Dieversion uses a single ungimmicked die to perform several fantastic effects. Multiple versions of a simple ranging force are used in a unique and novel manner to create impossible seeming outcomes.
In the routines, you apparently use your "Pollyanna Personality" to reveal an impossible piece of information being thought of by the participant. And as for the meaning of the word Pollyanna, try googling it and you will see that it has an interesting juicy meaning.
The following 6 routines are explained.
"What a great idea! Bravo!" - Luca Volpe"This is staggering in its brilliance" - Marc Salem
CalendarX is a novel and fascinating concept. You just have to print out this 2024 calendar in whatever size you want and you can perform several effects throughout the year using this innovative calendar.
You can do coincidence effects, pin reveals, ACAAN effects, book tests, prediction effects, birthday divinations, add a number effects, diary effects, tossed out type routines, envelope routines etc. This will be a very handy tool for you to carry with you all through the year and perform different...
The previous version of this routine, Future Test 2021 was very well received. This routine can also be performed in almost all performing situations - one-on-one, close-up, parlor, street, virtual show or even on a basic video call.
Future Test is a 'packs small plays big' kind of effect. Actually packs very small in your wallet and plays very big to a full room or in a virtual show or even over a video call. This effect is done on the back of your business card which you can later leave with the participant as a souvenir or send over to the participant's phone as a virtual image as a 'digital souvenir'. ...
This is a physical product which will be shipped to you. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.
Star Test has nothing to do with star signs or their divination. Here STAR Test stands for Synaptic Transmission Association Response Test. Here under the guise of a scientific (pseudo) experiment, you actually demonstrate your mind-reading abilities in a very novel and stunning manner. I like it a lot when a mentalism effect is couched in a pseudo-scientific presentation. The credibility and believability factors increase exponentially. The effects described...
There are two routines explained in this manuscript. One is Propless Cartomancy and the other is Invisible Astrology. Both these effects are so very propless that you can actually perform them totally naked. Of course, that is speaking figuratively. Please do not try it literally.
You can perform these 30-second miracles at any time, anywhere to anyone - instantly. You can perform these routines close up, parlor, stage, street or even on a phone call or on a virtual show.
And the best part is that you need zero knowledge of either cartomancy or astrology to perform these routines. It...
The Next Stack is a cyclical stack that is as easy to learn as the Si Stebbins stack but can withstand scrutiny, unlike the Stebbins stack. In the Stebbins stack, the increment of 3 or 4 could be visible to a participant if observed keenly. But in the Next Stack it is almost impossible to recognize the sequence.
The Next Stack is named as such because literally it is based on the "Next" principle, which is a novel, innovative principle. Given any card you can instantly know the next card.
It will take all of 5 minutes for you to learn this cool principle and start applying it. This principle...
This is a physical product which will be shipped to you. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.
ESP here stands for Experiments in Synchronism Probability or in other words experiments in correlation studies. These are a set of stunning mind-reading effects couched in a pseudo-scientific presentation.
What You Get: Along with this PDF you also get a postcard-sized gimmick (4 inches x 6 inches approx) which is a high-quality and beautifully produced card that will last you a long time with reasonable care.
You can perform 3 routines using this card. ...
This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. The accompanying pdf can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.
Visper Telepathy stands for Visual Perception Telepathy. This is an extraordinary set of mindreading effects using only colors and shapes making it a very visual piece of mentalism.
The underlying principle here is a novel and innovative concept of an Invisible Magic Square where the principles of a magic square are used invisibly without using numbers in a grid. However, this is a completely different approach to my earlier Why A Magic Square Should Not Be a Magic Square ebook.
WHAT YOU GET: You get...
This is a Print & Perform routine.
Bold Bet is a powerful routine where you bet a $100 bill (you can use any denomination bill, of course) that you will be able to accurately influence the thoughts of your participant. In each routine 5 poker-size cards are used (you can print these 5 cards in any size you may want).
There are three different routines explained with different themes.
1. Bond Routine : You use 5 well-known Bond actors for this routine. The participant chooses one of the actors and you prove in a very novel manner that you have successfully influenced your participant....
The Noon Stack is the only stack in the world with three official names. It is also called the Midnight Deck or the Moon Stack. You can either start learning this stack exactly at 12 noon or exactly at 12 midnight, any day.
Okay, on a more serious note, Noon Stack is a simple algorithmic stack that forms a nice memorized deck. Given a card, you can know its position and given a position, you can know the card at that position. And literally speaking, if you start learning this stack at 12 noon (or 12 midnight), you can completely get this down in less than an hour by about 1 pm (or 1 am)....
From Unsign to Sunsign, Unmask the Unusual.
Unsign is a very special star sign divination effect that uses an innovative novel principle and a brand new method for the first time in the history of star sign revelations.
A single card (business card or poker card size) is used to reveal the star sign of a stranger. This card is freely examinable before, during and after the routine. And you can repeat the effect instantly for different participants, with different outcomes, of course.
As part of the process which takes under 45 seconds, the participant tells you a single personality...
This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. The ebook can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.
WHAT YOU GET: A set of 6 specially designed and quality printed cards that are just a bit shy of postcard size.
WHAT THIS IS: Power of Influence is a complete act of 3 killer routines that form the opener, middle and closer routines using the provided set of 6 cards.
The theme is the 'juicy' subject of Power of Influence and Sphere of Influence. The routines make use of a list of 60 different well-known personalities from various fields who are supposedly sociological...
This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. The ebook can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.
Here UFO stands for Unique Forcing Options. Each side of the UFO Coin has a different force. The coin itself is a solid brass coin that is approx 1.5-inch in diameter. Both forces are completely self-working. With reasonable care, the UFO Coin should last you a lifetime.
This is self-working coin mentalism without any coin sleights, magnets, threads, shells etc and the coin can be freely handled by the participants before, during and after the routines. This is in the...
You need not have Remote Propless Prediction to learn and use the routines in this manuscript. But by learning both, you will have a far wider range of routines in this category.
The performer asks a participant to play an imaginary game over a voice phone call. The participant may be thousands of miles away at the other end of the call. The participant makes several free choices but all in her mind alone, she does not say anything out loud. But the final result is already predicted by the performer in a very innovative manner.
The climax can be very visual if you choose that option in performance. The participant...
Diebolique uses a single ungimmicked die to perform a fantastic effect. It uses a well-known property of a die as a completely novel and potent force.
Let us say you are on a voice phone call with a friend who may be hundreds or thousands of miles away. You propose to perform an experiment over the call itself and your friend agrees. All that is required is that your friend at the other end should have a die with him. From your end it can be totally propless.
In the routine, you apparently use your "yugen" ability to divine an impossible piece of information by apparently listening to...
You can almost proplessly divine the exact date of birth of an utter stranger in under a minute. This routine works best in a one-on-one situation where the performer has met the participant for the very first time. And you can also, if you want, instantly repeat it for different people in the same group of audience. This impromptu routine is a lot of fun to do.
You do not need to have MPAC to learn and perform this one.
With this routine you prove to the participant that based on a few general characteristics related to her you are able to divine her exact birthday. This is the opposite...
Darkey is an ungimmicked keychain with a miracle built into it. Ungimmicked in any mechanical, electronic or magnetic way. So it will last you for many years of performances without the need for any refills or consumables. The size is about 2 inches square. So it can be easily and comfortably carried in your pocket.
But it is designed in an unusual manner so that it first starts a conversation and then ends with a miracle. You can carry your car keys, house keys or any other keys on this keychain.
With this keychain in your pocket, you are always ready to perform a miracle to anyone...
Freakey is an ungimmicked keychain with a miracle built into it. Ungimmicked in any mechanical, electronic or magnetic way. So it will last you for many years of performances without the need for any refills or consumables. The size is about 2 inches square. So it can be easily and comfortably carried in your pocket.
But it is designed in an unusual manner. It is bound to be a conversation starter. You can carry your car keys, house keys or any other keys on this keychain.
With this keychain in your pocket, you are always ready to perform a miracle for anyone at any time and anywhere....
Effects involving the number Pi.
The number Pi is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159. This is also a very fascinating number from a magic and mentalism point of view.
The day of March 14 which represents the Pi value of 3.14 is celebrated across the world as Pi Day, which occurred recently in this year. Some amazing effects can be performed using this Pi number.
Epic Spin is a collection of routines using the Pi number. Although the effects involve numbers of Pi, there is no math involved, largely. And...
Life in Digits is a collection of number divination effects and word divination effects using a single card. The card supplied to you is used by a participant to select a random 7 or 8-digit number. And the performer starts divining the number instantly and very cleanly. Or the card is used by the participant to think of a country, color, state or star sign, etc, and again the performer cleanly and instantly divines the thought.
There are 2 cards supplied to you. One is about postcard size and another is poker size. Both can be comfortably carried in your pocket.
You can perform over...
Past Life Prediction is a very unusual effect. Whether you or your audiences believe in the concept of past life or not, you can either perform this as a serious effect or a fun routine. This is totally propless. This is interesting. This is fun. And this is very impressive. Your participant will be left with an unforgettable experience.
You meet an utter stranger and directly tell him about your intuition by giving a few concrete bits of information about his past life. And you will then go on to present him solid proof of that past life information which will totally convince him. He...
Like a book test on a postcard.
Epitome is like a book test on a postcard. The theme here is "Greatest Books of All Time". The card supplied to you contains a list of some of the world's greatest books and other related content. The card supplied is about postcard size and can be comfortably carried in your pocket.
You can perform about 15 different effects using the card. And the effects use various combinations of different principles. You do not need any physical books to perform these effects. In fact, you do not need any other props except the card supplied. But this is not for rank...
Another interesting approach to the classic effect. This is a completely different method and principle to Propless Bank Night.
No props needed. No equivoque. No anagrams. No Math. Totally free choices. Everything happens in the participant's mind who is on the other end of a voice call with the performer, maybe thousands of miles away. The performer even tells the participant upfront the contents of each envelope involved in the routine. The participant chooses the envelopes freely, there is no force. And yet the participant is stunned with the result.
This can be performed one on one over a voice call...