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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 69


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★ $4
Eddie Joseph
The Invisible Influence: the no touch card act by Eddie Joseph

This ebook contains an incredible 6 phase card routine where you do not touch the cards. If you are looking to show something that has not been seen in years, take a look at this incredible routine. Eddie works everything out for you and the instructions are very detailed.

1st edition 1951, PDF 17 pages

★★★★★ $5
Harry Lorayne
Personal Secrets by Harry Lorayne

This was Harry's second book on card magic where he reveals several of his best routines.

From the introduction:

The effects and routines you’ll find here are some that I purposely left out of my first book on cards, Close-Up Card Magic. Frankly, I had intended to keep them to myself. However, the response to Close-Up Card Magic has been so overwhelming and Lou Tannen has been so persuasive—that I finally acquiesced to putting these in print. That’s the reason for the title, P.S. This is really just an addenda to Close-Up Card Magic.

  • Foreword
  • Four Of A Kind
  • Red and Black Fantasy ...
★★★★ $2
Raphaël Czaja
Biddle Juice by Raphaël Czaja

Two cards are selected by Topper and Ramada and lost into the deck. The magician removes five cards from it. Topper confirms that one of them is his selection and the packet is placed between his palms. Ramada selects an indifferent card that is placed between her palms. After a magical gesture, Topper's card disappears from his packet. The magician says that playing cards like to switch places and that Topper's card should be reversed in the middle of the deck whereas Ramada's card should have switched places with her random card. One card is found reversed in the middle of the deck... but...

★★★★ $8
Jon Racherbaumer
Cutting Deeper: an exploration of coercive cutting by Jon Racherbaumer

This manuscript is ancestrally related to Criss-­Crossings: Unleashing the X-­Force insofar as it also deals with cutting cards. In this case, it deals with "cuts" and "turnovers."

This type of combinatorial maneuver began with Henry Christ's forcing technique that he developed in the early 1920s. He originally developed six variations but he only published the fifth one in Ted Annemann's book, Sh-­h-­h It's a Secret, calling it "The 203rd Force." It subsequently has been referred to as the Christ Force and it spawned many versions and applications.

Because of the cut-­?turnover-­?and-­?replacement mechanics, the Christ Force is often confused with Ed Balducci's...

Peter Duffie
Best of Duffie 6 by Peter Duffie

This latest volume in the "Best Of" series of Peter Duffie eBooks takes a new direction. Almost 40 card routines have been extracted from Peter's past books and are included in this volume. All the routines have a common denominator: They all involve the selection of a card (or cards) and their subsequent revelation in clever/devious ways!


  • Klektors
  • By Pass
  • Hour Magic
  • Card Two Pocket
  • Saved By The Belles
  • Special Envoy
  • 37 Years Later
  • The Keepers Of Secrets
  • Miracle Or Impossible Revisited
  • Phantomesque
  • Dreamland
  • Simply Stated
  • A Twisted Tale
  • In Place
  • Catalystic Collectors ...
Peter Duffie
Best of Duffie 1 by Peter Duffie

45 tricks from more than 20 books, 2 insane essays

The Best of Peter Duffie 1 is a perfect cross section of card magic's evolution over the years. Duffie has worked with so many legendary figures that his inspiration is a frenzy of possibilities. Each trick in this ebook was selected as the very best of Peter Duffie's extensive online library.

Duffie employs the most direct method to get from point A to point B. You'll finish the trick without one wasted move; an important characteristic of any good magic trick. A streamlined effect provides ample opportunity to develop the presentation. ...

★★★★★ $4
Jerry Andrus
The Miser's Miracle by Jerry Andrus

EFFECT: The performer shuffles a deck of cards and fans them out, explaining that he will use the two cards wherever the spectator says, "Stop." At the spectators indication the performer stops and removes the two cards at that point. Both hands and both cards are shown on both sides and without further manipulation the two cards are placed together face to face, and a silver dollar is seen to slowly emerge from between them.

After rolling up his sleeves and again showing his hands empty, the performer picks up the deck from the table and shuffles it again. The cards are fanned out, and again...

Jacob Taub
The Doc and His Deck by Jacob Taub

This ebook's purpose is to teach something about the art of close-up card magic; not just to describe some card effects. Each chapter consists of three parts:

  1. the text
  2. captioned drawings
  3. a summary of moves and sleights
The sleights are comparatively few but basic, nevertheless 340 illustrations are used to illuminate them. Legends have been added to the drawings which was an innovation in magic textbooks. Also the text is liberally and ubiquitously sprinkled with illustration references. While the emphasis is on digital dexterity, presentation, patter, and misdirection receive their share...
Nick Conticello
The ACAAN Experience by Nick Conticello

Author and collector Doug Edwards after seeing a performance said:

"That's the best impromptu ACAAN effect I've ever seen!"

If you have ever wanted to do an impromptu version of the David Berglas classic ACAAN but despaired of finding a workable method, rejoice! In his new ebook The ACAAN Experience Nick Conticello offers you four impromptu methods.

Each version of Nick's effect CAAN-Fluence starts from a single premise but uses a different technique each time to place a freely chosen card at a freely chosen location in a borrowed, shuffled, incomplete deck. None of these versions require any...

★★★★★ $9
Paul LePaul
The Card Magic of LePaul by Paul LePaul

This work by LePaul has become a classic a long time ago. It is a must read for anybody who is seriously interested in card magic. LePaul was one of the 20th century's most admired card technicians. Here he teaches you 31 moves and 21 routines, beautifully explained in word and more than 300 photos showing the master at work.

Paul Fleming wrote:

No one who has seen the program of Paul Le Paul can doubt his ability as a performer; and no informed magician who reads The Card Magic of Le Paul will question that it is a real contribution to the literature of card conjuring.

The "new and different effects...

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Sloka Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Sloka Deck is a mnemonic deck based on probably the world's smallest mnemonic for a full deck card stack. A practical alternative to brute memorization and math rules. This creates an almost instant stacked deck for you. Very tiny and yet powerful mnemonic holds the key to your 52 cards. An easy and practical rule is embedded into this tiny mnemonic to aid instant recall. You will be able to know the entire stack within minutes of reading the instructions.

Basically, given a card you can instantly know the previous and next cards. And with a little visualization, this can be used as a memorized...

Abhinav Bothra
Pigment and Pixel by Abhinav Bothra

Two different methods to mark Bicycle Rider Back / Bicycle Standard playing cards. Nothing tough to memorize. You'll literally be doing it in minutes after reading this ebook.

1st edition 2015, 11 pages.

★★★★★ $6
Jerry Andrus
Sleightly Miraculous by Jerry Andrus

A treatise on the Panoramic Shift.

The Panoramic Shift grew out of Jerry's Delayed Center Steal and Up The Sleeve described in Andrus Deals You In.

  • The Panoramic Shift
  • The Side Delivery Palm
  • The Side Delivery Turn-Over
  • Side Delivery Palm from the Top

1st edition 1961; 1st digital edition 2015, 12 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Eddie Joseph
Jumbo Card Tricks by Eddie Joseph

These are Eddie Joseph's thoughts on jumbo cards from a time when jumbo cards were a real novelty. Note that several of the tricks described require special jumbo cards such as double facers, duplicates, etc., and some require tearing cards and writing on cards.

  • L & W reversed card
  • A useful force
  • The shrinking jumbo
  • Turn around card
  • To bring the cards to the top without a pass
  • Burning a woman alive
  • Message from the flames
  • A mental test
  • A stripper deck trick
  • Two card Monte
  • Prediction with a special deck
  • Mirror box
  • Rising card trick
  • A change with a double face card
  • Reds and blacks ...
Jerry Andrus
Sleeving from the Deck by Jerry Andrus

From the introduction:

When my first ideas on sleeving from the deck were published in Andrus Deals You In in 1956, they must have looked a little weird to those unaccustomed to the ways of Andrus. I heard of various comments from "Impossible," to "This guy's crazy." Being a magician, I cannot fully deny the second, but the first has been well proved in my utilization of the sleeving move on many occasions. Sleeving From The Deck is another of the after effects of Andrus Deals You In. While the method put forth in that book was practical (in spite of its looking reasonably impossible to some) and was considerably used in my magic,...

★★★★★ $30
Jerry Andrus
Andrus Deals You In by Jerry Andrus

This fantastic classic of card magic is considered by many to be as important as his famous Andrus Card Control. This new digital edition has dozens of Andrus sleights, flourishes and routines, all illustrated by 370 drawings by the author. Jerry's work with the diagonal jog is priceless!

Paul Fleming wrote:

This book will inevitably be compared with the great card treatise of a little more than a half-century ago, The Expert at the Card Table, by S. W. Erdnase. Like its predecessor, it is obviously the work of an expert; like the earlier book, it is primarily about card techniques rather than card...

★★★★★ $10
Sheldon Waldman
Underhanded Sorcery by Sheldon Waldman

This is number four of the Paul Diamond "Gems of Magic Book" series.

Being a treatise on sleight of hand and including a fabulous "Eye-popping opener".

  • Introduction
  • The Close-Up Change
  • The Flick Change
  • The Turn Down Change
  • Using The Table Changes The Double And Triple Transposition
  • Room At The Top (An Ambitious Card Routine)
  • An Eye Popping Opening Routine
  • The Revolving Color Change
  • Triple You Do As I Do (Impromptu)
  • The Dunbury Delusion Outdone
  • A Variation In Handling
  • The Excedrin Headache
  • The Instantaneous Steal
  • The 21st Stunner
  • The 22nd Stunner
  • Impromptu Psychometry
  • The Expansion...
★★★★ $6
William (Bill) Simon
Effective Card Magic by William (Bill) Simon

This book was edited by Jean Hugard and illustrated by Stanley Jaks.

Martin Gardner had the following to say:

"Bill Simon has achieved an astonishing mastery of the medium. His mind is constantly probing for new and subtler moves, and bold effects which break fresh paths in the card jungle. In this book he has given generously the fruits of his thinking and experience. The result is a book almost certain to become one of the basic texts of modem card conjuring."

This ebook covers many entertaining plots, novel sleights, shuffles and fancy cuts as well as useful information on practice, structuring, presentation, audience...

★★★★★ $4
Eddie Joseph
Bombay by Eddie Joseph

Bombay is not just one card trick. It is an entire magic principle. Seven complete routines are given but you will be able to develop many more once you understand the versatile secret of Bombay. This miracle effect has stood the test of actual performance for both laymen and magicians. In case you wonder, the name derives from the place it was conceived.

1st edition 1953; PDF 11 pages

★★★★ $4.95
Ulysses Frederick Grant
50 Crazy Card Stunts by Ulysses Frederick Grant

These are all laugh getters, great ideas for zany card effects you will use to pep up your more serious routines. Easy to do, impromptu, and very effective. Devised by U.F. Grant, an expert at this sort of thing.

1st digital edition 2015, PDF 7 pages.

Father Cyprian
The Bottom Collectors by Father Cyprian

From the forward:

What are Bottom Collectors? Perhaps this may be best explained by stating a goal set for working out a version of Roy Walton's "Collectors". The goal was to achieve a clean spreading of the Collectors packet. The means adopted was the addition of three aces plus the three selections to the face of one ace. This is easily done if the six-card stock is on the bottom of the deck. It can be added directly to the face of the supposed ace packet. Thus the name "Bottom Collectors". Another factor that came into developing this approach was that all of the published versions of...

Lynn J. Searles
The Card Expert by Lynn J. Searles
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One The Psychology Of The Card Expert
  • Chapter Two Basic Sleights
    • The Lace-Through False Shuffle
    • The False Cut
    • The Compound False Cut
    • The Simple False Cut
    • The Second Deal
    • The Bottom Deal
  • Chapter Three Miscellaneous Sleights And Moves
    • Back Palming A Complete Deck
    • The Riffle Cut
    • The One-Hand Shuffle
    • The Weave-In Shuffle
    • The Multiple Lift
  • Chapter Four Tricks And Deceptions
    • A Subtle Card Location
    • Ace Control
    • Jacks And Aces
    • Second Deal Four Aces (No. 1)
    • Second Deal Four Aces (No. 2)
    • A Renovated Trick
    • A Renovated Trick (A Variation)
    • Another Card...
★★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
Sleeve Subway by Ken de Courcy

A brilliant card-up-the-sleeve routine wherein you perform the effect first with regular cards and then with JUMBO'S.

Not difficult to do - a pleasure to learn and a delight to perform. Complete with Ken de Courcy's original fully illustrated routine, (based on a concept by R. M. Jamison), and full patter presentation to perform this unusual and entertaining mystery.

The effect is the following:

The magician introduces three playing cards, for example, a Two of Hearts, a Three of Diamonds and a card which is conspicuously different to the other two, an Ace of Spades. The cards are...

★★★ $0
Unknown Mentalist
Karma Deck Story by Unknown Mentalist

This is the story of the making of the Karma Deck. The various emotions, thoughts, incidents and most importantly the people involved in the making of it. The culmination of this story is the fact that Karma Deck reached the very top of the hot list on Lybrary and stayed there for over 100 days and continues to be among the top few.

1st edition 2015, 23 pages.

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