Here's a terrific book containing ten tricks, using cards, a magic wand, rope, and other items associated with the magic arts. Most of the effects require no special apparatus. What little is needed can easily be constructed. We think modern performers will really enjoy the card rise, where the action takes place with a borrowed deck! Also of interest will be "Through the Five-Spot," which is an impossible solid-through-solid effect where a five of spades visibly melts through the center of the magician's wand.
We've especially had fun performing the ball bearing mental test, which is a great...
The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused ebooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key performance areas. The ebooks are written in an easy to understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
Volume 4 in this series concentrates on the many different ways now available to magicians to promote themselves in order to get paid bookings. If you don't know your SEO from your ROI, or if you're not sure whether online or offline marketing is best, this ebook will provide you with many of...
The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused ebooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key performance areas. The ebooks are written in an easy to understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
Volume 3 in this series takes a close look at what is required to work commercial magic at a table side. It's probably true to say that more opportunities are available for close up magicians to work at a table side than for any other form of close up. From big dinner functions with large numbers...
The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused ebooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key performance areas. The ebooks are written in an easy to understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
Volume 2 in this series concentrates on how to use magic at trade shows and business exhibitions. For many years I have been working at business events using my strolling magic as a highly effective way to put across company messages and to help promote them at their exhibitions. My approach...
The Professional Worker Series is a selection of targeted and focused ebooks which offer professional, sound advice on a number of key performance areas. The ebooks are written in an easy to understand style which cuts out all the waffle and padding, and instead gets right to the core of each subject.
The first volume in the series is entitled Going Walkabout, and it contains 28 pages of important and valuable information about how to make a success of working close up magic at reception style events where the spectators are all standing or where there is, at best, only a very informal arrangement...
The center tear is, without question, the finest all-around method for gaining information written by a spectator. The main advantage of the center tear is that it is always ready to use, a small slip of paper is all that is needed.
In the past, many performers went to U. F. Grant seeking a way to use the center tear effectively. The problem which confronted most of them was how to read the written message without being detected. This problem confronts nearly everyone who wants to use the center tear. And it has been the reason many performers have avoided it.
In this eBook are revealed...
Interesting here are not only the many card tricks described but also a section on crooked gambling at the very end.
[Note that pages 11-14 are missing in our original from which this digital edition has been prepared.]
Dee Christopher finally divulges the full work on his Block concept. You could walk into a room with just this gimmick and blow the minds of the entire room, one by one.
"Oh boy, what a clever man Dee is. Simple gimmick to make, solid full p##k, and great ideas from the mind of a clever gentleman. An excellent tool to achieve mind reading." - Pablo Amira"Get it. Trust me." - Tom Mullenger
"Block is one of the best peek devices I've EVER used!" - Lewis Lé Val
"It's rare that I'm fooled, but this TOTALLY fooled me. I'm going to make one now!" - Peter Antoniou
"This is...
Novel Concepts with Key Cards. No sleight-of-hand is needed for any of these effects. Ideal for both magicians and mentalists.
Imagine taking a borrowed, shuffled, incomplete deck, mixing it a bit yourself, and offering it to a volunteer for a cut. The volunteer then cuts each half separately, chooses a card from one half, and buries it in the pack himself. Yet despite these difficult conditions, you are able to locate the selected card with absolute certainty. That is the premise of this ebook.
The Straddle Key concept is a breakthrough in key card theory. I have tested this material...
The Openers and the Closers of your magic shows are the most important aspect of magical entertainment...they dictate how your audiences will perceive you...then and later.
Many photographs and a video are included explaining every detail of Paul's excitingly magical routines!
Paul's "The not so invisible deck" routine is not what you think. It is his very special routine that he has used as his "closer" for over 20 years. The patter is hilarious...wait until you see the real secret behind this routine. All patter and many nuances of performance are included.
The introduction contains...
A participant chooses a random question secretly. But the performer has predicted prior to the beginning of the routine, the answer which exactly matches the random secret question. This is extremely clean, easy, self working and almost hands off - a delight to perform. All you would need is a few business cards.
1st edition 2017, 6...
Before you take your magic show on the road, this ebook shares some vital tips with you.
Taking a large stage/illusion show on the road is a massive task that can be hugely rewarding and profitable. However, there are also many pitfalls that one needs to be aware of that can ruin you. This is a short ebook filled with concise information to guide you in the right direction so that you don't end up jumping in the deep end and making costly mistakes.
From market, research to planning your show and the types of tricks one should consider including transport, sound and lights, special effects...
They pick a card (no force), they return it to the deck, they shuffle - as much as they want. You pull out a written prediction (genuinely pre-written; no swami) and it tells them how many cards from the top of the deck their card will be after shuffling. They - or the performer - deals down to that number of cards and there it is, their card at the predicted location.
Note: The prediction may be off by one, two, three or possibly more places depending on how well you master this skill. You will also need a stripper deck even though you will not be using it to strip out any cards.
Here's a book that belongs on every magician's digital shelf. Inside you'll find 48 effects, tips and suggestions for close-up and club performers.
One of our favorites is the "Ring and Balloon Problem," as we can see it being used to win bar bets. Especially if you use an engagement or wedding patter story with your spectator. "Dollar Discernment" is also exceptionally clever as a mental test. We believe entertainers will make great use of it for those situations where they are asked to perform and have no props with them. Good stuff.
Here's a look at what's included:
A powerful, versatile and propless system for mentalists.
This subtle and invisible system will allow you to recreate incredible demonstrations of mind reading and prediction previously limited to using expensive electronic props.
This ebook discusses creating your own spirit bell for close up performances.
You only need two simple items to create a bell that will ring at your command, while isolated. You can use the bell as an oracle, or for a living and dead test, both of which are covered in this short download.
If you've ever wanted to perform the classic spirit bell act in close up performances, but don't want to spend the money, the pocket space required or rely on electronics to do the work for you, this concept is perfect for you. You will also receive a link to watch Dee Christopher's own spirit bell routine...
Vernelo, another Chicago magic dealer, not only sold a good selection of magic tricks but also novelties, puzzles and a large selection of non-magic books. About half of this catalog is dedicated to books in all kinds of fields of interests including letter writing, public speaking, jokes, stories, bookkeeping, photography, calculations, and many more.
1st edition 1901, 192 pages.
This catalog describes mostly magic tricks, some magic books and a list of acting plays. Madame Inez, or just M. Inez, was married to E. M. Vernelo and she was very involved in the early years of The Sphinx mostly as editor.
1st edition 1904, 76 pages.
The master of Propless Mentalism, Peter Turner now offers a full series in this topic.
The definition of Propless Mentalism is, at best, arguable (this is discussed in length inside this volume). The definition that Peter has stuck closely to is: the participant never writes anything down, and the only time the mentalist writes anything is to reveal information.
Peter has tried to make the material as sure-fire as possible (not chancy or bold), whilst keeping the process as small as possible - no long-winded, drawn-out presentations. If the presentation isn't as quick as (if not faster...
This ebook teaches the illusion of hypnosis; you don't need to be a hypnotist to perform these mind blowing effects.
Hypnosis is one of the purest and real forms of mentalism; in essence you are apparently a true master of mind control, with the ability to make anyone do anything you wish. With great power comes great responsibility. From mentalism effects with a hypnosis flavour, to self working hypnosis-esque miracles, it's all in here. If you have followed the rest of the monthly course volumes, you'll know that each month is packed with effects, routines, principles and ideas from a range...
Join Peter Turner in an exploration of "Observational Mentalism". If you like mentalism that is simple and uses less known psychological techniques, this is for you. Observe, watch carefully for subtle cues and read minds like no other. Open your eyes, open your mind and get this eBook full with new applications and effects that look incredible and at the same time, credible mentalism. Not just ideas and routines from Peter, but also contributions from Fraser Parker, Ben Cardall, Kenton Knepper and more.
1st edition 2016, 130 pages.