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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 63


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Peter Pellikaan
Xerox Spread by Peter Pellikaan

You will learn the Xerox Spread that allows you to spread five cards as four, hiding one - the second from top.

length 1min 45s

Peter Pellikaan
Ultimate Jacks by Peter Pellikaan

This is a signature effect from Peter, containing multiple counts and a surprising ending. This trick involves color changes of both the front of the cards as well as the backs. As a kicker, at the end of the routine you will be able to show four different backs all different from the ones shown to the spectators before.

You will need:

  • 2 double backers
  • 4 Jacks with different backs
  • 2-as-4 Count
  • Elmsley Count
  • Pelli Spread

length 2min 19s

Peter Pellikaan
Wild Jazz by Peter Pellikaan

Another epic effect by Peter Pellikaan – with an unexpected kicker!

You will need:

  • three double facers (Queen/9H, Queen/9H, Queen/9H, regular 9H, four regular Queens)
  • Cut Count (briefly explained)
  • Elmsley Count

length 4min 23s

Peter Pellikaan
No Kings by Peter Pellikaan

Four kings change to aces, the Pellikaan way.

You will need:

  • double backer
  • wax

length 3min 1s

Peter Pellikaan
Crosses by Peter Pellikaan

Four regular cards are shown front and back, only to have X's appear on both sides right in front of the spectators eyes!

You will need:

  • 2-as-5 Count (briefly explained)
  • Flustration Count

length 2min 11s

Peter Pellikaan
Cannibal Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Four queens consume three selected cards which have been chosen by a spectator.

You will need:

  • 3 extra 9s with two of them having Queens on their backs (double facers)
  • 2-as-4 Count
  • Elmsley Count
  • Pelli Spread

length 3min 20s

★★★★★ $6
Peter Pellikaan
Black Hole by Peter Pellikaan

The big holes in the cards make for a great visual change. It also is an interesting take on an old principle.

length 3min 33s

Peter Pellikaan
Dup Dup Count by Peter Pellikaan

To many, this will look like the flustration count but different. Many call it the FRUSTRATION count, so here's a good alternative to use in your effects.

length 2min 18s

★★★★ $6
Peter Pellikaan
2 As 4 Count by Peter Pellikaan

The "2 as 4 count" is a very versatile utility move which can be applied to any number of effects.

Peter goes into detail on how to grip the cards, make it look natural and even teaches you a little trick you can do with the move. People have been begging Peter to teach them his counts, that time has finally arrived!

length 2min 27s

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 8 by Werner Miller

More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • Baby ACAAN
  • en passant
  • 6 5 2
  • Hen Party
  • Roll Call
  • Double Foursome
  • Teaser
  • On the Left, on the Right
  • … and in the Middle
  • Three of a Color
  • Milk Run
  • Dyad I
  • Dyad II
  • Five Pairs
  • 4 1 / 4 2
  • 4 2 / 4 3
  • Open ESPrediction
  • Voilà!
  • In File
  • Another Choreography

1st edition 2014, 28 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
Bound Ambition by Cameron Francis

"The change blew me away!" - John Gelasi

"I have no idea how it works! Really good stuff!" - Liam Montier

An incredibly visual, high-impact, in-your-face Ambitious Card ending.

A signed card suddenly appears on the card case - under a piece of electrical tape! Easy to do, and generates powerful reactions.

Simple to make gimmick - you probably have everything you need laying around the house already.

Gimmick can easily be transferred to another card box.

Get ready to amaze: buy Bound Ambition today.

1st edition 2014, length 25 min.

★★★ $4
George Blake
A Set-Up Reset by George Blake


Are you afraid of being caught when using a stacked deck of cards? Then you must know George Blake's system! No more fear of spreading the deck face up, if you know it.

From the introduction:

You know seven-eighths of it, if you use or know of either of these set-ups. Learn the other Eighth and be able to fearlessly spread a set-up DECK FACE UP!

I first conceived this idea way back in 1933, when I passed the secret on to a corresponding friend in Sheffield and he wrote back almost in ecstasy about it. As I had...

Raphaël Czaja
Read, Spell and Kill by Raphaël Czaja

Basically, two thought-of cards selected from a thoroughly shuffled deck are revealed by the magician. The first one is found by reading in the spectator's mind. The second one is found by spelling the name of the first card revealed, dealing one card for each letter from the top of the deck. The card at the last letter is turned over: It is the second thought-of card!

Here is the performance in detail: The deck is shuffled by the magician and a spectator. A second spectator does the last shuffle and the magician turns his back to them. Spectator 1 is asked to remove a small packet from the...

★★★★★ $6
Lewis Ganson
Lewis Ganson Manipulation by Lewis Ganson

This is a silent film from the 1950s from Harry Stanley's Unique Magic Studio featuring Lewis Ganson performing mostly card manipulation and a few other routines with silks, coins and lighters.


  • card manipulation (back palm)
  • diminishing cards
  • card fans (also see his Fan Finale)
  • card flourishes
  • giant fans
  • a clear case of anti-gravity
  • coins at his finger tips
  • multiplying lighters

length 6 min 40 seconds

David Devlin
Sight Unseen by David Devlin

Sight Unseen will earn you a reputation. If you already have a reputation, it will make it bigger. The effects in this eBook contributed greatly in earning David Devlin his IBM Entertainer of the Year Award in 2003.

This eBook comes with two presentations and two methods for the same effect. The basic effect is that a deck is shuffled by spectators until they are content. The deck is spread face down. The spectator slips a joker face up into the deck anywhere she wishes. The second joker is placed face up above the face down card above the other joker, thus trapping a single unknown card...

Stephen Ablett
Jack Spade Story Deck by Stephen Ablett

Jack Spade is a private investigator trying to solve the case of the stolen diamond ring. Told through the revelations of a pack of playing cards, this is a story-deck routine that acts as the finish to Stephen's close-up, parlour and stage shows.

Each card is produced from within the deck in time with the narrative. Stephen goes through several versions of the effect, the stack, the false shuffles, the revelations, secret marks, extra cards and all the gags - everything.

Its a card trick with every card in the deck and its a superb finish to any magicians set.

[Note that additional files and documents are available on your digital shelf.]

1st edition 2014,...

★★★★ $12
Nick Conticello
The Shadow Placement by Nick Conticello

Here you will learn several stunning sleight-less card routines which are based on a principle that while not new, already Alex Elmsley and others before him have explored it, is brought to new prominence by Nick Conticello. Using this idea he has created stunning card routines that require no sleight of hand. Nevertheless, the occasional false cut or false shuffle can greatly enhance these pieces. Nick teaches an effective false cut, the Widdershins Cut.

  • The 23rd Card
  • The 28th Card
  • The Shadow Divination
  • The Widdershins Cut
  • The Three Predictions

1st edition 2014, 16 pages.

Wesley James
Out of Sight Discernment II by Wesley James

Two of the Most Impossible Card Effects of this Century

No one is surprised when Wesley James introduces a card effect that breaks new ground. He has been doing so for nearly fifty years. However, when he releases two innovative new plots in one dedicated volume, you know they must be incredibly powerful.

Out of Sight Discernment II and How'd You Know are two such effects.

Out of Sight Discernment II

From a shuffled deck, which could be borrowed, a spectator is given the opportunity to think of any one of potentially dozens of cards you offer to show them at different random points...

★★★ $10
Stephen Ablett
Cabaret Find the Lady by Stephen Ablett

This is Stephen's stage size Find the Lady Routine using any three ungimmicked, any size cards. It can be done close-up with playing cards or business cards. It can be done on stage with A2 size cards with cartoon pictures on them or images of the company logo. The possibilities are endless.

Because the cards are ungimmicked, it can be customized to the client. So you can have a picture of the bride in-between two pictures of the groom for a wedding. You can have a picture of the company boss in-between two signs that say "You'r Fired" for a corporate dinner party.

On this download...

★★★★★ $10
Gerard Zitta
Darwin by Gerard Zitta

A classic mathematical principle with two piles.

This is an old mathematical principle used in many card effects. Most of the effects were done with 52 cards. But the principle works with any number of cards (or business cards). This manual explains the principle in detail and generalizes the principle. It allows you to predict the last card that will be left after dealing two piles and eliminating the same pile every time. After reading this ebook, you will be able to use any number of cards. The original pile can be any size, the discarded pile can be chosen, and the final card can be...

Abhinav Bothra
Ablest Change by Abhinav Bothra

Ablest Change is a bold and fast card color change that immediately establishes you as a skilled magician. This is a one handed color change which is fun to practice and perform. Here you end up without any face-up card and this change offers two easy clean-ups.

★★★★★ $10
Cameron Francis
The Triple by Cameron Francis

"It's a BEAST! Nice work!" - Liam Montier

"Great, solid commercial stuff like you ALWAYS do, Cam." - Jack Carpenter

"It's really f***ing GOOOOD!" - Dave Forrest

Three amazing effects. One professional grade routine... This is The Triple.

If Triumph, The Collectors, and a color changing deck effect all got together and had a baby, it might just look something like The Triple. Cameron Francis delivers another knockout multi-phase card routine that's truly amazing to witness but devilishly simple to execute. No gimmicks. No difficult sleight of hand. Just a truckload of powerhouse magic. Perfect for the professional...

Dave Forrest
Snatch by Dave Forrest

Impossibly produce a card the spectator is thinking of from a cased deck, bound with a rubber band!

Your spectator shuffles the deck and hands it back to you. You make no moves. They think of a card from inside the deck. You make no moves. They are then immediately handed the deck to shuffle again. You make no moves. The deck is fairly cased and then bound with a rubber band. Within THREE SECONDS you produce one card from inside the deck yet the deck itself is still cased and bound. The spectator removes the band. The spectator removes the deck and is asked to locate the card they were thinking...

★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
Pockethereal by Jon Racherbaumer

As a plot, Cards Across is fairly simple and direct. It's a transition effect where a number of cards - usually three - magically travel from one packet to another. There are methods that use gimmicked cards, others use purely sleight-of-hand.

This manuscript is an exploration of subtle methods based on Stewart James' "Pockethereal." Its selling point is that there are no switches or exchanges. The only sleight of hand is the false counts. This put it in a class by itself.

  • POCKETHEREAL (Stewart James)
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