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Unknown Mentalist
Kube Rishi by Unknown Mentalist

Now updated with a great memory type routine suggested by Marc Paul and also an additional book test routine.

Kube Rishi is a collection of 15 Rubik Cube Mentalism Routines.

The big breakthrough here is that after handing over your Rubik Cube to the audience, you never ever have to touch it again. Ever.

There is a lot of excellent work already in the field of Rubik Cube Magic. Kube Rishi breaks new ground in the mostly under explored territory of Rubik Cube Mentalism.

The basic premise here is NOT solving the cube or MATCHING 2 cubes or VANISHING a cube or PRODUCING a cube. But using...

★★★★ $18
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Mark Elsdon
Fooling with Freud by Mark Elsdon

Over the last few years of devising conversational mentalism material Mark has developed several routines that are so powerful that they each demand a separate release. The first of this new Private Release series is titled Fooling With Freud and is a 100% practical piece of cutting-edge mentalism.

As per the Conversation As Mentalism ethos you don't need to carry any props; this is a pure three-phase routine of direct mindreading - it doesn't use playing cards, iPhones, peek devices, stooges, guessing or the law of averages.

What is the effect? In increasingly arbitrary ways, the participant...

★★★★★ $45
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Mark Elsdon
Conversation as Mentalism 3 by Mark Elsdon

Would you like to have in your repertoire some killer effects that you can perform anytime, anyplace and without any props?

Then rejoice! Mark Elsdon's new Conversation As Mentalism Volume 3 is just what you're looking for.

You will learn a brand new mind-game using a single borrowed key, a killer card trick with no cards, an impossible coincidence in time, the best impromptu coin prediction, an utterly incredible memory stunt and much more.

All in all, nine brand new effects that have been designed with one outcome in mind - to amaze whoever you are talking to without the aid of any...

★★★★★ $25
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Aldo Colombini
Contact Colors (Italian) by Aldo Colombini

Una routine dal triplice effetto con un finale "killer"! Il mazzo viene realmente mescolato e tagliato. Si posiziona una carta a faccia in su nel mezzo. Uno spettatore sceglie liberamente una carta. Si mescola di nuovo di nuovo il mazzo e poi si taglia in due. Si prendono ora contemporaneamente carte dalle 2 pile. PRIMO EFFETTO: la carta dello spettatore appare allo stesso tempo in cui giri la tua. SECONDO EFFETTO: Quindi si gira la prima carta di ogni mazzetto per produrre i quattro assi e, TERZO EFFETTO: infine, si termina la routine con una separazione dei colori devastante. Si utilizza...

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Segreti by Ulysses Frederick Grant

"Segreti" è senza dubbio una delle più interessanti opere di quel genio di U.F. Grant. Abbiamo così una stupenda ( è davvero il caso di dirlo) raccolta di circa 30 giochi ideati dallo stesso Grant e da alcune dalle menti più fertili della prestigiazione . Le routines sono tutte pratiche e di ottimo effetto. Alcune sono dei veri capolavori.

Molti effetti sono arricchiti da note esplicative e aggiunte del traduttore che rendono maggiormente pratici o fruibili questi giochi dall'artista moderno.

In questa stessa pagina trovate una breve descrizione degli effetti contenuti in questa...

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Harlan Tarbell
Corso Originale Tarbell Volume 2 by Harlan Tarbell

Non crediamo ci sia bisogno di lunghe presentazioni: finalmente disponibile in italiano anche il secondo volume del Corso Originale Tarbell . Tradotto con cura, completamente riformattato e indicizzato. 233 pagine con le lezioni da 11 a 20. Il Corso Original Tarbell, spazia organicamente e gradualmente dai giochi di carte ai giochi di corde, monete, sigarette, foulards, ditali etc. fino al mentalismo e alle grandi illusioni. Si può considerare uno dei più completi al mondo. Questo corso che ha formato generazioni e generazioni di prestigiatori. Tarbell non affronta solo il mero effetto e la...

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Harlan Tarbell
Corso Originale Tarbell Volume 1 by Harlan Tarbell

Non crediamo ci sia bisogno di lunghe presentazioni: finalmente disponibile in italiano il primo volume del Corso Original Tarbell con le prime dieci lezioni. Tradotto con cura, completamente riformattato e indicizzato. 218 pagine con le lezioni da 1 a 10. Il Corso Original Tarbell, spazia organicamente e gradualmente dai giochi di carte ai giochi di corde, monete, sigarette, foulards, ditali etc. fino al mentalismo e alle grandi illusioni. Si può considerare uno dei più completi al mondo. Questo corso che ha formato generazioni e generazioni di prestigiatori. Tarbell non affronta solo il...

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George Johnson
A Few Jardine Ellis' Secrets by George Johnson

From the Foreword:

The late Jardine Ellis was a master of what is known to Conjurers as "close quarter work." The majority of his effects were designed to puzzle the single onlooker, and in this particular class of Magical deception he was a past master.

  • Foreword
  • Thimble And Wine Glass
  • A Juggling Feat
  • The Rod And Ring
  • A Humorous Card Item
  • The Jardine Ellis Slate Mystery
  • An Experiment In Telepathy
  • Card Divination
  • The Holder Of The Egg
  • The Measured, Cut, And Restored String
  • Coin Levitation
  • The Magnetised Knife
  • The Floating Wand

1st edition 1925, 32 pages; 1st digital edition...

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Harry Lorayne
Personal Secrets by Harry Lorayne

This was Harry's second book on card magic where he reveals several of his best routines.

From the introduction:

The effects and routines you’ll find here are some that I purposely left out of my first book on cards, Close-Up Card Magic. Frankly, I had intended to keep them to myself. However, the response to Close-Up Card Magic has been so overwhelming and Lou Tannen has been so persuasive—that I finally acquiesced to putting these in print. That’s the reason for the title, P.S. This is really just an addenda to Close-Up Card Magic.

  • Foreword
  • Four Of A Kind
  • Red and Black Fantasy ...
★★★★★ $5
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Bob Somerfeld
Pieces of Mind by Bob Somerfeld

The sequel to Mind Reader's Digest. Another series of good, practical mental effects:

  • Situation Wanted
  • On Second Thought
  • Switchcraft
  • Good Deal
  • Last Word
  • FRinstance
  • Cornered
  • Mind Over Miles
  • Night Owl
All non-confederate, unusual mental tricks for intimate conditions. Be the living room mentalist the hit of every party.

1st edition 1952; 1st digital edition 2015, 17 pages.

★★★ $6.95
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S. W. Reilly
Modern Fortune Telling by S. W. Reilly

Make extra money, capture complete attention by telling fortunes for fun and profit. Very useful for bazaars, P.T.A. carnivals, money raisings of all kinds, great for bartenders, resort and cruise work - any place where people congregate. A fascinating entertainment just for your friends. Ebook covers the secret methods employed by fortune tellers, crystal gazers, mediums, etc. Prepares anyone to give readings of facts in the subjects life. Tells you what to say and how to say it. Includes easily learned methods of fortune telling with cards, streamlined, forceful. You will use this.


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Jerry Andrus
Nameless Notes 2 by Jerry Andrus

More beautiful sleight of hand close-up magic this time with pen, card, bill and a handkerchief. Jerry carried the 'nameless' theme further and didn't even give the routines a name. You will learn three effects:

Effect 1: A ball point pen is rolled up in a dollar bill. The bill is then unrolled and shown repeatedly on both sides, with no sign of the pen. The bill is again rolled into a tube and the pen produced from same.

Effect 2: A playing card is folded up with a dollar bill. When they are unfolded the card is found to be undamaged.

Effect 3: The penetration of a pen thru a handkerchief. ...

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Jerry Andrus
Nameless Notes by Jerry Andrus

Beautiful sleight of hand close-up magic abundantly illustrated:

  • Novel Card Test
  • Handkerchief Card Change
  • Coins Under Card
  • Needle Through Handkerchief
  • File Card Revelation
  • Dollar Bill Delusion
  • Card to Pocket
  • Coins and Handkerchief

1st edition 1964; 1st digital edition 2015, 15 pages.

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B. W. McCarron
MentaLotto by B. W. McCarron

Back again and better than ever! It's MentaLotto, the mental lottery mystery that's sure to please any audience.

"A clever idea!" according to noted author, lecturer and trade show performer Karrell Fox.

MentaLotto combines mentalism, audience participation and a gambling theme. The odds are a trillion to one against the mentalist making a correct prediction. Yet, that's exactly what happens, for when the prediction is opened and read aloud, it matches the spectator's selected lottery number!

No switches, confederates, electronics, one-ahead, glimpses, impressions or other methods are used. Truly...

★★★★ $8
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Pickpocket Stunts by Ulysses Frederick Grant

The Master himself U.F. Grant teach us new, unusual and highly effective methods of performing apparent pickpocket stunts. Startling effects requiring no skill. In this manuscript you will find a number of excellent suggestions for pickpocket stunts. No great pickpocket skill is required to execute them, rather, they are of the stunt type. They will convince the watching spectator that you are an accomplished pickpocket.


  1. Wallet Steal
  2. Wrist Watch Steal
  3. Stealing Suspenders
  4. Pen/Pencil Steal
  5. Stealing Misc. Objects
  6. Stealing Pen, Pencils, Cigars, etc.
  7. Stealing Bills
  8. Stealing...
★★★★★ $4
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Miracoli Contraffatti con le carte by Ulysses Frederick Grant

4 fantastici Giochi di carte:

  • Automatici
  • Improvvisati
  • Con carte prese a prestito
  • Senza preparazione
  • Facilissimi da eseguire
  • Di grande effetto
  • Non sono i soliti giochi per principianti...
A volte quando non abbiamo le "nostre" carte e ci chiedono di fare un gioco, ci troviamo in difficoltà. Ci viene in aiuto questo opuscolo, dove sono spiegati quattro giochi che si possono eseguire con carte prese a prestito e soprattutto senza nessun setup. I giochi non richiedono alcuna abilità ma sono di grande effetto.

Alcuni Esempi:

Spellino Tre o più spettatori scelgono uno alla volta...

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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Diventa PickPocket senza abilità by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Forse hai sempre desiderato inserire nel tuo numero un po' di Pickpocket ( borseggiatore in Italiano...) ma questi numeri richiedono ore e ore di estenuante allenamento... Ora puoi con l'aiuto di questo lavoro classico del Grande Grant, disponibile per la prima volta in Italiano.

Grant ha reso facili le cose difficili e così senza nessuna abilità puoi far sembrare al tuo pubblico che sei un "borseggiatore professionista"tra le risate generali! Ribadiamo che i metodi e i trucchi che sono spiegati sono a puro scopo di spettacolo e nulla hanno a che fare con atti criminosi.

In men che...

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Scott F. Guinn
Great Scott! It's Magic! (for resale) by Scott F. Guinn

Routines from a full-time pro that you can (and will) do!

Scott F. Guinn is a full-time professional magician from Star, Idaho (near Boise) who has been entertaining and amazing audiences throughout the US and Canada since 1978. Scott earns his living performing for "real people" in the "real world". Scott has also written several books and ebooks which you can find here at He was featured in publications such as The Linking Ring, MUM, and AM/PM. On this DVD, you will find material from Scott's "A List", the stuff he performs for real people in real-world paying gigs. The routines...

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Karl Fulves & Tony Slydini
The Best of Slydini ... and more (Text & Photos) by Karl Fulves & Tony Slydini

This ebook includes both the text and the photos of the original two volume hardcover set. Each of the almost 1000 photos is available twice. The first time the photos appear dispersed through the text close to where each photo is first mentioned. And the second time all photos are together in one place, the same way this material was originally published - text and photos separate. Having the photos included with the text avoids the constant reference to another volume. But having them also together by themselves allows for a stop-motion-like viewing of the action.

It is easy to sing the...

★★★★★ $30
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Unknown Mentalist
Pocket Minds by Unknown Mentalist

Five mind blowing effects on one single card. Impossible killer mentalism.

Launched in FISM Italy 2015 through Charles Gauci Magic.

What the experts have said ...

"Pocket Minds cards are really clever and a great way to always have something with you ready to go. They are professionally made and worthy of any entertainer making their living with this art." - Richard Osterlind

"I like your ideas. Pocket Minds is very good. It is very nice to have a mentalism act in your pocket. Keep creating this kind of things." - Luca Volpe

"Your ideas are exceptional. This is a very practical prop...

★★★★★ $30
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PDF & softcover

Raphaël Czaja
Biddle Juice by Raphaël Czaja

Two cards are selected by Topper and Ramada and lost into the deck. The magician removes five cards from it. Topper confirms that one of them is his selection and the packet is placed between his palms. Ramada selects an indifferent card that is placed between her palms. After a magical gesture, Topper's card disappears from his packet. The magician says that playing cards like to switch places and that Topper's card should be reversed in the middle of the deck whereas Ramada's card should have switched places with her random card. One card is found reversed in the middle of the deck... but...

★★★★ $2
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Terri Rogers
How To Be A Ventriloquist by Terri Rogers

Rogers teaches twelve lessons and shares two scripts:

The lessons cover not only the mechanics and techniques of producing sounds from an apparently closed mouth, but also topics such as breathing, care of teeth, mouth and throat, dress and personal appearance as well as how to find original material and develop an act. Included are also more advanced techniques such as drinking while speaking or having the dummy cry.

PDF 25 pages.

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Frances Marshall
The Merry Magical Christmas Book by Frances Marshall

Get into the Christmas spirit. This ebook is entirely devoted to tricks and routines for Christmas. Presentations and ideas with tricks you may already own. Instructions for creating or making tricks in the holiday mood, nothing difficult. Pages of ideas to make extra money at Christmas with your magic and your showmanship. Get yourself a Christmas present now and put it to work for you.

  • Suggestions for advertising
  • Selling the show at established locations
  • Advertising the Magic Show and/or Santa Claus
  • Creating a Santa Visit Center ...
★★★★★ $9.95
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Jon Racherbaumer
Cutting Deeper: an exploration of coercive cutting by Jon Racherbaumer

This manuscript is ancestrally related to Criss-­Crossings: Unleashing the X-­Force insofar as it also deals with cutting cards. In this case, it deals with "cuts" and "turnovers."

This type of combinatorial maneuver began with Henry Christ's forcing technique that he developed in the early 1920s. He originally developed six variations but he only published the fifth one in Ted Annemann's book, Sh-­h-­h It's a Secret, calling it "The 203rd Force." It subsequently has been referred to as the Christ Force and it spawned many versions and applications.

Because of the cut-­?turnover-­?and-­?replacement mechanics, the Christ Force is often confused with Ed Balducci's...

★★★★ $8
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