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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Tommy Burnett
Advancing Mother by Tommy Burnett

Advancing Mother is a 'progressive' advancement in the revelation of the famous effect, Mother Of All Book Tests (MOABT) by Ted Karmilovich. If you already own a copy of MOABT then Advancing Mother is for you. If you don't, then hopefully this will inspire you to get one for yourself.

Tommy Burnett's thinking will take you down a short but winding road towards the goal of revealing a thought of word. By using Tommy's well thought out system you no longer need to secretly discover the first letter of the word. You can get an immediate hit without asking anything and in most cases get hit after...

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Jochen Zmeck
Enzyklopädie der Rau-Glatt Kartentricks Teil 2 (Skriptum Erlesener Magie VII) by Jochen Zmeck
  • KAPITEL VI Kartenverwandlungen
    1. Der abgedankte König
    2. Leichte Kartenverwandlung (Ravelli)
    3. Mehrfache Kartenverwandlung (Rasper)
    4. Der Tempel der Venus (Rasper)
    5. Der halbe Zauberspruch
    6. NON PLUS ULTRA / Mein Verwandlungskartenspiel
    7. Nudist-Deck
    8. Kosmische Strahlen
  • KAPITEL VII Vermischte Effekte
    1. Ein neuer Sechskartentrick
    2. Die sich drehende Karte (Rasper)
    3. Medium (Zmeck)
    4. Trigon II (Hull)
    5. Erfüllte Gedankenwünsche (Al Koran)
    6. Die Karten-Guillotine
    7. Out of this World II (Bill Edwards)
    8. Ein R.-G.-Vierastrick (Frei nach Trevor Hall)
  • Schlußwort

Skriptum Erlesener Magie Band VII


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Will Goldston
Secrets of Magic by Will Goldston

This was Goldston's first magic publication, a mix of magic, some juggling, and a bit of other variety arts such as shadowgraphy and chapeaugraphy.

From the Introduction:

To make this work more attractive than the general run of books on Magic, the following articles have been introduced: - Hypnotism, Smoke Pictures, Hand Shadowgraphy, Elocution, Art of Making-up, Hoop Rolling, Ventriloquism, Stage Illusions, Lock Tricks, etc., in conjunction with Conjuring.

  • Introduction
  • The Wedding Ring passed through a Handkerchief
  • The Candle and Handkerchief Illusion
  • The Devo Card Trick
  • The...
★★★★★ $10
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Preston Langley Hickey
Parlor Problems by Preston Langley Hickey

Mental mathematical magic

A slim book, yet it contains some of the most entertaining effects with numbers ever devised. An ebook devoted to an entirely different branch of magical entertainment that, prior to its release, had never been published before. This ebook opens up a new and unique field to any entertainer. Any person of average intelligence can perform the various effects. No apparatus necessary, except for a blackboard, white board or flip chart and a writing utensil. With this ebook, anyone can produce both laughter and surprise and create a riot at any evening party with the...

★★★★★ $6
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Brick Tilley
Spirit Slate by Brick Tilley

The Davenport Brothers caused a sensation in the last century by seeming to contact spirits. Leaving messages on blank slates was a common method of achieving this. Flaps, magnets and switching were among the ways to achieve results. Here is your chance to reproduce this phenomenon using an ordinary craft store slate, and a piece of chalk. A blank slate is cleaned as it is shown. Yet a bold chalk message appears without any cover or false moves. A stunning effect that startles onlookers. Easy to perform.

1st edition 2019, 4 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Topper Martyn
Topper Martyn Interview: all 4 parts by Topper Martyn

Martin Breese recorded this interview on September 16th 1977, but never released it. He passed on the reels to me with the instruction to release them whenever I wish. Topper Martyn was an extraordinary showman, magician, juggler and musician. Learn about his life and the lessons he learned.

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Robert A. Nelson & Sir Edwards
Sir Edwards' $100 Horoscope Demonstration Sales Plan by Robert A. Nelson & Sir Edwards

One of the rarest of offerings from the Nelson Enterprises catalog is this horoscope pitch act that sold for the equivalent of $1600 when first introduced. Only the wealthiest of mentalists and psychic operators would have risked this huge sum in 1942, when the plan was first offered. While the steep cover price helped guarantee exclusivity, those who put the plan to use made big money with it. Now you can, too.

In this collection of six books, electronically "bound" together as one, you'll learn Sir Edwards' proven method of selling horoscopes, booklets and lucky pieces to a willing, "off-the-street" audience. Complete...

★★★★★ $100
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Topper Martyn
Topper Martyn Interview Part 4 by Topper Martyn

This is the final part of Martin Breese interviewing Topper Martyn. There are lots of wonderful stories and lessons from his life. Listen, enjoy, and learn.

Rehearsing versus practicing, Tambo & Tambo, final advice to jugglers, final word to magicians.

[Note: This is an unedited version of the recording to preserve the little exchanges of Martin Breese with Topper Martyn. Consequently there is some duplication.]

The interview was conducted on September 16th 1977. First released 2019. Length 12 minutes.

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Topper Martyn
Topper Martyn Interview Part 3 by Topper Martyn

Martin Breese interviews Topper Martyn about his life as variety performer doing magic, juggling, and playing the banjo. There are lots of wonderful stories and lessons from his life. Listen and enjoy.

Topper Martyn is doing and explaining a card trick, what is most difficult to do on a stage, about changing names, Milton Woodward, Think A Drink Hoffman, how to learn to juggle, Stetson, juggling on radio, circus, collecting, Frank Wondrous, Windmill theatre, lighting and music, serious advice, rehearsing versus practicing, etc.

[Note: This is an unedited version of the recording to preserve the little exchanges of Martin Breese with Topper Martyn. Consequently there is some duplication.]

The interview was conducted on September 16th 1977. First...

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Topper Martyn
Topper Martyn Interview Part 2 by Topper Martyn

Martin Breese interviews Topper Martyn about his life as variety performer doing magic, juggling, and playing the banjo. There are lots of wonderful stories and lessons from his life. Listen and enjoy.

Topper Martyn continues talking about finding out how you are yourself, Charlie Kunz, sincerity, teaching juggling and magic, Metropolitan Music Hall, his wife, secret of a great juggling act, street performing, marketplaces, Harrogate convention, what is the hardest thing to do on the stage, Dante, George Blake, Benson Dulay, etc. Also includes a few street performances of various unidentified tricks...

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Topper Martyn
Topper Martyn Interview Part 1 by Topper Martyn

Martin Breese interviews Topper Martyn about his life as variety performer doing magic, juggling, and playing the banjo. There are lots of wonderful stories and lessons from his life. Listen, enjoy and learn.

Topper Martyn was born into a performing family. In this part he touches on the Windmill theatre, flops, ENSA (Entertainments National Service Association), learning and making errors in front of an audience, his family, his first stage performance, illusionists, Horace Goldin, comedy magic, Sid Field, antique shop in Stockholm, an expensive laugh, being on ice skates, Eddie Morrell, Fred Culpit,...

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Howard P. Albright
Unique "Thought Card" Discovery by Howard P. Albright

You reveal a freely thought card.

EFFECT: Spectator freely selects several cards from his own shuffled deck and thinks of one. Those are returned and mixed in the pack. By means of "tuned thought-waves" the performer discovers the very card spectator is thinking of and, either names it dramatically, or causes it to obey his command in a distinctly "unique" manner. A real mental mystery.


  • No advance preparation
  • The card is really only thought
  • Free choice without any force
  • Cards can be borrowed
  • Very subtle method…you will love it.

PDF 5 pages

★★★★★ $4
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Carlos Emesqua
Emesqua on Spirit Magic by Carlos Emesqua

Carlos Emesqua's unique approaches to Spirit Magic. Powerful, realistic and spooky pieces of mystery done in creative new ways.

  • Essay: The fundamental secret for Spirit Magic
  • 1. Fire Match: Learn how to create a self-ignite match, using any borrowed match. (No chemicals, no preparation)
  • 2. Ectoplasm: Make an ectoplasm appear anytime, anywhere (Highly practical)
  • 3. Emesqua Voodoo: An unique and powerful demonstration of voodoo using business cards.
  • 4. Image of the Soul: A paranormal phenomena using a photo and a strange vanish.
  • 5. Emesqua Spirit Writing: Just a few pieces of papers are...
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Jochen Zmeck
Enzyklopädie der Rau-Glatt Kartentricks Teil 1 (Skriptum Erlesener Magie VII) by Jochen Zmeck

Aus der Einleitung:

Über das Thema Rau-Glatt sprach ich zum ersten Mal im Seminar auf dem Magierkongreß 1956 in Leipzig. Danach erschienen von mir 5 Fortsetzungsserien über dieses Thema in der Zauberkunst. Wenn die Redaktion der "Zauberkunst" und ich uns trotzdem noch entschlossen haben, ein Buch darüber herauszubringen, dann vor allem deshalb, damit über dieses interessante Gebiet einmal eine zusammenhängende Enzyklopädie vorhanden ist. Und ich kann Ihnen versprechen: Ich habe Bücher und Zeitschriften gewälzt, ich habe mit vielen Zauberfreunden im In- und Ausland korrespondiert und kann Ihnen...

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Tommy Windsor
Supermarket Magic by Tommy Windsor

Make money performing at stores, malls and shopping centers with a one-man magic show.

If you are of average ability, this book reveals Tommy Windsor's exact plan for booking and performing a short, 15 to 25-minute magic act at stores in your area. The book tells you everything . . . how to book . . . how much to charge . . . how to play . . . sales gimmicks . . . the contract . . . and even reproduces all the ads and publicity the store can use. There are no ads for you to sell. With this, and one suitcase of magic, you can make $850+ per day, right near home, and still hold your regular...

★★★ $8
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Geo DeLawrence & Robert A. Nelson
Answers to Questions by Geo DeLawrence & Robert A. Nelson

Reveals the inside secrets for delivering informative, entertaining and sensational answers to audience questions. A "must-have" text for every mentalist and psychic entertainer.

The secret of success in doing a question and answer act lies in the performer's ability to answer the questions intelligently and to the point. The lack of this knowledge - how to answer the questions - has proven to be a major stumbling block to many performers. While not a new book on the subject, therein lies the gold. The authors' understanding of the subject was so complete and basically sound that this book...

★★★★★ $8
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Brick Tilley
Cut and Restored Balloon by Brick Tilley

A unique effect using an ordinary balloon. The performer holds the balloon by the neck. Without any false moves he uses a pair of scissors to cut a small portion of the bottom end off. This cutting action is repeated three more times until all that remains is the neck of the mutilated balloon. Putting this to his lips, he blows into the neck. Immediately the balloon restores itself and inflates to its full size. The performer then pops the balloon using the points of the scissors, startling his audience. This can lead into a dove production if you wish.

1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages.

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Chris Wasshuber
Birthdate Magic Square by Chris Wasshuber

A spectator populates a row of a 4x4 square with any four numbers. You fill out the remaining 12 squares in seconds to construct a magic square. Does not require any math.

This has become my favorite impromptu magic square effect, because it is easier than a classic magic square - there is literally no math, unless you consider counting up or down by one math - and it produces a stronger effect with spectators. Thus a win-win all around.

The effect: Take any piece of paper, for example the backside of a restaurant receipt, and draw an empty 4x4 square. Then ask a spectator to fill in any...

★★★★★ $19.50
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Matteo Filippini
Homing Card by Matteo Filippini

Matteo Filippini presents his personal study on the Francis Carlyle Homing Card.

Starting from the splendid Carlyle version, which appeared on the historical Stars Of Magic, through Roberto Giobbi's Homing Card Plus, from the second volume of Card College, Matteo offers his vision on this great card magic effect.

The Homing Card is certainly one of the few effects with playing cards that are well suited to different situations: close-up, parlour, TV, theatre...

The routine has been divided into several phases and analyzed down to the smallest detail. In addition some historical notes and a rich bibliography.

1st edition 2019,...

★★★★ $10
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Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 89 (November 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 15, No. 5, November 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Fay Presto

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Fay Presto - One of London's Brightest Lights - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  5. What A Laugh - 10 Ways to Inject Comedy Into Kid's Shows - Mark Leveridge
  6. Masterclass
    1. Vanishing Point - Gary Jones
    2. Pocket Demon - Jeramy Neugin
  7. Share Magic - The Vanishing Inc Magic Fund - Joshua Jay
  8. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements from a few of our regular advertisers
  9. Tom Meserol - interview by Jay Fortune
  10. The Branding Guru - interview by Jay Fortune ...
★★★★★ $5
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Bandual by Doan
"WTF, some witchcraft?? I can't figure it out. Amazing!!" - Mario Tarasini
My name is Doan and here is a new effect with rubber bands. Imagine you just have one rubber band which you instantly turn into two rubber bands. A flash duplication of a rubber band. Everything is done in front of your spectator's eyes. Or, you can also do a very cool and visual rubber band color change effect.
  • No gimmick used
  • Do with any size (within reason) rubber band
  • Watch your angles. This looks great from certain directions, but you are exposed from others. Certainly not a trick to be done surrounded.


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MP4 (video)

Werner Miller
E-Z Square 1-9 by Werner Miller

All 9 ebooks on magic squares by Werner Miller.

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Werner Miller
E-Z Square 1-9 (German) by Werner Miller

Alle 9 Ebücher über Magische Quadrate von Werner Miller.

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Herbert-Martin Paufler
Das Herbert Paufler Skriptum (Skriptum Erlesener Magie VI) by Herbert-Martin Paufler

Aus dem Vorwort von Hans-Gerhard Stumpf:

Was Oberingenieur Paufler mit Hilfe der Physik an reizvollen und hervorragenden magischen Effekten schuf und entwickelte, ist erstaunlich und wohl einmalig. Keiner seiner Aufsätze ist sogenannte 'graue Theorie'; alles wurde von ihm gebastelt und vorher praktisch auf seine Wirksamkeit ausprobiert, ehe er es mit der Feder auf dem Papier festhielt.

  • Vorwort
  • Fips
  • Der Diamant der Herzogin
  • Combine
  • Hagen
  • Der Hundefänger
  • Benares-Wunder
  • Inka
  • Susi
  • Lux
  • Alle Neune!
  • Combine II
  • Sukki II
  • Konstruktionsbeispiele für eine Auslösung
  • Pneumoglockus
  • Der Kleinstmotor...
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