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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Ralph Mayer
Short Changed by Ralph Mayer

A terrific audience participation effect about a famous carnival and con artist swindle. Audiences love tricks with money. They also love to learn about swindles and cons, in order to protect themselves. This effect provides both: entertainment and a lesson.

In this clever routine, you demonstrate how easy it is to swindle the victim out of $10 for a $1 purchase. Not just a trick, but an actual scam that fleeces thousands of people every day. Don't you be one of them!

And, only in this updated edition, we supply camera-ready master images of stage bills that you can use for the effect....

★★★★ $5
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Dibya Guha
Hitchcocked by Dibya Guha

Hitchcocked is a collection of two fun-filled mentalism pieces based on the famous movies of Hitchcock. These effects are real-world workers and have been perfected through tons of performances. The 2 effects in this PDF are:

  1. Ring and Rope Prelude: A great prelude to your ring & rope routine based on Hitchcock.
  2. Hitchcock Prediction: A comedy Prediction routine wherein the prediction of a Hitchcock movie apparently turns out to be a gag. However, the performer proves that he had indeed been able to forecast the spectator's thought well in advance, in a most humorous manner.

1st edition...

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Mel Mellers
Commercial Gems Volume 3 by Mel Mellers

Here we go with another three routines that are all audience-tested designed for maximum impact. They all explain the handling and variations and sample scripts. None of them are particularly hard to do relying on basic level skills and presentational hooks to drive the entertainment.


This is a quirky Q & A routine involving a teapot. Questions or target information are written on pieces of paper by members of the audience. The papers are folded and placed in a teapot. The performer removes one of the pieces of paper and places it into the spout of the teapot. Holding...

★★★★ $10
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Unknown Mentalist
Deckless Oncemore by Unknown Mentalist

A classic principle. Some new innovative applications. The result is some cool card mentalism effects. 4 main effects and 2 bonus effects are explained. The main effects are all deckless card mentalism effects, where a physical deck of cards is not used. The bonus effects are for those who want to use a physical deck of cards, anyways.

The underlying theme is that of either predicting or divining a card mentally chosen by a participant. The methods are self-working, easy to learn, and a pleasure to perform. You can in fact forget about the method and focus fully on your presentation. There...

★★★ $12
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Ken Muller
In Your Pocket by Ken MullerAn incredible impromptu mentalism effect where a spectator reads your mind. You think of an object and the spectator names it. A different result every time. Simple - profound! This is ideal for a lead-in to other mentalism effects. Just something I learned from Arnold Furst in 1959 and have done hundreds of times with business owners.

1st edition 2021, PDF 3 pages.

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Edward Bagshawe
The Mind Reader by Edward Bagshawe

Print and Perform.

One of the advantages of the following effect lies in its absurd simplicity of operation. Quite a change from some of the "mentally selected" card effects you may have run across.

Briefly, the effect can be stated as follows. A sealed envelope is first given into the keeping of a member of the audience. Two printed slips of paper (ready to print for you), each bearing the names of cards, are given to a second spectator, who is asked to examine them and note that the names of all the fifty-two cards have been listed upon them. The spectator mentally selects one of the...

★★★★★ $7
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Brian T. Lees
Assistant: Cosmetic or Tool by Brian T. Lees

Is she part of the show? Or is she eye candy for the audience? There is a difference between a cosmetic and functional assistant. This text identifies the difference and helps you get started searching for, and working with an assistant.

  • Assistant Profile
  • Business Considerations
  • Assistant Functionality
  • Team Profile
  • Finding an Assistant
  • Assistant/Magician Relationship
  • Production with Assistant
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2021, PDF 25 pages.

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Biagio Fasano
ESPerimento di Coppie a Distanza by Biagio Fasano

Che cos'è "ESPerimento di Coppie a Distanza"?

Si tratta di un effetto inedito di Mentalismo, possibile anche a distanza (in una video chat, ad es. su Zoom, Skype o Google Meet, o anche solo al telefono), in cui l'illusionista riuscirà sempre ad indovinare il simbolo ESP riportato su di una coppia di bigliettini (o carte) tenuta coperta dalle mani dello spettatore, a seguito di una serie di miscugli e ribaltamenti casuali delle carte.

Punti Chiave:

  1. Completamente "hands-off"
  2. Semplice ed ideale da performare in ogni situazione, inclusa la telefonata o la chat a distanza, ad es. con...
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Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 98 (May 2021) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 17, No. 2, May 2021; 60 pages
Cover: Michael Murray
  1. The Team
  2. Editor's comments
  3. Contents
  4. In The Phonebox with Anais Demoustier
  5. Michael Murray - Mental As Anything - cover article/interview by Graham Hey
  6. The Amazing Johnathan - Part Two - article/interview
  7. The Grumpy Old Magician Does Lockdown - Recorded by Mark Leveridge
  8. magic By Numb3rs - Mark Leveridge
  9. Reader's Letters
  10. Masterclass
    1. 2 Poker chip Transpo - Gregg Webb
    2. The Discrepancy city Prediction - John Bannon
  11. Either ... Or? - with Sean Carpenter
  12. News
  13. It's Competition Time!! - to win the John Bannon Move Zero 4DVD Boxset
  14. Shop Talk...
★★★★★ $5
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Laurie Ireland
Ireland's Year Book 1940 by Laurie Ireland
  • The Card In The Sandwich
  • Misdirection Card Change
  • Card And Whiskbroom
  • Everready Pencil Trick
  • The Coca Cola Bottle And Nipple Effect
  • Card Control
  • The Spirit Bar
  • The Vanishing Cane For Close Up
  • A Hanging Episode
  • Magician's Lucky Card
  • Deuces And Trays
  • Manipulative Dollar
  • Reverse Card Trick
  • Ireland's "Live Bait" Card Fishing Trick Manuscript
  • Color Change With A Laugh
  • A Diachylon Trick
1st edition 1940, 25 pages; PDF 29 pages.
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Giovanni Iuliani
Freaks by Giovanni Iuliani

The renowned sideshow showman Ward Hall reminisced about the time Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Combined Circus attracted a record-breaking crowd of over 20,000 people inside the sideshow. "The Greatest Show on Earth" was playing Montreal during the 1950s. However, over a decade later, Giovanni Iuliani surpassed this world-breaking record many times over.


In 1966, Giovanni Iuliani presented 5 major freak phenomena alive on a high elevated stage at two Montreal movie houses. These high attendance halls each featured on their giant screen the classic horror...

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Brick Tilley
How Time Flies by Brick Tilley

A dollar bill to impossible location effect that incorporates the timeless Buddha Money Papers. The noted bill vanishes from the papers only to reappear inside a pocket watch case that has been in full view the entire time.

Included here possibly for the first time is the fool-proof method for preparing two bills so that they bear the same serial numbers. This is not the inferior dodge of erasing the last digits on the bill. These bills utilize the entire serial number.

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages, video 1 min 12 s.

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Satish B
Conduction Simplified by Satish B

This is an entertaining, commercial trick bearing a mystery card plot, with the spectator playing the magician and a color-changing finale that packs a wallop.

The spectator shuffles and selects a card from a blue deck under test conditions. This is the prediction. The magician shuffles the red deck, chooses a card, and signs it. The signed card miraculously matches the prediction. As a kicker finish, the magician causes the signature to jump from the red card to the blue card.

1st edition 2021, PDF 11 pages.

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Peter Pellikaan
Queens 2 by Peter Pellikaan

You show four queens. The two black queens are placed on the table, the two red queens are retained in the hands. But despite this separation, they change places and the red queens are now on the table and the black queens are in the hands. The next phase is a little 'oil and water' sequence where the queens are mixed black, red, black, red but quickly separate themselves again into two black and two red queens. The startling climax is that all four cards change their back colors.

1st edition 2021, video 4 min 57 s.

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MP4 (video)

Ken Muller
Untouched by Ken Muller

A Copper/Silver transportation in which the performer's hands never touch the coins.

A copper coin in the hands of one spectator changes places with a silver coin in another spectator. The performer is across the room and never touches the coins at all! No gaffs or gimmicked coins. Everything can be handled and is.

This effect can easily combine with other C/S effects, and the unique "Tweener" method can be applied to other effects.

1st edition 2021, 4 pages.

★★★★★ $8
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Brian T. Lees
20 Minute Set Empty Handed by Brian T. Lees

Out with your friends just to enjoy the evening. The manager comes up to you and says one of the acts did not show up. He asks you to do a 20-minute set. You didn't bring anything with you. All you can work with is what you can find on hand. Could you do it? This ebook offers some ideas you could use.

  • Real events
  • Don't panic
  • Relax, take your time
  • Audience must believe this is natural
  • Look around
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2021, PDF 16 pages.

★★★★ $5
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Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 14: Die chinesischen Glücksmünzen by Christian Scherer

Eine mehrphasige Spellbound-Routine mit farbigen chinesischen Münzen.

Der Vorführende entnimmt einem Portemonnaie drei schwarze chinesische Münzen, die er den Zuschauern in die Hand gibt. Er sagt, dass es sich dabei um chinesische Glücksmünzen handle. Wenn man sie reibe und sich dabei etwas wünsche, könne mit etwas Glück der Wunsch in Erfüllung gehen. Dies demonstriert er auf anschauliche Weise, indem er sich wünscht, dass die Münzen eine nach der anderen eine andere Farbe annehmen. Die erste Münze färbt sich blau, der Vorführende zeigt, wie man die Farbe wieder entfernen kann...

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Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 13: Die königlichen Vieren by Christian Scherer

Eine Neuinterpretation einer Kombination von zwei 1982 von Christian Scherer publizierten Kartentricks unter Verwendung seiner Handhabung des Ascanio Spreads.

Die zwei roten Könige werden bildoben unten ins Spiel gesteckt. Eine vom Zuschauer gemerkte Karte im oberen Drittel des Spiels ragt zur Hälfte aus diesem nach oben heraus. Das Spiel wird ausgefächert, die beiden roten Köngie werden zur Hälfte aus dem Spiel herausgezogen und es ist klar ersichtlich, dass sich keine Karte zwischen ihnen befindet. Das Spiel wird egalisiert und die gemerkte Karte wandert ohne ersichtliches Zutun des...

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Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano
S.E.M.P.E.R. by Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano

What is S.E.M.P.E.R.? (Special Esp Memory Powers Enhanced Radically)

A special trick with a flexible method that offers wide-ranging presentational possibilities. It uses an ordinary deck of 52 poker cards and the trick will be deceptive even for many illusionists, but above all its impact on the audience is devastating.

Two spectators are asked to take a card and put them unseen in their pockets. The magician explains that, under these conditions, it is obviously extremely difficult to be able to identify the cards. Nevertheless, and in order to demonstrate to the public the uncommon...

★★★★★ $15
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Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano
S.E.M.P.E.R. (Italian) by Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano

Che cos'è "S.E.M.P.E.R." ? (Special Esp Memory Powers Enhanced Radically)

Il gioco che stai per leggere è davvero speciale: utilizza un normalissimo mazzo di 52 carte da poker ed il trucco risulterà ingannevole anche per molti illusionisti e le sue possibilità di presentazione quasi infinite; ma soprattutto il suo impatto sul pubblico è devastante!!

L'effetto è il seguente:

a due spettatori viene chiesto di prendere una carta e di infilarla subito in tasca, senza nemmeno guardarla!! Il mago spiega che, in questa situazione, è ovviamente estremamente difficile poter identificare...

★★★★★ $15
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Dr. Edward George Ervin
Club Deceptions by Dr. Edward George Ervin

A choice collection of smart close-up and pocket tricks of the type for which Dr. Ervin was famous. Originally sold as four separate booklets, these have now been combined into a single, greatly enlarged volume, edited by Ralph W. Read and fully illustrated.

Contains tricks with bills, coins, cigarettes, tobacco, matches, silks, needles, playing cards, ropes, mind reading, livestock, and more. Comedy, straight magic, even a few stunts that will play well as bar betchas. There's plenty of variety to capture and keep any audience's attention.

Our favorites include a very clever Thumb Tie that uses...

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Laurie Ireland
Ireland's Year Book 1944 by Laurie Ireland
  • Introduction
  • Yogi Ray's Night Club Milk Glass
  • Jack Becomes An Aviator
  • Chix - Levitation
  • Buy Bonds
  • A Tip On A Tip
  • Victory Birdhouse Silk Production & Vanish
  • Mental Disclosure
  • Sense And Nonsense With Cards
  • A Routine For The Twentieth Century And Other Standard Magic
  • Glorifying The Dancing Handkerchief
  • The Migrating Card
  • A Follow Up
  • Four Corks And A Hat
  • Two Number Tricks
  • Gag With A Lady's Purse
  • A New Wrinkle For The Passe Passe Comedy Bottles
  • Your Mind Has Told Me So
  • Rope Through The Neck
  • Bottle Of Smoke
  • Modern Chapeaugraphy
  • Sgt. Jack Blades' Balls And Ribbons From The Mouth...
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Tony Green
Professional Punch by Tony Green

From the opening remarks:

The following remarks may be well known to the working professional. However, when I started full time and rushed out to buy books on the subject, the only information they contained was one traditional script, one or two small novelty scenes and how to make and work the swazzle. Wonderful books, full of good helpful advice enabling the beginner to present a worthwhile show, but nothing at all on the subject of holding the attention of an audience against other attractions in the immediate vicinity. This is why I decided to put my ideas, which some Punch men think...

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Mel Mellers
Commercial Gems Volume 2 by Mel Mellers

Three more performance pieces designed with maximum entertainment in mind. Each effect includes sample scripts, handling's, and the all important presentational hooks with the emphasize on comedy.


Cards are shown portraying various items a person may have in their pockets such as, keys, pills, spectacles, etc. The performer invites the spectator to place various cards in their pocket (doesn't have to be pocket). Using x-ray vision (can place some x-ray specs on) the magician correctly identifies the items and the pockets.


A unique and original...

★★★★ $10
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