a zodiac chart. The chart, the routine,...

Paul Stadelman
Sandu Writes Again by Paul Stadelman

Written by a past master at the art of misdirection, many of the effects are off the beaten path, revealing the original and creative mind of the author. Here's what magical inventor R. W. Hull had to say about a few of Sandu's original mysteries:

In "So Simple" is a mystery that has baffled the brightest minds who've seen it, when you're able to tell how many cards a spectator has cut from a shuffled deck.

"The Sequence of Suits" can be made into a dandy "betcha" stunt and becomes more fun the more times it is repeated.

"Sandu's Prognostication" is something a little different. It is a delightful...

★★★★ $15
Arthur Leroy
At Your Fingertips by Arthur Leroy

Available again at long last is this comprehensive work explaining the brilliant thimble artistry of Jimmy Shannon. Jimmy Shannon was the talk of the magic world in the 1930s and 40s, with his beautifully orchestrated thimble manipulation act. His moves were accepted by experts as the most original, most unusual and altogether fascinating of his day. When the time came for Shannon's moves to be recorded for posterity, the task was given to a young writer who was already making a name for himself: Arthur Leroy. In fact, it was felt that Jimmy Shannon's moves were so entirely different from average...

★★★★★ $8
Al Baker
This Will Open Your Eyes: Al Baker's Exclusive Twenty-Five Dollar Manuscript by Al Baker

Add to your arsenal of outstanding mental and card effects with this hard to find manuscript from a recognized master of deception. These exclusive secrets will serve you in good stead throughout your performing career, no matter whether you're a professional, semi-pro, or hobbyist.

Contains ten effects, plus as many as four methods for performing each one, all patiently and painstakingly explained. You may, in fact, chuckle to yourself as you read the practical, yet diabolical methods -- they're so darned clever. They all have the "Baker Twist", where gimmicks and ruses are used on the off...

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