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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 6443 to 6466 (of 10402 products)
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★★★★★ $5.95
James B. Findlay
How's Your Library? by James B. Findlay

An authoritative ebook on collecting for collectors. Written by one of the world's foremost collectors. Covers the whole subject of the care and arrangement of the magical library, data on the books themselves, bookplates with pages of examples, plus the Mulholland article on same. Other bits by well known collectors. Highly recommended to all who are building up their magic libraries, no matter how small at present. Preface by John Mulholland.

1st edition 1952 (self); 2nd edition 1958 (Ireland Magic); 1st digital edition, 44 pages.

★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Rope Melange by Aldo Colombini

By popular demand. Give us more rope tricks, people are crying! Here they are!

  • CUT N' SHAKE ROPE (Karrell Fox): This is a NEW, different and VERY QUICK, cut and restored rope effect.
  • TUBULOS (Aldo Colombini): The magician cuts a rope into two lengths and ties the two ropes together in a knot. He places the knot into a tube and, after some by-play, the knot disappears and the rope is shown fully restored. Ideal for kids shows.
  • COLOR CHANGING KNOTS (Rink): Two pieces of rope, one red and one white. You tie a knot on each rope and the knots change places: The white is on the red rope and vice versa the...
★★★★★ $38
Paul Hallas
Mentalism with Cards by Paul Hallas

Paul's highly thought of small print run hardcover book of 2012 now available as an ebook. 154 large pages, packed with information on the subject matter. Mainly focusing on playing cards but there are also chapters on ESP cards, number cards, alphabet cards, design decks etc.

Yes, some effects are fully described but the book is primarily a great reference source with discussion and recommendations of effects within the various categories of mentalism with cards.

Here are a few comments on the book...

"I'd be astonished if you didn't unearth some really terrific effects here that...

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 54 (January 2014) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 9, No. 6, January 2014; 60 pages

Cover: David Williamson

  1. Welcome - editor's letter
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. The Kranzilla is Here! - The Comedy Monster that is Nathan Kranzo - interview by Graham Hey
  5. News
  6. Dealer Shout Outs - Special 'extra' announcements from a few regular advertisers
  7. The Best of 2013 - best products of the year
    • Envy-lope - Brandon David & Chris Turchi
    • Perfect Open Prediction - Boris Wild
    • Ace - Richard Sanders
    • Electric Touch + - Yigal Mesika
    • Inferno - Joshua Jay & Card Shark
    • Clarity Box - David Regal
    • Way Out - Marc Oberon
  8. Syd & Fanny - Where Are They Now?
  9. Matt Sterling: Danger Man - interview ...
★★★★★ $19.50
Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 13 by Alexander de Cova

Diese Ausgabe ist speziell, denn sie ist die letzte Ausgabe der NAM im Jahre 2013 und trägt bezeichnenderweise die Nummer 13! Wenn das kein Grund ist, ein paar mentale und bizarre Tricks zu beschreiben. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Inhalt:

TRAVELLER - Die komplette Routine und Handhabung mit allen Feinheiten. Diese Tour war eine der stärksten im DIRTY LECTURE. Ein Zuschauer wählt frei eine Stadt, ein Bahngleis und eine Zeitungsschlagzeile. Du hast alle drei Dinge vorausgesagt! Eine einfache und raffinierte Methode mit vielen Feinheiten. Es werden zwei Tricks geschickt kombiniert: Beckermental...

Paul Gordon
Victor Farelli: A Magical Memoir by Paul Gordon

This is a brief historical account, a biographical essay, of one of the most intriguing characters in magic – Mr. Victor Farelli.

1st edition 2006, 36 pages.

★★★ $9.95
Frances Marshall
Magic Bookman by Frances Marshall

Illustrated with nostalgic, rare photographs by Irving Desfor. Not to be read just once, but to keep as a reference ebook in your library.

  • Great Writers Discuss Books, by John Braun
  • Buy Lines, by Jimmy Findlay
  • Quest for Magic Books, by George Jenness
  • The Magician and Comedy, by Bob Orben
  • The Magical Bookie, by S. R. Patrick
  • Calculated Risk, by Dr. Edwin A. Dawes
  • Pleasures of Reviewing Books, by Sid Lorraine
  • Are Magic Books Worthwhile?, by John Mulholland
  • Books About Books, by Robert Lund
  • Magic Catalogues; Exciting Reading, by Dr. Grossman
  • Rarities, by Edgar Heyl
  • Thoughts on Lecture Notes, by Gary Bontjes ...
★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 3 (Dec 2013 - Feb 2014) by Solyl Kundu

This Special issue of TGM is Christmas & New Year's combined issue and full of 'something for everyone'. Just get a copy and judge for yourself...

  • Let's have a chat - the editor chats
  • On Mentalism by Val Andrews
  • Past Glory of India - The Great P.C. Sorcar
  • Magic As Entertainment by Harold Taylor
  • Aldo and Rachel Colombini are Back Again...
★★★★ $2.50
Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic #3: Holmes and Moriarty by Paul Voodini

The third edition of Coffee Break Mental Magic is a Sherlock Holmes special to celebrate the launch on January 1st of the third series of BBC TV's wonderful Sherlock programme! This PDF features a self-working card routine (the only equipment you need is a normal deck of cards) that explores the eternal dance between the Great Detective and the King of Crime, Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty! What is the unbreakable bond that links these two men? Why is it that they battle to destroy each other and yet neither can exist without the other? Holmes & Moriarty - the Yin & Yang of crime and...

David Devlin
Esoteric Conspiracies: Cards by David Devlin

This is the first in a new series of videos by David Devlin. In this video, David teaches three of his best effects. These effects are not difficult to perform, but each one is a very hard-hitting effect. Here are the effects:

Boomerang: This will knock them on their butts. A deck with a blue back (which has been in use) has from it a card selected and signed. Two jokers with red backs are introduced and shown freely. The selected card is pushed into the center of the deck by the spectator. Without coming near the deck, the signed selection materializes between the jokers! Once again, the...

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
The Business of Table Hopping by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul A. Lelekis is one of the most experienced table-hoppers on the planet. He has performed in many restaurants from Hot Dog Stands all the way up to 5-Star restaurants for over 25 years. He has often table-hopped in restaurants 6 or 7 days a week - for many years.

Paul has been asked to record an all-inclusive e-book of Table-Hopping and so decided to write this e-book, The Business of Table-Hopping. Included are a few photographs of Paul, explaining magic.

Table-Hopping is not only a very lucrative business, but you will be asked to perform for many other engagements and hundreds of...

Eddie Joseph & Paul Gordon
The Complete Dumbfounders with Cards by Eddie Joseph & Paul Gordon

This is a reproduction of Dumbfounders with Cards and More Dumbfounders with Cards two often overlooked booklets by Eddie Joseph on math based card effects. Some principles predate ideas rediscovered by Edward Marlo and Stewart James. (The ebook has been prepared by Paul Gordon.)

The writing of Joseph is somewhat terse and hard to read, but the effects and principles are great. This ebook includes some comments by Peter Duffie and Roger Crosthwaite.

  • Dumbfounders with Cards
    • The Tobba Mystery
    • Who Knows The Card?
    • Incredulously True
    • Two Secret Thoughts
    • Memory Phenomenal
    • Over the Wire
    • The Mystic Queen
    • One-Eye Joe
    • The Expert Cuts
    • Can You See Your...
★★★★★ $15
Robert Parrish
An Evening With Charlie Miller by Robert Parrish

This is a wonderful collection of some of Charlie Miller's signature pieces with photos showing Charlie Miller performing the moves and routines.

From the introduction by Theo Bamberg (Okito):

I consider Charlie's technique not only original, subtle and entertaining, but above all, highly commercial. In this respect, he is in the tradition of the Old Masters, whose skill could be appreciated by the connoisseur, but who used that skill to keep their audiences highly entertained.

1st edition 1961, 1st digital edition 2014, 59 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. About Charlie Miller
  3. Mugs And Hats
  4. The Jest Of The Joker
  5. The Torn...
★★★★ $10
Paul Hallas
Mainly Close Up by Paul Hallas

Mainly Close Up was Paul Hallas's first book published in 1979 and has been unavailable for around 30 years. Rather than just copy the book for an e-version it was re-typed and some corrections made and additional comments made from a 2013 perspective. Some of the original sketches have been left, others removed as not necessary and occasionally some photos added. Twenty seven ideas are described (though a couple will need patter updates) and it is perhaps Paul's most varied collection. As the title suggests, the book is mainly close up, and mostly cards, but also a couple of coin items, a stretching...

★★★ $1
Wolfgang Riebe
100 Magician One-Liner Jokes by Wolfgang Riebe

100 funny lines for the magician.

1st edition 2013, 10 pages.

★★★ $1
Wolfgang Riebe
100 Heckler Stoppers by Wolfgang Riebe

Effective come backs to tame your hecklers.

1st edition 2013, 8 pages.

★★★ $1
Wolfgang Riebe
100 Assistant One-Liner Jokes by Wolfgang Riebe

These are one-liners you can use in situations where you bring a spectator on stage to assist you.

1st edition 2013, 11 pages.

★★★ $6
Devin Knight
The Vampire Effect: how to cast no reflection by Devin Knight

Vampires supposedly have no reflections in mirrors. This is folklore, but suppose you as a performer could really create this effect. What kind of reaction do you think your spectator's would have, if you had no reflection in a mirror? Would they be amazed or scared?

Devin Knight is finally revealing secret techniques that he developed. These secrets allow you to create the vampire effect, and in some cases do it almost impromptu.

Knight revealed these secrets to Al Mann in the mid-80s and at that time Mann wanted to release volume 2 of Invisible Men with these techniques revealed. Unfortunately,...

★★★★ $2.50
Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic #2: Multi-Dimensional Out of this World by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents Multi-Dimensional Out Of This World, the second in the weekly Coffee Break Mental Magic series. This is the Christmas & New Year 2013 edition, and as such it features something a little bit special. It is Paul Voodini's take on the classic Out Of This World card routine. However, as you can probably imagine, in the hands of Voodini Out Of This World is shaken up and is turned into a 3 phase routine featuring a volunteer being appointed as the group's psychic, a message being delivered from the spirits, and a display of personal intuition that contains within it a subconscious...

★★★ $7.95
George B. Anderson
My Favorite Sucker Card Tricks by George B. Anderson

These are great routines if you need to silence a heckler. Lots of impact, good effects, experienced handling of cards and spectators. George knows how to lead you to the good ones, and they will sparkle up your routines. They are "different" and you do need variety in your card programs.

  • The Next Card
  • High Pair
  • The Bottom Switch
  • Sharp Perception
  • The Three Card Monte Swindle
  • The Blackjack Or Twenty-One Swindle
  • The Ace Of Hearts Swindle
  • The Seven And Eight Con
  • The Joker
  • A Crooked Poker Deal
  • The Spectator Does It
  • Test Your Memory
  • Don't Overdo Them

1st edition 1980, 1st digital...

★★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Jonah Ploys by Jon Racherbaumer

This manuscript explores hybrids of the Jonah Card Principle. Beyond that it hopes to draw attention to this fascinating motif and perhaps inspire further research and development.

  • THE FOUR QUEENS (Bill Simon)
  • MEN FROM THE BOYS (Colm Mulcahy - Bill Simon)
  • ODD YET PREDICTABLE (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • NO-JONAH POKER (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • (LOSING) END POKER (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • OUROBOROS (Jack Parker)
  • STRONG CIDER (Edward Marlo - Jon Racherbaumer)
  • THE JONAH IN THE HARRY'S POCKET (Jon Racherbaumer)
★★★★★ $10
Paul Gordon
Marlo in the United Kingdom by Paul Gordon

Marlo in the United Kingdom complements Marlo In New Tops and Marlo in Linking Ring. It includes his contributions to The Gen, Pabular and The Pentagram.

  • Predicted Mental Spell
  • Extended Mental Spell
  • Sympathetic Coincidence
  • Impromptu Stranger
  • Follow My Leader
  • Royal Transposition
  • The Marlo Slip Cut
  • Marlo's Slip Cut Force
  • A Flexible Move
  • The Roughed Stripper
  • The Centre Card Transfer
  • Spectator Cuts To Locate The Aces
  • Dribble Coincidence
  • Dribble Concept Continued

1st edition 2005, 79 pages.

Brian Kennedy
Business Change by Brian Kennedy

The magician says he has a prediction written which he will get back to. A card is selected, noted and lost back into the pack. The magician says he will make the selection jump to the top of the deck. It is the wrong card. The magician shows his written prediction. It doesn't match the top card, but it is the selected card predicted ahead of time. The magician places the indifferent card into the spectator's hand. He waves his business card over the indifferent card. It visually morphs into the indifferent card. Spectator opens their hands. they are now holding their selected card.

  • multiple...
★★★★★ $0
Abhinav Bothra
SharPen by Abhinav Bothra

Phase I - Bite off the pen nib and spit it back on. Immediately, open the refill compartment, let the spectator touch the nib.

Phase II - Make the refill rise out of the pen.

Bonus - A Russian Roulette with pens, where spectators select the pens to be smashed. The whole effect is totally under the performer's control.

The video will explain you how to gimmick a pen. No special pen is needed.

1st edition 2013, 12 minutes

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