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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 4526 to 4549 (of 10405 products)
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Jim Kleefeld
Bug Magic by Jim Kleefeld

An exciting collection of kidshow magic that focuses on bugs and books - including tricks, routines, ideas and resources to help you make your next magic show one with a theme that really appeals to kids.

  • original bug tricks and routines
  • bug art and bug fonts
  • commercial bug magic resources
  • bug prop resources
  • factual bug information
  • bug jokes

1st edition 2017, 68 pages.

★★★ $5
Nelson C. Hahne & Joe Berg
Here's Magic by Nelson C. Hahne & Joe Berg

When one of magic's most clever minds teams up with an award-winning magician and illustrator, you know the result will be unique effects that play strong and is so clever that even magicians are fooled. And that's what you get with Hahne and Berg's Here's Magic.

There is literally something for every performer within these 96 pages. Effects with cards, coins, silks, a gambler's monte effect using a single matchbook, club magic, a stage illusion that predates Copperfield's Statue of Liberty vanish by some 50 years (but with a similar method), mentalism effects, the award-winning poker chip...

★★★★ $0
Professor Solomon
Lives of the Conjurers: Volume 3 by Professor Solomon
  • HOUDINI (Part I) The story of the escape artist who became the highest-paid performer in vaudeville. From his early days as a newsboy, to his years struggling in beer halls, sideshows, dime museums, and other lowly venues, to his success as the Handcuff King, to his rise to international fame. (His fateful encounter with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and spiritualism, and subsequent campaign against fraudulent mediums, will be the subject of Part II.)
  • LARRY WEEKS A master juggler, he dwelt amidst a chaotic collection of magic memorabilia - including the sole surviving copy of The Grim Game, Houdini's...
★★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof April 2017 by Brian T. Lees
  • What is / Why PDF File?
  • Des Moines Iowa Lecture
  • Library Gold
  • DIY Levitation
  • Now What?
  • Invoice Charity Show
  • Watch Your Music
  • Employer / Employee Relationship

1st edition 2017, 10 pages.

★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Match Box Girl by Brick Tilley

Early 1900's version of the Haunted Match Box. For a finish the box transforms into a small doll dressed in a cloth gown. This does take construction skills and the effect is worth the trouble. See video below. Another video, where Tilley literally lifts the skirt of the girl, is included with the purchase (check your digital shelf).

1st edition 2017, PDF 4 pages, video 40s.

★★★★★ $2
Hereward Carrington
Hindu Magic by Hereward Carrington

The magic of India comes to life in Dr. Carrington's colorful look at the fables, feats, and magic of the mystical fakirs of India.

You'll learn the inner workings of the Basket of Death, Mango Seed to Tree, Buried Alive illusion, Flying Rabbit, the Dry Sands Trick, the Beans and Scorpion Trick, Snake Charming, and more.

Want to add something different to your act? Perhaps one of your primary assistants can adopt the role of a Hindu fakir and present one or two of these effects as an added attraction in your existing magic or hypnosis show.

For magic historians, Carrington provides...

★★★★★ $10
Robert A. Nelson
A Complete Course in Stage (Pseudo) Hypnotism by Robert A. Nelson

This course presents a complete, two-hour program of scientific, mystifying and comical hypnotic stage entertainments that can be presented after studying this all-inclusive course.

Audiences love to witness hypnotic stage acts! Now you, too, can be a stage hypnotist with your own show. Written by an experienced operator (and owner of a stage hypnotic show), this course provides authentic instructions for performing a complete evening's entertainment. Not only does this course teach how to do many wonderful hypnotic tests, it also provides the complete routine of your show, tells how to select...

Brian T. Lees
Fund Raising School Shows by Brian T. Lees

A very strong market for magicians is fund raising through the school system. The chance of hosting a "no cost, no risk" fund raiser can be one of the highest demand performances a magician can do. This is a minimum administration, short term event that can bring in substantial amounts of money for both the school and the magician. A no cost, no risk magic show translates into a two or three-week event that ends in deposit.

This text is a primer to get you into the school shows market. Begin with the high schools and let the referrals lead you in other directions onto new customers.

★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Psycherotika by Unknown Mentalist

A killer set of mind-reading effects in your pocket. Self-working and instantly repeatable with a different outcome each time.

What You Get:

  1. Psycherotika card - A specially designed and beautifully produced sturdy plastic card in poker size.
  2. Nightwalkers card - Another specially designed and beautifully produced sturdy plastic card in poker size.
  3. A special business card printed on both sides with gloss lamination.

The performer is able to divine the starting point and ending point of a "chain of thoughts" which freely happens only in the mind of the participant. Nothing is ever...

★★★★★ $24.95
Simon Lovell
Simon Lovell: The Lemming Unleashed by Simon Lovell

A vintage performance by Simon at Monday Night Magic, including: Getting To Know You, Clint Eastwood Versus the Ballerina, 1-800-MENTAL-HEALTH, Sleight of Tongue Plus, Twisted Rose, The Mysterious Floating Orb of Zanzibar, Souls Torn Asunder, The Angst of Puppetry, Meanderings at the End of the Ride, plus an exclusive half-hour interview.

1st edition 2001, length 1h 10min.

★★★★★ $29.50
Simon Lovell
Simon Lovell's Strange and Unusual Hobbies Show by Simon Lovell

This is your chance to grab a front row seat for the whole Simon "Strange and Unusual Hobbies" show, filmed at the Soho Playhouse in New York City. This has never been available before, anywhere, in any format.

Part con-man, part conjurer and all entertainer, Simon Lovell's 'Strange and Unusual Hobbies' is a show and tell into the devious mind and methods of hustlers, hucksters and cheats. A "raving nutter," Simon's acts of deception are powerful and his execution flawless, as he takes audiences through his wild collection of tricks and cheats. A hilarious and awe-inspiring evening of pure...

Casino Chip Miracle by Peki

This trick might become your favorite trick. You show spectators a green casino chip. And then every few seconds a new visual effect happens. The chips proliferate and migrate under your hands. They disappear and reappear somewhere else. They change color individually and for the climax all three chips change color.

You get a show routine by decorated magician Peki. Peki won with his manipulation performance many international first prizes and also two awards at the FISM World Championships.

This chip performance developed over 30 years of practice, has continued to capture the attention...

★★★★ $15
Steven Youell
100% Forcing: The Classic Force and The Stanley Collins Force by Steven Youell

Learn the details of these two important forces and several great routines from Steven Youell who has mastered these two moves. This ebook is photo illustrated and teaches you every nuance.

  • Starting Out
  • Learning the Timing
  • The Standard Advice
  • No Parrots
  • No Celebrations
  • Can the Classic Force Be 100%?
  • Eliminating the Fear
  • The Basic Mechanics of the Stanley Collins Force
  • Without a Table
  • Meshing the Mechanics with Words and Movements
  • The Classic Force Is Not a Trick
  • Applications for the Stanley Collins Force
    • Bill Simon's Business Card Prophecy Move
    • The Two Pile Force
  • Practical...
★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Tenkai Pennies by Brick Tilley

A different handling makes a retention of vision illusion possible. This classic is now more baffling than ever. See video below. You will also receive a tutorial video explaining how you can best practice this coin move.

A very similar effect is Tenkai Buttons except that the buttons require a little preparation before this can be done smoothly.

1st edition 2017, 4 pages + video.

Brick Tilley
Mansions of Glory by Brick Tilley

The elusive matchbox.

A favorite of Dai Vernon. A matchbox sleeve vanishes from the performer's hand and returns to his pocket. Requires some construction but not difficult. See video below.

1st edition 2017, 4 pages.

★★★★ $6
Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre
Pow Wow by Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre

6 easy Native American themed mentalism routines.

This eBook first released in 2006 disappeared a year later and returns now in its original form. So what is a Pow Wow?

Pow Wow is the Native American people's way of meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships and making new ones. It's also a time to renew thought of the old ways and to preserve the rich Native American heritage. The word powwow in itself is from an Indian word that has been Anglicized. It comes from the Algonquian term "pau-wau" or "pauau", which referred to a gathering of medicine...

Eddie Joseph
Memory of the Mind by Eddie Joseph

Key codes, card systems, and mnemotechnic marvels.

  • Introduction
  • Mnemotechnic Marvels
  • No. 1 - The Numbered Cards
  • No. 2 - The Cloak-Room Attendant
  • No. 3 - Seeing Through The Bag
  • No. 4 - Objects In The Dark
  • No. 5 - Locating The Page
  • No. 6 - Double Dealing
  • Identifying The Personality
  • Key Codes
    • My Card System
    • How To Prepare For A Series Of Astounding Tricks Through "My System"
    • Formula To Find Out Where Any Particular Card Lies In The Pack
    • The Card Fiend
  • Memory System

1st edition 1952, 23 pages.

★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
13 Ways to Three-Way by Jon Racherbaumer

This ebook explores the classic "Quick Three Way" plot. How can the faces of three playing cards be shown to be the same?

  • Foreword
  • Quick 3-Way (Ed Marlo)
  • New Quick 3-Way (Ed Marlo)
  • Freeway Three-Way (John Bannon)
  • Another Quick 3-Way (Ed Marlo)
  • Slide Three-Way (Phil Goldstein)
  • Cervon’s Quick Three-Way
  • Revised Quick D-Way (Derek Dingle)
  • Tweaked Three-Way (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Okal's 3-Way (Bill Okal)
  • Kay-Kay Tri-Way (Kevin Kelly)
  • Flustrating Three-Way (Brother John Hamman)
  • Rhumba Three-Way (Vallarino)
  • Montesque Three-Way (Ed Marlo)
  • Bonus: Least-Likely Find

1st edition 2017, 42 pages....

★★★★★ $5
Lloyd W. Chambers
Original Ideas in Magic by Lloyd W. Chambers

A master craftsman reveals some of his most prized magical effects!

Lloyd W. Chambers is well-known in magic and collector circles for having built some very fine examples of the conjuror's craft for the likes of Thayer, Abbott, and his own Chambers Magic Co. Within the pages of this ebook are 26 magic effects, many of them offered for sale individually in dealer catalogues for prices far exceeding the price of the entire book.

Here's a look at the contents:

  1. Publisher's Introduction
  2. L-W-C Telepathy
  3. Fisherman's Mat
  4. How Time Flies
  5. Mawe's Telepathy
  6. A Match for You
  7. The Flying Ball ...
★★★★ $8
Robert A. Nelson
More Miracles in Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson

Here are more new, original and sensational mental effects, brought to you by many foremost mentalists. A wide variety of time proven, audience tested effects are included. Several of the effects were formerly catalogued and sold by their originators for several dollars each. Now get them all in this fine ebook, the second in the series of "Miracles in Mentalism."

Take a look at what's included:

  1. Subliminal Perception (Syd Bergson)
  2. One is Face Up (Dr. Stanley Jaks)
  3. Facsimile (Gene "Phantini" Grant)
  4. ESP Coincidence (Bob Nelson)
  5. Musical Thoughts (R. W. Grosholz)
  6. Alphabetical Perception (Dr. S. P. Thornton) ...
★★★★★ $12
Robert A. Nelson
Pages from a Medium's Notebook by Robert A. Nelson

Would you like to open the secret notebook of a successful medium and psychic reader? To study and absorb the personal notes and information gleaned as a result of years of experience? Would you like first-hand observations and instructions on how to give successful "psychological readings?" To know what to anticipate when a client enters your office? To know what type of reading to give for the satisfaction of the subject? To discover how and why the client is so easily fooled? To learn the closely guarded bits of "business" that build private readings and reputations?

The information contained...

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Stebbins Surprise Stack by Unknown Mentalist
  1. Can a Si Stebbins PLUS TWO stack be made useful for stack magic?
  2. Can the values of this stack be made to look random enough for fair scrutiny?
  3. Can this stack be made useful as a memorized deck - knowing the card at a given position and vice versa - without a sweat?
  4. Can this stack have a monodistic sequence instead of the repeating tetradistic sequence like the regular Si Stebbins stack?
  5. After having achieved all the above, will the stack still remain simple and easy to learn?
  6. Can this same framework be applied to the other Stebbins +3 or +4 stacks?
  7. Finally, will it be possible to perform...
Abhinav Bothra
T.N.T. Hypnosis by Abhinav Bothra

Things that nobody ever taught about hypnosis.

There are a lot of popular sources on stage/street hypnosis and all of them teach you what you need to know to be a successful hypnotist but miss out/under explore certain WHATs and WHYs like –

  • What is the difference between conscious and sub-conscious mind?
  • Why do hypnotists often change their pace of speech?
  • Why is it difficult to hypnotise children?
  • Why should we dress well when Hypnosis is all verbal?
  • What effect does fractionation have on our mind?
  • and many more..
There are no tricks or skits in here; this is just knowledge that...
★★★★ $3
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Snip-Snip Want Ad Test by Ulysses Frederick Grant

The Snip-Snip Want Ad Test is the a sensational, simplified, baffling and easy to present effect. No switching, palming, sleight of hand or advance preparation is needed. Guard the secret well. I have seen professional mentalists pay $100 and more for secrets far inferior to this. Your audience will not believe it. Neither would you if you were not in on the secret.

Effect: A single column of want ads cut from any newspaper is freely shown. It is not gimmicked or prepared in any way. Holding the strip vertically, you start to snip ads from the bottom of the strip, one at a time, until a spectator...

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