Here is a 21st Century version of John Scarne's Think-A-Card, published by U.F. Grant back in 1938. Whereas Scarne's version relied on the convenience of writing predictions on cigarette papers, Baxter completely dispenses with this quaint idea with a new, slick presentation.
Daley was really fired up about this highly effective mental test from the ingenious Scarne: "You are about to become the possessor of a rare and beautiful gem in mental magic" he enthused. "Simple in its modus operandi and yet so tremendously almost perfect demonstration of mind reading."
Scarne, a universally recognized...
A routine and script that (with an assist from Mel Mellers), transforms a rather dry piece of mentalism into a fun and entertaining piece of magic.
The plot of the Add-A-Number effect doesn't lend itself to the magical performer, as the audience knows that they're watching tricks, not psychic phenomenon, which means that the presentation of "seeing the future" isn't as effective as it could be.
Plus, the method is closely tied to the revelation. How could you predict a number unless you somehow knew what everyone would write or you switched the numbers?
This script - with a huge...
This is a close-up novelty that you can print yourself and which can be done anywhere at a moment's notice, a cute bar stunt with comedy, plus a touch of mystery. You can do it as a table trick, or in fact anywhere you can get an audience. An ideal pocket trick. Or you can print the provided sheet as large as you want and perform the trick for a larger audience or on a stage.
An illustrated square of paper is shown and the pictures of "City Slickers", "Susie" and "The Wolves" are described with amusing patter as the sheet is folded into a small package. With one single cut the folded paper...
If you like the effect of bill in lemon, but not all the mess it creates, then this is for you. It's a borrowed bill to impossible place, with the spectator given multiple choices.
Five sealed rolls of Lifesavers are placed in a candy dish and left in full view of the audience at all times. A dollar bill is then borrowed from any spectator who reads off the serial number of the bill while the performer writes it in full view of the audience on a whiteboard. Whiteboard with the serial number is left in full view so that all may see it at all times. No miscalling of numbers here, as the spectator...
1st edition 1988, 15 pages; 1st digital edition 2018, 25 pages.
This is a fairly typical magic book from the 19th century. It mixes magic tricks and illusions with science experiments. Due to the fact that back then many did not have a basic understanding of physics and chemistry, many of these exhibitions of science appeared like magic.
Subtitle of the book is: A series of artistic conjuring experiments fully explained in detail and supplemented by a preachment upon the art in the form of original essays upon the subject, The Actor Magician.
Len was a creative and innovative magician who came up with a number of engaging routines for mentalists, kid shows, and family performers. Here you will find mostly stand up routines.
Great mentalism routines most don't know about.
Perhaps the best torn and restored bill effect the magical world has ever seen.
A magical inspiration that comes once in a blue moon. A sensation of the I.B.M. and S.A.M. conventions. After you've read the following effect, you'll say it's impossible. And so will your audience, when they see you perform this bill tear.
Effect: The performer reaches into his wallet and removes a dollar bill. To preclude the possibility of exchange or duplicates, the performer requests someone in the audience to mark the bill in any manner they wish. His hands are carefully shown to be empty. There is no...
The authorship of this book is not entirely clear, but Frikell is a likely author of at least good parts of the book. However, most likely it is a compilation of material from different sources with potentially a number of editors and compilers. Some of the other names associated with this book are H.L. Williams, George Arnold, Frank Cahill, and John Wyman, Jr. The book covers not only magic tricks of various kinds, but also a lot of what we would call today "kitchen table top experiments" in fields ranging from mechanical and chemical to optical, math and others. It also features a section...
Shaw was a dealer in Chicago during the time of Erdnase, who specialized in manufacturing trick apparatus, illusions, and gimmicks. Most of the effects described in this work are apparatus type of magic. There is also a sizable section on Chapeaugraphy.
New Ideas In Magic
Tom Sellers was a very creative magician who created in pretty much all disciplines of magic. He invented among others Bank Night and won the Sphinx Award, which was an award given to the best new creative routine.
A collection of wonderful coin routines.
Karrell Fox had a unique style and take on classics of magic and various of his own creations. This ebook covers a wide swath of his magic from stage to close-up, mentalism to silly bits. Also includes lots of photos from his life and performances. Illustrated by Sid Lorraine.
A borrowed bank note, of any denomination, is marked with the initials of the owner, and wrapped in a handkerchief. A borrowed and examined lemon is placed under a tumbler. The bank note is commanded to leave the handkerchief, and is found inside the lemon.
1st edition 1983, 8 pages; 1st digital edition 2018, 7 pages.
Live from the European Close-up Magic Symposium 2012. This is a wonderful sleight-less classic card routine that Giobbi has polished to a fine sheen with added psychological subtleties and a logical and meaningful presentation.
A brand new deck of cards, still wrapped in cellophane and sealed, is shuffled by different spectators. 10 cards are selected by a spectator. Roberto then divines each card without touching anything. The last card is revealed with a prediction and a duplicate of the last card is also found in the prediction envelope.
Performance duration: 9 minutes
Here's an amazing ebook of new effects and improvements to magic and mentalism classics, from the fertile mind of a master craftsman. Long off the market, this updated and expanded edition brings to life 16 miracles from the workshop of George Le Walke, the genius and craftsman who created effects for several well-known magic dealers. These miracles of magic and thought-reading will get your mind to thinking of ways to add one or more of them to your own act.
While some of the described effects do require workshop skills, they can be constructed in most anyone's home shop. If you're not mechanically...
A confidential report, intended only for those who are serious about the mental profession. Learn the correct techniques of presentation, teaching what to do and what not to do for successful mentalism. A must-have book for every mentalist and magician. These lessons will make you a better performer, enhance your reputation as an unusual entertainer and enable you to collect higher fees.
THE SERIOUS BUSINESS OF MENTALISM - Mentalism as a profitable business - The Mentalist's Sole Aim - The Effort to Deceive - The Challenge to the Spectator - Mentalism vs. Magic - Perfection...