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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 85 (2022) by Richard Kaufman

January 2022 - December 2022
Dustin Stinett, Editor
1040 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 85, Number 1 - January 2022 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - Gabi Pareras
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Dustin Stinett
    • online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Dustin Stinett
    • online video file available - Gabi Pareras - Chop Cup
  5. The Eye - Vanessa Armstrong
  6. Gabi Pareras - Roberto Mansilla (translated by Pipo Villanueva)
    1. A Thoughtful Journey: On Ascanio - Roberto Mansilla
    2. online video file available - Ascanio about Gabi Pareras - 1994
    3. Gabi Pareras and Fictional Magic - Roberto Mansilla ...
Richard Webster
Cashing in on Past Lives by Richard Webster

Cashing in on Past Lives was written to help psychic entertainers and psychic readers learn how to make money from the profitable field of past life regressions. Much to Richard's surprise, this book proved more popular with hypnotherapists than it did with its target market. Although hundreds of psychic readers seized the opportunity to add another string to their bow, thousands of hypnotherapists around the world bought it to help them cater for this lucrative market.

No matter who you are, if you have a sincere interest in helping people recover memories of a previous lifetime, this...

Jon Racherbaumer
Provenance Bulletin 1-5 by Jon Racherbaumer

The purpose of these reports is to cite known references, suggest ancestral ties, credit precursors and progenitors, reveal any chronology, and trace the evolvement of ideas, tricks, sleights, and presentations.

  1. Automatic Placement Used to Produce a Different Effect
  2. Flustration Count
  3. Three Jacks Deal
  4. In-the-Hands False Riffle (Waterfall) Shuffle
  5. About Convincing Control

1st edition 1997, PDF 10 pages.

Ian Baxter
LePaul's Card Magic by Ian Baxter

Paul LePaul was one of the all-time great card manipulators of the 20th century enjoying an amazing career in vaudeville, cabaret, and nightclub work, performing magic just with playing cards.

His lasting contribution to magical literature was that classic text, The Card Magic Of LePaul, first published back in 1949. It has been a revered source of exceptional card magic ever since.

In this new manuscript, card man Ian Baxter revisits three of Le Paul's favourites - The Substitution Envelope Mystery, Hand Picked Aces and that perennial favourite, The Gymnastic Aces.

No sacrificing of effect, no knuckle-busting sleight...

Ed Stoddard
Feature Prediction by Ed Stoddard

Here's a knockout triple prediction that may well be the highlight of your act.

You number three large, 8.5" x 11" cards as Numbers 1, 2 and 3. On each you write a prediction, one for each of three people in the audience who agree to assist in the experiment. Another person acts as a witness, keeping a record of the spectator's thoughts. (Note to mental magic buffs: This is not your grandfather's old "four-for-one method.")

Incredibly direct and easy to do. Makes a terrific climax to your mental routine. If we could be so bold, this allows you to perform a similar routine as that using...

★★★★★ $36
Unknown Mentalist
CalendarX 2025 by Unknown Mentalist

"This is staggering in its brilliance" - Marc Salem

"What a great idea ! Bravo !" - Luca Volpe

CalendarX is a novel and fascinating concept. You just have to print out this 2025 calendar in whatever size you want and you can perform several effects throughout the year using this innovative calendar.

You can do coincidence effects, pin reveals, ACAAN effects, book tests, prediction effects, birthday divinations, add a number effects, diary effects, tossed out type routines, envelope routines etc. This will be a very handy tool for you to carry with you all through the year and perform different...

Gianluigi Sordellini
Impossible Sandwich by Gianluigi Sordellini

Experience the magic with the Impossible Sandwich routine. This incredible performance allows you to find a spectator's chosen card, completely lost in the deck, sandwiched between two randomly chosen cards. A visual effect that will leave your audience speechless!

1st edition 2024, PDF 3 pages.

Peter Pellikaan
Beffor Turn by Peter Pellikaan

You show four blank cards. They become the Jacks with red backs. Then they turn into four aces and finally all the backs have different colors.

1st edition 2024, video 2:44.

★★★★ $14
Jon Racherbaumer
When a Hat Drops by Jon Racherbaumer

Ten things to do when spurred by the moment.

  • Rules Of The Game
  • Further Impact
  • Snap-Slap Transpo
  • Houdini Breaks Out
  • Between Elmsley, Brown, and Himber
  • Pushing Past Failure
  • Why Is This Odd Card So Queer?
  • Stranger Succession Aces
  • Simple-Simon Copper-Silver
  • Marlo's Pellet Classic

1st edition 2002, PDF 31 pages.

Walter Gibson
The World's Best Book of Magic by Walter Gibson

This is an excellent but often overlooked primer on magic.

Excerpt from the introduction:

This book marked the culmination of a twelve-year period in which I contributed dozens of articles to magical magazines, conducted daily columns on puzzles and simple tricks, plus a weekly series of fifty magic lessons for Howard Thurston, then America's leading stage magician. In it, I covered all phases of magic then current, from simple tricks to large illusions, updating them to the present with an eye for the future.

Paul Fleming wrote:

We believe we have said enough to justify the statement, . ....

Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Magic Vierkant 5 by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

Inspired by the Sagrada Familia magic square, Dr. Hans-Christian Solka created his diptych, The Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, in 2017. The diptych consists of the magic squares The Passion and Death of Jesus Christ and The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. By combining Christian symbolism and mathematics, Solka created them with the symbolic sum of 33 without using duplicate numbers. Not only do the sums of each row, column, and diagonal add up to 33, but also the sum of the numbers of the cross. In the center of the cross is the number 9, commemorating the hour of Jesus Christ's...

Michael Breggar
Pair-a-Gon by Michael Breggar

Easily one of the most remarkable mentalism card routines you will ever perform!

Two participants select two cards from a shuffled deck. The deck is again shuffled and mixed. It is clear it is not marked (it could even be a borrowed deck) and not stacked in any way. The cards are placed face-down in front of each participant. Using telepathy, the mentalist proceeds to read their minds and discern the cards that each possesses. The mentalist then removes what he or she believes to be the "mates" of each participant's freely selected card and places them unambiguously on the table face-down...

Bob Farmer
Bammo Buddha Time Machine by Bob Farmer

After the deck is shuffled, twelve cards (one for each month of the year) are shown to the spectator and he thinks of the one corresponding to his birth month.

The twelve cards are isolated in folded papers to prevent any sleight of hand. The spectator names his card and commands it to return to the deck. The folded papers are opened and there are only eleven cards and when shown the thought-of card is not among them. The deck is spread and the thought-of card is found face up back in the deck.

Practically self-working. Easy and fast reset. Can be a different card each time.


Unnamed Magician
Open Prediction: a new approach to a classic plot by Unnamed Magician

"Thomas Baxter would be proud." - Brian Draven

"If you're a fan of the open prediction plot as I am, this is worth checking out. It's a very original approach, which combines existing methods in a unique and clever way." - Michael Gustav

"A very nice idea. I can see myself using this. Super easy to perform too." - Kevin Schneider

In this e-book, I want to share with you my own solution for the classic open prediction plot. The one major advantage of this version is that there is proper shuffling by the spectator just before the final deal - and the magician never touches the deck...

Dustin Marks
Fate: a card mystery that cannot be explained by Dustin Marks

This is without a doubt the most powerful effect in my repertoire. The reactions it consistently generates from audiences are nothing short of astounding, and what makes it even more remarkable is it's easy to do. The psychological principles throughout this effect are truly fascinating - from the way it plays with expectations to how it builds and releases tension. Each of these psychological elements has been carefully crafted to create maximum impact, and these same principles can be effectively applied to enhance numerous other effects in your performances.

Effect: In this compelling...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
The Pin'ch by Unknown Mentalist

A well-known principle in the 'relevant circles' but used in a mentalism routine for the first time. This is a nice and quick effect to always have with you. This can easily fit into any close-up or parlor set. You can also adapt this to stage if you want.

Personally, I carry this on my phone and am ready to perform this anytime, anywhere to anyone at a moment's notice. Of course, you can choose to do the same or you can print or write on both sides of a card (the size of the card is your choice - it can be poker size, index card, postcard, A5 or A4 size, etc) and carry the card with you. ...

Raphaël Czaja
Double Sync by Raphaël Czaja

A numerology experiment involving two predictions with only two packets of cards.

The magician introduces a set of playing cards for a numerology experiment. They all have a different value/number. Some have a red back and some have a blue back. The spectator deals the cards in two piles and puts any pile onto the other one. He does that as much as he wants. For the first phase, the magician needs to evaluate the level of synchronicity between him and the spectator. He removes a set of double blank cards from an envelope (on the table from the start). On one side of each card, he wrote the...

Peter Pellikaan
TKTC by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards from the back. They all have blue backs. When you shake them, one turns up face. It is the king of diamonds. When you show the cards again, they now all have red backs. Another shake and another king turns face up. But now they all have green backs. You then display all four kings from the face. The climax is that all four kings link into one ribbon.

1st edition 2024, video 6:12.

Graham Hey
Undercover by Graham Hey

Here's the latest ebook Undercover from Graham Hey, one of the UK's top comedy writers who has also performed around the world on cruise ships with his comedy magic and mentalism act. This ebook contains over 70 pages of easy, cool visual gags - many brand-new ones, and lots of bonus ones from previous releases. But it's not just visual gags, there are brand new tricks - and he's also included a few golden oldies from his back catalogue as an extra festive treat.

There's JUST ONE MORE THING a very simple but effective card trick where a freely selected (criminal) card is replaced anywhere...

Gerald Edmundson
My Favorite Card Magic by Gerald Edmundson

My Favorite Card Magic explains tricks with straight-forward plots, classic methods and direct handlings. Gerald prefers uncomplicated tricks and routines which can be performed under the most demanding conditions. The tricks do require practice and skillful handling. But you'll not find "knuckle busting" sleights or complex procedures.

Gerald divides the PDF into two sections. Part One is for "in-the-hands" tricks. These routines work well for strolling situations or any time you have no tabletop available. At times, it becomes awkward or not possible for the spectators to take or sign...

★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
One of Card Magic's Best Kept Secrets by Unnamed Magician

"This is one of the most important card magic manuscripts published in the last 25 years. The 'principle' is truly a lost gem and I'm shocked that it's completely out of use today. As the decades passed, it appears magicians forgot about it. Do not pass this up. If you are a serious student of card magic, this principle is something you should know about. Study this manuscript, learn the principle, and, most importantly, learn the history surrounding it.

I've been studying card magic for over 20 years and I never heard of this principle until the Unnamed Magician brought it to my attention....

Jon Racherbaumer
Dustbin Dossier 3 by Jon Racherbaumer

The contents of this series, for the most part, emphasize the history of effects and ideas. There are effects and methods in some of them, though.

  • Proem
  • A Double Take on "Double Trouble"
  • Double Trouble, Marlo Miracle No. 2 / Edward Marlo
  • Lalapaloopa / Deane Moore
  • Never Touch the Pack! / Gerald L. Kaufman
  • The Loop and I
  • Joseph K. Schmidt's Letter to Marlo
  • Treble Trouble / Roy Walton
  • Redouble Trouble / Jon Racherbaumer
  • Andrus False Slop Shuffle

1st edition 2014, PDF 25 pages.

Henry Perkins
Parlour Magic by Henry Perkins

This is a large collection of small experiments and magic tricks to educate and entertain.

Excerpt from the Preface:

The boy whose wonder and curiosity have been excited by the experiments of the scientific lecturer, or the illusions of the ventriloquist, will here find many of these mysteries unveiled, and plain directions for performing them, divested, as far as possible, of scientific or technical language. Many of the descriptions are strictly original, and now, for the first time, appear in print; and especial care has been taken to introduce only such Experiments as are adapted...

Doc Nixon
Doc Nixon Manuscript by Doc Nixon

Discover the timeless secrets of stage magic with The Doc Nixon Manuscript, a captivating ebook that brings to life the brilliance of magic as it was performed a century ago. Originally published in 1920, this treasure trove of stage magic and illusions reveals an array of mesmerizing tricks that blend creativity with theatrical flair. From awe-inspiring productions and vanishes of doves, ducks, and even fishbowls, to the dazzling penetrations and color transformations of silks, this manuscript captures the essence of classic stage performance. Perfect for magicians looking to enrich their...

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