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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 1766 to 1789 (of 10405 products)
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J. C. Cannell
The 100 Best Tricks by J. C. Cannell

From the introduction:

In this book there are actually many more than a hundred tricks and all of them could be performed by the average person. I have included no trick which would involve the use of expensive apparatus. Besides devoting a whole chapter to the best card tricks, I have included a number of simpler tricks with cards in other parts of the book.

    • Mind-Reading Magic
    • Seeing Through the Envelopes
    • Reading the News
    • A Remarkable Card Trick
    • Another Code
    • The Domino Trick
    • The Tell-Tale Touch
    • A Six-Fold...
★★★★ $15
Biagio Fasano
Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #4 by Biagio Fasano

This fourth part of my card project (each volume is, in any case, totally independent of the others) includes 3 new original A.C.A.A.N. effects requiring no sleight of hands:

  • K.N.O.C.K. Out ACAAN
  • Direct ACAAN
  • ACAAN C.B.F.

It's a new series of hands-off self-working card magic effects, that will all happen in your viewer's hands. No particular skill is required, just the ability to instruct and pay attention to what the viewer is doing... In this third eBook you will find a colour Pdf that will allow you to perform amazing automatic "Any Card At Any Number" Effects.

These are the...

Biagio Fasano
Contactless Automatic Card At Number: Ebook #4 (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Questa quarta parte del mio ultimo progetto cartomagico (ogni volume é, in ogni caso, totalmente indipendente dagli altri) include 3 nuovi effetti A.C.A.A.N. originali che non richiedono alcuna manipolazione:

  • K.N.O.C.K. Out ACAAN
  • Direct ACAAN
  • ACAAN C.B.F.

Si tratta di una nuova serie di effetti di Cartomagia Automatica che avverranno nelle mani dello spettatore! Non è richiesta alcuna abilità particolare, solo la capacità di istruire e prestare attenzione a ciò che lo spettatore dovrà fare...

In questo terzo eBook troverete un Pdf a colori che vi permetterà di eseguire...

★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Magic Unsquare by Unknown Mentalist

Magic Unsquare is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf.

What you get: Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a specially designed and beautifully produced plastic wallet card which is about the size of a regular bank card. With reasonable care, this card should last you many, many years, if not a lifetime.

Magic Unsquare is based on a beautiful reverse engineered principle. It is a self-working multipurpose tool. The participant makes all free choices and yet you are able to divine...

Peter Pellikaan
4 of DC by Peter PellikaanShow four 4-of-Diamonds and change them to 4-of-Clubs both on the front and the back.

1st edition 2021, video 4 min 25 s.

★★★★★ $9
Rachel Colombini
Il Secondo Libro Dei Book Test by Rachel Colombini

In questo secondo libro, pubblicato ora per la PRIMA VOLTA in Italiano ,Rachel Colombini spiega in dettaglio ben altri 20 BOOK TEST! Non ci sono dubbi, troverai quello che piace a te da inserire subito nel tuo show! Il bello è che la gli effetti e metodi spiegati sono stati ideati da grandi artisti internazionali.

Ma lasciamo la parola alla stessa Rachel che nell’introduzione spiega:

Come ho avuto modo di spiegare nel primo volume, i numeri chiamati “Book Test” fanno parte del repertorio tradizionale di qualsiasi mentalista. L’effetto di base fu descritto da diversi autori...

★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Deluxe Three Card Monte by Brick Tilley

The most streamlined, concise version of this classic ever created. Only four phases, but each of the last three could stand alone as the finish. No longer a tepid guessing game, now you can present this gem as a true work of art, filled with stunning surprises. Distilled from over 40 years of trial and error. Foolproof.

1st edition 2021; PDF 2 pages, video 1 min 43 s.

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 101 (November 2021) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 17, No. 5, November 2021; 60 pages
Cover: Kat Hudson
  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. Contents
  4. In The Phonebox with Kang-Ho Song
  5. Facebook News
  6. Kat Hudson - From the East Coast to the West End - cover article/interview
  7. Reader's Letters
  8. Leeds Magic Convention - How we arranged a one day magic convention in four weeks - Chris Stewart
  9. Don't Squander Your Magic Earnings - Wolfgang Riebe
  10. The Masterclass Classic
    1. Silk Away - Tony Griffith - Final Reflections (2009)
    2. Luck of All Men - A Magick from Brian Johnson
  11. United Kingdom Escape Artists News & Awards 2021
  12. speaking to the Right People...
★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
First Impressions by Aldo Colombini

These are the notes to Aldo Colombini's lecture from 1999.

  • the K.I.S.S. Formula
  • The Rule Of Three
  • Hand Language
  • Be Natural
  • Use The Spectators' Brain
  • Holmes Vs Moriarty
  • Punch Meets His Match!
  • Twice
  • Point Of No Return
  • Contact Colors
  • Aces A Go-Go
  • You Can Count On Them
  • Coin Wrap
  • Italian Emotional Bonding
  • Telecard Across
  • A Book Is Better
  • Trifle
  • Chinese Purse
  • Deep Impact
  • Stand Up

1st edition 1999, PDF 33 pages.

★★★★★ $5
Arthur P. Felsman
32 Impromptu Card Tricks by Arthur P. Felsman

A vintage collection of fine card effects for magicians of every skill level. If you've ever wished you could entertain an audience after dinner, or during a lull at a party or club, you'll soon be able to, once you've learned these easy-to-master tricks. Some of the most eye-popping effects in all of card magic are those performed with a borrowed deck. Most of the tricks described in this ebook fall into this category.

Here's a partial list of what's included:

  • The Fifteen Cards Trick
  • An Easy Card Location
  • A Mind Reading Effect
  • Long Distance Mind Reading
  • The Seven and Eight Trick ...
Ken Muller
Mental Mashup by Ken Muller

A special offer for the holiday setting of small groups and unknown audiences. A demonstration of enhanced empathic/telepathic awareness and influence ideal for casual events with an unknown audience. Very old techniques and methods are applied in a new way that can be entertaining but are also very impactful. There is a lot of material here beyond the effect description: presentation theory, psychology, volunteer selection, and more.

There are three different approaches for presenting this routine: Triple Influence, Prelude and Embrace. The latter two use advanced techniques of Aware&Cue,...

★★★★★ $10
Sultan Orazaly
Circlet by Sultan Orazaly

Circlet looks like trick videography but it is not. It is a quick, visual, impromptu miracle that you can do right before their eyes. You pull off your finger ring, toss it back towards your other hand and it visibly appears back on your finger. The ring can be checked before and after and is totally ungimmicked.

1st edition 2021, video 9 min 51 sec.

★★★★★ $10
Peter Pellikaan
Royal Dollar Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Show a few paper bills of your local currency and transform them with one flick into playing cards - a royal flush.

1st edition 2021, video 3 min 12 s.

Biagio Fasano
Virtual Color Separation by Biagio Fasano

Virtual Color Separation is an unusual and incredible effect of hands-off card magic, manageable even remotely, through a video chat, such as Zoom, Skype or Google Meet, but especially possible to perform by phone, with a spectator who has a common deck of 52 playing cards, that the magician will never have the opportunity to see but will still be able to control inexplicably, coming at the end to separate the red-suited cards from the black ones, without the spectator any wiser.

A lady chosen as a spectator, after having separated the red-suited cards from the black ones, will choose the...

Biagio Fasano
Virtual Color Separation (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Virtual Color Separation é un mio effetto inedito ed incredibile di Cartomagia Automatica “Hands-Off”, gestibile anche a distanza, tramite una video chat, quali ad esempio Zoom, Skype o Google Meet, ma soprattutto possibile da eseguire AL TELEFONO, con uno spettatore che disponga di un semplice mazzo di 52 carte da gioco, che il mago non avrà MAI modo di vedere ma sarà comunque in grado di controllare inspiegabilmente, giungendo al termine a separare le carte ROSSE dalle NERE, senza che il pubblico possa darsene spiegazione alcuna! Una spettatrice, dopo aver separato le carte a...

Dai Vernon
マリニとそのマジック by Dai Vernon

ダイ・バーノン著、「Malini and his magic」の日本語版です。



この本には、マリニの演目とトリックの説明、ミスディレクションの秘訣、そしてどのように仕事を得て、成功したか、その秘訣が事細かに記されています。 ...

★★★★★ $8
John Scarne
Quartet by John Scarne

It's a devilishly clever method with four different presentations. You'll likely think of several more. There's a You-Do-As-I-Do effect, a Card Climax, a Phone Miracle, and Scarne's Best Prediction. No sleights. Simple, sure, and direct. Can be worked surrounded by spectators and dead easy to perform. All you require is the instructions, as no gimmicks are used. Use anyone's cards.

If you think that the pandemic is limiting your performance opportunities, you'll especially like Scarne's Phone Miracle. All you need is a spectator with a smartphone or landline. And, unlike virtually every...

★★★★ $7
Joseph B.
Inexplicable Prediction by Joseph B.

If you want a real mind-bender, also for magicians, this is the perfect effect for you. An extraordinary effect. A magician fooler. A climax of increasingly impossible effects. Here's what happens:

The magician shows a deck of cards and asks spectator 1 to cut a third of the deck and look at the card he cut to and then shuffle the packet. The magician looks away. Spectator 2 does the same with the rest of the deck: he cuts another third and looks at the card he is cutting and then shuffles his packet. Still, the magician looks away. Conditions are impossible. The magician is able to find...

Hank Moorehouse
So You Want To Make Money In Magic? by Hank Moorehouse

Tips on how to make money with magic and in particular kid shows. He addresses topics such as name, costume, publicity, booking, fee charged, tricks and props, etc. Includes a funny and at the same time revealing introduction by his wife.

1st edition 1972, PDF 7 pages.

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
MORE: Multiple Outs Reimagined by Unknown Mentalist

Multiple outs is one of the oldest, classic, and powerful tools in mentalism. Several classic effects and routines in the history of mentalism and magic are built around multiple outs. Some of the standard tools like a pocket index were born out of this very concept of multiple outs.

In this manuscript, we will explore the 'DOUBT' method for constructing multiple outs. This is a technique or strategy which makes multiple outs much easier and more effective for many situations. This technique uses double blank business cards and uses the core nature of these double blank cards very potently....

★★★★★ $12
Ken Muller
Fistfull of Stones: Found & F.U.N. Series by Ken Muller

This is the third eBook in the series and a companion to Single Stone, and Pair fo Stones with completely different effects and additional sleights/moves plus special stratagems to take advantage of the unique qualities of "3-4 objects."

Learn how to use three objects like walnuts or candy to perform astounding and entertaining illusions of transportations, penetrations and transpositions and productions. There is a large focus on assembly effect

A blending of sway methods, innovative sleights, insightful stratagems and the elements of performance using 'found' objects in a true impromptu setting. (Many techniques...

Sultan Orazaly
Chinese Nail by Sultan Orazaly

One of the popular magicians' coins is a Chinese coin with a hole. Imagine you are pulling a real nail out of the hole. Chinese Nail is a super visual effect that will add to your coin performance.

1st edition 2021, video 4 min.

Alexander Shulyatsky
Miracle Box by Alexander Shulyatsky

When I first saw Killer Card Case by JP Vallarino and Yuri Kaine I fell in love with the idea of a box with a window. I knew for sure that her potential was not 100% revealed, and therefore I took it upon myself to play with this idea. I present to you Miracle Box - a tool that will allow you to perform effects such as:

  • Disappearance
  • Appearance
  • Teleportation
  • Transposition
  • Change
  • MultiChange
  • Switch

Anything that fits in the box can be produced, in particular:

  • Bills/Coins
  • M&M's/Skittles
  • OMNI deck
  • Condoms
  • Markers/Pens
  • Beetle/Skittlespidey
  • Gums/Color Clips
  • etc.


Peter Pellikaan
Larry West Count by Peter PellikaanThis is also sometimes called the Mirage Count by John Bannon. You apparently show four cards all being the same. In reality you only show three cards face-up and it is always the same card you show, thus hiding the remaining three cards.

1st edition 2021, video 1:43.

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