The effect centers around the illusion of manipulating time by making a prediction about a spectator's card selection. The prediction is revealed to be blank even though the spectator thought he saw the magician write the prediction. This subtly suggests that we have moved backward through time to a point before the prediction was written down. Next, the spectator's freely chosen card turns out to be blank as well. The prediction was correct! This happens with a normal deck of cards. The effect creates a sense that the past, present, and future have been merged through mysterious forces. ...
Excerpt from the preface:
This book contains endless entertainment for you and your friends, and represents part of my collection of "tricky stunts" which I have used for several years WITH GREAT SUCCESS - catches, puzzles, and tricks with which all magicians should be familiar. While many of them can be, and have been, performed on the stage, none requires any great amount of skill. For all that, each one should be tried over privately many times before you attempt to perform it to your friends. Neglect this necessary precaution and you will soon find how easy it is to produce a fiasco with...
Levitation effects have always had a powerful impact on audiences. While these can certainly wow an audience when done on stage when they are performed right under the noses of the spectators the impact is only heightened. Few levitation effects can be performed as close to a spectator as the Okito Voodoo Doll. With these dolls, the magician does not need to consider lighting, proximity or even angles. Added to this the fact that it is a small, cheap and totally self-contained prop there is a lot to like about this effect. It is for all these reasons and more that the Okito Voodoo Doll has become...
A great new presentation by Ed Stoddard for Annemann's famous "Pseudo Psychometry" effect.
Not to worry if you don't own the Annemann original, for that's also included. This is a terrific 10-minute routine, thanks to the marvelous presentation from Stoddard and the devious method from Annemann.
..."Stoddard is certainly cooking with gas for you mentalists. We particularly like his handling of Annemann's Pseudo Pyschometry which is being put out as Intuition." - Bruce Elliott
"'Pseudo-Psychometry' has always been a headline effect. Now in its new dress, 'Intuition' likewise tops the bill." - Max Holden
This is an original type of secret verbal two-way coding, which, to my knowledge so far, is unprecedented, and inexplicable even to experts. I think it enables incredible mentalism effects, such as the one reported in this text (and others to follow shortly)...
Imagine that the medium's helper, after having her blindfolded and her back turned, hands a spectator a very ordinary deck of poker cards (it might even have been borrowed from a person in the audience), which he can safely check and shuffle at will. The same spectator will then be asked to draw three cards of his choice, taking...
Si tratta di un originalissimo tipo di segreta codifica verbale a due che, a quanto finora mi risulta, è del tutto inedita ed originale, inesplicabile anche per gli esperti, e consente incredibili effetti di Mentalismo, quale quello riportato in questo testo (ed altri che ne seguiranno a breve!) ...
Immaginate che l'aiutante della medium, dopo averla fatta bendare e voltare di spalle, consegni ad uno spettatore un comunissimo mazzo di carte da poker (potrebbe anche essere stato preso a prestito da una persona del pubblico), che potrà tranquillamente controllare e mescolare a piacere....
Excerpt from the introduction by David Goodsell:
This book is not for everyone, because not everyone will want or be able to do the magic contained herein. It is a particular brand of close-up material with cards and coins that requires considerable practice to master, for the most part, and will send the intermediate or beginner to the reference books to learn specific sleights. For the serious student of close-up magic this issue will be a delight. The Marlo treatise on the "Observation Test" is very thorough and the items by Garret, Castillion, Aronson, Solomon, and Racherbaumer are all first rate....
In this e-book, I want to teach an incredibly powerful coincidence effect that is based on an idea by Charles Jordan. A card is fairly selected and lost, and then found in a highly unique way. For lay people, it doesn't get stronger than this; of all the effects that I've created, this generates the best reactions from lay audiences.
The magician introduces a deck of cards. He spreads it face-up to display that all the cards are different and in no particular order. He then hands the deck to the spectator as he says, "I want you to cut off about a third of the deck and give it a shuffle until...
Effect: In this demonstration of mind reading, a spectator simply thinks of one shape from a selection of seven distinct shapes. The spectator keeps their chosen shape private. Through the process where the spectator secretly spells out their chosen shape, the magician reveals the shape they had only moments ago held in their mind.
Here's what makes this effect so special: by using geometric shapes instead of regular playing cards, and adapting a clever principle from the gambling world into mind reading, we've created something truly different. It's not only astonishing to your audience,...
A slot machine prediction using three decks of cards.
Three decks of cards in their card box are piled up on the table in front of three spectators. The magician is about to show the spectators why he is not welcome in casinos anymore. Each spectator is asked to pick a different suit (free choice) and is given a deck that they shuffle. Then, the magician removes from each deck the cards of the suit chosen by the spectator without changing their order. At the end, three face-up piles are displayed in a row on the table. The magician explains that the piles represent the spinning reels of...
Discover the Revolutionary Magic of GiACAAN. Gino D'Alessandro, a young prodigy in the world of Italian card magic, has brought a breath of fresh air to magical effects with his extraordinary routine GiACAAN. Inspired by the legendary Slow ACAAN version of his master Gianluigi Sordellini, Gino has created something truly unique and spectacular.
Why GiACAAN is a Must-Have?
Il prestigiatore olandese Rink (van Rinkhuyzen) possedeva una mente davvero geniale per quanto riguarda i numeri di magia. Come molti grandi inventori di questa arte, egli personalizzava ogni effetto che creava e, se lo trovava interessante, continuava a perfezionarlo. Il risultato? Una serie di variazioni spesso incredibili che stupiscono tutti, incluso lui stesso.
Diversi anni orsono, la Supreme Magic Co. ha commercializzato il "Loop La-La" di Tommy Talbot, un divertente numero con due anelli di corda non truccati. In pratica due anelli di corda di colore diverso tenuti incatenati e...
This is a combination of Shufflebored and Joshua Jay's Total Recall effect. Think Shufflebored with no setup and the spectators shuffle the cards. There is only one minor sleight, if you can call it a sleight, and no setup. There is some easy memory work. The reset is instant, and the deck is clean. The prediction AH card has three other predictions.
New: A timeline of the events is included making it quicker and easier to learn the effect.
Two .jpgs of the prediction AH card are included, front and back. You can print it on a blank playing card, index card etc.
Q1: What is the effect...
January 2023 - December 2023
Richard Kaufman, Editor
1120 pages
January 2022 - December 2022
Dustin Stinett, Editor
1040 pages
Cashing in on Past Lives was written to help psychic entertainers and psychic readers learn how to make money from the profitable field of past life regressions. Much to Richard's surprise, this book proved more popular with hypnotherapists than it did with its target market. Although hundreds of psychic readers seized the opportunity to add another string to their bow, thousands of hypnotherapists around the world bought it to help them cater for this lucrative market.
No matter who you are, if you have a sincere interest in helping people recover memories of a previous lifetime, this...
The purpose of these reports is to cite known references, suggest ancestral ties, credit precursors and progenitors, reveal any chronology, and trace the evolvement of ideas, tricks, sleights, and presentations.
1st edition 1997, PDF 10 pages.
Paul LePaul was one of the all-time great card manipulators of the 20th century enjoying an amazing career in vaudeville, cabaret, and nightclub work, performing magic just with playing cards.
His lasting contribution to magical literature was that classic text, The Card Magic Of LePaul, first published back in 1949. It has been a revered source of exceptional card magic ever since.
In this new manuscript, card man Ian Baxter revisits three of Le Paul's favourites - The Substitution Envelope Mystery, Hand Picked Aces and that perennial favourite, The Gymnastic Aces.
No sacrificing of effect, no knuckle-busting sleight...
Here's a knockout triple prediction that may well be the highlight of your act.
You number three large, 8.5" x 11" cards as Numbers 1, 2 and 3. On each you write a prediction, one for each of three people in the audience who agree to assist in the experiment. Another person acts as a witness, keeping a record of the spectator's thoughts. (Note to mental magic buffs: This is not your grandfather's old "four-for-one method.")
Incredibly direct and easy to do. Makes a terrific climax to your mental routine. If we could be so bold, this allows you to perform a similar routine as that using...
"This is staggering in its brilliance" - Marc Salem
"What a great idea ! Bravo !" - Luca Volpe
CalendarX is a novel and fascinating concept. You just have to print out this 2025 calendar in whatever size you want and you can perform several effects throughout the year using this innovative calendar.
You can do coincidence effects, pin reveals, ACAAN effects, book tests, prediction effects, birthday divinations, add a number effects, diary effects, tossed out type routines, envelope routines etc. This will be a very handy tool for you to carry with you all through the year and perform different...