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Magic & Conjuring: page 14


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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B. W. McCarron
Video Magic by B. W. McCarron

Use your VCR as a video prediction chest!

Add amazing, audience-tested effects to your act, including French Postcards, Jokers Wild, Batter Up!, Break the Bank, Headlines of the Past, Mental Shopping, Lucifer's Lexicon, Movie-ola, Mental Lottery, and many others.

The subtle methods are broken into chapters where you'll discover the Three Outs Principle, The Multiple Outs Principle, the Index Principle, The Ultima Principle, and more. The author had previously sold this work only through Micky Hades' Seattle retail shop, which has since closed. The material in this ebook is just too good...

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Dale A. Hildebrandt
The First Five by Dale A. Hildebrandt

The first five volumes of the highly-acclaimed What Do You Expect For A Dollar? series. 45 Half-finished ideas with multiple typos and no photographs.

1st edition 2009, 98 pages.

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Laurie Ireland & Paul Studham & Jasper Ward
Black Art: a DIY version by Laurie Ireland & Paul Studham & Jasper Ward

The cry from TV, big Show Business, small Show Business, School Shows, is for something new, something different. Black Art is a new art to this generation. Dolinoff, Black Theatre of Prague, Ralph Adams, have all been featured on TV, but only these few have practiced this great Black Art. In this ebook you learn all about it, from a do-it-yourself standpoint. There are three complete acts fully described, what to do and how to do it, with details for a modern, portable presentation that can be done anywhere. A modern bar act, a noisy, fascinating spook act, and a children's routine the kids...

★★★★★ $7.95
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Hugh Miller
The Art of Eddie Joseph by Hugh Miller

"I consider Eddie Joseph one of the magical geniuses of this age." - John Braun (editor of the Linking Ring).

"Eddie Joseph's material isn't only's great." - Lloyd E. Jones writing in Genii

"His originations have won him world acclaim and a niche in Magic's Hall of Fame." - Eddie Clever

"Just how one man can be so good in so many fields, we don't know. We do feel, however, that the world of magic can consider itself lucky that there is such a person. At one time, we remember Joe Berg arguing with us that there wasn't such a person, that it was a phoney name dreamed up to mask some top professional." - Sid Lorraine

★★★★ $20
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Paul A. Lelekis
The Art of Magical Entertainment by Paul A. Lelekis

The Art of Magical Entertainment is an e-book with six beautiful routines...and Paul's good friend and master magician, Dan Tong has graciously provided his full Egg Bag Routine in this e-book. Included is a video of Dan performing this routine for a live audience. Paul also provides a detailed and rich history of the Egg Bag.

Paul's good friend Mike Powers also has donated a video of a very important sleight - plus access to his moves section at his website.

**BONUS! You're going to love this. Paul has included a large essay explaining, "The Real Essence of Magical Entertainment". Paul...

★★★★★ $12
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Will Ayling & Sam Sharpe
Oriental Conjuring and Magic by Will Ayling & Sam Sharpe

This ebook is almost an encyclopedia of Indian, Chinese and Japanese magic. It consists of two parts. The first part is an index, reference and bibliography compiled by Sam Sharpe. The second part, researched and written by Will Ayling, describes all 101 effects from Sharpe's index.

You will learn about fantastic effects such as buried alive, sword swallowing, pulse stopping and snake charming. But it is not all about geek magic. There is also a lot of close up magic, stage magic and illusions. The 101 effects described are:

  1. The Psychology of the Indian Conjurer
  2. The Bamboo Rods and Strings...
★★★★ $25
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Raymonde Crow
California Gang Knives by Raymonde Crow

California Gang Knives, Raymonde Crowe's routine for the color-changing knives, includes two new sleights. The routine includes a comedy presentation, bonus comedy lines, and ends strong when a knife magically shrinks into a miniature knife. At the finale you are automatically reset. California Gang Knives can be performed in short sleeves and jeans.

My aim in this routine was to move beyond repetitive color changes, and over-reliance on the paddle/turnover move, and to conclude the routine strongly. I also wanted to move beyond just describing black and white knives changing places, but...

★★★★★ $5
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Irresistible Close-Up Magic by Duraty

The best routines of a french magician well known for his creativity and efficiency.

Duraty says: "The effects gathered in this book represent more than 40 years of close-up performances. Endowed with just an average skill, I always gave preference to the most practical and easiest methods for I consider that effects are the only part that counts. I perform magic to amaze and surprise lay audiences rather than showing off in front of other magicians.

In my opinion, skill must remain hidden, flourishes and magical juggling demonstrations are not compatible with the idea I formed of magic,...

★★★★ $20
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Dave Arch
Magic That Matures by Dave Arch

When I attend a magic convention, I enjoy the dealer's show very much. It sends me hurrying to the dealer room to see up-close what I just witnessed. After all, maybe it's something I should add to my show?

I also enjoy all that magic did for me as a child and the contribution it has made to my life as an adult. Magic put me in front of people, increased my confidence, built creativity, encouraged my ability to read and comprehend oftentimes cryptic directions, expanded my memory and many more skills that I still leverage in my career today.

So ... I began to design a show that I would...

★★★★ $15
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Tony Slydini
The Amazing Slydini by Tony Slydini

This is a silent film of Slydini performing some of his feature effects including

  • Paper Balls in the Hat
  • Cigarette Miracle
  • Two Cigarettes from One
  • Coin Magic
  • The Paper Cone
  • Slydini shows his "Knotted Silks" to Remo Inzani
  • A Symphony in Silk
Please note that this is performance only. No explanations are given.

[Note that in the lower right corner is a constant 0.00.00 time code which occasionally obstructs the view, but is in general not an issue.]

From the 1950s, length 9 min 38 s

★★★★★ $7
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MP4 (video)

Jean Nicolas Ponsin & Sam Sharpe
Ponsin on Conjuring by Jean Nicolas Ponsin & Sam Sharpe

In 1853 the French La Nouvelle Magie Blanche Dévoilée by Jean Nicolas Ponsin was published. It was the first book to explain exactly how the leading magicians of the day in France performed their most prized effects. Sam Sharpe translated it to English and Wilf Huggins added a couple of clarifying illustrations.

This ebook is filled with intriguing effects with cards, coins and an entire section on the Cups and Balls. Surprisingly you will find here the idea of using metal balls, the same idea with which Paul Gertner created a sensation. You can find everything from mental miracles, to impromptu effects,...

★★★★ $5
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Henry Hay
Cyclopedia of Magic by Henry Hay

Cyclopedia of Magic is an interesting book. It's primary quality stems from its alphabetical organization. It was compiled and written to provide the magician with a wide and solid background of magical knowledge. It provides definitions, descriptions, biographies and some routines on hundreds of magic topics. It is for the most part a compilation of material contributed by magicians such as August Roterberg, Charles Bertram, Eddie Joseph, Ellis Stanyon, John Mulholland, T. Nelson Downs and many others.

Paul Fleming wrote:

In 1902, William J. Hilliar produced his Modern Magician's Hand Book by bringing together, in a single volume, verbatim extracts from Hoffmann's Modern Magic and...

★★★★ $15
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Stephen Ablett
Romantic Bar Magic Volume 2 by Stephen Ablett

More romantic themed magic that can be performed at weddings, on valentine day or close-up at restaurants and bars to couples on a date. Many of the effects are suitable for parlour, as well as close-up and there are multiple live performances for all the tricks, filmed at Illusions Magic Bar before a full explanation.

Gamble with my Heart
My version of five card repeat, with a surprise ending.

Card in Heart Balloon
A thought-of playing card appears inside a heart shaped balloon.

Wedding Thoughts
Two people think of two objects from a list, then you read their minds.

Heart String...

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MP4 (video)

Stephen Ablett
Romantic Bar Magic Volume 1 by Stephen Ablett

This is a collection of romantic themed magic that can be performed at weddings, on valentine day or close-up at restaurants and bars to couples on a date. Many of the effects are suitable for parlour, as well as close-up and there are multiple live performances for all the tricks, filmed at Illusions Magic Bar before a full explanation.

Glass and Strawberry
A strawberry continually reappears under a glass then turns into a lime.

Key to my Heart
The spectators have to find the key to the magician's heart shaped lock.

Heart and Silk
A silk is produced, penetrates a solid metal heart...

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MP4 (video)

Stephen Ablett
Learn A Magic Trick by Stephen Ablett

This download DVD features over 40 simple, easy-to-learn magic tricks that you can master in minutes and perform for your family and friends. It is easy to start with any tricks you want to learn and with close-up shots you will see all the special moves. You'll be performing these trick in no-time.

This feature is suitable for both adults and children. All the effects require items found around the home and include magic such as the pen through a banknote which can be seen below.

The effects you will learn include:

  • Pencil Through Banknote
  • Crazy Compass
  • Paddle Sticks
  • Amazing Colour...
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MP4 (video)

Stephen Ablett
Magic School Volume 2 by Stephen Ablett

This download video features tricks that Stephen teaches over a course of lessons, and are often used as a showcase piece in a talent show at the end of the course. They are all simple to master and great for any beginner in magic.

Guess Who: Characters are eliminated until your left with one, that matches your prediction.

Ten Card List: Using the card in the data folder, you can read a persons mind

Vanishing Me: Using the template found in the data folder, make a person vanish.

Grid Prediction: A random number is calculated which matches your prediction.

Unburstable Balloon:...

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MP4 (video)

Stephen Ablett
Magic School Volume 1 by Stephen Ablett

This download video features several tricks that Stephen teaches to children in his magic workshops and in one-on-one magic lessons for adults. They are all simple to master and great for any beginner in magic.

Impossible Jigsaw: Puzzle pieces are eliminated until your left with just one, the missing piece of the jigsaw.

Two Into One: Two pieces of string merge into one long piece.

Combination: A random number is created by the spectator, which amazingly opens a sealed lock.

Domino: A row of dominos is made and the end two numbers match your prediction.

Straw Thru Straw: Two...

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MP4 (video)

Devin Knight
The Invisible Gun by Devin Knight

A classic effect from the past, now revised with a new and improved method. Imagine showing your hand to be empty, front and back, then forming it into a finger gun and shooting at an object. Much to the surprise of the audience, they hear an actual bang!

Devin Knight's new Invisible Gun will allow you to do just that, and do it without the use of any caps, explosives or hidden shooting devices. A new method that is 100% safe and has never been used in this type of effect. No chemicals or thumb tips needed. No expensive gadgets to buy either. You can do this within minutes of reading the...

★★★★ $7
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Paul A. Lelekis
Stand-Alone Routines by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul A. Lelekis provides workers with five very strong, full routines that can be used in any performer's repertoire. These routines are strong openers and powerful closers. This e-book begins with a Prologue called Consistency of Action. This section is a "how-to" guide for making your magic more professional - very important stuff. Patter and many photographs are included. There are NO difficult sleights used, allowing you to concentrate on the funny patter. Paul also included a video of The Retention of Vision Coin Pass.

1) ATAVISTIC MATRIX - This is a very visually pleasing assembly...

★★★★★ $12
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Gregg Webb
Soapbox Derby by Gregg Webb

Magic, sleights, humor, opinion, history, presentation, theories, reviews, cartoons, advice, laughs, observations, ramblings, tricks, tricks, tricks, ...

Chapter 1

  • Introduction
  • No Other Card Quite Like It!
  • Lead-In to Wallet
  • The 30 Second Memorized Deck
  • Backspin

Chapter 2

  • Casino Style Zarrow Shuffle + Revised Poker Deal
  • New Works on Marlo/Gardner/Webb Poker Routine
  • New Ending for the 4 Bikers of the Apocalypse
  • Doug MacGeorge - Magic Square as a Card Trick
  • Backspin

Chapter 3

  • The Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy
  • Changes in Philosophy
  • Poor Man's Raven III...
★★★★★ $12
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Gregg Webb
The Book That Burns In Hell by Gregg Webb
  • Chapter 1:
    • Blinded Deluxe
    • Comedy Mental
    • New Experimental Grip for Webb's False Count with Coins
    • A Handling Variation of the L'Homme Masque Load
    • New Shamanism
  • Chapter 2:
    • Leaf Rejuvination
    • Bubble-Pop Corn
    • Tierra Del Fuego Leather Strap Stretch: a real shaman's trick
    • Imaginary Friends
    • Clay Tablets and Beyond
  • Chapter 3:
    • Variations on Chanin's Production
    • Chanin Production to get into 3-Fly
    • Next: A New Ending for 3-Fly
    • 3 At Once
    • On Shamanism
    • Original Spin
  • Chapter 4:
    • Gellerbound
    • Shades of Geller
    • Some from the Fingertips
    • Postcards from the Edge (of Hell)
  • Chapter...
★★★★★ $12
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Gregg Webb
The Book That Casts No Reflection by Gregg Webb

This is a compilation of magic newsletters by the same name that Gregg wrote, illustrated, and published in 2004 and 2005.


  • Foreword (Doug MacGeorge)
  • Table of Contents
Chapter 1: A Simplified Poker Deal
  • S.K.I.S.S.E.S.: Simplified Poker Deal
  • Retouches: Simplified Poker Deal
  • Key and Card: Idea for the Ghost Key
  • The Haunted Bookshelf: brief thoughts on the upcoming Juan Tamariz' Mnemonica book
Chapter 2: A Wild Card Trick - Coins
  • Wild Card Trick: Using Cartoons on Cards
  • Retouches: Adjusting Your Presentation
  • New 1 to 4: Coin Multiplication
  • Retouches: Coin Angles ...
★★★★★ $12
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Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
Colombini Magic Farewell Tour Lecture Part 2 by Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini

This is the second half of the live lecture performed by Aldo and Rachel Colombini in 2011 on their Farewell Tour. It is one of the last filmed lectures of Aldo and is a great tribute to his artistry and memory and a wonderful keepsake.

Here you can go to Part 1. And here you can get the lecture notes covering Part 1 and 2.

★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
Colombini Magic Farewell Tour Lecture Part 1 by Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini

This is the first half of the live lecture performed by Aldo and Rachel Colombini in 2011 on their Farewell Tour. It is one of the last filmed lectures of Aldo and is a great tribute to his artistry and memory and a wonderful keepsake.

Here you can go to Part 2. And here you can get the lecture notes covering Part 1 and 2.

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

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