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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 55


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Cardboard Curiosities by Aldo Colombini

Effects created by George Hills. George Hills comes from the UK and performs for kids, after dinner parties, close up and basically everywhere. He has a unique ability to produce entertaining and commercial comedy items. On this download DVD you will get a sample of his productions - performed by Aldo Colombini.


  • JUMBO JAPE: Small cards stuck on regular sized cards to create a funny look are shown and used to obtain an entertaining routine. This is a comedy item that can be presented with jumbo cards.
  • ART CLASS: Using an amusing storyline about your time at an evening art class,...
Aldo Colombini
The Amazing Self-Working Card Magic of Howard Adams Vol. 3 by Aldo Colombini

All these routines are performed with no sleight of hand.


  • SIMULDU: A person rips five cards in half and splits them in two packets. One card is selected. The two packets are dealt at the same time and only two halves match: The selected card.
  • THIRTEAM: Great routine and unique principle. Cards are shuffled and dealt in pairs. Each pair totals 13.
  • REMARKOBO: You predict a number reached apparently totally at random.
  • ENTERFORCE: You reveal a selection under what seems impossible conditions, with a previously written prediction.
  • FACEY: Cards are torn in halves. A freely selected...
Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 4 by Werner Miller

More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • in medio
  • ESP Roll
  • Neighborly Help
  • Lucky Star
  • ESPecial Countdown
  • ESP Sandwich
  • Better Twice
  • Sandwich Twins
  • expressis verbis
  • Elimination
  • Multiplying
  • A la Thatcher
  • Terry-ficial
  • Broad Hints
  • All Good Things
  • Quatrefoil
  • Triple Do-As-I-Do
  • Dutch Derivation
  • La Pléiade
  • Helping Hands

1st edition 2013, 28 pages.

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 3 by Werner Miller

More new mathbased and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • No Spot Card
  • Do Not Disturb!
  • Equivalent
  • Who’s the Boss?
  • Line Dancer
  • moitié, moitié
  • And Her Son
  • Color Mate
  • Six Hearts, Six Spades
  • Private Eyes
  • More Spousal Cooperation
  • Spell the 4mula
  • This Suit, That Value
  • DC Speller
  • Welcome to the Clubs
  • A Crazy Idea
  • Pseudo Princess
  • In Between
  • Any Other Sign

1st edition 2013, 28 pages.

★★★★ $10
Nick Trost
Cardman's Packet by Nick Trost

17 card miracles requiring no sleight of hand. A great classic written by a great professional for all who love card tricks.

  • Good luck card trick
  • Lie detector
  • Topsy cards
  • An Eye popper bridge hand
  • Poker face aces
  • Bandit Round-up
  • Observation test [Note that Trost has another trick by the same title. The one described here involves four deuces. The other one is a color changing deck effect. See for example Aldo on Trost Volume 13.
  • Card puzzle
  • Ace, kings, tens
  • Kings to aces
  • Osmosis
  • Deuces again
  • Ten card trick
  • Predicted card
  • Triple Thought
  • Yankee-doodle card trick
  • Handsome bridge hand

1st digital edition 2013, 29 pages....

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
My Favorites by Paul A. Lelekis

"Paul Lelekis teaches seven card tricks in his "My Favorites" ebook. At only ten dollars, it may be the best bargain around!" - Wayne Kawamoto

Long-time professional magician, Paul A. Lelekis, has finally released his pet, "go-to" routines that he has used in actual performance hundreds...even thousands of times over the years in many shows and table-hopping in restaurants for decades!

All of these routines are true "real-world workers" that will smack your spectators' right between the eyes. The day before Paul finished writing this e-book, he performed at a large corporate function...

★★★★ $15
Fred Robinson
Snap, Crackle and Pop! A Brief Interlude with Fred Robinson by Fred Robinson

This movie was taken by Ake Hallberg from Sweden. Location is Hyde Park in London during the 1980s. The 8mm film was sent via Ulf Morling to Martin Breese who released it on DVD. You will see two performances of Fred's fantastic Ambitious Card routine together with numerous sleights and color changes. You will also see his incredible Vanish of Coin in tie.

This film is really short but a gem for all who have never seen Fred Robinson perform life. For more on Fred's magic see The Magic of Fred Robinson by Peter Duffie.

1st edition 2006, length 5:48

Ken de Courcy
Round the World with a Pack of Cards by Ken de Courcy

Stage card magic routines are relatively rare. In this ebook, however, you will find a complete stage card magic act with a lot of surprises and fun. The performer talks about a trip around the world. Six cards are chosen by six members of the audience. The performer then demonstrates how the cards would be found in several countries: China, USA, France, Russia and India.

A great routine packed with mystery, surprise and a lot of fun. Can be worked with the help of an assistant or solo.

1st digital edition 2013, 17 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 13 by Aldo Colombini

The Great Card Magic of Nick Trost continues! All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • THE OBSERVATION TEST: A very effective trick that makes a great opener. An observation test where the back of the entire deck changes color. [Note that Trost published another trick by the same title. See Cardman’s Packet.
  • REVERSED COINCIDENCE WITH ONE DECK: You take one card and a spectator takes another card. The cards are placed reversed in two piles and they appear to be the mates.
  • SPECTATOR FINDS THE ACES: A spectator touches two cards at random and on each side of these two cards the four Aces are found.
  • ACES FROM NOWHERE: A spectator himself seems to...
★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 12 by Aldo Colombini

All the routines are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • QUADRUPLE MATCH-UP: A spectator finds the mate of your prediction, say two Kings and he also finds the remaining two Kings.
  • ROYAL MATES: You place the four Kings face down on the table. The spectator places the Queens on top and he pairs them all (Clubs with Clubs, Hearts with Hearts, etc).
  • DOUBLE POWER POKER: A spectator freely picks five cards out of ten and you still win. Then, he picks the cards while he SEES them and you still win.
  • AFFINITY CARDS: Two cards disappear from their original positions and reappear...
★★★★ $10
Peter Duffie
Double Indemnity by Peter Duffie

Here are two effects that use easy-to-make gimmicks which can be added to your regular deck.

FLASHPOINT is a sensational card routine with a topological flavor. Two cards, an Ace and a King, magically change places. The performer offers to repeat the effect under more stringent conditions. The King is placed on the table and covered with the performer's wallet. The Ace is placed between two blank cards. The Ace is visible through two holes cut in the middle of the blank cards yet, at the performer's command, it instantly and visibly disappears. When the wallet is lifted from the table the...

★★★★★ $5
Raphaël Czaja
2D ACAIN by Raphaël Czaja

In 2009, Raphael was working on a two-deck ACAAN (that became the bonus routine of this ebook) when the italian magician Tommaso Guglielmi shared his new creation with me... that was based on the exact same method! He spontaneously gave me the permission to release the basic routine with my name on it and now, more than three years later, I can publicly say that Tommaso is a real class act! Just below is the basic original routine that the both of us devised independently. Ordinary decks. No sleights. Different outcomes at each performance. It is inspired by Cameron Francis' Convergence.

2D ACAIN: Two decks of cards are introduced....

★★★★ $20
Murray Bonfeld
Faro Concepts by Murray Bonfeld

This is primarily a mathematical treatment of the faro shuffle. It explores the principles and properties underlying the faro shuffle for decks with different numbers of cards. You will find some effects and routines as well. Foreword by Karl Fulves.

  1. Novel Faro Relationships
    • Basic Terminology and Operations
    • For A 52 Card Deck Only
    • For A 51 Card Deck Only
  2. Faro Functions
    • Even Numbers Of Cards
    • Up And Down Faro System
    • Unit Shuffles
    • Multiples Of Four
    • Odd Numbers Of Cards
    • Unit Restorations
  3. The 32-Card Deck: An Analysis
  4. The Principle of Internal Shuffling
    • Controlling...
★★★★ $4.25
John Gelasi
Write You Are 2 by John Gelasi

A new, updated handling of one of John's all-time favorite packet effects, Write You Are. Four amazing climaxes with very little effort and using very few cards. Best yet, all of the cards can be examined at the end of the trick! Check out the video demo!

Ebook features:

  • Brand new handling
  • The original effect
  • Variation by Cameron Francis
  • Video demos for all effects

1st edition 2013, 8 pages.

Ken de Courcy
A Card In Seven by Ken de Courcy

Ken de Courcy's no gimmick version of Scalbert's "The Mystery of the Seventh Card".

The perfect telephone test to present under challenge conditions. No Feke's. No Gimmicks. Yet the medium at the other end of the phone unerringly names the thought of card.

Scalbert's "Mystery of the Seventh Card", sold many years ago, was a commercial principle applied to the transmission of a card to an assistant playing the role of a medium, waiting on the end of a telephone. The distinct novelty at the time was the fact that all communication with the medium was done by a spectator. The secret was an...

Aldo Colombini
That's It by Aldo Colombini

Ten stunning packet tricks.


  • THANKS TO WALTON (Cameron Francis): Great packet trick! Four black spot cards and four red spot cards. You switch out the red cards for the black ones, but you always have red cards. The other four cards are now the four Aces.
  • CHAMPAGNE (Aldo Colombini): Cards change around; assemble in order in one pile; some changing color as well.
  • DEATH ROW (Karl Fulves): A spectator picks a card and it is the only missing card to make a royal flush.
  • THE MARTIAN (Aldo Colombini): Four astronauts (Jokers) come back from Mars and they change into blue except for one. When shown again, it...
★★★★★ $15
Peter D. Harrison
Moments: close-up magic with cards and coins by Peter D. Harrison

18 close-up card and coin effects plus extras taught. Over 145 pages of in-depth instructions with colour photographs. First in a series of new ebooks.

Some praise for effects included in Moments:

"Peter is the real deal. Buy everything this man sells!" – Justin Miller

"All I can say is Wow!"Cameron Francis

"Not that I need say it but this is GENIUS!! Thank you Peter!!" – Ben Williams

"A must have! Amazing!"Alan Rorrison

"BUY THIS! Very clever…" – Cody S Fisher

"Peter is a creator who totally gets it. Doesn't get any better than this."Josh Zandman


Catalyst Got Your Tongue?...

Jean Fare
Card Tricks French Style by Jean Fare

As a purser for a French airline flying from his home base in Tahiti, to Sydney to Los Angeles, our author, Jean Fare, keeps up on everything in card and close up magic. He gets to the Magic Castle just often enough to keep from missing anything. Several times a year he uses his airline privileges to get back to Paris to make sure "French Style" in magic is moving right ahead.

You will enjoy Jean's ebook. He has carefully described his own handling on a number of excellent tricks. They include:

  • Thru
  • New Bland Thought Handling
  • Variation of a Palm
  • Logical Sandwich
  • Delayed Jump
  • Cased...
Tom Batchelor
Canadian Card Control by Tom Batchelor

Canada has many great magicians and Tom Batchelor, the Card Artist, is one of the leading constructive card men among them.

He calls this, "An investigation into card controls, locations, discoveries, revelations."

Contents include:

  • Unfinished Shuffle Control
  • Fan Control
  • Slip Cut Control Pass
  • Glimpse of a Peek
  • Fan Shot
  • Transfer Force
  • The Search
  • Turnover Surprise
  • It's About Time
  • Second Discovery of America
  • The Card Prayer
  • On the Cut
  • Card Finders
  • The Shakedown
  • Revolving Revelation
  • Without a Shuffle
  • Cut of Deal
  • Folded Card
  • Strangers in our Midst
  • Thru Thick and Thin ...
★★★ $7
Terri Rogers
Star Gate by Terri Rogers

An incredible effect based on a topological principle. Two cards are shown glued back to back. The spectator may examine them as there is nothing to find.

The performer takes the cards, gives them a few deft folds and then hands them back to the spectator ... but now the cards are face to face. It looks impossible because the cards are still glued together. What's more, they are the same cards that the spectator handled earlier. There is no switch of any kind.

You won't believe it yourself the first time you perform it.

[Note: Originally this booklet was supplied with a Jumbo cards already prepared and glued together. This ebook comes without a set of glued cards. However, the ebook has clear explanation of the construction. You can prepare a set from regular cards with a knife and tape in a few minutes.

1st edition 1985, 1st digital edition 2013, 11 pages.

[Below is a demonstration where the two cards are oriented in the same direction and not 90 degree rotated like Terri has originally designed it. The advantage of a 90 degree offset is that the card that is folded can at one time be seen partly from the front and partly from the back which is a very magical moment. This moment is missing from this version.]


★★★★★ $7
Terri Rogers
Boromian Link by Terri Rogers

This booklet details Terri Rogers' Boromian Link an incredible linking card effect based on Paul Harris' Immaculate Connection. The Harris original is a great impromptu effect but if you are not working impromptu and can use your own cards then you'll find Terri Rogers' method even better. The linking effect looks excellent and in fact fools those familiar with the Harris original. The effect can be performed with any size cards and looks quite spectacular if done with Jumbo cards.

1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 12 pages.

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Playing With Cards by Aldo Colombini

Ten easy card routines.


  • SELECT A WILD CARD (Aldo Colombini): A different approach to the Wild Card Theme.
  • DIE SPELL (Aldo Colombini): Four jumbo cards are shown. A spectator selects one card and it is the only one with a different colored back (or with the words PICK ME on its back).
  • SIX-CARD STUNNER (Rachel Colombini): Six cards are shown on a holder. A spectator picks one and you predicted it.
  • THIS GOES ON! (Aldo Colombini): An incredible funny version of Stewart James classic trick "Further Than That."
  • ULTI-MATE-M (Aldo Colombini): A comedy prediction with a special...
★★★★ $5
Herb Rungay & Ken de Courcy
Dream Poker with a Kicker by Herb Rungay & Ken de Courcy

This is a multi-stage multi-climax routine with a deck of cards. If you already know George Blake's Dream Poker, you will love this one.

There is a lot of magic here - very easy to do (it is almost automatic…). You repeatedly find a chosen card with seemingly impossible conditions, by logic, by spelling it out and by chance. Then you deal to the spectator a Royal Flush in Spades in a freely chosen position on the table. And finally the spectator finds his chosen card in the deck that he had shuffled, by spelling it himself!

From the foreword:

Frank Lane, in his book, "Help Yourself", published in 1931, wrote:...

David Britland
Equinox by David Britland

Card tricks with ungimmicked cards. One coin trick.

  • TOASTMASTERS: a revolutionary sandwich effect
  • WALTZ TIME: a packet elevator with visions of grandeur
  • LUNCH BOX: a large sandwich with very few calories
  • TRI-UMPH: in the midst of chaos something always turns up
  • ORIENT EXPRESS: the Chinese get the better of the exchange rate
  • HOMEWARD BOUND: a mysterious journey across time and space
  • AUSTRIAN ACES: a simple solution to Johann's problem
  • VOO-DUO: two cards linked by uncanny forces
  • BULLS EYE: a pasteboard prediction
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