"Jack's Wallet" is an ingenious way of predicting a freely-chosen card using an unfaked wallet, the sort you probably possess already. It is a 'stand-up' trick without the need for a table, the type that is becoming more and more popular.
The second effect, "Jack's Line-Up", is a mental masterpiece that, properly performed, will stagger an audience whether it's done impromptu or as part of a regular cabaret act.
Here are the more detailed effects:
JACK's WALLET: Briefly, a spectator selects a card. It is not forced. The performer allows another spectator to remove a sealed envelope...
The tiny plunger is an exciting new plot in magic and has been performed on the Today show. It's cute and catchy.
Take the Plunge(r): Tiny Plunger Magic is not about merely telling you the secret, but also how to perform an easy routine that builds to a stunning conclusion, while getting laughs all along the way.
You will learn where to get the props you need, how to set up for the trick, and how to reset for the next performance. There is also solid advice born from Raymonde Crow's experience "in the trenches," working in a restaurant environment.
Whether you want to make money as...
This is a 'cards through case' effect, but completely different than older versions. This effect takes a classic stage illusion and puts it in the spectator's hands.
Four random cards are selected by the spectator. The four cards are placed inside a card case and given to the spectator to hold at their fingertips.
Three of the four cards are removed, leaving the final card inside of the card case. The remaining three cards are then pushed through the side of the card case and the selected card.
This can be viewed from all angles whilst the spectator is holding the case.
The three...
The magician displays a pack of cards and a prediction (one card between the two Jokers, all held by a rubber band). He deals the cards from the top of the pack until the spectator says "stop". He is asked to remember the suit of his first selection.
The deck is gathered and the value of the first card is used to find another card. He is asked to remember the value of his second selection.
So basically, a card has just been made up. The deck is gathered, turned face up and the value of the second selection is used to find a third card. Wouldn't it be great if it was the made-up...
Addicted To Power
The spectator chooses a random number of cards and a random selection from the deck. The random cards have letters on their faces. If you read the letters they give you the name of the selection! After this the magician shows that all the other cards in the deck are blank!
Mystical Sandwich
Two spectators choose two cards by cutting the shuffled deck. They sign their cards and bury them into the deck. The magician spreads the deck and shows that the mystical card of the deck has turned face up in the middle of the deck. By spelling the name of the mystical card, the...
Hard Copy was a magazine by Gregg Webb that ran for 13 issues starting in 2009. You will find primarily ideas on manipulation - manipulation of cards, corks, balls and other items. Includes contributions by Jeff McBride. The occasional non-manipulation effect with cards and or coins is thrown in the mix.
108 pages.
A cased deck is placed on the table. You remove your wallet, and also place it on the table. Both are on the table, and they are there in FULL view before ANYTHING happens. You tell the spectators that you removed one card from the deck, and put it in your wallet. A spectator then makes a series of choices bringing her to one card. The spectator herself removes the deck from the case, and deals the cards one at a time to the table. There are only 51 cards. The thought of card is missing. You then open your wallet, and remove a card. It is the thought of card!
This is a "new" method for the...
Another great trick by Ken. You can do it anytime, anyplace with any deck. You can perform it even if the deck is incomplete. It is a perfect impromptu trick. It has all the elements of a great trick: an entertaining patter, comedy and a surprising finish.
A pack is shuffled and a card is selected by a spectator, shown to a few other people, then returned. The magician shows the face card of the pack and asks whether it is the chosen card. This is denied. The performer tries to right the things.
He drops the pack face down on the table but the top card is face up. But once...
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2013, 28 pages.
More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.
1st edition 2013, 28 pages.
"I really like how you put different principles all together and the expanded 10/20 principle is overlooked in my opinion. I like that there is no apparent move and it looks fair." - Raphaël Czaja
This is a numerological revelation of a selected card. It's really off-beat and ... I think you'll love it, and definitely use it!
You tell two spectators that one of them will select a card randomly from the deck, and the other will find out the name of the selected card using numerology. You ask one of them to turn his back while the other chooses a card.
The first spectator now selects a card...
You remove 10 cards from the deck and play a Poker game with your spectator. Here the magician deals cards and allows a spectator to freely choose the face down cards that they wish to build their hand from. During the last deal, the spectator gets to look at his existing hand and choose from the remaining cards to build the best hand. Alas, the magician wins even though the spectator did all of the choosing. The magician will always get a royal flash.
"Really interesting combination of principles in there. I especially liked Eight Envelopes, Asymmetric Oil & Water, Yet 2 and Coin and Card ESP. The Plaid Eared Rabbit contains a very clever use of an old Tenyo prop." - Raphaël Czaja
Appreciation: Jozsef thanks those who have helped him.
Amazing Prediction: You table a prediction deck. A lady randomly (and fairly) chooses two cards from another deck. The two cards generate a card and a two-digit number. You hand her the prediction deck, and she deals down to her randomly generated number. All the cards dealt are face down except...
"I'm not an ordinary magician: I LOVE card tricks with two decks! I really dig the apparent fairness of the trick. The spectator is asked to do many fair choices and the outcome looks impossible. A worthwile variation on the ACAAN plot." - Raphaël Czaja
Any card is selected [say the King of Spades] and then buried into the deck by the spectator. Using a 2nd deck, a number is very fairly generated, again by the spectator [let's say 25]. You won't believe this, but... the 25th card now dealt to in the 1st deck is the King of Spades!
1st edition 2013, 2 pages.
As Aldo Colombini says... "A wonderful routine with so many climaxes!" This is based on the famous theme of the Whispering Queens.
Effect: Two people each select a card and sign them. You now introduce a packet of three Jokers. The two selections are touched by the Jokers who then "whisper" their identities to you! One of the selections is cut into the deck, but instantly reappears between the Jokers! The other selection is now placed among the three Jokers from where... it vanishes... only to reappear seconds later in your pocket! No palming. No extra cards. The selected cards can even be signed if you...
You introduce a deck of cards and five different coloured pens. You have a spectator freely select a card, after which the card is lost back into the deck. They are now invited to select some, or all, of the pens. Let's say they pick three pens: RED, ORANGE and GREEN. The remaining pens are discarded. You ask them to take each pen and write a single-digit number with it. This results in three written digits, each of a different colour. For example: 7 3 5.
Turning to a second spectator, you ask her to mix the three pens so that they are in a random order. The three written digits are now re-arranged...
"A nice variety of card material here. I'll be using a few of these routines for sure!" - Paul Hallas
"You have the 'knack' to create direct effects with simple methods, which is, in my opinion, the essence of commercial magic." - Aldo Colombini
"In this ebook, Jozsef combines some original thinking with neat construction. I really enjoyed this collection of card magic. I think you will, too." - Peter Duffie
"If you enjoy the eleven excellent routines that you will encounter in CARDOPIA, which I know you will, be sure to check out József's other ebooks, lecture notes and manuscripts... they are all great and I highly...
Probably the best of the series. Great packet tricks that use easy to find special cards.
The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.
The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.
The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entertaining card effects that anyone can do. More important, no gimmicks, and no set-ups whatsoever. Grab an ordinary, even borrowed deck of cards and amaze your spectators with incredible card effects.
John's card magic is full of new handling and creativity, that allows him to present very strong card routines which are relatively simple to perform. John will soon be a new star in the firmament of card magic.