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Magic & Conjuring: page 218


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Robert A. Nelson
Nelson Enterprises Catalog 6 by Robert A. Nelson

Robert Nelson and his brother Larry ("Alla Rageh") started the Nelson Enterprises in 1921. Their first "catalogs" were printed on thin, onion-skin paper. By 1927, their catalog boasted over a hundred effects and books, catering almost exclusively to the mental fraternity.

This catalog is nearly impossible to find, being jealously hoarded by mentalists and collectors. Now reprinted in convenient eBook format, the Nelson Enterprises Catalogue Number Six is once again available to expand the mind of performers of every ilk.

Because catalog printing techniques of the 1920s were not meant to...

★★★★ $8
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Unknown Mentalist
Kommando Kard by Unknown Mentalist

If you already own Karma Deck Pro or buy along with this, you can get this ebook for half price.

Are you alone and deckless? No problem. Now "deckless" does not mean "powerless" anymore. Just have this one single Kommando Kard with you in your wallet or pocket and you are set to perform these 15 amazing routines, without ever needing a deck of playing cards.

Yes, this is deckless stack magic and deckless card mentalism rolled into one. A path breaking style and refreshingly new way of performing card mentalism using the Karma Deck stack (you will need to be familiar with the Karma Deck), but without having a...

★★★★★ $18
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Tommy Wonder & Chris Wasshuber
Frozen Lock Improved by Tommy Wonder & Chris Wasshuber

In the second volume of The Books of Wonder Tommy Wonder describes what he calls a Frozen Lock. This is a utility device for the Jack Miller holdout, but it can also be used for other holdouts and pulls. It allows one to keep the holdout higher up in the sleeve until you want to lower it. Exactly how this works and how it should be used is something you will need to read in Tommy's book. This item comes with no instructions. I am assuming customers know how it is being used.

Tommy Wonder produced his lock from brass. However, brass is not necessarily the best material for this type of device, because...

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Abhinav Bothra
A Thought Covertly Conveyed by Abhinav Bothra

A hybrid of a card trick and the plot spectator as mind reader dressed in the clothes of hypnosis.

Spectator 1 selects a card and places it back in the deck which is then put into the box. Spectator 2 is asked to close his/her eyes and is put through a simple process at the end of which he/she names the card.

Honest Notes:

The card is a force card (any card among the 52 will do) and it is conveyed through some physical factors supported by the script.

In here you'll find my script in English, which can easily be adapted to any language and is not bound by any particular word/s. And...

★★★★★ $5
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Brian T. Lees
Sponge Ball Magic by Brian T. Lees

Sponge balls pack small and play as big as your imagination allows. Learn basic manipulations and routines. Use as close-up, walk around, with volunteers during your show or on the spot. This ebook gets you well on your way with some of the classic manipulations.

  • What makes magic work
  • Why sponge
  • Palm vanish
  • Place vanish
  • Complete the vanish
  • Classic pass
  • Color change
  • Pass through
  • Change bag
  • Classic 3 ball routine
  • No sponge
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2016, 22 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Devin Knight & Al Mann
Improved Lexicon Phenomena by Devin Knight & Al Mann

Important: These are not directions for making this yourself. These are the directions that came with this trick that sold for $150. 00. This PDF is designed for collectors who may have the props, but no directions, magic historians, and those simply curious as to how this trick was done. Well worth the small price just to see how this incredible trick was accomplished. Considered by reviewers to be the best trick Devin Knight ever released.

Two participants secretly choose words from a "real vocabulary book" containing hundreds of words. There are no duplicate words in the book's word list....

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Devin Knight
You Must Be Joking by Devin Knight

Important: These are not directions for making this trick yourself. These are the directions that came with this trick, when it was on the market in the early 2000s. This PDF is for collectors who may have the prop, but no directions, magic historians, and those simply curious as to how this trick was done. The trick still shows up on eBay, magic flea markets and auctions. This was released in both jumbo and poker size cards. These directions apply to either version.

Effect: Performer shows a folded prediction and gives it to someone to hold. Next, he introduces a deck of jumbo playing cards...

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Carl Willmann
Moderne Wunder by Carl Willmann

Natürliche Erklärung der älteren wie neueren Geheimnisse der Spiritisten und Antispiritisten, Geistercitierer, Hellseher, Gedankenleser, Heilmedien, Mnemotechniker, Rechenkünstler.

  • Aberglaube und Afterwunder
  • Die Sinnestäuschungen
  • Die Bindeproduktionen
  • Durchdringung der Stoffe
  • Materialisierte Gestalten
  • Die Dunkelsitzung
  • Die Hand- und Fußabdrücke
  • Die Geisterschrift
  • Die magnetische Heilkraft
  • Das Tischrücken
  • Das Hellsehen
  • Das Gedankenlesen
  • Die Geistererscheinungen
  • Sensationelle Wunder

Erstausgabe 1897, 319 Seiten.

★★★★★ $15
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Ottokar Fischer
Das Wunderbuch der Zauberkunst by Ottokar Fischer

Diese Buch arbeitet die Zauberkunst von der Geschichte bis zum Vorführen von Zauberkunststücken systematisch auf. Das als Lehrbuch verfasste Werk vermittelt in insgesamt 12 Kapiteln das Grundverständnis für die Kunst des Zauberns.

  • Wunder der Sinnestäuschung
  • Wunder der Zauberapparate
  • Wunder der Handfertigkeit
  • Wunder der Kleinzauberei
    • Experimente dieser Art mit mechanischen Behelfen
    • Kleinzauberei ohne Vorbereitung
  • Wunder der Kartenkunst
    • Die wichtigsten Kunstgriffe des Kartenkünstlers
    • Mathematische Kartenkunststücke
    • Auf Handfertigkeit beruhende Kartenkünste
  • Wunder der...
★★★★★ $15
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Devin Knight
Streamlined Newspaper Prediction by Devin Knight

[Note: Although the information has been expanded in this release, the basic tearing system was explained in Devin's Random Thoughts trick that used dice. If you own that trick, then you already know the streamlined tear system.

The holy grail of all newspaper tear predictions. Even Al Koran would have been amazed, if he knew of this version. Are you one of the thousands of magicians who have tried to learn one of the newspaper tear predictions and threw up your hands in frustration trying to learn complex tearing systems and trying to memorize confusing sequences of tears? That is all about to end with Devin Knight's amazing streamlined tear, which you can learn to do in just a few minutes. You can do this without having to...

★★★★ $8
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Reel Magic by Albenice

A reel is a tool which enables many surprising effects: Cards will rise, silks will come to life, small items will vanish, and more.

Albenice reveals his famous Serpent Silk, wherein a scarf, twisted rope fashion and tied in a knot visibly unties itself. More than 25 different effects are described, including penetrations, color changes, knot effects, and much more.

Also in the Addenda will be found the complete manuscript of "The Penetrable Silk" by Spalding, which was originally published in The Sphinx in the form of a series of articles. Spalding independently developed a whole series of penetration...

★★★★★ $5
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Eddie Joseph
Staggered by Eddie Joseph

Eddie Joseph writes:

The generous reception meted out to my previous effort Premonition has tempted me to release yet another of my EXCLUSIVE secrets. In presenting this apparent card miracle, I have one regret and that, I am not able to demonstrate it in person before revealing the secret. If I were standing behind a magic counter and you came in as a customer and saw this effect, the chances are that you would not pass it by. This is one effect which will NOT ONLY DUMBFOUND the layman but will INTRIGUE you as well, dear brother ... at least the first few times you try it; EVEN AFTER LEARNING THE SECRET. ...

★★★★★ $4
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Paul A. Lelekis
Classic Card Magic III by Paul A. Lelekis

Included are many photos, pix and a video.

This is the third e-book in the series of Classic Card Magic. Keep up with this series of killer card magic. Paul presents six more amazing classics of card magic complete with details of performance, patter, and methodology. Paul's introduction is a "must read" for performers to understand how and why these classics are so important.

Look what is included below:

1) OUT OF THIS WORLD - Considered by many to be the finest card trick ever devised. This easy to do rendition is performed entirely by the spectator and will make their jaws drop....

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Karma Deck Pro by Unknown Mentalist

If you already own Karma Deck or buy along with this ebook, you can get this for $18. This is a special price on the occasion of the first birthday of Karma Deck. The owners of Karma Deck Pro can also get Kommando Kard for half price, and Karma Deck Psyclical for only $3.

Karma Deck is a landmark in stack magic. Period. Released exactly a year ago, Karma Deck went on to become the number one bestseller stack on Lybrary. With an introduction by none other than Richard Osterlind, it received rave reviews from some of the all time greats of magic and mentalism. Today it is used by top pros all over the world.

Karma Deck Pro is an...

★★★★★ $30
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August Roterberg
Roterberg Catalog 8 by August Roterberg

A huge jump in size from catalog 7 to this catalog 8. Includes a separate section on books where he writes about Expert at the Card Table:

Without doubt the very best and most up-to-date treatise on the numerous sleights used by gamblers, concluding with a thoroughly interesting chapter on Card Sleights and Tricks with Cards. Among the various new gambler’s sleights will be found many which will prove of excellent service to the progressive conjurer. 205 pages; 101 illustrations.

The last section is for: Practical Jokes, Puzzles and Novelties.

1st edition 1904 (date stamped on front 15th July 1904), 170...

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August Roterberg
Roterberg Catalog 7 by August Roterberg

Beautifully illustrated catalog (prior catalogs had no illustrations) with a one page list of books at the back.

1st edition 1904 (date stamped on front 18th March 1904), 45 pages.

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August Roterberg
Roterberg Catalog 5 by August Roterberg

The title page reads: "Superior, New and Standard Conjuring Tricks, Spiritualistic Manifestations and Books on Conjuring."

Particularly noteworthy are the pages in the back where he reprints quotes and praises from customers who have read his books including John Northern Hilliard and Harry Kellar.

1st edition ca. 1898, 76 pages.

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August Roterberg
Roterberg Catalog 1 by August Roterberg

This is the first catalog Roterberg issued, titled: "Descriptive Catalogue of the Latest European Novelties in Magic, Second Sight, Anti-Spiritualism".

Noteworthy here is that Roterberg states that he corresponds not only in English but also German, French and Volapük - a universal language created by the German catholic priest Johann Martin Schleyer in 1880.

1st edition ca. 1894, 20 pages.

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Emil Jarrow
Rope Magic by Emil Jarrow

Emil Jarrow was the man who invented the famous Bill in Lemon effect as well as other classics. This book on rope magic is the only one he wrote.

  • The Secret of Magic
  • Sawing a Woman in Half
  • Saved by Two Knots
  • Hindu Rope Trick
  • Hindu Rope Bottle Trick
  • The Hindu Spirit is Made of Rubber
  • Ring on the Rope
  • Nothing up your Sleeve ... They Think
  • A Pencil, a piece of Twine and Mystification
  • The Rope Through the Neck Illusion
  • The Secret is in a Piece of Thread
  • The Thumbs that Won't Stay Tied
  • The Magic is in the Index Finger
  • Threading the Loop
  • Rope Wrist Escape
  • The Penetrating Rope
  • A...
★★★★★ $10
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Chris Wasshuber
Watch Winder: noise maker by Chris Wasshuber

This little tool produces a clicking or ratcheting noise and is typically used for comedy bits to wind up a watch or crack somebodies arm or neck and other bits.

The starting design came from Randi Middleton who gave me permission to use it anyway I like. I have made several changes to the design, rounded some corners and edges so that it feels better in the hand. Since I am using a stronger material I also could thin up the walls to make it slimmer and I optimized the tongue shape to maximize the noise. I also improved 3D printability. The biggest change is in my use of materials. The housing...

★★★★★ $12.50
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Brian T. Lees
Show Documentation by Brian T. Lees

"I used to do that trick many years ago. I just cannot remember how it went but the audience loved it." Have you heard that before? Everyone has files. We keep records of bill payments, taxes, bank statements and a bunch of other important information. Why would your magic be any different?

This ebook identifies the importance of keeping back up information on your magic. It offers suggestions on a file system that includes text, binders and DVD sources. Armed with this system you could bring back any magic that you have done in the past. Use your files to determine what has changed, what...

★★★★★ $10
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Brian T. Lees
Productive Rehearsal by Brian T. Lees

Whether you spend an hour a day, or a few hours before your performance this ebook helps you get the most out of the time spent.

The materials in this ebook help you identify dead spots, problems with angles, poor manipulation and other elements that directly impact your performance. Materials are included that help you prepare for the unexpected. The performance factor rests entirely on the audience. This ebook helps sharpen your performance skills.

  • What is rehearsal
  • Tools
  • Evaluation
  • Documentation
  • Sample documentation forms
  • Trick/Routine form
  • Train wreck rehearsal
  • Wrapping it...
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Scott Xavier
Beyond Magic - Resort Edition by Scott Xavier

In this new video you will learn a new peak technique using a standard window envelope or a windowed wallet. It's completely clean and passes all scrutiny. It also justifies the need to peak. Also included is a whole section on zip ties you will learn three methods for escaping zip ties which will allow you to create new stage effects and publicity stunts. You can dress up all your existing escapes including the Cabaret Rope Escape by using this new 21st century handcuffing method. Also included is a new take on a Russian Roulette with water. This is great for family mentalism and always gets...

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MP4 (video)

Devin Knight
Jumbo Backstage Monte by Devin Knight

These are just the instruction sheets that came with the trick for those who may have lost the instructions or curious how the trick is done. These instructions DO NOT TELL YOU HOW TO MAKE UP THE TRICK, just the secret behind the trick.

The magician offers to teach the audience a simple card trick. To make it easy to see, he uses a fan of 3 jumbo playing cards. Two of the cards are red sevens while the middle card is a black seven. The backs of the cards are shown and it is seen that the middle card (the black seven) has a sticker on the back. The magician says this makes it easy to keep...

★★★★★ $2
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