Ein interessantes Buch mit im allgemeinen leichten Tricks mit und ohne Apparate, einem Kapitel mit Kartentricks und einem Kapitel mit Fesselungstricks. Im Kapitel der Fesselungstricks bespricht Suhr Harry Houdini und seine Vorstellungen in Deutschland. Für Erdnase Forscher gibt es auch in diesem Suhr Buch wieder einige Indizien dass Erdnase dieses Buch wahrscheinlich kannte.
Una routine automatica in sei fasi con tantissime sorprese… Nessuna abilità richiesta!
E ora… una meravigliosa sequenza di brillante magia con le carte che è possibile eseguire senza alcuna abilità e senza mosse o destrezze particolari. NON UN SINGOLO GIOCO, ma un’intera serie di numeri fusi insieme e presentati uno dopo l’altro, tutti derivanti da un’intelligente pre-ordine di un normale mazzo di carte.
POTRETE ESEGUIRLO SUBITO! Dovrete solamente imparare il semplice procedimento per presentarlo al meglio. Il funzionamento è interamente AUTOMATICO. Sorprenderà anche voi...
In this publication Fogel reveals his famous rope tie technique. From the foreword:
It is a routine which can be adapted to be performed either solo, or with a partner; entirely surrounded by an audience in a small room, or from the stage of a large hall; as an entertainment at a function or banquet, or even as a demonstration-lecture before Occult Research Societies and Scientific Circles.
1st edition 1961,...
Two books in one, containing the secrets of a professional's act of club and mental magic, plus his favorite card effects.
We love it when a working performer tips the actual methods from his act. And that's what you get in the first half of this enjoyable ebook, which was originally released as a limited edition. The second half contains Sandu's favorite card effects. While not all of the effects in this section are self-working, they rely on sleights that the average performer already knows.
Inside you'll find described a pair of excellent livestock effects that you can make yourself;...
During the 1925-26 season this program was sold at Houdini's shows in the lobby of theaters.
An ungimmicked and easy-to-do double transformation with playing cards using the spectator's signature.
The magician displays a red-backed Joker. "Jokers can be useful in any card game but they also have interesting properties for magicians. Let me show you how." A spectator selects and signs a card in a blue-backed deck. The magician buries the signed card and inserts the Joker into the deck. "When in contact with the deck, the Joker is able to take the identity of any selected card, including yours." He spreads the cards face down to show the red-backed Joker in the middle. The red-backed...
An effortless CAAN that the audience performs for themselves.
Honest Note: While you don't touch...
Funny stuff to make kids roar.
I always think it's a good idea not only to entertain the youngsters, but to entertain their parents too! Here is a collection of visual gags and jokes that will help put fun into your children's shows and hopefully leave everyone with a smile on their face! I have also included a few contributions from some friends of mine who are established and experienced kid's entertainers.
'Out of this world' laughs, visual gags and tricks to add atmosphere for close-up and stand-up.
From the introduction:
This ebook is a little different from my others in that this one contains some tricks and routines too. So there really is something for everyone in this ebook. Opening visual gags have always played a big part in my own act on the cruise ships as they help settle any nerves while also getting over to the audience that my show is going to be fun (hopefully)! I've included a few here, including a sure-fire winner which uses The Smurf Song.
1st edition 2020, PDF 43...
Democrats 2020 is a topical political drama in which your spectators get to role play as presidential candidates.
The effect: A spectator secretly picks a democratic presidential candidate. The magician is able to divine the spectator's selection after questioning one or more other spectators who become other political candidates. No sleight of hand. Simple method which allows the magician to concentrate on the presentation of a mini election. All the needed materials are provided in the PDF for printing. Your spectators have the fun of participating and play acting as a candidate for the...
33 splendide routines con le carte!
Un'altra meravigliosa raccolta di routines facili da eseguire e di grosso impatto sul pubblico, dalla fertile mente ( e penna…) di Aldo Colombini ! Ogni cartomago troverà pane per i suoi denti… e soprattutto pratici trucchi da eseguire in pubblico con successo.
Eccoti qualche esempio delle ben 33 routines descritte nel libro :
Le dodici figure sono mescolate tra loro e tu riesci ugualmente a separarle sistemandole in gruppi con i Fanti, le Regine e i Re dello stesso seme!
Sedici carte sono tolte dal mazzo...
This was Sam Dalal's first publication. It was written for the cabaret artist, the magician who is called on to give a "Spot Show" of about 10 to 15 minutes duration. Every item is applause tested, simple in execution, and lends itself to an amusing theme.
1st edition ~1970, 20 pages; PDF 23 pages.
"Mark is one of the truly interesting characters in the world of showbusiness. He has a brilliant yet wicked sense of humour, and is often misunderstood by his peers. As someone who has known him for much of his life, I consider him to be a man of incredible talent as both a performer and grafter [demonstrator]. He is extremely resourceful, and is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to magic and other branches of entertainment. His life is truly one of mystery and intrigue, and he is a wonderful raconteur as will be seen in the pages of this masterpiece. I would consider Mark to be a true showman, and...
Milbourne Christopher demonstrated this in his final lecture at the Magic Castle, revealing that he had taught it to Harry Blackstone, replacing a less deceptive version Blackstone had been doing for years in his show. A small handkerchief, held by opposite corners, is twirled between the hands and seems to grow to massive proportions.
This is highly recommended as an opener, and can lead into a dove production of other effect with the handkerchief.
1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages, video 48 seconds.
From the preface and introduction:
This book could be titled "The Game of Thirty-One Revisited" because of the various articles that have made an attempt to describe the game. Why then did I set out to write this? First, because I consider the game of thirty-one such a delightful diversion from the "norm" that I want to bring it to the attention of the magic fraternity, and second, because I have many ideas I would like to add.
At the Magic Castle, in Hollywood, the game was first shown to me by Dai Vernon in August of 1980. The "Professor" frequently showed me card puzzles that he had learned over...
The Ace to Six of each suit are placed on the table, and the two players turn cards face down alternately and a running total of the pips is maintained. The winner is the one who takes the total to no more than 31. Even after the spectator is told the secret to winning, the magician still wins. Ends with an extra kicker.
PDF 10 pages
Add variety and comedy to any act with this delightful presentation, based on the outlandish medicine pitches of yesteryear.
Entertain your pitch with magic
Interspersed throughout the comedy pitch are honest-to-goodness magic effects that you likely already own. In this revised edition, you are given several examples that will give you additional ideas. There's no need to go out and buy new tricks.
This lecture is different
Not a magic show in the strict sense, this is a humorous act in itself, which is how you present it to potential clients. This talk is just the ticket for corporate...
Even the most jaded audience will sit up and take notice when effects with real money are performed. Here's an entertaining story about a shopaholic who continues to spend (real) money, but somehow manages to leave the store with the same amount of cash she started with.
This is a time-tested routine that's made even better by using genuine currency (which you supply) while you follow these illustrated instructions. But that's not all. You also get additional presentation ideas, plus a template for constructing your own Repeat Bills outfit with whatever denomination of currency you wish. ...
After the card rises it changes instantly.
Pocket Riser 1.0 and Pocket Riser 2.0 have been feature creations of Ralf. These are effects he is particularly known for. Version 3.0 goes another big step further by introducing a second totally visual climax. The card rises as in the earlier versions from a drawn packet of cards, and then suddenly changes. The change is so fast and comes totally unexpected.
There is some arts and crafts involved in making the gimmicked note pad, but it is more than worth the effect. Everything is explained and demonstrated in a detailed video. You will also receive print templates in...
In February of 1986, David Ben and I sponsored a lecture by Gaetan in Toronto. It turned out to be a fabulous evening of magic. Towards the end, Gaetan demonstrated a monte routine which used what he claimed was a new kind of trick card. There were about 150 people in the audience and as I was standing at the back of the hall I couldn't really see what was going on. I didn't pay attention.
When the Wright Brothers first took their new machine into the air, there was probably some guy tying his shoes who missed the whole thing. That would have been me. Luckily I got a second chance. Unlike the Wright...
A new principle for business cards.
"I was badly fooled!" - Matt Mello
"I HAVE NO IDEA! This principle can be used in so many routines and ways, it's making my head spin!" - Phedon Bilek
"I would give a testimony to this effect, but I don't want you guys having it. IT FOOLED ME - I grinned from ear to ear when RedDevil shared the workings and I just don't know if I'm ready to let RedDevil share this. It's too bloody cheeky! (Said in my best British accent). I love it!" - Peter Turner
"With T.I.T.E., RedDevil has taken something that many of us have played with (no, not - get your filthy mind...
Ian Baxter steps forward with yet another twist on a classic from the past. Eddie Clever's Hallucination gets a working over here, thanks to a recently published variation from Todd Karr.
"A very direct effect here - entertaining presentation, plays big, kicker ending and can be done with a borrowed deck. This card mystery has it all!" - David Jones
1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages.
This effect was originally published in Gregg Webb's ebook Lizard Wizard's Diary. This Super Session explains a clean and fast transposition of two cards. This ebook has hand-lettered text.
1st edition 2020, 2 pages.