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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 6470 to 6493 (of 10405 products)
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★★★★ $10
Simon Caine
The Stained Glass Effect by Simon Caine

A deck is borrowed from a spectator. The deck is shuffled by the spectator. They select a card and commit it to memory. Nothing is forced, no card is mentioned out loud.

A second spectator is thinking of any number between 1 and 52, the card is replaced and the deck is further mixed. Nothing is forced, no number is mentioned out loud.

Only after both spectators are satisfied with the random state of the deck are the freely chosen card and number named out loud (only if they want! This information can stay unknown to the performer the whole time.)

The performer does not touch the deck,...

★★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
One Dream Bottle by Ken de Courcy

Here is a mental effect that is useful for after-dinner shows.


On the performer's table stand five bottled drinks. All contain different drinks, but they are all the same size. A spectator is invited to mentally choose one, then they are covered by him with five identical covers and, finally, mixed so no one can know the position of any particular drink. At this point, the performer turns his back and directs the spectator to move the bottles himself. Then one by one they are eliminated until only one remains.

He is asked to name the drink he chose, then lift the cover from...

★★★★ $10
Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
Ancora in Giro by Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
  • Introduzione
  • Tripla Predizione
  • Anello e Corda
  • Una Busta Vuota
  • Corda Tagliata In Tre Pezzi
  • Doppia Penetrazione
  • Quadraplex
  • Colori Mentali
  • In Giro Per Il Mondo
  • Colori Senza Riposo
  • Un Trucco Mentale
  • Carta a Qualsiasi Numeri
  • Uno, Due, Tre
  • Equivalente
  • Cidentaquin e Riciclo
  • Sul Giornale
  • Questo Seme, Quel Valore
  • Carte Segnate
  • Scelta ESP
Matteo Filippini
Cy Endfield: Tra Cinema E Magia by Matteo Filippini

Tra Cinema e Magia é un saggio dedicato ad un importante personaggio della cartomagia del XX Secolo, Cy Endfield, conosciuto al grande pubblico come regista di classici del cinema come "Zulu" con Michael Caine.

Endfield, appassionato di prestigiazione fin dall'adolescenza, fin dagli anni '40 frequenta importanti circoli magici ed associazioni magiche come la SAM e l'IBM. Stimato da illustri colleghi come Dai Vernon, Paul Curry a Alex Elmsley, il suo contributo cartomagico verra' fissato negli eccellenti libri di Lewis Ganson, Cy Endfield's Entertaining Card Magic.

Nel saggio di Matteo...

Maximiliano Monteleone
La Bottega di Merlino by Maximiliano Monteleone

Più che un dovere una necessità ! Si mai come oggi è stato indispensabile saper costruire i propri attrezzi da scena e con questo primo volume della serie "la bottega di Merlino" ora questo è possibile!

Nel consueto e dettagliato stile di Maximiliano Monteleone, in questo indispensabile lavoro troverai le istruzioni dettagliate, con misure e diagrammi in 3D per costruire scatole e attrezzi per il tuo numero.

Tra l'altro troverai nel volume:

  • Square Circle a doppio carico
  • Tubi per produzione
  • Libro in fiamme
  • La scatola inesauribile
  • Il secchio delle meraviglie
  • Il dado Fantastico ...
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Appunti di Grant by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Questo raro manoscritto di UF Grant, contiene un sacco di materiale interessante . Nascoste nelle sue pagine sono alcune piccole gemme che non troverete da nessun'altra parte . Non ci sono lunghe descrizioni dei metodi , come spiega lo stesso di Grant . Si va direttamente al punto. Lo stile è tipico di Grant : diretto e senza fronzoli. Sarà una notevole aggiunta alla collezione di coloro che sono appassionati di Grant.


"Questa è una collezione di materiale tratto da un albo di appunti esclusivo… Materiale che normalmente sarebbe venduto separatamente a uno, due,...

Marc Dibowski
QR (German) by Marc Dibowski

Ein Gedanke. Ein Name. Eine Vorhersage auf einem beliebigen Smartphone … und eine bleibende Erinnerung

Eine Vorhersagemethode des digitalen Zeitalters mit ungeahnten Möglichkeiten. Inklusive Grafikdateien, Cue-Card, speziell generierten QR-Codes, Bonusmaterialien und Onlineressource zum sofortigen präsentieren.

Eine Zuschauerin am Tisch wählt eine Spielkarte. Mit einem beliebigen Smartphone lassen Sie einen die ganze Zeit auf dem Tisch befindlichen Code auf einem Alltagsgegenstand einlesen. Sie berühren nichts mehr! Auf des Zuschauers Telefon erscheint das Bild der Zuschauerkarte,...

★★★★★ $80
Marvin Leventhal & Dan Harlan
THE MINOTAUR Volumes 1-8 (no DVDs) by Marvin Leventhal & Dan Harlan

[Note: This is the same as The MINOTAUR Volumes 1-8 except the DVDs which complete the MINOTAUR are not included here. You only get all the issues that were released in printed form.]

★★★★★ $10
Brian Kennedy
wHOLE Ambitious 2.0 by Brian Kennedy

This is a wonderfully visual climax to any ambitious card routine. The gimmick is easy to make and easy to hide. Watch the demo video below.

Version 2 includes everything from the original version plus new ways to change the card and deck into the signed selection, new single routine and new transposition routine.

★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
Pasteboard Permutations by Jon Racherbaumer
  • A WHIM-WHAM WARM-UP: Warmed Over Rhetoric

1st edition 2013, 49 pages.

Paul Gordon
Percy Naldrett: A Man of Sussex, Conjurer and Poet by Paul Gordon

A tribute to Percy Naldrett by Paul Gordon who shares birth place Worthing in Sussex with Percy. Includes photos and other bits and pieces of information not published anywhere else.

Percy Naldrett was born on 17th May 1888 and died 28th September 1973. He was a printer by trade and a semi-pro magician and collector. He wrote a number of books such as Magic of the Moment (1912, 50pp), Magical Notes and Notions (1913, 36pp), Miscellaneous Magic (1913, 48pp). He was editor of the Magic Circular from 1938-49.

1st edition 2005, 31 pages.

★★★★ $10
Paul Gordon
Edward George Brown: a magical life by Paul Gordon
  • Preface - Paul Gordon
  • About the Author by Martin Breese
  • Introduction - Paul Gordon
  • Edward George Brown - a biography by Paul Gordon
  • Obituary by Francis White
  • Heartfelt Tributes
  • - John Carney
  • - Roger Crosthwaite
  • - Members of The Magic Circle
  • Trevor H. Hall & The Card Magic of Edward G. Brown
  • Willane's Methods for Miracles
  • Ibidem - P. Howard Lyons
  • The 'Lost' Magic of E.G. Brown
  • - Divination of Two Mentally Selected Cards
  • - The Three Billet Test
  • - A Cigarette Change
  • - The Penetrating Tumbler
  • - Handkerchief and Glass to Hat
  • - A Nap Hand
  • With Thanks to Edward George Brown
  • - The Brown Detective - Peter Duffie
  • - Thin...
★★★★ $2.50
Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic #1: 3 Invisible Keys of Wonder by Paul Voodini

3 Invisible Keys of Wonder is the first edition of Coffee Break Mental Magic, a weekly Paul Voodini PDF publication featuring stunning routines that utilize commonplace tools of mentalism, and sold for less than the price of a cup of coffee. The emphasis on the routines is powerful storylines and simple mechanics, meaning that all can enjoy them and use them, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

Normally the weekly Coffee Break Mental Magic release will feature a single routine, but to celebrate its launch, this first edition '3 Invisible Keys to Wonder' features three original routines,...

★★★★★ $9.95
Frances Marshall
The Sponge Book by Frances Marshall

Contains twelve routines, plus a whole section by Al Goshman, King of the Sponge Balls. Featured is the famous Senator Crandall routine which Don Alan did for Ed Sullivan.

Other routines include: Ghost Balls, Three Ball Trick, Big and Little Balls, Silver and Sponges, Leaping Leprechauns, Passe Passe Sponges, Spicy Sponges, Crandall's Original Routine, Gen. Grant's Favorite, Surprise Finish for Rabbit Routine, Multi-ball, etc.

Tricks range from beginner's stuff to those for the expert. A little practice makes it possible for anyone to learn sponge tricks.

  • Goshman's Sponge Routine
  • The Ghost...
★★★★★ $9.95
Abhinav Bothra
Audacious by Abhinav Bothra

At a house event or a party or an occasion or a show, you walk up to a stranger and call out their name, their partner's name and their occupation, the school they studied in, their last vacation spot, hotel they stayed in, the room no. in which they stayed, their honeymoon destination, things bothering them and millions of other things and also the things that even their close friends are unaware of.

This is a forcing technique of a particular time on clock without a watch or any other prop whatsoever.

A card forcing method that plays with the concept of dual...



Wilhelm Eberhard
Cartonigromancia 0: Teoría y Meta-Técnica by Wilhelm Eberhard

Este es un libro sobre cosas básicas que debe saber un mago, y que son mucho más importantes que saber montones de técnicas o montones de trucos.

Eso no significa que este libro no contenga técnicas y trucos muy efectivos. Sí, hay varios, y muy buenos. Pero este no es sólo otro libro de trucos, ni otro libro de técnicas de prestidigitación. Es un libro sobre cómo hacer tu trabajo más fácil y más efectivo.

Aprenderás técnicas sumamente útiles para planear, producir e incluso ensayar diferentes tipos de actos en variadas condiciones.

Lo mejor es que muchas de estas técnicas...

James Carl
Practical Conjuring by James Carl
  • Box, Handkerchief and Colour Change
  • Handkerchief changed to Ribbons
  • The New Magic Knots
  • Wax, Ball and Handkerchief
  • Egg, Glass and Handkerchief
  • Tricks with Cigars
  • New Sleights with Cigars
  • Cigar Vanish and Recovery, No. 1
  • Cigar Vanish and Recovery, No. 2
  • Vanish and Recovery, No. 3
  • To make One Cigar into Two
  • How to Change a Borrowed Watch for a Dummy
  • Hook for Watch and Nest of Boxes
  • The Changing Coins
  • How to produce a Bantam Cockerel from an Opera Hat
  • Twelve Court Cards in Glass change places with Twelve ordinary Cards held in the Hand
  • Carl's Cup and Saucer for Confetti
  • New...
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Miracles With A Clip Board by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Contains a complete survey of the various kinds of clip boards, how they work, and how to use them. Plus fifteen different routines involving clip boards. Also in this ebook is a separate mental routine, Kleen, which does not involve carbons, impressions, mirrors, chemicals, switches, gimmicks, envelopes. None of that, just an ordinary sheet of paper and you have a dandy mental effect.

1st digital edition 2013, 13 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Types Of Clip Boards
  2. $500 Name Challenge
  3. Memory Expert
  4. Magazine And Book Tests
  5. Miracle Think A Card
  6. Living And Dead Test
  7. Telephone Card Trick ...
★★★★★ $6
Jon Racherbaumer
Holistic Hamman by Jon Racherbaumer

Brother John Hamman's effects are conducive to creating strong, synergistic routines. That is, many of his individual effects, including its discrete parts, can be combined to form powerful presentations. The following nine-phase is a good example.

Holistic Hamman was originally part of an unpublished book titled Real-World Cardstuff: Synergistic Schemes.

Requisites: A regular deck of cards.

1st edition 2000, 2nd edition 2013, 15 pages.

★★★★★ $7
Devin Knight
Puzzle Mania by Devin Knight

A brilliant routine which is perfect for children's shows. Both the magician and then the birthday child, manage to correctly guess which pieces have been removed from a completed tray puzzle.

Puzzle Mania is a new twist on the standard jigsaw puzzle effect. This version has been designed especially for kid shows. Yes, it is mind reading for kids and has been a proven winner in hundreds of kid shows. Every phase is logical and makes perfect sense. You can easily make this up using kid tray puzzles available in most all toy stores. This effect has previously only been shared in Devin's lectures,...

★★★★★ $10
Paul Gordon
Explorations by Paul Gordon

This ebook explores three mathematical principles of card magic.

The Gordon Principle which was inspired by the Eddie Joseph/Ed Marlo Automatic Placement.

STuDFuTS is an idea, inspired by Henry Christ's thinking.

The Free-Cut Principle is an idea by Gene Finnell.

  • Foreword (Peter Duffie)
  • Introduction
  • The Gordon Principle
    • Master Effect
    • Manila Cards
    • Creepie Jeepers
    • Trade Secrets (Peter Duffie)
    • GP Going Bizarre (Peter Duffie)
  • STuDFuTS
    • Master Idea and Routine
    • A Favoured Routine
    • STuDFuTS Set-up
    • Another Favourite STuDFuTS
  • More Effects
    • Psychic Math (Peter Duffie)
    • Range Rover (Peter Duffie)
★★★★★ $10
Paul Gordon
Carbon Footprints by Paul Gordon

It is a long time since Simon Aronson rocked the magic world with "Shuffle-Bored". Variations by Harry Lorayne "Equaliser", Aldo Colombini "Pre-Deck-Ability", Ali Bongo, John Bannon "Wait Until Dark" followed.

At first glance, Carbon Footprints may seem the same as some the above-mentioned concepts. It isn't! And, to make sure - Paul checked with Simon Aronson himself. He agreed.

With contributions by Joe Rindfleisch and Jon Racherbaumer.

1st edition 2008, 38 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Basic Concept (Gordon)
  3. A Very Royal Flush (Gordon)
  4. Impromptu Startler (Gordon)
  5. Impromptu Startler II (Gordon)
  6. Impromptu Startler With Selection...
Harry Stanley
The Gag Bag 2 by Harry Stanley

Don't expect to be stumbling from one hilarious line to another. Many lines and bits are dated, but perhaps carry a funny seed and can be modernized with some thought. As always with such joke compilations, if you find one or two that fit your style, you have received your money's worth.

1st edition 1946, 1st digital edition 2013, 20 pages.

Harry Stanley
The Gag Bag by Harry Stanley

Filled with one-liners and funny bits. Some lines have aged to the point where they are not funny anymore. Others perhaps were never really funny to begin with. A few still carry a good laugh. One of the best parts is the Comedy Mind Reading Act.

1st edition 1945, 1st digital edition 2013, 19 pages.

Displaying 6470 to 6493 (of 10405 products)
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