Mariano Palhinha, famous for his manipulative magic, here reveals his favorite effects--many of which rely on subtlety instead of difficult sleights. Primarily card miracles, one or more should easily find a place in your repertoire.
From the introduction by B. W. McCarron:
I urge you to pay particular attention to the author's 'With the Chameleons' — a two-deck miracle that features a double color change of the card backs. And then, to top it off, the two decks themselves exchange places on the table!
Five totally impromptu card effects.
Released back in 2009, the original Moment's Notice kicked off what became a wildly successful series of impromptu card magic ebooks. Over the years, Cameron has revisited the material from the first booklet and made significant improvements. Now, for the first time on video, comes a collection of all five of the original effects, featuring brand new handlings and, in a couple of cases, completely re-imagined plots that look almost nothing like the ones from the ebook.
This is first rate impromptu card magic that's easy to do, and guaranteed to blow minds.
Effects: ...
This work compares the contents of Jean Hugard's Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, Encyclopedia of Self-Working Card Tricks, and The Second Encyclopedia of Card Tricks by Glenn G. Gravatt, to see which effects and discussions were kept, altered, or deleted by Hugard. It will also identify those effects added by Hugard.
1st edition 2020, PDF 19 pages.
A spectator secretly counts off any number of cards, selects one and mixes it in the packet, which you now take for the first time. You mix them some more, and then she deals them face down, alternately to you and herself. She continues dealing until she is left holding just one card. She turns it over and - it's her selected one!
May be repeated as often as desired. No sleight of hand, markings, duplicates or guess work. Work it with a borrowed deck. Highly endorsed by Le Paul, Carl Lyle, Frazee, Lu Brent, and others.
Only in this revised and expanded edition do you not only get three...
Two eye-popping 2 card transpositions using Ablest Change.
1st edition 2020, length 5:30
3 gimmickless in-hand card tricks.
AMBIENCE // A multi utility card move that can be used both as a control to the top or as a reversal at the bottom.
DYAD // An in-hand Card At Any Number.
DYAD 2.0 // An in-hand two card transposition ending with a surreal ending.
DYAD 3.0 // An unusual card trick based on the idea of an in-hand triumph with a colour changing deck finale.
Honest Note :: Each of the 3 clips in the demo video was shot in one single take to let you see how it'll look in real time.
1st edition 2020, length 20 min
An in-hand two card transposition with a surreal ending.
In the demo video I am simply using two cards, these can very well be selected (forced) cards, the explanation video has a couple of methods for it. In this download you'll also learn the Ambience Control. It is an essential move for the in-hand two card transposition.
1st edition 2020, length 13 min
Who can predict where in the deck someone will shuffle their card, to the specifics, e.g. a certain number of cards down into the deck? Even creepier would be if it relates to something you uttered beforehand as if it made it happen.
Imagine this. You mention a scenario where they are 2 or 3 off guessing the amount of candies in a jar. Then the spectator thinks of any card, shuffles the deck they're holding, then finds that card 2 or 3 off from your written prediction just like the candy scenario. The only other outcomes would be if it's just 1 off or dead-on, but you're covered there too...
The following effect, "All That Jazz," was first published in Gregg Webb's underground magic newsletter, FEEN-X in 2000.
1st edition 2020, 4 pages.
The featured effect, "Five Card Phlugelheimer," enables you to walk among your audience and allow five people to mentally select five cards from a deck:
1st edition 2020, 5 pages.
If you love sleight of hand and if you want to do a creative routine in card magic, then this is the perfect four ace transposition routine for you. It requires you to be able to do the Elmsley Count and the Classic Palm.
This routine has been inspired by esteemed magicians like Larry Jennings, Dani Da Ortiz and Bebel. What sets this routine apart from others is that it employs only sleight of hand and no gimmicks whatsoever. I have performed this routine in many shows. It is a visual treat for the audience for its kicker ending which includes card from box. You will be very happy to see...
Pigment & Pixel 2.0 has two marking systems designed for the standard Bicycle Rider Back. Both the marking systems are based on something that you've been seeing since your childhood hence it is almost impossible to forget. One of the marking systems is small and while the other is big, so you're covered of either kind of eyesight.
Note : This download consists of only the marking systems and does not come with any tricks with a marked deck.
1st edition 2020, 9 pages.
A compilation of five impossible to find card magic manuscripts of the 1920s and 1930s from the self-styled Gambling Detective. These manuscripts originally cost the equivalent of $120 when first released. Now, in this compilation, they are available for less than the price of a fast food lunch.
You get Mickey's Favorite four Ace Routine: The four Aces are placed face up on the table, then three indifferent cards are placed on the top of each ace. After one pile is shown to actually contain an ace and three indifferent cards, the four cards are shown again, back and front, and the ace has...
During the 1970's Dai Vernon demonstrated this around the Magic Castle to anyone who was interested. He was quite fond of it. It is a neat, highly deceptive, practical hole card switch using natural actions, something he highly favored.
1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages, video 12s.
This compilation, like my others, my goal is to discover the "bits and pieces" and in this particular case, to partially answer how and why The Lazy Man's Card Trick came into being?
Beyond the Eight major pieces of material, not to mention sleights and subtleties, that have remained unavailable since the 20-year run of the New Tops ended, Wesley James has completed the task of fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."
If the long-unavailable Marlo items were all Wesley compiled, this would be an important contribution to the literature of card magic. As tribute to Ed, Wesley wanted this volume to offer more. So, he added clarifications and corrections - both logical and grammatic - plus his own personal Notes. Some of those Notes...
The Spell Deck is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use memorized deck. Just a couple of very simple rules and you instantly know the value of any given position and vice versa. The Spell Deck is also flexible in that the same rules can be used to generate 4 different memorized decks. All that is explained clearly.
S.O.S Vol3 is included in this ebook. It contains 3 cool ideas for ordering suits, not just for the Spell Deck, but can be used for other stacks as well. When you combine the 4 variants of Spell Deck with these 3 Suit Ordering Systems and their built-in variants, you can create a whopping...
Written by a past master at the art of misdirection, many of the effects are off the beaten path, revealing the original and creative mind of the author. Here's what magical inventor R. W. Hull had to say about a few of Sandu's original mysteries:
In "So Simple" is a mystery that has baffled the brightest minds who've seen it, when you're able to tell how many cards a spectator has cut from a shuffled deck.
"The Sequence of Suits" can be made into a dandy "betcha" stunt and becomes more fun the more times it is repeated.
"Sandu's Prognostication" is something a little different. It is a delightful...
Add to your arsenal of outstanding mental and card effects with this hard to find manuscript from a recognized master of deception. These exclusive secrets will serve you in good stead throughout your performing career, no matter whether you're a professional, semi-pro, or hobbyist.
Contains ten effects, plus as many as four methods for performing each one, all patiently and painstakingly explained. You may, in fact, chuckle to yourself as you read the practical, yet diabolical methods -- they're so darned clever. They all have the "Baker Twist", where gimmicks and ruses are used on the off...
Two books in one, containing the secrets of a professional's act of club and mental magic, plus his favorite card effects.
We love it when a working performer tips the actual methods from his act. And that's what you get in the first half of this enjoyable ebook, which was originally released as a limited edition. The second half contains Sandu's favorite card effects. While not all of the effects in this section are self-working, they rely on sleights that the average performer already knows.
Inside you'll find described a pair of excellent livestock effects that you can make yourself;...
An ungimmicked and easy-to-do double transformation with playing cards using the spectator's signature.
The magician displays a red-backed Joker. "Jokers can be useful in any card game but they also have interesting properties for magicians. Let me show you how." A spectator selects and signs a card in a blue-backed deck. The magician buries the signed card and inserts the Joker into the deck. "When in contact with the deck, the Joker is able to take the identity of any selected card, including yours." He spreads the cards face down to show the red-backed Joker in the middle. The red-backed...
An effortless CAAN that the audience performs for themselves.
Honest Note: While you don't touch...
From the preface and introduction:
This book could be titled "The Game of Thirty-One Revisited" because of the various articles that have made an attempt to describe the game. Why then did I set out to write this? First, because I consider the game of thirty-one such a delightful diversion from the "norm" that I want to bring it to the attention of the magic fraternity, and second, because I have many ideas I would like to add.
At the Magic Castle, in Hollywood, the game was first shown to me by Dai Vernon in August of 1980. The "Professor" frequently showed me card puzzles that he had learned over...
The Ace to Six of each suit are placed on the table, and the two players turn cards face down alternately and a running total of the pips is maintained. The winner is the one who takes the total to no more than 31. Even after the spectator is told the secret to winning, the magician still wins. Ends with an extra kicker.
PDF 10 pages