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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
Two in the Hand and One in the Pocket Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Routines using the extra object principle.

Three small objects are shown, two are placed into the left hand and the third one into a pocket. On opening the left hand, not two but THREE objects are seen. This is repeated a few times, the effect becoming more bewildering as the routine proceeds. In some versions, the objects eventually vanish or are transformed into something different.

From this basic theme, a whole range of tricks has been evolved, the objects employed being almost anything of such a size that can be concealed in the hands.

This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In...

Richard Gamble
Types to Suit all Seasons by Richard Gamble
  • Close-Up
    • Giant Cigarette Production
    • Large Match-Stick Production
    • A Sweet Cigarette
    • Sponge Coins
    • An Idea For The Sponges
    • Another Sponge Ball Routine
    • Business Card Intro
    • Chopped Prices
    • Impromptu Ring Penetration
  • Ideas For
    • Grown Up Hofzinser (Roy Walton Routine)
    • Ring In Rubik Cube
    • Levitated Deck
    • Pen And Con Starter
    • Paint Brush Variation
    • Vanishing Lighter Flame
    • Vanishing Pocket Watch
  • Cards
    • Triple Card To Pocket
    • Mistaken Identity
    • Definitely Between Your Palms
    • Everywhere And Nowhere
    • Same Order Face Up Count
  • Stand-Up (Cabaret)
Aldo Colombini
UK Lecture Notes 2002 by Aldo Colombini

Excerpt from the introduction:

In this set of notes you will find several tricks and routines that have served me well during the last few years as a stand-up performer. In fact, almost all the tricks explained here can be done standing up as no table is required and are great for walk around or strolling magic. Done this way you simply use the hands of the spectators to help you.

I have written these tricks and routines with the assumption that you already know some basic magic such as a card control, an Elmsley Count and the like. My purpose here is not to teach you 'sleights' but rather...

★★★★ $12
Lewis Ganson
Unconventional Magic by Lewis Ganson

Here is another classic magic book by Lewis Ganson with effects by Ken Brooke, Peter Warlock, Cy Endfield, Marconick, Tonny van Dommelen and others.

c1950, 59 pages

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: Free Choice
  3. Chapter 2: Cy Endfield's Card Penetration and Change
  4. Chapter 3: Bags of Everything
  5. Chapter 4: Eddie Ward's Zombie Card Rise
  6. Chapter 5: Three Penetration Effects
  7. (a) Bertram Millidge's New Move with the Jardine Ellis Ring
  8. (b) Silk Through Ring
  9. (c) Silk through Silk
  10. Chapter 6: Ken Brooke's Knot-Out plus a simple routine for the Sympathetic Silks
  11. Chapter 7: Ken Brooke's Presentation of the Vanishing...
Aldo Colombini
Under One Hat by Aldo Colombini

Excerpt from the introduction:

Regarding the routines presented in these lecture notes, I have to point out that they are based on simple ideas and require practice only to the extent that you must be familiar with the sequence of handling in order to perform the effects smoothly.

Too often magicians ignore tricks which at first glance appear difficult. If the plot idea attracts your interest, give it ten minutes of your time. You’ll know soon enough if you like the trick or not.

The explanations of the tricks in these notes are somewhat brief but I consider them complete enough...

Roy Johnson
Unique by Roy Johnson

A superb selection of items from the professional repertoire of Roy Johnson. Mentalism, comedy and visual magic with cards, books, rope, keys, shoe laces, music, fire and razor. Revealed are some of Roy's most closely guarded secret methods. Much of Roy's own patter is included for you to use, or adapt to your own style. The methods given are simple and effective, leaving you to concentrate on the "job in hand" ... entertainment!

  • Foreword
  • Music Maestro
  • The Key
  • Key Cords
  • To Hell And Back
  • The Library
  • Again The Library
  • The Card In Anything
  • Hyp-Knot-Ic
  • Impaled

1st edition 1995,...

★★★★ $25
D. Angelo Ferri
Unknown Slydini by D. Angelo Ferri

Slydini's major routines take a lot of time to learn. But Slydini wanted his students to be able to go out and perform magic sooner to work on the performance and presentational aspects of their magic. To enable this he would teach his students from time to time smaller tricks which one could learn quicker but which often still incorporated one or the other of his fundamental principles of magic. This is a collection of these smaller tricks Slydini taught Dennis. They are a great gateway into the magic of Slydini because they do not require large commitments of time and effort to be mastered, yet they...

★★★★ $10
Jerry Andrus
Up Close with Andrus by Jerry Andrus

These are notes for one of Jerry's lectures. It helps if you saw the lecture as only the essential workings are provided, but the drawings and details are sufficient to make out most of the effects. References several moves taught in Andrus Deals You In without providing the specifics.

  • Vanishing Pen
  • Pen Under Cards
  • Reversing Pen
  • Pill Tube Mystery
  • Rope And Handkerchie
  • Twin Pipes
  • Tube Steal
  • Tube Load
  • False Load
  • Extra Ball Move
  • Lap Vanish
  • Fist Vanish
  • Slow Motion Vanish
  • Ball Vanish
  • A Utility Move
  • A Routine For Twin Pipes
  • Geiger Counter Routine
  • They Pick The Aces
  • Fan Reverse
  • Torn Card
  • "How It’s...
Charles Waller
Up His Sleeve by Charles Waller

Full title is: Original Creation for Magicians Hitherto Kept "Up His Sleeve". Waller was a highly creative magician.

  • Publisher's Note
  • Introduction
  • Perverse Magic
    • "The Cantankerous Handkerchief"
    • "The Golliwog Ball"
    • "The Impish Card"
  • "The Secret Tube"
    • "The Growth of Flowers"
  • The Nest of Boxes
  • The Rising Cards
  • The Mountain of Flags
  • "A Four Ace Climax"
  • The "Turn Over" Force
  • The "Rainbow" Force
  • Full or Empty
  • The Big Production
    • A Basket of Flowers
    • The Big Bowl
  • "The Fourth Dimension"
  • Charlie Chaplin and "Spooky Ookum"
  • The Utility Fans
  • The Candle That Was
  • "In the...
★★★★ $2
Wm. Ravetta & Otto Waldmann
Up-To-Date Magical Ideas by Wm. Ravetta & Otto Waldmann

Here's an ebook of clever and original ideas and routines for standard parlor and club effects.

Originally published as a limited edition booklet by the manufacturer of the Mysto Magic Set, the authors have contributed several excellent performance ideas that will delight your audience.

In addition, the authors have supplied instructions for creating updated fekes and gimmics to perform popular tricks, such as producing a rabbit from an empty hat or performing the Aerial Treasury effect. An excellent ebook of audience-tested magic.

Here's an example. Imagine if a magician walks up to you and asks...

Zaw Shinn
Vanished by Zaw Shinn

Vanish small objects such as a coin, sponge ball, poker chip, card corner from your bare hand.

The construction of the gimmick requires some arts and crafts. The method produces a sound that you need to be able to mask with music or some other way. Also, you will have to watch your angles. This method works fine for a social media video or perhaps on stage but is otherwise not very practical.

1st edition 2022, video 9:49.

Brick Tilley
Vanishing Doll by Brick Tilley

Also known as "Ne Plus Ultra" and "Bonus Genus", this was a favorite pocket trick at the turn of the century. Even Houdini was known to have fashioned a crude version of this out of a scrap of wood. Modern day toy companies create small dolls that make handcrafted ones a thing of the past. We located an ideal version at a local 99¢ store, it's a small figurine of a cherub playing on a flute.

EFFECT: A small doll is covered with a cloth. The cloth has a hole in the center, out of it protrudes the doll's head. The head is allowed to drop into the folds of the cloth. Immediately the cloth is shaken...

Sultan Orazaly
Vanishing Gum by Sultan Orazaly

A very visual vanish of a common item: a chewing gum. You take a gum with two fingers and with a smooth movement the gum disappears into thin air.

  • Easy to perform and easy to make.
  • Visual and practical.
  • Make the gimmick in 3 minutes.

Note: TV rights not included with purchase. Please contact Sultan Orazaly if you want to perform this on TV.

1st edition 2024, video 6:41.

D. Angelo Ferri
Variations by D. Angelo Ferri

The three ticks in this video are variations of effects by Don Alan, Juan Tamariz, and an old-school sucker trick that appeared in Expert Card Technique.

Don Alan had a trick called Magic Ranch in which a chosen card was found in a wooden egg. I've rearranged the presentation with a new ending, the people think that a real egg is about to be cracked open in the cupped hands of the assisting spectator. The switch of the real egg for the gimmick egg is accomplished by Slydini body mechanics and within reach of anyone willing to understand and apply the concept. I also offer an alternative ending, as well as how to make the special one-way...

Milbourne Christopher
Varied Deceptions by Milbourne Christopher

Mental Magic, Close-Up, Ropes, Money, Handkerchief, Cards, Stage and TV Tricks, Novelty Magic, and Behind the Curtain (tips on presentation, business, etc.)

  • Preface
  • Chapter One: Mental Magic
    • In The Crystal
    • Ball-Point Prediction
    • Palm Writing
    • Torn Centre Application
    • Blindfold Vision
    • Third Sight
    • Chalk Mark Telepathy
    • Think Of An Object
    • Think Of A Man
    • Find The Pin
    • Chairback Transmission
    • Getting The Chalk
    • Colours
    • Afterthought
    • Super Date Sense
    • Stage Version
    • Impromptu Version
    • Predicting The Winner
  • Chapter Two: Close-Up Conjuring
    • Flame Up
    • A Glass Vanish
    • My Glass Through...
B. W. McCarron
Video Magic by B. W. McCarron

Use your VCR as a video prediction chest!

Add amazing, audience-tested effects to your act, including French Postcards, Jokers Wild, Batter Up!, Break the Bank, Headlines of the Past, Mental Shopping, Lucifer's Lexicon, Movie-ola, Mental Lottery, and many others.

The subtle methods are broken into chapters where you'll discover the Three Outs Principle, The Multiple Outs Principle, the Index Principle, The Ultima Principle, and more. The author had previously sold this work only through Micky Hades' Seattle retail shop, which has since closed. The material in this ebook is just too good...

Verrall Wass
Visible Magic by Verrall Wass

This booklet was inserted in volume 44 number 8 of The Sphinx. It was published as a gift to the loyal subscribers. Illustrations were done by Francis Martineau.

1st edition, 1944, Sphinx Publishing Corporation, USA; 11 pages.

  1. Preface
  2. Eyes Colour Blind
  3. Verrall's Visible Four Aces
  4. From Deception to Doll's House
  5. Verrall's Chameleon Carnations
  6. Verrall's "Bango!"
  7. Grandfather's Nightcap
  8. Verrall's Vanishing Vase
  9. It Hasn't Been Done Before!
  10. Decanting a Rainbow
  11. Francis Martineau
  12. Verrall Wass
★★★★★ $30
Ken Brooke
Visions of Ken Brooke by Ken Brooke

On this download DVD are countless Ken Brooke movies showing him demonstrating and performing some of his classic routines together with many effects from Harry Stanley's Unique Magic Studio in London ... but best of all ...

Patrick Page has provided a remarkable and informative live sound commentary for this fabulous video compilation.

Martin Breese acquired the copyright to all of the Unique Magic Studio material some years ago. Amongst the many Unique Studio items were a number of silent movies and many of these featured the amazing magic of the amazing Ken Brooke – one of the most loved British magicians of...

Ruhko Varen
Wait by Ruhko Varen

[Note that the English on this video is pretty bad. However, everything is also explained visually and you should have no problem to make the gimmick and to see how everything works together.]

The effect is straight forward. Show a few tictacs on your hand and an empty tictacs box. Slam the container on your hand and make all tictacs jump into the container. Your hand is empty and the container filled with tictacs. If somebody would have counted the number of tictacs in the container is exactly the same as there were on the hand. You can handout the container with the tictacs for inspection or even as a gift.

1st edition 2015, 11 min...

Charles Waller
Waller's Wonders by Charles Waller

A collection of practical magical effects.

  • the Introduction
  • The Spinning Card
  • The Flower Stall
  • Raps!
  • The Pusillanimous Pips
  • Plonk!
  • "A Hard Pill To Swallow"
  • A Penny Bun
  • The Sympathetic Sands
  • Second Sight
    • "Say It With Flowers!"
    • The Signals
    • The Code
  • Serve!
  • " - And Hit The Crow"
  • Hop, Skip, And Jump
  • A Sensational Opening Production
  • Light Fetters
  • A Harmless Explosion
  • Filling The Baby's Bottle
  • A Lightning Wrist Tie
  • A Bunch Of Bananas
  • Coffee For Two
1st edition 1927, 94 pages; PDF 46 pages.
Deepak Mishra & Oliver Smith
Walletrix by Deepak Mishra & Oliver Smith

Walletrix includes six amazing effects that can be done using a normal ordinary ungimmicked wallet.

"This is a very sexy method and utility device that doesn't just create miracles, instead it gives that moment of astonishment we as magicians desire" - Justin Miller

"This project is packed with brilliantly creative and practical material. Anyone watching this will be itching to test out the routines within." - Lloyd Barnes

  1. Six amazing super visual effects
  2. No special skill required
  3. Can be done with most wallets
  4. Gimmick/setup/method is super easy
  5. Wallet is fully examinable...
Frances Marshall
Wanna Bet? by Frances Marshall

A lively and interesting, compelling collection of little known ideas, often referred to as "betchas". Bet you a drink you can't do so and so like pushing a quarter through a dime sized hole. You may know that one but there are dozens here that are fresh and different, and will get your spectators really involved with your challenges.

Great for bars, lunch table, offices, coffee break, parties, hospitality suites, young peoples affairs, etc. Although you introduce them as an impromptu stunt, you actually have a set program in mind for best results. These amusing little gags can make you the...

★★★★★ $15
Peter Warlock
Warlock's Way by Peter Warlock

This ebook covers a wide variety of stand up, close up, and stage magic from the brilliant mind of Peter Warlock. Mentalism, Cards, Silks, Rope, Ball and Cone, and more.

  • Aces Low
  • Touchdown
  • Kolar
  • Mind Out Of Time
  • Twang
  • Android
  • Android Two
  • Tinker Bell
  • Zodiac
  • Slalem
  • Tour De Force
  • Jinx
  • Five Chairs
  • Trivu
  • Tempus
  • Nick
  • Endora
  • 3 Times Lucky
  • Oldie
  • A Matter Of Note
  • Prize Winner
  • The Cone & Ball Routine
  • Willow Pattern Mystery
  • Silks & Beakers
  • Sympathetic Selection
  • Red & White Mystery
  • Triple Restoration

128 pages; PDF 79 pages.

Watch This Closely by Someeran

Excerpt from the preface:

This is a book on close-up magic. The effects described in this book are not only mystifying but vastly entertaining. I know they are practical and popular, because I do them all the time, and I love them. Some of the effects in this book were originally published in different magic magazines like Magigram, Mantra etc. While re-writing them for this book, I have updated the effect, handling and presentation, based on my experience of performing them several times, to make them more interesting and entertaining. Even readers who may have read the original versions will find something...

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