The Magigram, Volume 19, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Including an Index to Volume 19, 910 pages
The Magigram, Volume 18, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Including an Index to Volume 18, 920 pages
The Magigram, Volume 17, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Including an Index to Volume 17, 913 pages
The Magigram, Volume 16, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
Including an Index to Volume 16, 810 pages
The Magigram, Volume 15, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
812 pages
The Magigram, Volume 14, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
790 pages
The Magigram, Volume 13, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
816 pages. Now printed with page numbers!
The Magigram, Volume 12, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
856 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 11, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
988 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 10, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
1022 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 9, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
1028 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 8, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
916 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 7, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
856 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 6, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
1052 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 5, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
860 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file
The Magigram, Volume 4, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
892 pages - Now Monthly. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 3, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
448 pages - 6 Issues. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 2, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
826 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram, Volume 1, The Supreme Magic Company, Ken de Courcy, editor
672 pages. No page numbers on printed issues, page numbers refer to the page in the file.
The Magigram ran for around twenty-seven years and started with the first proper issue in September 1966 and ended in February 1995, in total more than 22,000 pages. Almost every well-known magician from those years made some form of contribution to the magazine including Billy McComb who had an inspiring regular column. The magazine started life as a vehicle for advertisements for the Supreme Magic Company but soon developed into a proper magazine that many magicians took out on subscription. Every branch of magic from close up to illusions was covered and it was one of the most popular UK magic magazines...
You live through a live show at the Magic Castle and then Paul explains move by move many, many effects. Included are ESP card routine, Silver, Copper routine, the Mandarin Coins, Diamond Aces and more.
Sid Lorraine said: "I listened to one right away and was so intrigued I immediately listened to the second. I think they are among the best that Martin has released. They are packed with practical advice and teaching as only Paul can do it. I can recommend these tapes. Paul does a fine job and if you like his kind of close-up trickery, you'll learn a lot."
This recording was originally...
This recording gives all the secrets of grafting or pitching. Walt reveals the secrets that enabled him to earn a handsome living pitching such items as Svengali decks, the coin and glass, three card trick, and other tricks of the grafter's trade. You will find everything from the grafter's own language and terminology, to the pitches, and how to make the products.
Walt Lees is a born pitchman. His voice draws you in. It plays with your mind, you are getting interested, intrigued, fascinated, excited, until you can't hold it anymore - you must have this trick - you buy it, and the pitchman...
This is Alan Rorrison's semi-sarcastic reply to the dreaded request: "Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat?" This question has plagued close-up magicians for decades. Suffer no more. This effect is the appropriate answer and will silence your pesky spectators.
The effect is lovely. Get a card selected and signed (a truly free selection - no force), draw a top hat on it and have rabbit appear in it. Then you use a rubber band as lasso to catch the rabbit.
1st edition 2009; runtime: 16min
D'illusions Too is a complete mentalism show in an ebook. All the material is low set-up less then 30 minutes and can be purchased from Wal-mart for less then ten dollars. This ebook is for advanced mentalists who know basic mentalism concepts. The material is heavy into dual reality concepts...
Inside this ebook you will get:
A method to design an ink writer
Learn to create an ink writer that will last nearly a life time...easy practical and efficient.
A multi spectator drawing duplication
Imagine a two spectator back to back drawing duplication where you draw both the spectators...