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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 1790 to 1813 (of 10405 products)
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David Alexander & Richard Kyle
The Magician as Detective by David Alexander & Richard KyleThis product consists of an ebook with two parts and a video. The first part of the ebook is a reproduction of David Alexander's article from the Genii January 2000 issue where he introduced his candidate for Erdnase, Wilbur E. Sanders. The second part is an unpublished booklet titled The S.W. Erdnase Report by Richard Kyle which includes a narrative and several letters to David.

David Alexander and Richard Kyle would speak for hours on the phone exchanging their thoughts, their insights, and their discoveries regarding Erdnase. Richard Kyle would often write a letter to David afterward to memorialize...

Frances Marshall
Kid Stuff by Frances Marshall

Frances Marshall's Kid Stuff series is considered by many experts to be essential reading for anyone interested in performing magic for children. These ebooks contain full scripts, new routines, and advice for both show and business.

  • kid Stuff
  • The Puppet Rabbit Routine
  • The Laurie Ireland Routine With The Egg And Bag Trick
  • Comedy Wand, Handkerchief And Fan Routine
  • The Foxwell Paper Race
  • A Mental Trick For Kids
  • Prelude To Any Rope Trick
  • The Stomach Ache Tube
  • Birthday Child Sequence
  • Ideas For Kid Shows
  • Spellbound
  • Dressing The Doll
  • Eddie Clever's Version Of The Sun And Moon
  • Clown...
Volker Dittmar
Impossible to Find by Volker Dittmar

Imagine: The performer shuffles a deck of cards. He hands them to a spectator, who shuffles them once more. The magician turns away, and the spectator fans half the deck before him and selects any card from the fanned cards. He remembers the card and puts it back into the deck face-up - anywhere. He now makes a total mess of the cards: half of them face-up, the other half face-down. He shuffles the cards again, and again, and again - as often as he likes. Furthermore, he flips the deck so frequently that he has no idea which way his card is facing.

The performer, who could not have seen...

Unknown Mentalist
Astro Q by Unknown Mentalist

An unusual and exotic zodiac toolbox where you can reveal almost anything and everything about the participant's zodiac details.

This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. In addition to this PDF, which can be downloaded instantly, you will receive 4 specially designed cards that are about half an inch bigger than poker size and can be comfortably carried in your pocket.

  1. You can reveal the star sign of the participant
  2. You can reveal the ruling planet of the participant
  3. You can reveal the exact birthday of the participant
  4. You can predict the outcome of choices of personality...
★★★★★ $5
Regardt Laubscher
Water and Oil by Regardt Laubscher

Over the years, many versions of the famous card trick "Oil and Water" have been developed, performed, and even filmed. It's a popular effect amongst magicians. Magicians are very sure that oil and water can't mix. But have you ever asked yourself if water and oil can mix?

The spectator mixes black (oil) and red (water) cards by placing one from each on the table in one stack, one after the other, until all cards are exhausted. Then the performer separates the stack into four packets, shuffles each packet, splits each packet into two parts, recombines everything, and - water and oil are...

★★★★ $15.95
Scott Creasey
The Sandwich Peek by Scott Creasey

Here's what your audience sees: You take a stack of business cards and show them on both sides then hand one to a volunteer to draw a picture, write a word, print a number, or even write a question, there are no restrictions. The stack is turned blank side up and their card dropped drawing side down on top. It is then fairly cut to the center where it remains reversed in the middle at all times.

Even under these conditions you can get a full card peek, reveal the information and yet still show their card reversed in the center whenever you wish.

Finally, you run through the stack and...

Peter Pellikaan
Taytelbaum Flushtration Count by Peter Pellikaan

This is Eddy Taytelbaum's version and handling of a flushtration-type count. That is, you show the same card multiple times but due to the handling, it appears you fairly show each card of the packet.

1st edition 2021, video 1 min 27 s

Peter Pellikaan
Pellikaan Flushtration Count by Peter Pellikaan

This is Peter Pellikaan's version and handling of a flushtration-type count. That is, you show the same card multiple times but due to the handling it appears you fairly show each card of the packet.

1st edition 2021, video 1 min 56 s

Biagio Fasano
Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #3 by Biagio Fasano

This third part of my card project (each volume is, in any case, totally independent of the others) includes 3 new original A.C.A.A.N. effects requiring no sleight of hands:

  • Two Cuts Too Fast To ACAAN
  • Cut & Create ACAAN
  • Si Stebbins ACAAN.

It's a new series of hands-off self-working card magic effects, that will all happen in your viewer's hands. No particular skill is required, just the ability to instruct and pay attention to what the viewer is doing... In this third eBook you will find a colour Pdf that will allow you to perform amazing automatic "Any Card At Any Number" Effects. ...

Biagio Fasano
Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #3 (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Questa terza parte del mio ultimo progetto cartomagico (ogni volume é, in ogni caso, totalmente indipendente dagli altri) include 3 nuovi effetti A.C.A.A.N. originali che non richiedono alcuna manipolazione:

  • Due Tagli Veloci all' ACAAN
  • ACAAN Taglia e Crea
  • Si Stebbins ACAAN.

Si tratta di una nuova serie di effetti di Cartomagia Automatica che avverranno nelle mani dello spettatore! Non è richiesta alcuna abilità particolare, solo la capacità di istruire e prestare attenzione a ciò che lo spettatore dovrà fare...

In questo terzo eBook troverete un Pdf a colori che vi permetterà...

★★★★★ $7.95
Laurie Ireland
Human Pin Cushion Torture Box by Laurie Ireland

This was the showstopper of Laurie Ireland's school show. This illusion is big and flashy while still lightweight, easy to handle, packs flat, is self-contained, requires no special stage conditions, and only requires one assistant. This ebook explains everything you need to construct, perform, and present this fantastic illusion.

Effect: An assistant enters a cabinet just big enough to accommodate her. Panels open to show head and feet. The magician then pushes five metal rods clear through the center of the box and right thru the ribs of the victim. Two more rods are then shoved through...

★★★★★ $6
Peter Pellikaan
Taytelbaum Count by Peter PellikaanThe Taytelbaum Count is a modified Elmsley Count where the cards are turned over during counting. Just as with the Elmsley Count you can fully hide (front and back) one or more cards.

video 2:22

★★★★ $6
Joseph B.
JH ACAAN by Joseph B.

An impromptu ACAAN with a borrowed deck.

The most interesting elements of this effect are:

  • It can be done with a shuffled borrowed deck.
  • You can do it completely impromptu.
  • Any card can be chosen and any number can be named.
You will also learn a largely overlooked control by Ed Marlo.

1st edition 2021, video 28:56

Peter Pellikaan
Xerox Count by Peter PellikaanThe Xerox Count allows you to for example fairly show four cards from both sides but in fact you are hiding three cards and only showing one card multiple times. (The demo video below first shows the Xero Count followed by the Booki Count.)

1st edition 2021, video 2:30.

Boyet Vargas
The Four Card Mystery Presents: Influence by Boyet Vargas

The Four Mystery Presents: Influence is a follow-up effect from a previous release. It is a three-phase card-matching mentalism routine that demonstrates your ability to influence the cards of the participant.

  • No sleights
  • No secret markings
  • No gimmicks
  • Very little memory work
  • The participant has freedom in the mixing process

This effect exploits the different uses of my newly developed method featured in my book The Four Mystery Presents: Remote Viewing. The method enables you to have the participant mix the cards, and yet, the mentalist is still able to determine and control the possible outcomes.

1st edition 2021,...

Unknown Mentalist
Trickey by Unknown Mentalist

Trickey is an ungimmicked keychain with a miracle built into it. Ungimmicked in any mechanical, electronic, or magnetic way. So it will last you for many years of performances without the need for any refills or consumables. The size is about 1.5 inches square. So it can be easily and comfortably carried in your pocket. But it is designed in an unusual manner so that it first starts a conversation and then ends with an impossible miracle. You can carry your car keys, house keys, or any other keys on this keychain.

With this keychain in your pocket, you are always ready to perform a miracle...

Jean Pierre Persinet
Tours de Magie Facile by Jean Pierre Persinet

Ce manuel pratique va vous ouvrir les chemins de l’illusion, vous donnera des pouvoirs et vous permettra de domestiquer les mystères de la magie.

Il est accessible à tous!

Vous n’avez ni besoin d’apprentissage, ni de dextérité spéciale, ni de matériel compliqué. Vous allez réaliser des tours terriblement efficaces et mystérieux avec de simples objets usuels : une Fourchette, une cordelette, une pièce de monnaie, un jeu de carte ordinaire…ou encore un sujet qualifié de « télépathe ». Vous allez pénétrer dans le monde fermé de la magie et ébahir tout votre entourage,...

Harvey Turner
At Ease (1966 - 1975) by Harvey Turner

Who would have thought the US Armed Forces had a magicians association? The association was started by Opie Houston, then an Air Force Sergeant. At Ease was the organ of the Armed Forces Magicians Association. It ran from July 1966 until January 1975, but it had some gaps here and there and was not released on a particularly regular schedule.

Some of the trick contributors were Opie R. Houston, William E. Clover, Erwin M. Storke, Vernon Weiss, Bob Ford, Don Guilmain, Dave Richards, Harvey Turner, Kent Cummins, Ed Middleton, Prince Kazar, Jim Williams, Chas Crowley, John Guthrie, Arthur...

★★★★ $10
Dr. Dejay Ward
Secrets of My Professional Mind Reading Show by Dr. Dejay Ward

One of New York's busiest psychic entertainers reveals his complete, audience-tested 60-minute mentalism act in complete detail. This act plays strong and leaves audiences breathless. It's as close to a genuine demonstration of ESP and psychic ability as is possible. Ideal for private parties, this routine is designed from the ground up to dazzle the audience and most of all, entertain them. And don't be surprised if the spectators credit you with powers far beyond those of mere mortals, the routine is that powerful.

Partial contents:

  • Question and Answer Routine
  • Psychometry
  • Book Test ...
Wolfgang Riebe
The Million Dollar Magic Act by Wolfgang Riebe


For the first time ever. A verifiable, proven Comedy Cabaret Magic act that has been performed in over 150 countries, the world's top cruise liners, theatres, and global corporate events.

Why would anyone share a success formula? Wolfgang has had an incredible global career and believes that we all need to share the magic for future generations. This is his way of leaving a legacy for a group of select magicians who are serious about taking their careers to the next level.

  • Learn from a professional that walks his talk and has lived the dream. ...
Clarke Crandall
How To Stack Dice by Clarke Crandall

A revised and enlarged version of his previous work on this subject. Four dice are tossed on the table, a dice cup put over the first one, and with quick movements, the dice cup is slid over each of the others in turn. Then the cup is lifted, and all four dice are stacked one on top of the other. It is a beautiful close-up trick, easy to learn with the help of this ebook. Many illustrations and dotted here and there with typical Crandall funnies.

1st edition 1974, 18 pages; PDF 25 page.

★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Dicey Devils by Unknown Mentalist

This manuscript explains two interesting and useful forces with dice. Normal ungimmicked dice. One of the forces can even be done without actual dice - with just imaginary dice. So obviously, this force will find many uses in propless effects. The other force needs a couple of actual dice - ordinary and ungimmicked. Both the forces can be performed in face-to-face situations, in virtual shows, or even over voice phone calls.

You are sure to find several uses and applications for these forces. However, to get you started the following 3 routines are explained.

  1. Propless Presidents
  2. Forced...
Brick Tilley
Comedy Electric Deck by Brick Tilley

This old standby has been given a make-over by adding a comedy ending that revitalizes the handling and assures the performer a laugh and a round of applause. Get that deck out of the drawer and breathe new life into it. (Requires you to have or get a so-called "Electric Deck" which can be purchased new typically below $10.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 1 page, video 38s.

Peter Pellikaan
Booki Count by Peter PellikaanThe Booki Count allows you to fairly show four cards while turning them over but you are hiding one in the process.

1st edition 2021, video 1:43.

Displaying 1790 to 1813 (of 10405 products)
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