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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Wolfgang Riebe
15 Animated Video Logos by Wolfgang Riebe

With social media, YouTube, and mobile magic videos becoming increasingly popular, opening animated video logos for magicians are a great way to add that 'professional' touch. Here are 15 different video logos supplied in both MP4 and MOV formats complete with a 'User Licence' to include these videos in any, and all of your video productions and use on all social media platforms.

As these are high-quality custom-made logos, they would easily sell for over $20 each and thus cost in the region of $300 and more, especially with an end-user licence included. This is a limited special offer on...

Geoffrey Buckhurst
Conjuror's Party by Geoffrey Buckhurst

This is a silent film of a magic show for children performed by Geoffrey Buckhurst probably from the early 1950s. Among the tricks he performs is the Zombie, Egg bag, Torn and Restored Rope, Diminishing Cards, and many other bits and pieces to entertain the kids.

This is performance only, no explanations of the tricks are provided. An interesting window into magic for children during the 1950s.

1st edition ~1950s; video length 11 min 42 s.

Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster
Magische Rundschau by Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster

Die Magische Rundschau war die Vereinszeitung der Vereinigung Maja. Sie bringt eine Mischung von Sitzungsberichten, Nachrichten, Tricks und Tips.

1. Jahrgang 1925

Heft 1 und 2 (Januar/Februar)

  • An alle Mitglieder der Vereinigung "Maja"!
  • Mein Zitronentrick / Hans Trunk
  • Die zersäte Karte / I. Schmidt
  • Die Kritik
  • Rund um die magische Welt
  • Briefkasten

Heft 3 (März)

  • Einladung zur 1. Hauptversammlung der Vereinigung "Maja", Sitz Berlin
  • Die zersägte Karte (Fortsetzung) / I. Schmidt
  • Rund um die magische Welt

Heft 4 und 5 (April/Mai)

  • Zur gefälligen Beachtung!
  • Das Zerschneiden...
J. F. Burrows
Some New Magic by J. F. Burrows
  • Preface
  • The Vanishing Fan
  • The Fountain Of Fire
  • New Candle And Handkerchief Illusion
  • New And Novel Watch Manipulation
  • A New Impromptu Card Trick
  • New Handkerchief Illusion
  • Novel Transformation Of A Billiard Ball To A Bouquet
  • A New Vanish For Coins
  • A New Tub For The Production Of Live Stock
  • Soup Plate And Handkerchiefs
  • The Great Slate Mystery
  • An Improved Coin Holder
  • A New Card Trick
  • A New Coin Trick
  • Novel Change Of Handkerchief To Streamer
  • Sensational Flag Production
  • Anti-Gravity Ball
  • New Card And Bird Trick
  • Latest Omelette In Hat
  • Billiard Ball Manipulation
  • A Few Wrinkles ...
J. F. Burrows
Programmes of Magicians by J. F. Burrows

Showing at a glance the tricks performed by all the leading conjurors, extending over a period of forty-two years, from 1864 to 1906.

  • Robert Heller
  • Warren Wright
  • Prof. Duval
  • Signor Bosco
  • Prof. Fuller
  • Mons. Kellar
  • Verbeck
  • Prof. and Maude Anderson
  • Prof. Anderson
  • Herr Frikell
  • Dr. Holden
  • Prof. Hoffmann
  • Bautier de Kolta
  • Prof. Devono
  • Herr Döbler
  • Hartz
  • Prof. Duprez
  • Dr. Lynn
  • Servais Le Roy
  • Hercat
  • J. N. Maskelyne
  • Harry Kellar
  • Imro Fox
  • Prof. Hulbert
  • David Devant
  • Prof. Weber
  • Prof. Geo. Davison
  • Charles Bertram
  • Dr. Nix
  • Prof. St. Clair
  • Chevalier Thorn
  • Fred Harcourt
  • Charles Karnak
  • De Biere the Mysterious
  • Paul Valadon
  • Charles Morritt
  • Melot Herman
  • Carl Hertz
  • Martin...
★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Delightful by Ian Baxter

The ingenious Paul Curry, creator of 'Out Of This World' was also responsible for a number of other timely favourites - 'Open Prediction' being a standout and attracting variations a-plenty from card experts everywhere.

Ian Baxter has fashioned a particularly appealing version of this classic, written in his inimitable style and now available in an easy-to-read manuscript - totally impromptu, simple to perform, no fakes, stranger cards, or hidden accessories. Skills need are minimal. A delight indeed!

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages.

Eric Mason
Legacy by Eric Mason

The passing of a freely chosen suit of cards in numerical sequence up the sleeve, using a borrowed pack.

Profusely illustrated with more than 70 photos.

From the introduction:

As Dr. Jacob Daley remarks in his classic 'cards up the sleeve,' this effect has always been considered the acid test of the skilled performer with cards. Since the whole purpose of the creative act in magic is to further the arts involved ... I offer my own much cherished routine for this wonderful trick dedicated to the memory of Dr. Daley's devotion to a pack of cards and the numerous imaginative effects he developed with...

Robert Nedbalski
Ned's Ultimate Poker Stack by Robert Nedbalski

An incredible stack that was worked out by hand at a time when computers were not available. The experts were impressed:

"In actual play, that would get the money." - Dai Vernon

"... the best stack since Rusduck's. - Ross Bertram

"... interesting and has possibilities at the gaming table." - Faucett Ross

"... Ned, you've come across a real gem, don't tip it." - Orville Meyer

"Vernon should see this." - Francis Carlyle


The spectator takes a shuffled deck. The spectator makes a choice of the type of poker to be played:

  • Straight Poker
  • Stud Poker ( 5 – 6 – or 7 card)
  • Blackjack
  • Draw Poker
Lewis Ganson
Mystery of Magic by Lewis Ganson

This rare booklet contains some real gems. The routines are described concisely and with lots of clear photos.

  • Introduction
  • Fooling with Hoola Fooler
  • A Ring and some rope
  • Matched Up
  • Card Production
  • Phoa Yan Tiong's Cut and Restored Handkerchief
  • Coin Manipulation
  • Eddie Wards Card rise
  • Quick Tricks
  • Malini's Vanish of Note from a Handkerchief
  • An effective routine for Equally Unequal Ropes
  • Giant fans
PDF 14 pages.
John Mendoza
Throwing the Switch by John Mendoza

The purpose of the switch is to secretly exchange two packets of four cards. For example, to show four aces and then turn them face down and deal them onto the table for an assembly effect. The cards dealt onto the table, of course, are not the aces after the switch has been done.

  • Introduction
  • The Basic Switch
  • Four for Five
  • Just a Touch More
  • Throwing a Pass
  • In the Middle
  • Changing Five
  • Changing Five the Easy Way
  • Triple Throw
  • Just One More
  • In Conclusion
1st edition 1982, 29 pages; PDF 25 pages.
★★★★★ $15
Will Blyth
Effective Conjuring by Will Blyth

From the introduction:

Every item has been presented by the author, not only before the general public, who may generally be relied on to give audible expressions of their likes and dislikes, but also before meetings of conjurers, where candid criticism has resulted in filling up several possible pitfalls and leaving everything fairly even and workable.

Most of my previous works on conjuring have dealt with specific subjects, such as paper, match-sticks, handkerchiefs, coins, etc. The present volume, however, contains a variety of useful effects which, if presented with due regard to the...

Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 5 by Mark Elsdon

More excerpts from my notebooks, listing fabulous tricks that have caught my eye over the years. The first four Hidden Gems ebooks have been incredibly popular so here we are with Volume 5.

These are tricks that define the very concept of 'hidden in print'. In each entry, I list the trick, where you can find it, why I love it and why you should look it up. I always describe the effect, occasionally the presentation, but never the method. Most are in books that you already own (or should!), some are in magazines that you can easily get access to and the odd one or two entries will send you...

Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 4 by Mark Elsdon

More excerpts from my notebooks, listing fantastic tricks that have caught my eye over the years. The first three Hidden Gems ebooks have been very, very popular so here we are with Volume 4.

These are tricks that define the very concept of 'hidden in print'. In each entry, I list the trick, where you can find it, why I love it and why you should look it up. I always describe the effect, occasionally the presentation, but never the method. Most are in books that you already own (or should!), some are in magazines that you can easily get access to and the odd one or two entries will send...

Mark Elsdon
Hidden Gems 3 by Mark Elsdon

As previously recounted, I've been making notes and sticking Post-its in all my books for decades, so I still have hundreds of great tricks book-marked, annotated, and logged. The first two Hidden Gems ebooks proved far more popular than I could have reasonably expected, so here we are with Volume 3 and another 100 great tricks that most of us have sadly forgotten about.

These are tricks that define the very concept of 'hidden in print'. In each entry, I list the trick, where you can find it, why I love it and why you should look it up. I always describe the effect, occasionally the presentation,...

Dietmar Buggisch & Peter Wilker
Die Aufdeckung der Hexerei by Dietmar Buggisch & Peter Wilker

Eine Übersetzung der Zauberkunstkapitel der Discoverie of Witchcraft von Reginald Scot (1584), mit Kommentar über historische Hintergründe und Zusammenhänge.

  • Einleitung
    • Der Autor Reginald Scot (1538-1599)
    • Das Buch "The Discoverie Of Witchcraft"
    • Scot Und Die Zauberkunst
    • Die Übersetzung
    • Literatur
  • Kapitel XXIII
    • Über Den Ball Und Die Geschicklichkeit Damit, Ebenso Wie Bemerkenswerte Stücke Mit Einem Oder Mehreren Bällen
    • Wie Man Einen Kleinen Ball In Der Hand Aufschwellen Lässt Bis Er Sehr Gross Ist
    • Einen Oder Mehrere Bälle Ins Nichts Befördern
    • Wie Man Jemandem Einen Schlag Auf Die Knöchel...
Wilford Hutchinson
Conjurers Chronicle (used) by Wilford Hutchinson

This complete file was bound and then unbound from its cover. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

M. S. Mahendra
Amazing Card Miracles (used) by M. S. Mahendra

Booklet stapled in decent condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

Rob Roy
Easy Card Magic (used) by Rob Roy

Stapled booklet in decent condition. Some foxing of the cover. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

J. B. Bobo
The New Modern Coin Magic (used) by J. B. Bobo

Hardcover with dustjacket in good condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

Mark Lewis
The Long and the Short of it (used) by Mark Lewis

Plastic comb-bound softcover book in very good condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

Peter Wilker
The Creation of Magic by Peter Wilker

A practical guide to the invention of tricks plus newly created tricks.

"I must say that I was prepared to dislike this book ... Wilker's discussion, however, is so pleasant and unassuming that one can hardly disagree with him. In part, this is because Wilker seems to recognize the inherent problems in stating hard and fast rules about creativity and so limits his conclusions accordingly." - Stephen Hobbs

From the Preface:

This book reflects my own knowledge and thoughts on the subject of inventing tricks. Part 1 is devoted to this process and by reading its introduction you will, dear reader,...

★★★★★ $15
Ken Brooke
It's Better Than Digging Roads by Ken Brooke

Ken Brooke was known throughout the world of magic. He was a magic dealer who achieved such a reputation for reliability and quality that there are thousands of magicians throughout the world, amateur, and professional who bought almost every trick he produced. Visitors from every country in the world made a beeline for his studio within minutes of arriving in London because just to visit Ken Brooke was an experience not to be missed. In partnership with Frank Farrow, he built the Ken Brooke Magic Place into a magical institution second to none. Considered by many to be the greatest magical...

★★★★★ $20
Sarah Ella Phant (formerly Trustman)
The Amazingest Memory Test by Sarah Ella Phant (formerly Trustman)
"Sarah Trustman is more interesting than Netflix." - Dan Harlan

"Though I have only known Sarah Trustman for a few months, I have spent each week meeting with her along with a team of other creative performers, three times a week, for as long as three hours per session, ever since we met. Sarah has 'heart.' As a performer, teacher, or speaker, she is an excellent communicator - fearless, clever, quirky, and thoughtful, as well as truly committed to her own creative-self. It is now no surprise to me that she can amazingly bring those same gifts to the pages of this work that you now hold." - Alain...

★★★★★ $10
Dick and Virginia Williams
Booking Magic by Dick and Virginia Williams

Can you keep your act booked the whole year round without the expense of hiring an agent? The answer is a resounding yes. Dick and Virginia Williams worked TV, clubs, and corporate shows, plus banquets and hotels. And they kept busy. Yet, they handled the publicity, promotion, and booking of their act themselves, without the need for an advance man or agent. Their methods are revealed in this easy-to-follow manuscript. If you can read and follow directions, then you can do it, too.

In any other profession, Dick and Virginia would have kept their secrets to themselves. Yet, because their system...

Displaying 2190 to 2213 (of 10445 products)
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