"Believe in your dreams!"
"If you love magic history, you need this book. If you love card magic, you'll also get a big section of hardcore card methods from France. Christian Gambin, one of Paris' last remaining classic music-hall performers, has preserved the wild, bygone world of the Paris cabaret magic scene in his autobiography, an entire field of the art that disappeared as the modern era dawned. Gambin is a multitalented entertainer who's performed everywhere in Europe from the Paradis Latin to the Monaco Grand Prix of Magic. I saw him knock out audiences at many of those places. You'll...
1st edition...
All 24 tricks are explained in detail.
1st edition 2021, PDF 61 pages.
This is a very powerful two-spectator coincidence effect, where one spectator selects (and loses) a card under very fair conditions, and then a second spectator impossibly locates the card.
The magician introduces a deck of cards - he spreads it face-up to display that all the cards are different. He then hands the deck over to one of the spectators and asks them to thoroughly shuffle the deck. (They can shuffle in any way that they want.)
The magician then says, "I want you to make a free choice of any card in the shuffled deck. Simply spread the deck face down across the...
Every magician is certain to encounter a stacked deck at some point, whether in the early stages of learning or as they expand their repertoire. Understanding stacks not only equips magicians with powerful tools for creating seemingly impossible effects but also sharpens their awareness of how others might use these techniques. Mastery of stacks enhances one's ability to perform complex tricks, analyze routines critically, and develop innovative methods to captivate an audience. Embracing this foundational skill ensures that magicians can perform with both confidence and creativity.
Edward Marlo's "Further Flight" from 1972 was a response to Lynn Searles "Pre-Cannibal Cards". These are some routines around that topic.
Effect: The magician, demonstrating remarkable foresight and confidence in his abilities, cuts to the exact poker hand revealed by a secret prediction after the spectator shuffles the deck.
For those seeking a more realistic version of the classic 10-card poker demonstration, this presentation offers enhanced credibility and realism. The spectator thoroughly shuffles the deck both before and during the demonstration. The spectator cuts the deck taking the card he cuts to. Magician does the same. This is repeated until both have 5 cards that form a poker hand.
The demonstration concludes...
Unlock the power of coincidence with Pocket, Left & Right by Wolfgang Riebe. This mind-bending effect will have your audience questioning reality as you effortlessly influence their choices. Picture this: you shuffle a deck of cards and hand three to a spectator. They freely shuffle and choose one to keep in their pocket while the other two cards are again shuffled and one card kept in either hand - total free choice for the spectator. The jaw-dropping moment arrives when the card in the left hand reveals "LEFT," the right hand shows "RIGHT," and the pocket card declares "POCKET." And just...
After shuffling the deck, you put a prediction card face down on the table. After some further shuffling you spread the deck and three cards appear face-up, three tens. You turn over your prediction but it is not the fourth ten but an ace. But don't worry, another fan of the cards and your prediction ace is now the missing ace in a royal flush.
1st edition 2025, video 3:55.
Allan Ackerman is one of the world's foremost experts at sleight-of-hand magic and gambling moves with playing cards. On this jam-packed download DVD you'll be treated to over 150 minutes of Allan's most cherished effects, routines and sleights - audience-tested foolers that have earned him a worldwide reputation as The Las Vegas Card Expert. Previously released on two separate videos, this fantastic download DVD contains all of the superlative material from both critically acclaimed titles, The Las Vegas Card Expert and Every Move A Move.
The Las Vegas Card Expert contains the following...
... and other practices like the same; a myrror very necessary for all young gentilmen and other sodenly enabled by worldly abundance, to loke in. Newly set forth for theire behoufe.
This work contains a vivid description of the tricks and practices in vogue amongst gamblers of the sixteenth century. Written by a Puritan preacher, it is a scathing critique of the gambling culture during Elizabethan England and the moral outrage surrounding it. It has many curious allusions to the manners and customs of the period. Featuring firsthand accounts of dice games and their negative societal effects....
Bish is the collected Kaymar Magic Advent for 2020, gathering all 24 tricks into one place. Here are the tricks, carefully explained in Liam's casual style, and the ebook features all new tricks, revealed here for the first time.
Here is a trick from the great Aldo in the print & perform version. It doesn't require any skill. All you need to do is print the enclosed images and have a deck of cards at hand and you'll be ready to perform it.
EFFECT: An envelope with two predictions is given to a spectator to hold. A card is selected in a very fair manner, discovering at the same time, several cards which are left face up. You request the spectator to add the value of the face-up cards and note the total. You open the envelope and extract two Jumbo cards from it.
At this point, you ask the total that the spectator...
The performer either goes amongst the audience or invites six people on the stage. From a pack of playing cards, six cards are dealt to each of the six people. They are requested to select one card and to place same in their inside pocket. The remaining cards are gathered and thoroughly shuffled and the performer does not handle the cards anymore. At no time does the performer know which cards have been selected. A number of boards with cards on them are now exhibited and shown to spectators. They are to say "yes" when they see their own card, and the performer immediately announces correctly...
Excerpt from the introduction:
The end is purely altruistic. There is little cash to gain in Magical Publishing, but loving Magic, I cannot help but write about it, and in writing, I fondly hope that I am helping many other conjurers to progress nearer to the perfection that cannot be fully accomplished on this mortal sphere.
I shall not eulogise the contents of this book, but I would point out that the complete cigarette act described has been worked exactly as described, and has proved to be eminently satisfactory.
Hummer's Word is a card magic effect based on a variant of the principle called CATO (Cut And Turn Over), developed by Bob Hummer. This version uses updated techniques to achieve even more surprising and unpredictable results.
For execution, the use of an alphabetical deck is recommended, in which each card represents a single letter of the alphabet. Alternatively, you can create a craft deck using business cards, blank cards or cut-out cardstock. You can also replace the alphabetical deck with classic poker cards, and perform the effect in a completely improvised way, even with a borrowed and incomplete...
Parola di Hummer è un effetto cartomagico basato su una variante del principio chiamato CATO (Cut And Turn Over), sviluppato da Bob Hummer. Questa versione utilizza tecniche aggiornate per ottenere risultati ancora più sorprendenti e imprevedibili.
Per l'esecuzione si consiglia l'uso di un mazzo alfabetico, in cui ogni carta rappresenta una singola lettera dell'alfabeto. In alternativa, è possibile creare un mazzo artigianale usando biglietti da visita, carte bianche o cartoncini ritagliati. Puoi anche sostituire il mazzo alfabetico con le classiche carte da poker, ed eseguire l'effetto...
Note: This effect necessarily requires learning the coding method explained here: My Secret Coding for a Thought-of Card
An amazing mind reading effect with a surprising "Any Card At Any Number" ending, using my new Secret Two Person Codes.
This is a mentalism effect that uses my recently published Secret Verbal Encoding to not only allow the medium to mentally identify a chosen card but to allow him (or her) a surprise final A.C.A.A.N. (Any Card At Any Number), in which he (or she) will announce the number that will cause the spectator himself to find a copy of his card, having been told which color of the deck to use,...
Attenzione: questo effetto richiede necessariamente l’apprendimento del metodo di codifica qui spiegato: La Mia Codifica Segreta per la Carta Pensata.
Un sorprendente effetto di lettura della mente con un sorprendente A.C.A.A.N. finale, con il mio nuovo metodo di Segreta Codifica a due!
Si tratta di un effetto di Mentalismo che utilizza la mia Segreta Codifica verbale, da poco pubblicata, per permettere non soltanto al medium di identificare mentalmente una CARTA scelta ma di consentirgli un A.C.A.A.N. (Any Card At Any Number) finale a sorpresa, nel quale annuncerà il NUMERO che farà sì che lo spettatore stesso ritrovi copia...
The common element in all three of those effects is the use of a scalloped short card (a special short card that was popularized by Dai Vernon). It is a gimmick that I rarely see used. A few people use a short card nowadays - even fewer use a scalloped short card.
If you're interested in learning three distinct applications of this tool (a pseudo-memory effect, a telepathy effect, and a prediction effect), then this e-book is for you.
Note: If you're only interested in one of the three effects, then you're just better off individually buying that one (as it would be cheaper). But if you're interested...
A classified list of United States patents relating to magic, illusions and allied subjects.
Finding patents related to magic is not so easy. Wobensmith wrote in the preface in 1928: "The Patent Office classification, while to some extent helpful, is by no means a satisfactory guide for the use of the magician in searching for available material, or for knowledge as to what has or has not been patented. Many of the patents comprised in the present list were discovered in sub-classes which in their designations contain no suggestion of pertinent material." Today the search is made easier through...
Step right up! Are you ready to astound your audience with a mind-boggling display of prediction and choice? Dive into the thrill of Duck Roulette, where you can predict the winner of your very own duck race, leaving your spectators in absolute awe.
Picture this: 7 colourful ducks, each uniquely numbered, are showcased before your audience. With the freedom to choose any 6 ducks, your spectators will be buzzing with excitement. Each choice is accompanied by a strip of paper with random numbers printed on it. These can be freely examined by the audience who can keep their strips as a memento....
Everything I perform, if and when I perform, I've learned and taken from other magicians. I truly believe we are 'parasites of our precursors' and I'm indebted to many, many creative and enterprising magicians over the years. If it were not for them, my repertoire would consist of the prayer vase and the ring off string.
Thoughts about building on the ideas of others. Jon then explores the example of the secret addition move in "Adding to an Add-On" that was first described in the Sphinx Volume 20 in 1921.
1st edition 2015, PDF 12 pages.
Read this effect ... A spectator shuffles a pack of cards and cuts the pack anywhere he likes. The cards on either side of the card he freely cut to are subsequently removed and found to be the cards that the performer had previously predicted.
This is just one of a series of card effects based on a single move that describes a subtle principle that is very easy to do and gives eight examples of how it can be used in card magic. The "Nullifactor" is an easily acquired sleight, based on an old force, but used here in an entirely different way.
Another example: For instance, the performer...
Imagine astonishing your audience with a card magic effect that seems impossible. With this extraordinary trick, a card is chosen and placed back into the deck. When the deck is spread out in a ribbon, the chosen card magically appears face-up, leaving everyone in awe.
This effect is perfect for any occasion, whether you're a professional magician or a magic enthusiast. It's easy to perform but guarantees a stunning visual impact.
1st edition 2025, PDF 7 pages.
One dozen and one master card effects that anyone can do.
Excerpt from the introduction:
Every trick has been taken from my own repertoire, and performers all over the world have unanimously attested that the effects are practical.
1st edition 1935, 21 pages; PDF 21...
A visual mystery with a Sharpie pen.
Imagine this: you casually place the cap of a Sharpie pen on its back end, and with a simple gesture, it vanishes before their eyes.
The twist? In a flash, the cap reappears perfectly recapped on the pen's tip, right where it belongs!