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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 62


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★★ $6
David Devlin
Lucky 13 by David Devlin

A blue backed deck is shown. A card is removed, and placed aside. The deck is spread face down. It is seen that all of the cards have blue backs, except for one card which has a red back. Two cards are now very randomly chosen, and their values are added together. Let's assume that the total is "13" (the actual total is up to you!). The deck is turned face up (in every instance) and the cards are dealt one at a time until the 13th (or whatever value was chosen) card is dealt. Let's say that the 13th card is the Queen of Clubs. The deck is now spread face down. Each and every card has a blue...

David Devlin
The Visitation by David Devlin

This came about thanks to Larry Jennings' classic effect, "The Visitor". David has always loved that effect. It is impromptu, there is no setup, a borrowed deck can be used, and the effect is stunning. One day, David was playing with the routine, and began to think along the lines of, "Wouldn't it be cool if the selected card could be seen the entire time? What if the spectator could see their card sitting between the two face down cards right up until the very moment that it vanishes?" The answers, of course, are yes! Of course it would be cool. And with The Visitation these things are possible!

Here is...

★★★★★ $30
Wesley James
Stop Fooling Us! by Wesley James

The Wesley James Magic Castle Lecture

Not everyone will immediately recognize the name Wesley James. Those in the know will. For many years Mr. James has been an underground secret. During his many years as a professional he refused to lecture for magicians or publish the effects he used in his professional performances. Since Mr. James has retired from performing and has lectured for magicians. Stop Fooling Us! are the lecture notes from his first lecture series.

"One of the best sets of lecture notes I've seen in quite some time. Top notch stuff! and a good value." - Harvey Rosenthal ...

Mike Kempner
The Fairest Hands-Off Open Prediction by Mike Kempner

Would you like to control the physical actions of your spectator, and in the process make an impossible prediction? The beauty of this particular effect is that it is absolutely hands-off and 100% fair. The performer DOES NOT touch the cards once the effect begins. The performer only touches a card case once with the cards inside. Furthermore, the deck of cards can be borrowed. This truly is an astonishing display of skill, as you create a very special hands-off open prediction.

You provide (or ask a spectator to provide) 2 decks of cards, one blue and one red. They are both lying flat on...

Mike Kempner
Face Up Face Down Mentalism by Mike Kempner

You ask the spectator to blindfold you, or you turn around so that you can't see anything that the spectator is doing. You really do not see anything! You ask the spectator to create 5 piles of 10 cards each, so that 50 cards are in play. You tell her to make sure that there are 5 cards face-up and 5 cards face-down in each of those 10 piles. They can be in ANY order, and she is to do all of this ordering in ANY way she wants, without telling you (and, of course, you can't see anything that she is doing).

You then let her know that you are going to separate each pile of 10 cards blindfolded...

Jim Sisti
Jazzy Transposition 2 by Jim Sisti

Four Jokers mysteriously vanish from one place and reappear in another...

The cards certainly appear ordinary...but your audience will be rubbing its eyes as four bicycle-riding Kings disappear right off the faces of four Jokers one at a time and reappear on the faces of previously blank cards. It even happens when a spectator places their finger on one of the blank cards!

Here in more details what the spectators see:

Two packets of cards are introduced, one containing four Jokers, the other four blank-faced cards. One Joker is set aside as a "leader card" and the others are tabled....

★★★★★ $20
more than one
type to choose



(Benny) Ben Harris
Quarks and Quirks by (Benny) Ben Harris

"Some of the most clever takes on the Torn and Restored Card in years, Ben Harris' Quarks & Quirks is an invigorating journey of topological twists and tears." - Richard Kaufman

A journey beyond the tear, inspired by the weird world of Quantum Physics. In this superbly produced book, filled with photographs Ben Harris shares seven routines. Includes:


A method for apparently tearing a card cleanly in half, while in reality, only tearing one quarter from the card. This sets you up as either a "quarter ahead" or a "quarter behind" depending upon the intended...

more than one
type to choose



(Benny) Ben Harris
Exit 51 by (Benny) Ben Harris

"A beautifully realized moment of astonishment ... the new gimmick is very clever indeed!" - Paul Harris

"A stunning vanishing deck that takes an original idea by Paul Harris and sends it to the moon." - Richard Kaufman

The remarkable effect shifts "the moment" in Paul Harris' amazing Vanishing Deck allowing for a card to be selected and signed.

This selected card is shuffled back into the deck which is then held in full view.

Upon command, the entire deck visually vanishes (that's right - it just blinks out of being) leaving only the chosen card as a poignant applause cue.

Exit 51...

★★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
A Case For Cards by Ken de Courcy


In this short thesis I'm going to discuss a fairly well-known plot ... "The Card in the Card-case". If you think about it, there's more 'logic' in this effect than in, for example, "The Card in Matchbox"; the card-case is already there because the cards were in it. Unless you smoke while performing, there is little reason for introducing a matchbox into the equation.

"The Card in Wallet" is a good, well-tried effect, but I submit the "Card in Card-case" is more "impossible" because it's in view all the time. This last point, obviously, creates difficulties which I'll...

Ronald Wood
Impossible by Ronald Wood

What is Impossible?

Impossible is a tried and tested workable effect that will stun your audience! (Especially if one of them asks you 'that' IMPOSSIBLE question!) "Can we shuffle the cards? Can we just cut to and look at a card? Can YOU find that card?"

Ronald Wood presents Impossible. A card effect that shows your audience nothing is IMPOSSIBLE.

1st edition 2014, 11 pages.

★★★★★ $2.49
Erivan Vazquez
The Cards Will Back You Up 2.0 by Erivan Vazquez

The basic effect as seen by your spectators is that you can read minds and see through the cards as if you had X-ray eyes.

  • The deck can be shuffled
  • You never know the spectator's card
  • You never look at the faces of the cards after the selection is made
  • No multiple outs
  • No special decks or props required
This is an updated version of the first publication of The Cards Will Back You Up. In this new version you will find some corrections that were made due to the fact that the version described in the first edition did not work one hundred percent of the times. With the "new" (or corrected...
★★★★★ $8
David Devlin
The Holy Dixie Cup by David Devlin

A deck is borrowed. It is thoroughly shuffled by a spectator. The performer has any spectator think of any number between one and fifty-two, but not to reveal it to anyone until asked by the performer. Nothing is written down. The number is simply thought of. The performer now has a different spectator name any card. There is no force of any kind! After a very funny gag, the performer for the first time asks the spectator to reveal the number that he has merely been thinking of. Let us assume that the number is twenty three. Without any fumbling or manipulation of the deck, no cuts, no shuffles,...

Daniel Madison
Deceptions by Daniel Madison

Deceptions by Daniel Madison contains his personal favourite offerings to the world of sleight-of-hand and deception, from his infamous work on pocket and table indexes (Advocate and Tyrant) to deck-switching devices and techniques and routined demonstrations designed to boost your perceived level of skill in close-up deceptions with a deck of playing cards.

The ultimate, full-deck, single-pocket, playing-card-index that allows you to be secretly within possesion of ANY needed playing card within a moments notice...

Construction. Mechanics. Locating Cards. Retreiving Cards. Wedge....

★★★★★ $4.95
Abhinav Bothra
Behind My Back by Abhinav Bothra

Another version to the classic Card Calling Trick but this one is on steroids.

The spectator selects 4 cards while the performer is facing away. After selection, the performer turns his back toward the spectator. The spectator shuffles the 4 cards and holds 2 in each hand. With performer's back turned towards the spectator - he is able to call out the sum of the values of the card in each hand. He proceeds to identify the cards. And even calls out which card is in which hand.

  • Uses no marked cards.
  • Can be done with a borrowed deck.
  • Do it for 1 person or a 100. Great reactions every time. ...
★★★★ $4
Mike Kempner
Photographic Memory Experiment by Mike Kempner

Have you ever wanted to hypnotize someone to have a photographic memory? Now, you can create this illusion using a fantastic principle applied in an innovative way. This effect uses only a deck of playing cards (which can be borrowed, no set-up required at fact, you don't even touch the cards). After the spectator randomly shuffles the deck, you ask her to quickly glance at each card. Under the premise of a hypnotic induction, you then cause her to remember the location of any cards. Let's assume she is "tested" to locate, for example, the 2 of hearts and the 7 of spades. If she says...

★★★ $8
David Devlin
Theta Waves by David Devlin

Nick Trost's "Eight Card Brainwave" is a classic and killer effect. That effect was the starting point for David when "Theta Waves" was in an embryonic state. What David has done is created an "Eight Card Brainwave" effect that is totally examinable. There is only one odd backed card in the eight-card packet!

The basic effect is simple. A packet of eight arbitrary cards is shown. All eight cards are different on the face. The backs however, are not shown. It is explained to the spectator that there is one card and one card only that's back is different than the others. The spectator decides...

★★★★ $10
Jim McKeague
The Best 200 Tricks With A Svengali Deck by Jim McKeague

This exclusive book has now been republished as an ebook. Encyclopaedic in scope, with notes on making, handling, pitching, and performing in a variety of situations.


  • Handling the Svengali Deck
  • Pitching the Svengali Deck
  • About the Tricks
  • Impromptu
  • Almost Impromptu
  • Multi-Method Classics
  • Novelty Revelations
  • Things going wrong, and sucker effects
  • Apparatus Required
  • Special Decks
  • Publicity, Promotion, Spectacle
  • Using sleights and moves
  • Miscellaneous
  • The Last Word

1st edition 1999, 181 pages.

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 7 by Werner Miller

More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • Two Questions
  • Under/Down Sandwich
  • Tag Team
  • Lie + Truth = ?
  • 1 + 3 = 4
  • Take Five
  • A Nest of Predictions
  • Viale
  • As the Saying Goes
  • Echo
  • Arc de Triomphe
  • Determined I
  • Determined II
  • Diligent
  • Parallels
  • Ambitious Symbols
  • Tornado Spotting
  • Pairs I
  • Pairs II
  • Dance of the Symbols
1st edition 2014, PDF 31 pages.
Ken de Courcy
Ken on Kards: Card Magic for Non-Card-Men by Ken de Courcy

The title of this little booklet is self-explanatory. In the pages of this lecture Ken gives advice on how to create a card act. He begins explaining his twists on classic card moves as the pass, card changes and force. Then he gives a brief description (direct to the point) of several card tricks that can be included in the act.

The majority of the tricks are improvements of other tricks or are Ken's original. Many are loaded with comedy in the usual Ken de Courcy style. In the manuscript you will find

  • The face to face routine
  • Nap hand Sam
  • The Indian rope trick
  • The triple cut discovery ...
Mats G. Kjellstrom
Extreme Pickpocketing by Mats G. Kjellstrom

Pluck a selected card from within a shuffled deck inside a closed card box in the spectators jacket pocket! In less of a second!

Detailed Effect:

The spectator selects a card and shows it to the audience and memorizes it, the spectator puts it back anywhere in the deck and then shuffles the cards, then the spectator slides the complete deck into the card case, closes the flap. The spectator puts the card case with the deck in his own outer/external pocket on his jacket. The magician shows his hands empty (the magician can roll up his sleeves, more convincing) and he pulls the correct card...

★★★★★ $60
Wesley James
The Real Work by Wesley James

Many magic books come and go but when Wesley James releases a new book, serious students of magic pay attention. This is his first all new book since 2007 and it shows the same consideration for detail and exceptional technique he always delivers. In addition, it reveals new plots and insight into the thought he gives any new effect or routine he explores. Each investigation is important; any of them could change your magic forever.

It should come as no surprise to those who have read Wesley's previous works that he examines card magic at a depth rarely found in any field, but less so in...

Ian Kendall
Palming by Ian Kendall

Palming - This video pack contains three video lessons on palming cards - the two handed top card palm, the one handed top card palm and the Gambler's cop. 27 minutes in total, these lessons will have you palming cards with confidence in a relatively short time.

length 27 minutes

★★★★★ $10
David Devlin
Trapped by David Devlin

The effect is pretty simple and straight forward. A card is selected. In fact, the spectator can change his mind and select a different card! The spectator then signs the card across its face. The card is then folded into quarters with the face side out, so that both the identity of the card and the signature can be seen throughout the performance. An empty mason jar with its lid firmly in place is shown. The card is now slapped against the bottom of the jar, and instantly and visibly the card penetrates the jar, and is now trapped inside! The spectators can clearly see that it is in fact the...

★★★★★ $10
Harry Baron
My Best Card Trick by Harry Baron

From the editor's note and foreword:

The ideas emanate from the brains of those who are among the top flight of card men to-day, and I earnestly commend them for your serious study, because apart from being original - and never before published - they are all absolutely practical and every one of them has been audience-tested.

Arthur Holland and I have been through this book page by page, with cards in our hands, and are convinced that there are no sleights which cannot with due diligence be mastered. And the mastering is well worthwhile for the contributors have given what they were asked...

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