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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★ $3.99
Wolfgang Riebe
100 Card Trick One-Liner Jokes by Wolfgang Riebe

The most popular magic tricks amongst magicians are card tricks, yet there are few jokes and sayings that cover those ‘quiet’ moments between tricks and moves. Here you will find many. What about just adding some comedy entertainment to your next card trick? Looking for the right quick one-line joke - you should find one, or many more here.

1st edition 2020, PDF 15 pages.

★★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof April 2020 by Brian T. Lees
  • Open or Not?
  • Market to Market
  • Backup
  • Not Working, Can't Get my Hands to Manipulate, Just Keeps Getting Worse. I Give Up!
  • $400 Really???
  • Special Priced Cups/Balls
  • Professional Show Development Lecture Season Special Price
  • Give the Audience Time

1st edition 2020, 10 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Robert A. Nelson
Nelson Enterprises Manuscript Collection 5 by Robert A. Nelson

It's hard to believe, but we've unearthed six more psychic entertainment treasures from the Nelson Enterprises vault. Volume 5 contains five hard-to-find Nelson Enterprises manuscripts and presentations for mentalists and magicians, plus a bonus manuscript by William W. Larsen, Sr.

Mentalists, psychic entertainers, magicians, collectors and magic historians will be pleased to discover the following manuscripts, books and effects from the Nelson Enterprises catalog, now updated and edited for a new generation of performers:

Thought Pictures - The performer goes into the audience and solicits simple figures and...

★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Speeding Bullets by Jon Racherbaumer

A survey of the seven-card assembly.

This ebook is a survey of the Seven-Card Assembly, a subcategory of Ace Assembly. Its name due to the number (7) of principal cards used, which makes it different from other Ace Assemblies. Standard versions use sixteen cards - four Aces and twelve X-cards - and when the preliminary layout is made, the Aces are dealt into a T-formation and three X-cards are placed onto each Ace. In a Seven-Card Assembly three X-cards are added onto only three of the Aces. The Leader Ace lies alone. This reduces the duration it takes to set the stage. Then the four Aces...

Chris van Bern & Alex De Vega
A Whirlwind of Wizardry by Chris van Bern & Alex De Vega

From the Introduction:

Remember that the average act, which can be acquired by anyone without much practice, is seen on the Halls so often that one becomes absolutely bored with it. They are known in the profession as “Penny a bunch Acts.” Now with a little application, you can stand apart from this bunch, and be a specialist, so this book is offered in the sincere hope that you will be able to glean an act from it, and we tell you to do so in all confidence, as the material is original, and has seldom, if ever, been used in public.

  • "From Nothing to Nothing" ...
Alex De Vega
More Selected Secrets by Alex De Vega

From the Foreword:

In presenting a further selection of secrets to the fraternity, I have again chosen these of general interest. It will be understood that these secrets are written for the advanced performer. Where the item is an improvement of a known effect. I have taken it for granted that the reader is familiar with the working of same; should he not be so, however, full descriptions will be found in the standard text-books on Magic.

  • Foreword
  • Patriotic Torn Paper
  • Dyeing Billiard Balls
  • The "Repeater" Smoke Trick
  • The Tobacco Trick (Simplified)
  • The "Lyford - Armour" Universal...
Alex De Vega
Selected Secrets by Alex De Vega

From the Foreword:

In selecting these Secrets, I have endeavoured to interest the Fraternity at large. Whether you are a manipulator, impromptu or spectacular worker I trust you will find herein some secret that will add to your reputation as a magician.

The secrets are chosen from over 300 which I classified when writing The Whirlwind of Wizardry and while many are not complete tricks or effects in themselves they are just what adds that little extra touch of smartness to an act, or that little effect to fill up a break.

  • Foreword
  • That Broken Match
  • Self Igniting Dove Pan
  • Knotted Changing Silks
  • Splinters:...
Alex De Vega
Patterettes by Alex De Vega

From the Foreword:

"Patterettes" is not really a book of Patter. Personally I do not believe in ready-made Patter; which is like ready-made clothing - must be altered to suit the individual. "Patterettes" is rather a collection of snappy little gags that may be added to your patter at your discretion. I do not claim originality for what is to follow: some are original but many are not. They are taken from my "gag books" in which I have collected many notes of little sayings, jokes, etc. which I have made suitable for patter in connection with conjuring and the allied arts.

  • Foreword ...
★★★★★ $10
Stephen Ablett
Blockbuster Book Test by Stephen Ablett

Blockbuster Book Test is a movie theme book test that can be performed close-up, table hopping, in a children's show or on stage. There are several live performances followed by a full explanation of the variation principles used. There are three stages to my routine including a quick flashback revelation, a first letter type reveal, and a prediction ending.

The book can be purchased from most book shops including Amazon and can be fully examined. Furthermore, the movie title is in an extremely large font making it easy to read without glasses and from a distance. The movie revelation allows...

Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney
The "Gee Whiz" Combination and Encore by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney

Here's a terrific, family-friendly, comedy bill in lemon effect that your audiences will love. A genuine dollar bill is borrowed from a spectator (no stooge) and signed or marked. Anyone wraps it in a borrowed handkerchief. Two lemons are then shown and one is selected (no force). The spectator himself places the lemon in his coat pocket. The borrowed bill vanishes from the hanky while the spectator is holding it. The man with the lemon cuts it open and finds the bill inside. You do not touch the lemon.

And now for an encore, you decide to mark the handkerchief so the owner will recognize...

Oswald Rae
Wizardry with Watches by Oswald Rae

From the foreword:

Watches have always played a certain part in Magic, but the watch was usually a borrowed one. The excellent "prop" watches now on the market, manufactured of course exclusively for conjuring purposes, open up almost a new era in watch magic.

Having acquired some of these, I endeavoured to work out some effects therewith, and thinking that some of my ideas may be of service to my fellow magicians, I have put them into print. With the exception of those described under "Some Suggestions" all the effects have been actually worked, and the various stands described are easily...

Oswald Rae
Practical Patter for Practical Magicians by Oswald Rae

From the preface:

Patter fulfils very useful purposes. It serves to entertain and keep an audience in a good humour, also it occupies their minds, and is invaluable as an aid to misdirection. The patter herein has been carefully written round each effect, with due allowance for necessary moves, misdirection and dramatic effect. Obviously much of it can be used for other magical effects, if required, and most performers will doubtless make alterations to suit their own particular style.

  • Preface
  • The Clock Dial
  • The Elusive Blocks
  • Perplexing Politics
  • "Matter Through Matter"
  • Aerial Treasury ...
★★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
Further More by Jon Racherbaumer

This manuscript is an exploration of the origin and evolution of one of the most dependable, commercial, and semiautomatic card tricks extant. Even its name is unusual and memorable - "Further Than That"

  • FURTHER THAN THAT / Stewart James
  • FURTHER THAN THAT / J. W. Sarles
  • A LITTLE FURTHER / Darwin Ortiz
  • STROUT FELLOW / Allan Slaight
  • A Poker Demonstration
  • A POYGRAPHICAL POLLOOZA / Jon Racherbaumer
  • THIS...
★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Himber Happening by Ian Baxter

From Ian Baxter, a breathtaking new approach to Al Koran's classic Five Star Prediction. The effect is as straightforward as could be expected: A prediction removed from a wallet and handed to a spectator, matches a freely chosen card from a shuffled deck.

"A significant improvement with a radical new use for the Himber Wallet. Very clever thinking indeed. Perfect!" - David Jones

"Loved It. Very, very clean, Loved the fact that the deck is shuffled at the outset. Cannot fault it." - Charles Gauci

1st edition 2020, PDF 6 pages.

Herbert de Caston
Peerless Prestidigitation by Herbert de Caston
  • Introductory Speech
  • The Latest Card Force
  • The Phantom Card
  • The "De Caston" Method Of "Rising Cards" From Hand
  • De Caston's Discovery
  • A Spectacular Handkerchief Combination
  • An Original Conception With Eggs And Flags
  • A New Handkerchief Combination
1st edition 1910, 30 pages; PDF 24 pages.
Charles Bertram
A Magician in Many Lands by Charles Bertram

This is a fascinating travel log, including a good number of photos, by an accomplished magician circling the globe including visits to India, China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Unites States, Canada and other places. He devotes three fascinating chapters to the tricks of the Indian conjurers, but does not tell us a lot about his own performances during his voyage.

From the introduction by Professor Hoffmann:

A book of travel, written by a keen observer, is always interesting. Charles Bertram was not only a keen observer, but enjoyed opportunities of observation denied to ninety-nine travellers out of...

Charles Bertram
Isn't It Wonderful? by Charles Bertram

A history of magic interwoven with Charles Bertram's recollections.

From the introduction:

The profession of conjuring, if not the most ancient, is certainly one of the oldest professions in the world, and, before commencing my account of the efforts made by a humble professor of the art, I trust that the reader may be interested by a short sketch of its history. Without this, it is possible that he might receive a book relating to the conjurer's art with a shrug of the shoulders. But conjuring, if it has now drifted down to the level of mere entertainment, has played its part in the history...

★★★★★ $5
William W. Larsen & T. Page Wright
The L. W. Mindreading Mysteries by William W. Larsen & T. Page Wright

A nice collection of five more entertaining effects for psychic entertainers that will leave audiences thinking that they have just witnessed genuine mind reading. You get:

Musical Mindreading - A spectator selects one of twelve songs, without revealing it to anyone else - and the medium (seated at the piano or CD player) is somehow able to play that very selection. Most musical mindreading acts have required long study. This can be learned in less than fifteen minutes. Little or no expense. An excellent, apparently impromptu item for the home, club or stage.

Distant Card Reading - A number...

Philip Breslaw
Breslaw's Last Legacy by Philip Breslaw

This early work from 1784 deals with a number of interesting subjects including conjuring, fortune telling, riddles, paradoxes, funny stories, math tricks, chemistry, electricity and other science tricks.

  • CHAP. I. The AIR BALLOON described, and how to make one, as has lately been done in France and England
    • To make Inflammable Air
  • CHAP. II. Many clever Tricks, and pleasant Fancies, in the Art of Legerdemain
    • To cause Mirth, and make Sport with Quick-silver
    • Another Trick with Quick-silver
    • To make a Six-pence seem to fall through a Table
    • The Visible Invisible ...
★★★ $8
Hugh Miller & Divado
Impossible by Hugh Miller & Divado

A fantastic card routine for all kinds of audience that will please and satisfy both seasoned magicians and those fairly new to the Art.

  • No sleight of hand needed
  • No gimmicks used
  • No manipulation
  • No preparation
Just take any deck of cards, even a borrowed one, and you will immediately be ready to perform this great routine. The trick is presented in a three-part crescendo and it is designed to leave your audience in absolute awe, thinking "No way, this is... IMPOSSIBLE!"


The magician takes 10 cards from the deck, 5 red and 5 black, of the same value (let's say from the...

Hugh Mackay
Classical Conjuring by Hugh Mackay

Of particular interest are the various ideas to how to transmit information secretly.

    • The Slave Bangle
    • Camouflage
    • Two Ropes And A Ring
    • A String Variation
    • A Marked Pack
    • Three Good Tricks (Will Goldston)
    • Removing Under Difficulties
    • A Problem With Cards
    • A Card Square
    • Values
    • A Puzzling Location
    • Suitable "Key" Card
    • Hands Of The Secret Service
    • Stage Billet Reading
    • The Interpreter
    • The Roll Call
    • The Carrier
    • Intelligent Fingers
    • Reconstruction
1st edition 1925, 28 pages; PDF 31 pages....
★★★★ $5
Henry Ridgely Evans
Magic and its Professors by Henry Ridgely Evans

From the introduction:

To those amateurs and to my numerous professional friends who delight in new books, I send forth "Magic and its Professors," trusting that it will prove of interest to them. Part III is a symposium on magic by some of the best performers and inventors of the day. I sincerely thank them for the labor of love which they have rendered. I am indebted to Mr. T. Francis Fritz, the editor of Mahatma, and Mr. William J. Hilliar, editor of The Sphinx, for the right to reprint in book form some of the valuable exposes contained in their respective journals. I am also under obligations to those...

Larry Brodahl
Scripted #31: Clippo by Larry Brodahl

A script and methodology for doing the classic Clippo trick that will make you and your audience appreciate the beauty and mystery of a small, easy to carry trick.

Clippo is a trick that is wonderful on paper, and useless in reality. For such a clever trick, there never seems to be an appropriate reaction. And frankly, the trick has no ending and occasionally fails.

In this manuscript, you'll learn:

  • why Clippo fails to get a good reaction
  • how to make Clippo
  • the script
  • even some of the script writing and design process followed
This trick is suitable for parlor or stage.


Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 10: Süchtig nach Baumnüssen by Christian Scherer

Eine neue Interpretation des klassischen Kunststückes, bei dem Baumnüsse in ein Glas wandern.

Der Vorführende outet sich als süchtig nach frischen Baumnüssen. In Phasen, in denen er nicht von seiner Sucht beherrscht wird, verwendet er Baumnüsse auch zum Zaubern. Dies demonstriert er, indem er versucht, drei Nüsse in ein Glas wandern zu lassen, zunächst ohne Erfolg. Mit Hilfe eines Nussknackers und einer Röhre gelingt ihm dies schliesslich. Dann erzählt er, wie er beim Üben von einem Eichhörnchen auf dem Fenstersims beobachtet wurde (ein Plüsch-Eichhörnchen wird auf den Tisch...

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