This is a combination of Corinda's Step 6 of his 13-Steps to Mentalism on Billets, and Ralph Read's One Man Mind Reading Secrets.
Part One Technique
From Chapter 1:
The much controversial subject of spiritual interaction has been engaging the attention of the majority of thinking people since time immemorial. We have many supporters of Spiritualism in our midst today, and a far greater number of those who accept the cult with some degree of incredulity. Whether one is for or against the subject, he is certainly not occupying a "terra firma" position for preaching his doctrine. People in either group will merely be groping in the dark, trying to reach an unknown region-a region which no living mother's son (or daughter) can know anything...
The "Bill trick", "Fred trick" or "Phil trick" (Paul Marcus, Fred Lowe, Trevor Duffy, Phil Goldstein,...) is so strong and funny, that it can be a closer, or even a standalone trick if you want to impress somebody, or get some booking.
For those who do not know it, here is a summary of the effect: A deck of cards is placed on the table. A spectator is asked to merely think of any card. The performer says: "The name of your card is Phil!". The deck is shown to have different names printed on the back of every card, and the named card is found to have the name Phil printed on the back!
Imagine a routine of musical mind reading with less than 30 seconds of time spent coaching the band, pianist, DJ, or even a Kazoo player. That's what you get with this proven routine. The audience makes the requests, and your musician plays the songs. Includes a bonus idea for using a phone app to even add to the fun! Many magicians work events where a DJ is also present. This is perfect for that venue (with no rehearsal necessary).
1st edition 2015, 3 pages.
Add a live animal to your act at no cost!
Imagine being able to announce that you have a live dog as part of your show - performing a card trick. Now imagine that you didn't need to own or transport a dog for this hilarious routine to work.
This manuscript gift from Dave Arch gives you a routine he has used for years - making his show look bigger without any fuss or muss.
Comes complete with a commissioned poster Dave had created for his own use. You're free now to use it in your own shows.
"I consider it one of the best gimmicked decks there is ..." - Andy Jerxmann in the book ...
All the owners of In-spy-ring can purchase Con-spy-ring for half price.
A fundamentally miraculous but automatic and self working principle but used very innovatively for nine unique mentalism routines.
A wonderful ebook explaining all the best slate tricks and effects, by Peter Warlock, who has used slate tricks in his programs for many years. Covers the manipulation of unprepared slates, the use of the flap, various mechanical slates and aids, little know methods of fake mediums, chemical writing and many other methods that are as effective as they are unique.
Paul Fleming wrote:
It seems probable that the current war, like the World War of 1914-1918, will bring a resurgence of interest in spiritualism. Already we see the beginnings of such a revival, and if it continues we may look forward not only...
This is an extremely rare manuscript by U.F. Grant. The effects explained are very strong and original ones. We believe that some effects are explained in no other publication.
Here is a brief description of the effects:
1 - Magician allows anyone to step forward and sit in a chair. He blindfolds them and does this to show it is not hypnotizing. Then tells person to try to stand up, and they are unable to do so.
2 - Person placed in chair and blindfolded and given a revolver and told it is impossible for him to raise it and point it at the audience. Try as he may, he cannot raise his...
A Quiet Corner was originally published in Nathan Spark’s ebook Tattoo and reprinted in Heavily Haunted: Second Edition. Here is what Don Theo III had to say about A Quiet Corner:
"Subtitled "Various Tips, Techniques, Pieces and Parts." Prepare yourself before diving into this entry. This is a walk on the wild side, led by the delicious madness that is Dale Hildebrandt. Dale goes really deep with this, and it's obvious he really put forth a lot of time and effort. Since first reading his work, I have always wanted to attend a lecture by Dale just for the pure experience. This is about as close as it gets without having him right...
"A Nite Of Dumb Poker is full of excellent stuff, with some twists "Hildebrandt style" and it is a refreshing and interesting read for people who love playing cards and for people who don't!" - Paolo Cavalli
Here is what you will find in A Nite Of Dumb Poker:
Section One: Linked Routines. These are eight generic routines that are routined for maximum impact. I've added a couple twists to a couple of the effects, but the important lesson with Section One is one on routining. You will see a natural progression from one routine to the next. These routines are things which are considered...
The Knight Billet Revisited is a comprehensive sequel to The Knight Billet, but this eBook is designed as a standalone PDF. You do not need the original eBook to understand or appreciate the material in this release. This is a new variation on the original Knight Billet that makes doing Annemann's billet routines even easier than the original Knight Billet. Yes, you can secretly open this variation on the Knight Billet even faster.
In this ebook, you get step-by-step photos showing you how to fold the billet and step-by-step photos on how to secretly unfold it in a few seconds, with no fumbling, as with the standard Annemann billet. You will...
This only currently works only on iPhone devices.
This is not an app, it is not a pre-recorded message and the number they generate can be seen in your recent calls.
Imagine inviting someone to choose a playing card and to put it, out of sight, without looking at it. You then ask a selection of people to create a random mobile phone number. You phone the number they have created and, when the person answers the phone, you ask them to name any playing card. They name the card that was chosen by the spectator. This is a real reputation maker and one that we guarantee you will be performing....
This is one of my favorite routines with fingers.
"Please tell us a color." The freely named color is written on a single business card (or somewhere else). "Interesting... I bet I can influence you now to choose a certain finger for instance." You take a bill from your wallet. (The participant can bet as well.) You show your hand (or you draw a hand on the business card or another one): "Please point to any finger." The spectator freely points to a finger, and of course, this is the one you wanted her to select.
NOTE: Matchbooks packets are sold in boxes of 50 in some grocery stores and tobacco shops. They are readily available on and Bars that still allow smoking often have FREE advertising matchbooks. Hotels that have smoking rooms often have matchbooks at the front desk.
This is #2 in Devin Knight's Forgotten Magic Series. The first release in the series was Unknown Forces.
Flame Revelation was invented and used by mediums in the early 20s according to Al Mann. Mediums claimed that spirits of the dead were often in fire. The technique was used as a form of spirit writing to prove contact with...
From the introduction:
This ebook is a bit of a departure for me. The material is mathematical, but it need not be performed with playing cards. It can be performed with pencil and paper close-up, or with a blackboard or a dry-erase white board in platform or stage settings. Thus it can be employed in situations when the use of playing cards would be inappropriate. However, I will describe these effects with playing cards as that is how I use them.
The basic idea is that the performer predicts the sum of a seemingly random array of cards or numbers. The spectator has quite a bit of control...
With this flexible system or combination of principles, you will be able to create your own effects like this one: Example of effect:
"Do you think you are influenceable? I bet you are..."
You show a business card with the five ESP symbols. The spectator freely points to one of them. This is the one you predicted.
A classic text that exposes the actual methods employed by fraudulent mediums and psychics!
Written by a lawman-turned psychic detective, this is the real work that lays bare how unscrupulous operators fleeced their victims while posing as mediums and spirit guides. Robert A. Nelson, purveyor of all things psychic, praised this work in his early catalogs.
Descriptions and methods described include:
These are the original directions that came with a clear plastic box and papers. You do not need any special plastic box as any small clear box can be used. If you already own the more expensive Glass Box Revisited ebook then you already have most of this information as most of this was reprinted in that ebook.
Back in 1986 Devin Knight who performed as a professional psychic shocked the world with a headline prediction that involved the Newfoundland plane crash that killed over 200 people. The prediction had been held by a state senator. News of this went worldwide and the story was carried in over 2000 newspapers....
Have you ever noticed that sometimes daughters and mothers look similar, not only because of genes, but also the way they dress, their hair style or colour, their glasses, etc. Same thing with pets, especially dogs. Sometimes, they really look like their owner.
In this ebook, you will find some ressources to use this idea in packet tricks, using images instead of playing cards. The impact on your audience will be much bigger and entertaining.
Example of effect:
You show a bunch of photos in one pile, and you show another pile face down, without showing the photos. "There is a sosie...
A couple of years ago David Devlin published an eBook titled, The Haunted. It was a collection of Bizarre Magick presentations that he likes to perform from time to time.
In this eBook, David has chosen to revisit a couple of effects from the original The Haunted eBook, and has updated them in such a way that they fit into a séance style presentation. The two effects are "Saucy Jack" and "Spirit Writing" (renamed "Connection"), but we assure you that this is not a simple "Cut & Paste" job. The two routines have been greatly expounded on. These two effects work nicely together, can be performed back-to-back,...
A break through in billets that you need to know if you do billet effects.
Richard Osterlind is correct when he says that many mentalists stay away from Annemann's billet work because it seems hard to do. For most magicians and mentalists, it is difficult to do. They struggle with opening the Annemann billet in their pockets; they fumble and quickly give up. The basic idea is to switch a billet for a blank one and secretly open it in your pocket or behind a clipboard or book. This can be difficult with one hand, especially if you are using an Annemann billet.
That has all changed thanks to Ron Levy,...
This is a useful effect for those who don't like tricks with smart phones, computers, etc. or if you perform for an audience who doesn't like them either. But it works very well also for computer addicts.
You place a prediction in a glass or in full view. You write a list of activities (For instance: Reading, Play Music, Work, etc.). The participant chooses one of them (There is absolutely no force).
And now the "crescendo":
With these cards alone, you will be able to:"Wow! This is VERY cool, you have a winner here!!" - Luca Volpe
"Very stylish, incredibly practical, I've been waiting for something like this for YEARS! F*&KING SICK!" - Lewis Lé Val
This is a funny little trick and a very simple plot. You can carry it in your wallet and always be ready, anytime, anywhere, or you prepare it in larger format, and perform it for larger audiences.
You show an image of three ladies. The spectator selects one of them, and it was predicted on the back. It is also a funny visual gag. Very entertaining, simple, direct, easy to do, instant reset, and practical.
1st edition 2015.