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Theory, Articles & Reviews in Magic & Mentalism: page 3


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★★★★ $6.95
Van Cleve
How To Win A Magic Contest by Van Cleve

Written by a man who has won many magic contests and who has the trophies to prove it! They illustrate this ebook.

  • Introduction
  • Why Enter A Magic Contest
  • How To Win...Before The Contest
  • Deadlines
  • Time Limits
  • Contest Categories
  • Standard of Judging
  • Learn the Situation
  • Plan the Act as a Contest Winner
  • Consider What Works Best in a Contest
  • Rehearse a Winning Act
  • How To Win...During the Contest
  • Make the Most of the Audience
  • Make the Most of the M.C.
  • Make the Most of Your Act
  • Make the Most of the Judges
  • How To Win...After the Contest
  • Win With the Magic Award
  • Win With or Without...
Ian Kendall
Egotistical Opinions by Ian Kendall

This is a collection of six theory talks by Ian Kendall on various subjects of performing in general and performing magic in particular.

1st edition 2009

Ian Kendall
Egotistical Opinions: Stage Fright by Ian Kendall

This is the sixth video from Egotistical Opinions. In this six minute lesson Ian explains his approach for conquering stage fright, a proven method that may sound strange, but one that means stage fright, and 'shaky hand syndrome' are a thing of the past. Everyone can benefit from this advice, beginners and experienced performers alike.

1st edition 2009, runtime 6 minutes

★★★★★ $7.50
Ian Kendall
Egotistical Opinions: Practicing by Ian Kendall

This is the fifth video from Egotistical Opinions. In this six minute lesson Ian talks about the correct way to approach practising and how to get the most from your practice sessions.

1st edition 2009, runtime 6 minutes

Ian Kendall
Egotistical Opinions: Performance by Ian Kendall

This is the fourth video from Egotistical Opinions. This 13 minute clip talks about performance, professionalism and generally getting the correct attitude to entertaining your audience.

1st edition 2009, runtime 13 minutes

Ian Kendall
Egotistical Opinions: Visual Noise by Ian Kendall

This is the third video from Egotistical Opinions. This ten minute lesson talks about the concept of visual noise, and how you can control your body language so that you are not distracting to watch. This information is useful for both stage and close up performers, as well as anyone who needs to speak in public.

1st edition 2009, runtime 10 minutes

Ian Kendall
Egotistical Opinions: Microphone Technique by Ian Kendall

This is the second video from Egotistical Opinions. The 32 minute video covers microphone technique for magicians, covering handheld, tie clip and headset mics. Ian shows the correct way to handle and use the microphone so that you look and feel confident and professional.

1st edition 2009, runtime 32 minutes

Ian Kendall
Egotistical Opinions: Entrances by Ian Kendall

This is the first lesson from Egotistical Opinions. In this 12 minute video Ian talks about entrances, and how to make that important first impression. Covering both stage and close up situations, he shows examples of how he starts a show, and then explains why he does what he does when he does it. The final story is not only true, but still makes him wince...

1st edition 2009, runtime 12 minutes

★★★★ $7
Wilhelm Eberhard
Understanding the Tamariz False Clues Method by Wilhelm Eberhard

Tamariz' False Clues method helps professional magicians to eliminate contradictions from their acts, guaranteeing they produce the effect they really want on their audiences. This ebook explains the method, helps you avoid common errors and provides an overview of the fundamental theoretical concepts you need to correctly use every aspect of it.


  • Understanding and using Tamariz' False Clues method
    • Is it difficult to use the False Clues method?
  • First Part: Preliminaries
    • Nelms' importance of meaning theory
    • Tricks lacking meaning are perceived as a challenge to solve a puzzle ...
★★★★★ $29.95
Jeff Stone
793.8: Where is The Magic? by Jeff Stone

"I'm an enormous fan of the philosophical perspectives flowing through this book, but make no mistake, these pages also document many powerful, clever, commercial magic effects. Among my favorites are 'Leaving Decks', 'Martika', and the extremely intimate 'Ode to Charlie.'" - Jay Sankey

"Jeff Stone's 793.8 asks us to discover where the magic is in our methods, effects, presentations, and in our lives. Perhaps we do not care or think we know, but Jeff lightly and joyfully keeps at us with his tricks and reflections until we are moved to wonder more broadly and deeply about our experience of magic....


but available
in this bundle


Paul Gordon
The Real Secrets of Card Magic by Paul Gordon

Tips, Advice, Thoughts, Experience, The Business, Patter, Presentation, Acting, Skills & More

"The book is called The Real Secrets of Card Magic but it should more accurately be titled The Real Secrets of Being a Professional Magical Entertainer. In this new volume, Paul Gordon offers wisdom that could only be gained through years of actually performing magic for real people for his living. If you feel that you have a commercial repertoire of material and can present it in an entertaining fashion, The Real Secrets of Card Magic will surely help you to the next plateau of becoming a professional...

★★★★★ $5.95
James B. Findlay
How's Your Library? by James B. Findlay

An authoritative ebook on collecting for collectors. Written by one of the world's foremost collectors. Covers the whole subject of the care and arrangement of the magical library, data on the books themselves, bookplates with pages of examples, plus the Mulholland article on same. Other bits by well known collectors. Highly recommended to all who are building up their magic libraries, no matter how small at present. Preface by John Mulholland.

1st edition 1952 (self); 2nd edition 1958 (Ireland Magic); 1st digital edition, 44 pages.

★★★ $9.95
Frances Marshall
Magic Bookman by Frances Marshall

Illustrated with nostalgic, rare photographs by Irving Desfor. Not to be read just once, but to keep as a reference ebook in your library.

  • Great Writers Discuss Books, by John Braun
  • Buy Lines, by Jimmy Findlay
  • Quest for Magic Books, by George Jenness
  • The Magician and Comedy, by Bob Orben
  • The Magical Bookie, by S. R. Patrick
  • Calculated Risk, by Dr. Edwin A. Dawes
  • Pleasures of Reviewing Books, by Sid Lorraine
  • Are Magic Books Worthwhile?, by John Mulholland
  • Books About Books, by Robert Lund
  • Magic Catalogues; Exciting Reading, by Dr. Grossman
  • Rarities, by Edgar Heyl
  • Thoughts on Lecture Notes, by Gary Bontjes ...
James Alan & Dr. Sammy Jakubowicz
Ninety Nine Fabrications: the ultimate collection by James Alan & Dr. Sammy Jakubowicz

Rumors have long persisted of an "other" IBM Ring in the city of Toronto. This motley crew of magicians, mentalists, gamblers, jugglers, psychics, university students and general dilettantes met regularly at a secret place known only as "the usual place and time" and adhered vigorously to its vague objectives of advancing the art of magic, trading gossip and exploring techniques for the vanishment and disappearance of pub foods in a collegial environment.

This is Ring 99 and these are their stories.

Includes the official Ring 99 membership oath, the Ring 99 induction lecture, "Hail to...

★★★★★ $9.95
Peter Prevos
Perspectives on Magic: A book about the science of conjuring by Peter Prevos

When watching a magician the question that is most pressing on people's minds is how did he do it?

This is not the only question that can be asked of a magic performance. A psychologists might ask why it is possible that the mind can be deceived, occupational therapists are interested in how performing magic tricks can help people with physical disabilities and sociologists research the subculture of magicians.

This ebook explores some answers to the questions that scholars from different fields of science have asked about the performances of magicians. For magicians this ebook provides...

★★★★ $4
Devin Knight
10 Myths About Magic Exposed by Devin Knight

"Devin Knight is the Guy Jarrett of our time. He exposes many common magic "facts" as myths and explains why they are not true and should not be believed. You can improve yourself and improve your magic if you stop taking to heart those age-old lies that magicians and magic dealers made up just to ease their conscience about taking money from strangers." - Jim Kleefeld

"A fast, informative, high-impact read from the ever-interesting Devin Knight. As magicians and mentalists, we often lose sight of the observations detailed here. Highly recommended!" - D. Ulin

The theme of this e-book is that...

★★★ $5
John B. Pyka
Theatrical Magic Omnibus Edition: Turning Tricks into Theater by John B. Pyka

This is a revised and updated edition.

"A magician is an actor, playing the part of a great magician" - Robert Houdin.

This classic quote is at the heart of Theatrical Magic by John Pyka (aka "Big Daddy Cool" Johnny Dellarocca). John is an accomplished actor and magician, with a degree in Music and Theater Performance from Eastern KY University and a thriving career producing theatrical entertainment for theaters, theme parks, cruise ships and corporate events.

In his ebook Theatrical Magic, John teaches the reader how to create theatrical presentations for by presenting the reader with creativity...

★★★★★ $8.95
Michael Ammar
Making Magic Memorable by Michael Ammar

This audio MP3 is Michael speaking on his theories of how to make your magic more memorable. It contains stories and ideas from his performance experience.

★★★★ $15
Clint Barron
Understanding Misdirection by Clint Barron

This is a nice and sweet introduction to the concepts of misdirection and how you can apply them to your own performance.

1st edition 2012, 12 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Misdirection?
  3. The 4 Principles of Misdirection
  4. Principle 1: The Off-Beat
  5. Principle 2: The Eyes
  6. Principle 3: Use Your Natural Style
  7. Principle 4: Justification of Moves
  8. Putting It All Together
  9. Final Thoughts
  10. Credits & Useful Resources
Boris Wild
Creativity and Impact by Boris Wild

Detailed explanation of the method to build a creative act and the techniques of impact on the audience used by Boris (including a whole chapter on how to create standing ovations).

For the very first time, a full-time French professional performer unveils all the secrets that will allow you to develop and strengthen the impact of your magic on the audience: thinking and process of creation, techniques of working, presentation, interaction with the audience, body language, psychological subtleties...

Boris even explains the method he developed to build his FISM award winning act. A method...

★★★★★ $20
Brian Richards
Tapping Into Your Creative Flow by Brian Richards

If you believe that either somebody is creative or not and that there is nothing you can do to increase your creativity then this is not an ebook you want to read. However, if you do believe that you can improve your creativity, or if you are at least curious of how one would go about doing that, then I highly recommend you read this ebook by Brian Richards.

This ebook is not a generic self-help book. It directly addresses the magician and the specific needs and questions a magician has. It is also a very honest and down to earth book. Brian does not promise you that by simply reading it...

★★★★★ $10
Dan Harlan
More Than Meets The Eye by Dan Harlan

So, you want to be a good magician? Get these performance, routining, and creativity notes, which detail step-by-step instructions to make your magic better. Packed with time saving tips and techniques that you can use to quickly elevate your routines to a professional level. Learn how to use the Triple-Trilogy Structure and the powerful Series of Three Principle to plan your entire show. Then, you'll learn how to fully script your routines (forget about "patter"), organize your props, practice and rehearse (yes, they are different!), and conduct your business professionally.

Plus, you'll...

Brian Miller
For Your Consideration by Brian Miller

"A splendid lecture which delves into the psychology of tricks and the thought behind them." -Central Connecticut Magicians' Association

"Brian elevates our art to a very high standard." -Ken Maynard, S.A.M. Assembly 16

"Very creative and informative." -C. Parker Swan III, Magic Historian

The unexamined routine is not worth performing.

Brian Miller has performed extensively for colleges, high schools, comedy clubs and theaters with his unique integration of stand-up comedy and magic to consistent adoring critical praise. In addition to his packed performing schedule, he currently...

★★★★ $5
Jon Racherbaumer
The Too Perfect Theory by Jon Racherbaumer

Can a magic trick be too perfect? Too impossible? Well, opinions differ. Some of the most prominent minds in magic disagree. Reading these essays will help you form your own personal opinion on this fundamental question. The theorists are:

[Note that this collection of essays is also part of the Ask Roberto Giobbi ebook.

1st edition 2008; 61 pages....

Displaying 71 to 94 (of 142 products)
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