Cos'è un TOCATON?
TOCATON, la parola, è un acronimo per "thought-of-card at thought-of-number". La parola fu coniata da Nick Conticello per descrivere il suo nuovo approccio all'effetto classico di David Berglas (ACAAN, Any Card At Any Number). Nick crede che la parola descriva al meglio il suo effetto, perché egli limita la scelta delle carte e dei numeri. Ma i suoi approcci hanno il virtuosismo della velocità di presentazione e della mancanza di set-up e preparazioni del mazzo. Come molti dei suoi lavori, anche TOCATON può essere eseguito impromptu.
TOCATON, l'e-book, contiene 4...
L'autore e collezionista Doug Edwards dopo aver visto la performance ha detto: "Questo è il miglior ACAAN impromptu che abbia mai visto!"
Se avete sempre voluto eseguire una versione impromptu della versione classica di David Berglas, ma non avete mai trovato una soluzione, gioite! In questo eBook, Nick Conticello vi offre la sua collezione di ACAAN Impromptu.
Ogni versione dell'effetto di Nick (CAAN-Fluence) inizia da una medesima premessa ma utilizza tecniche diverse ogni volta per piazzare una carta scelta a una posizione qualunque del mazzo. Tutto scelto dallo spettatore, in un mazzo...
Vol. 16, No. 2, May 2020; 66 pages
Cover: Justin Willman
A path breaking approach to the classic effect. No props needed.
"I think your Propless Bank Night is brilliant !!" - Marc SalemEverything happens in the participant's mind who is on the other end of a voice call with the performer, maybe thousands of miles away. The performer even tells the participant upfront the contents of each envelope involved in the routine. And yet the participant is stunned with the result."The idea of the anagram is very good. This concept can also be used with classic bank night routines. Well done and stay safe." - Luca Volpe
A unique combination of classic...
McDonald's Aces with the Bammo Touch.
"... how diabolically good ... Bammo Aces is!!! ... I really love your presentational angle. ... Each vanish is better than the one before it." - Glen GuldbeckWe have all fooled around with the Mcdonald's Aces routine so what could possibly be new about this trick."... displays and touches during the vanish sequences that are particularly clean and deceptive ...." - David Regal
Running the voodoo down: here's what's new: innovative deceptive sequences that are extremely visual using some easy moves not previously featured in this effect.
Eight select bits of rascality from Harry the Hat.
From the Introduction:
When Harry Anderson lived in New Orleans, we regularly discussed tricks, scams, and what Harry liked to call "throwaways that are keepers." These are tricks that symbolically serve the same purpose as Mardi Gras beads and doubloons tossed from floats during carnival season.
The following 8 things in this booklet are stunts and tricks Harry performed in his inimitable, fast-and-loose way when he held court in barrooms, poolrooms, or at his night club called Oswald's. In the right time and place they are worth knowing...
(Two videos included which explain everything.)
MIRAGE - a brand new concept in card magic - and particularly in the realm of paradoxes - a magician-fooler!
Plus two other brilliant "workers" are included below. Here is what the spectators (and magicians) see...
Two paper-clipped, red-backed cards are laid on the table at the onset ... your magician buddies are watching closely. A card from a blue-backed deck is selected and signed by the spectator, then lost back into the deck. The two red-backed, paper-clipped cards are openly picked up and one card is taken into each hand. The hands...
There is $ to be made with community events. There will always be community needs and non-profits that work to address them. This text helps you get started planning events with non-profit organizations. If the organization has event plans in place you can work with them. If they do not have plans this text helps you partner with them to coordinate activities before, during and after the event. When schedules slow down, events are always close by that you might tap into. Pending the size of those events income potentials can be substantial.
The marketing impact between the event and the...
Three more stunning, completely impromptu card gems from Ian Baxter. Taking It Easy is reason enough to acquire this manuscript. You won't ever find a smoother, easier version of The Lazy Magician than this. Simple, concise and with a first rate presentation slant, as are two other mysteries ... Guide Card and Jump.
1st edition 2020, PDF 9 pages.
Jinn is Fraser’s ingenious solution to the classic card calling plot but with a subtle difference - the spectator performs the mind reading and successfully guesses each and every card.
A deck of cards is shuffled by a spectator and a group of random cards are taken from the top of the deck, sight unseen. These are mixed further by the spectator and then held faces towards themselves.
They look over the cards and a second spectator is able to successfully name each and every card as the first spectator merely thinks of each card.
This can be performed utilizing an assistant or taught...
Six different effects, coins, cards, drugs, money, tarot cards, plus 8 "rapid fire" ideas to take old props and ideas to a new level.
Quarter Bird
An update on the classic "pen behind the ear" vanish where the signed coin ends up in a nest of boxes that appears in the magician's hand.
The Target Card
A signed card across where the deck of cards becomes a makeshift weapon as the spectator fires the gun (with sound effects and all) causing his card to appear across the table.
Gift Vision
After seeing this, you'll dig our your Color Vision out of your magic drawer and actively begin...
From the Introduction:
We are proud of the result, and we believe, justly so. It is submitted for your approval. It contains several new items, and many tricks, the secrets of which have been very expensive to buy. We hope you like it. If you do, we may feel encouraged to prepare still a third Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, or an Encyclopedia along some other branch of magic.
If you want to know how this ebook relates to the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks get A Comparison of the Gravatt and Hugard Encyclopedias of Card Magic by William Rugh, who made a detailed comparison of the contents.
Qui imparerai diverse straordinarie routine di carte senza abilità di mano che si basano su un principio che, sebbene non nuovo, viene portato alla ribalta da Nick Conticello. Usando questa idea ha creato straordinarie routine di carte che non richiedono "sleight of hand". Tuttavia, qualche falso taglio occasionale o falsi miscugli possono migliorare notevolmente questi effetti. Nick insegna un efficace falso taglio, il Widdershins Cut. All'interno troverete:
Il collaboratore del Tarbell Course, Nick Conticello, è tornato con il suo libro più grande e migliore di sempre, una serie di nuove e rinfrescanti interpretazioni di quel venerabile principio di magia matematica delle carte, il Posizionamento automatico. Nick introduce nuove varianti del principio con il posizionamento invertito e il posizionamento simmetrico. Nessun gioco di prestigio è richiesto per QUALUNQUE di questi effetti! I contenuti includono:
ABC / 123: Alex Elmsley's Spell by the Numbers senza il faro shuffle.
ORACOLO CIECO: senza vedere la faccia di una singola carta, l'esecutore...
Anelli e sbarre continuano a passare attraverso il corpo dell’esecutore mentre i suoi pollici sono strettamente legati, in maniera inspiegabile, anche sotto lo stretto scrutinio da parte di membri del pubblico!
Il classico gioco dei pollici legati è sempre un numero di grande impatto sul pubblico. Senza tema di smentita, la routine descritta da Osman è una delle più belle e misteriose che il pubblico possa sperimentare. La particolarità di questa routine è che durante parte della sua esecuzione 2 spettatori tengono le braccia dell’artista e uno spettatore osserva da sotto mentre...
Five reputation maker routines. This is one of the cleverest effects we have seen and capable of being used in many different ways. As a note in balloon. As a smashing prediction. As a clever and colourful "Just Chance" routine with three balloons, etc.
You'll thrill to the simplicity of the method. And the cunning of it. Listen to the details of the first effect ... and the others are equally convincing, equally baffling.
Note in Balloon. An inflated balloon is shown and placed to one side. A dollar bill of any value you prefer is borrowed from a member of the audience who himself notes...
A mix of tricks based on math with cards, ESP cards, and various other designs. Included are print ready templates for several of the tricks explained. For lovers of magic squares you will find interesting ideas of how to use magic squares as predictions and forcing tools.
1st edition 2020, 34 pages.
21 clever methods used by mentalists, psychics, magicians and fake mediums to make tables tilt, levitate and dance about the floor.
Covers methods used by famous performers, fraudulent mediums, and even the very latest floating table effects available from dealers. Also includes a method where a table - with a person sitting in the center of it - is made to levitate. And best of all, the person on table won't know how the effect was accomplished.
Whether you perform a solo act, or have a touring company with assistants and stagehands, you're sure to find a method that works for your performing...
A detailed chronology of places, dates and performers of fairs in and around London. We learn mostly of theatrical productions of various kinds including pantomime and dances, and menageries exhibiting exotic animals, and less so of tumbling and acrobats, juggling, balancing and the like. It includes some coverage of conjurers including Fawkes, Pinchbeck, Breslaw and others. There is some overlap of stories from Circus Life and Circus Celebrities because some performers and operators were active in both venues.
These very important effects are the "filling" for a successful show. Combine Paul's e-books, Openers and Closers I, II, and III to complete your knowledge of creating a truly audience-pleasing show. This is very important!
In my Openers and Closers series of e-books, I explored the powerful "openers" needed to set the stage, and the "closers" needed to close the show and thrill them. But ... in between, the magic is still very, very important.
SENSE OF SMELL - A shuffled deck is magically divided into piles, one all red and the other all black ... but the red selection is found in the middle of the black pile,...
From the Introduction:
Here, as always, I have assembled a varied lot of material in the hope that all tastes will be satisfied. It is all original; or as much so as conjuring creations usually are. I am particular in this regard, for I am almost morbidly sensitive to any charge of "piracy." This is strange when one considers that mine is the honour of having introduced the Jolly Roger as a conjuring property.
A history of the circus in Britain during the 19th century. One chapter deals with America, another with circus slang. Perhaps most interesting are the recollections of a gymnast and how he made it into the circus.
From the Preface:
But of the circus artistes - the riders, the clowns, the acrobats, the gymnasts, - what do we know? How many are there, unconnected with the sawdust, who can say that they have known a member of that strange race? Charles Dickens, who was perhaps as well acquainted with the physiology of the less known sections of society as any man of his day, whetted public...