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The Bat Numbers 51 - 86 (1948 - 1951)

Lloyd E. Jones
The Bat Numbers 51 - 86 (1948 - 1951) by Lloyd E. Jones...
  1. ... Fifty-Nine - November 1948 - 8 pages
  2. Trailing The Dove-Tail Shuffle To It's Lair - Charles T. Jordan
    • 1. Close - Range Mind Reading
    • 2. Long Distance Mind Reading [see Bat #9, page 47]
  3. Bat's Belfry - editor's comments
  4. Puzzle Corner
  5. Great Card Tricks - Glenn G. Gravatt
    • Eerie Cards
    • Cards and Matches
  6. Gag Bag
    • Columnist Minus Best Shirt After Contact With Fox, Expert Magician - reprint
  7. Trickster Monthly (report from B.A.T.)
    • shipment this month - conclusion to the B.A.T.
    • new buying Plan
    • and other gossip
  8. Keeping TAB
    • Clayton Rawson to edit the Unicorn Mystery Club News ...
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The Amazing Routine

Joseph B.
The Amazing Routine by Joseph B.

This effect is one of the most powerful ones that I still perform. A truly exceptional prediction. The magician is able to predict how many cards the spectator has in his pocket a long time before the routine starts.

This is what happens:

The magician places 3 predictions on the table long before the routine begins. The predictions are always in view. The spectator shuffles the deck of cards and freely cuts the deck, he remembers the card he cut to and puts a portion of the deck in his pocket. The magician cannot absolutely know how many cards the spectator has put in his pocket. Despite...

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MP4 (video)

The Art of Modern Conjuring Magic and Illusions

Henri Garenne
The Art of Modern Conjuring Magic and Illusions by Henri Garenne...
  • ...
    • ...Rules to Be Remembered
    • The Magician's Wand
    • The Magician's Tables
    • The Magician's Dress
    • Talking to the Audience
    • Preliminary Remarks
    • Modes and Methods of Palming: Palming Coins
    • Passes with Coins
    • Cautions Respecting Passing
    • Utility of Passes
    • Ringing
    • Cards and Cardplaying
    • Suitable Cards for Card Tricks
    • To Make the Pass
    • To "Force" a Card
    • To Make "False Shuffles"
    • To "Palm" a Card
    • To "Change" a Card
    • To Get Sight of a Drawn Card
    • To Draw Back a Card
    • To Make Four Cards Change from Eights to Twos, and from Black to Red
    • To Nail a Chosen...
★★★★★ $8
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Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #3

Biagio Fasano
Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #3 by Biagio Fasano... amazing automatic "Any Card At Any Number" Effects.

These are the simple rules that all my effects obey in this project:

  1. The deck in use could be stacked or gimmicked, but anyway it must be possible to show it to the audience (and in case, to be quickly examined by a spectator).
  2. Once the cards have been (falsely) shuffled, the deck is given to a spectator and the performer will no longer touch it until the effect ends.
  3. The performer will simply provide all the instructions that the spectator will follow and the effect will happen in his own hands.
  4. Viewers will truly believe they...
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Bending Minds 2

Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond
Bending Minds 2 by Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond

With Bending Minds 2 continues the collection of effects centered on the principle of the binary system, according to a new and innovative vision. From this second volume on, not only playing cards will be used to tell our magical stories, but also simple notes or some business cards.

We present four more effects, two with cards and two with notes, with a number of elements varying from 4 to 8. Throughout the course of the effect, the cards are subject to a dynamic, the positions are constantly changing, each time in a different way. Even more than in the first volume you will be able to...

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In Your Hands 2

Roberto Bombassei & Biagio Fasano
In Your Hands 2 by Roberto Bombassei & Biagio Fasano

10 new card magic effects, semi-automatic and hands-off, thought to be performed at distance, remotely in a video call (like Zoom, Skype, Google Meet...) or just on phone. Some mathematical principles alternate with others less known in card magic, to create easy but amazing new effects that can pleasantly fool all your viewers.

Here are the effects, all executable at a distance:

FIVE CARDS MIRACLE - One card thought of in five, so simple and straightforward that it will fool anyone.

E-SANDWICH - Two special cards will be able to capture the card the spectator is thinking about. ...

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Law of Communicating Vessels

Renzo Grosso
Law of Communicating Vessels by Renzo Grosso

Ask the spectator to take any deck of cards, and to shuffle it well (it is useless, but it is very "magician"). Get a few cards, as many as the spectator wants, and then make another packet of the same size next to this one. You will ask the spectator to move, as desired, cards from one pile to the other, to divide one pile into two unequal packets, to look at a card of a certain number down the middle pack, and then collect the packets one on top of the other. Before concluding, remind the spectator that he made all the choices independently, he chose the number of cards to move from one...

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Genii Volume 77 (2014)

Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 77 (2014) by Richard Kaufman...
  1. ...
    1. ... - Dean's Box - Performance - Paul Daniels
    2. online video file available - Chimpanzee Card Trick - Paul Daniels
    3. online video file available - Glass of Water - Performance - Paul Daniels
    4. online video file available - Glass of Water - Explanation - Paul Daniels
    5. online video file available - Cards Across - History - Paul Daniels
    6. online video file available - Cards Across - Performance - Paul Daniels
    7. online video file available - Cards Across - Explanation - Paul Daniels
    8. online video file available - Chop Cup - Performance - Paul Daniels
    9. online video file available - Chop Cup - Explanation - Paul Daniels
  2. Light from the Lamp - Reviews
    1. Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
      • Vapr - Will Tsai
      • Complete Peek Wallet - Tony Miller
      • The Wowlett! - concept by Luke Dancy
      • Heinstein's Dream - Karl Hein
      • 52 Shades...
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Maybe You Think

Joseph B.
Maybe You Think by Joseph B.

Determine the card selected and the sum cast with two dice in a novel and very deceptive way.

You show a deck of cards, shuffle it and while you look away the spectator throws the two dice, adds the points shown, removes that many cards and remembers the lowest card in the removed packet. The dice are covered so that the performer can't see them. Now comes the unusual thing. The removed packet is inserted by the spectator somewhere in the middle of the pack. Then the spectator cuts and with a rosetta shuffle the cards are shuffled. This is immediately followed by any number of riffle and...

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MP4 (video)

Herrmann's Wizards' Manual

Alexander Herrmann
Herrmann's Wizards' Manual by Alexander Herrmann...
are called respectively Drawingroom, and Grand or Stage Magic. The former is made up of feats depending upon manual dexterity, chemical combinations, and arithmetical problems. Grand magic, likewise, consists of manual manipulation, and, in addition, mechanical appliances, and optical illusions. Cards, of course, play an important part in both branches.
    • The Magic Wand
    • The Magician's Table
    • The Magician's Dress
    • The Vanishing Gloves
    • Palming.
    • The Pass.
    • To Secretly Change a Coin.
    • The Half-dollar Wand.
    • The Shower of Money.
    • The Tray of Proteus. ...
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Eyes of the Gods

John Hamilton
Eyes of the Gods by John Hamilton

An exceedingly clever location of two cards using the Free Cut Principle by the inventor of this beautiful principle.

Effect: The performer hands a deck of cards to one of two spectators with the request that he shuffle it, and then divide it equally with a second spectator. While this is being done, the performer turns his back.

Now each spectator is instructed to select a card from his respective half. Next they each exchange a number of cards so that the performer doesn't know how many cards each man holds, or which cards were selected (and he doesn't). Now the performer tells them...

★★★★★ $6
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Expert Manipulative Magic

Charles C. Eastman
Expert Manipulative Magic by Charles C. Eastman

A great manuscript describing manipulative magic with cards, coins, and balls. Included are several moves and effects by legendary trade show magician Tommy Tucker, including the first release of his classic "Six Card Repeat".

Excerpt from the foreword:

In answer to their numerous requests for the latest sleights, tips and "dodges" used by the up-to-date card manipulator, I'm giving them a selection of forty items to choose from. All of them have been used by the writer, so therefore will be found practical. Every reader, be he "an expert" or a young enthusiast, should find something...

★★★★ $9
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Found Cassette Tape

Mystic Alexandre
Found Cassette Tape by Mystic Alexandre

Unsettle anyone who owns a pack of cards!

You bought a box of vintage things in an estate sale and inside the box you found a creepy old cassette tape. You managed to find a tape player and what you heard was somewhat unsettling causing you to go quickly look at the pack of playing cards you have sitting on your coffee table. It's apparently a recording of some kind of preacher responding to a friend who wrote him a letter, concerned that his daughter was getting into playing cards. As you know, playing cards are sinful, evil, and the Devil's work.

They're not called the Devil's Pasteboards...

★★★★★ $6.66
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Card Magic: a Svengali Deck Routine

Dr. John D. Bain
Card Magic: a Svengali Deck Routine by Dr. John D. Bain

The Svengali deck of cards is a specially prepared deck of playing cards (Poker-sized or Bridge-sized) that can be used by magicians or entertainers to perform various tricks. The deck and the tricks performed with it are assisted by its unique design and require almost no skill. It is based on a very old principle of entertaining deception and confidence game manipulation.

The cards of the deck can be flipped or riffled to create the illusion that the deck is completely ordinary. It can even be apparently mixed and shuffled. The trick involves a spectator choosing a card from the deck and...

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Three Pile Location: on steroids

Unnamed Magician
Three Pile Location: on steroids by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a deck of cards. He spreads it face up to show that all the cards are different. Next, he invites a spectator to thoroughly shuffle the deck. Once the spectator is done shuffling, the magician takes the deck to demonstrate what they are to do. He cuts off some cards from the top of the deck as he tells the spectator "I want you to cut the cards from the top of the deck like this in order to make some piles." He then reassembles the deck and hands it back to the spectator as he says "Let's do 3 piles. So cut the deck into 3 piles." Furthermore, he promises...

★★★ $20
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(Contact)Less is More ACAAN

Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano
(Contact)Less is More ACAAN by Joseph B. & Biagio Fasano

An incredible A.C.A.A.N. effect completely in the hands of the spectator.

The title of this eBook contains the acronym for "Any Card At Any Number," and in fact the new version explained here, incredibly automatic and completely hands-off, of this famous card magic and mentalism effect, is capable of surprising even many magicians (we can say this with full knowledge of the facts, having personally tested it in magic circles) and guaranteeing a "devastating" impact on the audience.

After introducing and quickly showing a normal deck of cards, the magician shuffles, and cuts, then places...

★★★★ $9.90
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Star Test

Unknown Mentalist
Star Test by Unknown Mentalist... effect is couched in a pseudo-scientific presentation. The credibility and believability factors increase exponentially. The effects described here, although easy to perform, deliver a high impact and elicit amazing reactions.

What You Get: Along with this PDF you also get 2 poker-sized cards which are high-quality and beautifully produced cards that will last you a long time with reasonable care. You can easily carry these 2 cards in your wallet or pocket.

Presentation: Synaptic Transmission is the process of nerve-to-nerve communication in the central nervous system, whereby...

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gimmick & PDF

Baccarat Fair and Foul

Professor Hoffmann
Baccarat Fair and Foul by Professor Hoffmann...
most effective warning against indulging in so perilous a pastime.
    • Laws of Baccarat Banque
    • Frauds by the Banker Methods of Card-Sharping Employed at Baccarat
    • Frauds on the Part of the Banker
    • Arranged Series of Cards
    • The Formation of the Portee
    • The Application of the Portee
    • Arranged Packs of Cards
    • Marked Cards
    • Sleight of Hand
    • Secret Telegraphy
    • Arranged Packs or Series of Cards
    • Marked Cards
    • Sleight of Hand
    • Secret Telegraphy
    • Adding to or Decreasing the Stake...
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ACAAN: another approach to an age-old plot

Unnamed Magician
ACAAN: another approach to an age-old plot by Unnamed Magician

Note: For those of you who own ACAAN: A Fresh Approach to an Age-Old Plot, this uses a totally different principle.


The magician introduces a special deck of 52 cards, where each card is seen to have a number 1 through 52 printed on it. The spectators (two of them) are asked to verify that all the numbers are indeed different, that there aren't any duplicate numbers. The magician hands one spectator this special deck (in a face-down position) and says, "I want you to select a number 1 through 52. But instead of just thinking of a number 1 through 52, I want you to randomly select one. Like that, even you don't know...

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Twist and Shout Ritual

Biagio Fasano
Twist and Shout Ritual by Biagio Fasano

An amazing magic ritual that, performed with the audience, will invariably lead to success. Actually, a self-working, impromptu card magic effect, which uses four simple cards taken at random from the deck and results in an amazing "ritual," which can also be performed in close-up or on a stage, or remotely, even over the phone, and which will never fail to amaze the entire audience involved!

Four very common playing cards are used, taken at random from a deck of cards, and with which the illusionist, at the same time as one, dozens, or hundreds of spectators (each supplied with four different...

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Hyper-Sensitive Mentalism

Biagio Fasano & Marco di Biase
Hyper-Sensitive Mentalism by Biagio Fasano & Marco di Biase

A new Mentalism effect, as impromptu as it is inexplicable!

This is a simple Mentalism effect, incomprehensible to the audience and executable on virtually any occasion, as it uses eight simple cards that can be drawn from any deck. The Mentalist, with his back turned or blindfolded without any make-up, asks a spectator to think of any card and draw it from the deck, together with any seven other cards with which it will be shuffled by herself. She will divide the pack between her own hands, holding in each four face down cards.

At her pleasure, she will turn face up of the two bundles...

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Daniel Young
Compendia by Daniel Young... which means half of you won't be interested. No tricks. It's about believability, logic, structure and so on. Well worth a read for the aspiring mentalist, or anyone who might be interested in Daniel's thoughts on the subject of mentalism.

The Sharp Mind
It's mentalism witha borrowed deck of cards. It contains Daniel's versions of other classic effects. You can read his Any Card at Any number, plus some of it's variations, that have previously been seen in Mind over Magic magazine as well as other outlets. It's all practical stuff that Daniel uses frequently when there's a deck of cards...

★★★★★ $38
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Magic (Mussey)

June Barrows Mussey
Magic (Mussey) by June Barrows Mussey...
Spots (dinner-knife and bits of paper), The Floating Sugar, and The Coin in the Roll ("sometimes used by the great English conjurer, Devant"!). Group 2 (25 pages) describes The Poker Trick, The Coincidence (a "Do as I Do" routine, credited by the author to John Mulholland), the familiar Row of Ten Cards, Penny Telepathy, a simple form of The Rising Cards, The Spelling Master, The Piano Trick (from Downs' The Art of Magic) and a number of other items. Group 3 (8 pages) is limited to a few coin sleights and "folds," and several very simple tricks. In Group 4 (25 pages) are some easy rope releases,...
★★★★★ $5
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Astound Your Audience Vol. 1

Verrall Wass
Astound Your Audience Vol. 1 by Verrall Wass

This is the first volume in a five volume series from which only two have been published.

Verrall Wass takes us through his card tricks from manipulation to mechanical stage/platform effects. The ebook is split into two sections, one describing effects with regular sized cards, the other with giant cards.

The last chapter espouses some of his personal ideas as to magical presentation and psychic phenomenon. Robert Harbin even donated an effect to this collection - "The Card in a Lemon." Many of the ideas in this ebook have been hibernating since 1936 and need to be performed for the public.


★★★★ $9
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Displaying 745 to 768 (of 889 products)