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Genii August 2013 (used)Richard Kaufman | $5 to wish list | |
Fundamental TechniquesRoberto GiobbiThis is the first lesson from Giobbi's Card College 1 & 2 Personal Instruction. It is made available free of charge so that you can experience the style of Giobbi's teaching and decide if you want to invest in the full course. I personally think there is no better teacher of card magic alive today. Giobbi's style can at times be detail orientated, but then again if you want to reach the higher rungs of cardmanship, or cardwomanship, you need to pay attention to the details. Giobbi will take you by the hand and lead you through what can sometimes look like an impenetrable forest of moves, sleights, and techniques that look impossible... | ★★★★★ $0 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Senza ReteAldo ColombiniQuesto è un delizioso packet-trick automatico che Aldo Colombini ha creato partendo da un trucco pubblicato da Richard Vollmer. Effetto: Mostrate allo spettatore una misteriosa predizione fatta prima, e due mazzetti di quattro carte ciascuno. Le carte sono le stesse in ogni mazzetto, ma il loro ordine è diverso. Da un normale mazzo di carte, lo spettatore seleziona tre carte. I valori di queste carte determinano quante devono esserne spostate dall'alto verso il basso in uno dei mazzetti. Allo spettatore è anche permesso di dividere gli spostamenti tra i due mazzetti. Supponiamo che... | ★★★★★ $7 to wish list | |
Without Safety NetAldo ColombiniThis is a lovely self-working small packet trick Aldo Colombini created from a trick published by Richard Vollmer. Effect: You show the spectator two face-up packs with four cards each, and a prediction - in the form of a face-down card - is placed on the table. The cards are the same in each pile, but their order is different. From a regular deck of cards, the spectator selects three cards. The values of these cards determine how many cards have to be moved from the top to the bottom in either of the piles. The spectator is even allowed to split the work between the piles. Say 5 cards... | $7 to wish list | |
Bobby Bernard's Magic ClinicBobby BernardThis is not a lecture - it is a clinic. This is one of the first magic videos Martin Breese released. It was produced by Duncan Trillo and features Bobby Bernard teaching a number of great close-up moves and effects. Compared to today's slick videos this is a minimalistic low budget production. Occasionally you can even hear cars and traffic noises in the background. But what it lacks in slickness it has in spades in terms of teaching value for the magician. Bobby Bernard was a legendary magician and as this video demonstrates also a great teacher. I could watch him all day.
| ★★★★★ $15 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Ireland's Year Book 1937Laurie Ireland | ★★★★★ $10 to wish list | |
GPSUnknown MentalistGPS stands for Geopsychic Past-Life-Positioning System. Using nothing more than a single double blank business card and a piece of paper, you can accurately divine the place of birth of a participant either in a past life or a future life, as per her choice. The only inputs you will be taking from your participant are her place of birth in this life and details of her birthmarks if any. The result will not only be stunning for the participant but also will be verifiable for her. Most of the effect is self-working and very easy to perform. But the presentation is key and all the necessary... | $18 to wish list | |
Gum PackSultan Orazaly | $9.95 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Natural Mentalism: a treatise on natural navigationZanettiImagine being able to tell someone the direction of their house when you are both stood in the middle of nowhere that you have both never been to before. Imagine being able to get from one location to another via walking or driving without the use of maps, GPS, or compasses because you just "know where to go". Imagine being driven to a city you have never been to before. You get out of the car and are blindfolded and taken to a new location within the city. Upon removing the blindfold you can then instantly begin walking in the direction of the car and eventually return back to it without... | $25 to wish list | |
Rope RoyaleKeith ClarkKeith Clark's Rope Royale is a beautiful bit of magic performed with the simplest of properties - a piece of soft rope and a pair of scissors. These props can be carried in the pocket, yet when the feat is performed by a true magician, it ranks in entertainment value with a stage illusion. Paul Fleming wrote: This is one of three pamphlets which explain, with painstaking care, the silk handkerchief, cigarette, and rope "routines" for which Keith Clark is so well and favorably known in the vaudeville and night-club fields. We have already reviewed with enthusiasm (in Reviews Nos.9 and 31, respectively)... | ★★★★★ $7 to wish list | |
Silks SupremeKeith ClarkThe routine was met with favor all around the world (England, France, Norway, Sweden, and the United States) before all types of audiences and under all conditions. Mr. Clark presented it with great success during his engagements at New York City's famous Rainbow Room and Loew's State Theater on Times Square. Paul Fleming wrote: Forty years ago, in 1902, Hamley Brothers of London published Stillwell's Handkerchief Manipulation Act, which purported to explain a vaudeville act with which George Stillwell was then creating something of a sensation in English music halls. Silks Supreme, which is the subject... | ★★★★★ $7 to wish list | |
Geschichten um Grosse und Kleine ZaubererPeter WilkerEine wunderbare Sammlung von Geschichten, Anekdoten, Wissenswertem, Verblüffendem, und oft Unterhaltsamem über Zauberer und die Zauberkunst. Einige sind bekannte Erzählungen, andere werden ganz neu für Sie sein.
| $10 to wish list | |
Magische Studien 7 und 8Peter WilkerHöhepunkte Viele, wenn nicht die meisten Kunststücke, haben einen Höhepunkt, den effektvollen Abschluß des magischen Geschehens. Das Wiederherstellen einer zerschnittenen Schnur oder eines zerrissenen Papiers, der plötzliche Farbwechsel eines Tuchs oder das Erscheinen von Zitronen unter den Bechern beim Becherspiel sind einige Beispiele. Anderen Kunststücken wieder fehlt ein natürlicher Höhepunkt, oft solchen, die aus der Wiederholung gewisser Handlungen bestehen: dem Ringspiel, dem Kartenfang, Seil-Ring-Routinen, den Chinastäben. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit zugehörigen Problemen... | $15 to wish list | |
Patter in Rhyme and En RapportTed Annemann | $8 to wish listsoftcover | |
Magic Magazine July 1995 (used)Stan Allen | $5 to wish list | |
Magic Magazine March 1994 (used)Stan Allen | $5 to wish list | |
Magic Magazine July 2007 (used)Stan Allen | $5 to wish list | |
Genii September 1975 (used)William W. Larsen | $5 to wish list | |
E. M. Vernelo Catalog 1901 (used)Edward M. VerneloBeautifully rebound old catalog from the John Henry Grossman collection. Vernelo, another Chicago magic dealer, not only sold a good selection of magic tricks but also novelties, puzzles and a large selection of non-magic books. About half of this catalog is dedicated to books in all kinds of fields of interests including letter writing, public speaking, jokes, stories, bookkeeping, photography, calculations, and many more. | $100 to wish list | |
Card Tricks Without Skill (used)Paul CliveHardcover in decent condition. This is the 2nd edition from 1947. For details on the contents see the digital edition, however, keep in mind that this second edition is missing a few items compared to the third edition which has been digitized. | $30 to wish list | |
Der Kartenkünstler (gebraucht)H. F. C. SuhrBuch in Kleinformat recht gut erhalten. Kleine Schäden am Buchrücken. Information zum Inhalt finden Sie auf der Seite der digitalen Ausgabe. | $50 to wish list | |
Abbott Magic Catalog #17 1967 (used)Recil BordnerSoftcover catalog in good condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition. | $10 to wish list | |
Abbott Magic Catalog #18 1969 (used)Recil BordnerSoftcover catalog in ok condition. Cover at spine is damaged and coming loose. For details on the contents see the digital edition. | $10 to wish list | |
Abbott Magic Catalog #25 1997 (used)Recil Bordner | $10 to wish list |