What would happen if "8 Kings chased Mr. Stebbins and shocked his wits?"
This is an idea that got delayed by 25 years. And I am sorry for the delay. Although familiarity with 8 Kings and Si Stebbins stacks would help, you can also apply this Yogik Deck idea/principle to any other stacks of your choice and create your own new customized stack.
Included is a spooky-comic routine which is probably possible only with the Yogik Deck.
HAUNTED HOTEL (It had only 13 rooms)
Travelers who lost their way. Past sunset. A lonely haunted hotel. 3 rooms out of the total 13 rooms are supposedly...
Do you want to thrill and impress your spectators? Paul Lelekis provides eight outstanding effects that are easy to do and will make your spectators the center of attention.
Paul's introduction will teach you a very little-known secret of performance and the finer points of making your magic thrilling to your spectators, bringing them into your "magical universe" - not just standing on the outside, looking in. This info is extremely important!
Paul also teaches the power of routining your effects together to produce a thrilling magical experience for your entire audience.
Magic To Thrill...
Michael MacDougall explains new sleights, new methods of culling and stacking, new bottom steal, and more. Of interest to all card men, magicians and demonstrators. The second part of the book is S.W. Erdnase's seminal work on the art of sleight of hand with playing cards, The Expert at the Card Table.
Paul Fleming wrote:
To call this book Card Mastery is to adopt the attitude that it is fitting and proper for the tail to wag the dog. For nearly three-fourths of the book consists of a reprint of S. W. Erdnase's great work, The Expert at the Card Table, and only a trifle more than one-fourth is the contribution of Mr. MacDougall. An actual count...
This SOS series is probably the "world's first superstore for ordering suits".
From the introduction:
This ebook is a bit of a departure for me. The material is mathematical, but it need not be performed with playing cards. It can be performed with pencil and paper close-up, or with a blackboard or a dry-erase white board in platform or stage settings. Thus it can be employed in situations when the use of playing cards would be inappropriate. However, I will describe these effects with playing cards as that is how I use them.
The basic idea is that the performer predicts the sum of a seemingly random array of cards or numbers. The spectator has quite a bit of control...
A lovely digital reproduction of a book from England describing a range of card moves. It is profusely illustrated and very clearly describes all basic card moves and many specialties. Twenty chapters deal with subjects such as: The Pass, Location, Palming and Forcing, False Cuts, False Shuffles, False Counts, The Double Lift, Top and Bottom Change, Glide and Slip, Glimpse and Peek, Reversing Cards, Flourishes, Fanning, Front and Back Palm, etc. Learn the right way to do these sleights.
Other chapters deal with Presentation, Card Climaxes, Patter, Color Changes, Mental and Gambling Effects....
SOS Vol.1 gives you a set of 4 simple rules with which one can generate 24 different suit sequences. These suit sequences can be applied to any stacked deck including the Karma Deck or Rasik Deck or Sloka Deck.
Even though there are many, many different types of stacked decks available, when it comes to generating unique and random suit sequences there are very few options available like chased, shocked etc whose red/black alternating pattern may become a limiting factor sometimes. The objective of Suit Order Systems is to fill this gap. Also, this could be very useful if you are also a creator of...
More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2015, 30 pages.
A Thought Well Stolen combines two of magic's great card effects - Any Card At Any Number, and Paul Curry's Out Of This World - into a wicked hybrid; morphing them into a mind-blowing frenzy. Can you even imagine what this resultant offspring would look like?
As in Any Card At Any Number, the performer reveals the identity of a freely though-of card - and its position in a deck - without asking a single question. Seriously, this is solid and gripping mentalism; there is no force, the card is a free mental selection and no questions are asked. Having read his spectator's mind, discerning his card and its position in the deck, the performer...
Including covers, contents page and suchlike, Cards In Here is a 64 page ebook of card stuff. More than two dozen tricks, ideas, thoughts and whatnot to titillate the palate. Nothing complicated, no knucklebusters, no outlandish gimmicks, just simple down-home pasteboardian foolishness.
More than enough to put the anti-card brigade into a serious coma, but good fun for the rest of us.
This is a new Any Card at Any Number effect in which (apparently) the spectator does all of the work, and it happens all in his hands. Not only that, but the performer has predicted the entire outcome; the card and the number, far in advance! This is all true. The performer never touches the deck once the effect begins.
Here is the effect as the audience sees it: The deck is shuffled by a spectator. The performer has any spectator think of any number between one and fifty-two, but not to reveal it to anyone until asked by the performer. Nothing is written down. The number is simply thought...
A classik twist to a classik stack. Now this 2nd edition includes a printable image of the Rasik Deck stack for visual practice and a cool method suggested by Rick Silberman for getting into the Rasik Deck stack from new deck order.
A Shocked Duchess became Si Stebbins' Karma (Destiny). If Si Stebbins would have learnt the Karma Deck this would have been the result. The Rasik Deck is the surprising result of applying the Karma Deck principle to the age old Si Stebbins stack. And added to this is a novel method of using existing suit systems to create a random suit sequence. So the final end result is a fabulously refreshing stack with many...
Here we offer three new approaches to Bob Hummer's classic Mindreader's Dream effect. A spectator merely thinks of a card and out of the performer's view deals some cards to impress the card on the subject's unconscious mind. The dealt cards are lost in the pack. The performer asks the spectator some questions, studies the subject's nonverbal responses, and slowly but surely names the thought-of card.
One method requires a small stack, the other two are impromptu. All use ordinary cards and no sleights. The deck need not be complete.
This item will be of interest to mentalists and card...
Three card monte. Almost no skill. The given presentation guarantees lots of laughs.
Why the funniest?
Well, here is what happens: The routine starts with a funny joke about a three-card-monte player. The joke conjures up a crazy image in the minds of the audience that elicits huge laughter. The next laugh comes from the fact that the spectator who is invited to play the betting-game is asked to keep track of the odd card while it is clear that the odd card has grown in size and protrudes from the other cards. With the 1st round of the betting-game there comes a laugh when it is clear...
This was Eddie Joseph's first card publication. As such, coming out in 1942, it represented already at that time 20 years of performing. It's unbalanced contents shows very much that it is not simply a book of card magic, but a summary of Joseph himself as a card man and his particular biases and interests. A chapter on his particular way of doing the fundamental sleights he depended upon and an entire chapter on the intelligent use of daub.
This is mostly an ebook on card magic but it also has a few effects with coins, dollar bills and cigarettes. By far the best routine in the ebook is the "Ten Card Poker Deal". It is a hugely entertaining, dynamic routine in which ten cards culled from the deck are dealt into two poker hands in a multitude of ways, but somehow, the magician's hand always ends up winning. The effect is virtually self-working and Harry's routining turns it into a real reputation maker.
From the Foreword:
Of course, I can't make an entertainer out of you. I can include effects and routines in my books with...
A fascinating combination of Biology and Numerology in this volume of Deckology. A deliciously novel flavour of "Scientific Mysticism". You will discover weird secrets in your deck of cards which will enthrall and mystify your audience. Every card trick of yours, especially card mentalism effects, will look more baffling and more interesting for the spectators when you build in this theme of "Scientific Mysticism".
Also included is some useful bonus information for magicians and mentalists for use in their patter and presentations.
1st edition 2015, 13 pages.
A different take on the usage of the mini-plunger or tiny plunger. When Danny Orleans showed the item to Jon it sparked his creativity. Read about the outcome here.
1st edition 2013, 41 pages.
This is a comprehensive course in how to make your own playing cards which are almost indistinguishable from store bought cards. It covers everything starting from the design, print, cut, coating and other relevant issues.
84 card tricks with an explanation of the general principles of sleight of hand using ordinary cards.
Five elegant routines. Simple and self-working. Long lasting lingering impact. No forces. Novel and refreshing presentation themes, patter pieces and scripting bits.
Make a card appear or change behind a window!
With WindowX you can make a card appear or change a card behind a window. You also can change the card in a sealed plastic bag that is attached and in full view behind the window. The spectator can remove the card or the bag himself (in most situations). The gimmick is very easy to make.
You can use many (but not all) windows. The trick is perfect to present in your living room or at a party with a little set up.
1st edition 2015, length 20 min