9 Hefte vom Juli 1925 bis Juni 1926. 146 Seiten.
7 Hefte vom Juli 1924 bis Juni 1925. 160 Seiten.
12 Hefte vom Oktober 1907 bis September 1908. 240 Seiten.
Aufgrund von Arbeitsübarlastung entschloß sich Conradi-Horster, statt des 8. Jhgs. ein Buch, nämlich Der Zauberkünstler auf der Höhe der Kunst, erscheinen zu lassen, das den Abonnenten des Zauberspiegels in monatlichen Heften zugesandt wurde. Somit gibt es eigentlich keinen 8. Jahrgang. No. 1
12 Hefte vom Oktober 1906 bis September 1907. 236 Seiten.
12 Hefte vom Oktober 1905 bis September 1906. 240 Seiten.
12 Hefte vom Dezember 1904 bis September 1905. 244 Seiten.
12 Hefte vom Januar 1904 bis Dezember 1904. 260 Seiten.
12 Hefte vom Juli 1897 bis Juni 1898. 240 Seiten.
12 Hefte vom September 1896 bis August 1897. 239 Seiten.
12 Hefte vom September 1895 bis August 1896. 232 Seiten.
Fundraisers have always been popular. There will always be organizations that need to raise funds. And, there will always be needs out there that fundraisers will be launched for. The success of these events depends on community support, and ticket sales.
When organizations host fundraisers they always reach for the free, and least expensive ways to promote their event. Many of these organizations are very good at their activities and operations. But the reality is that they do not focus their daily operations on event promotions. As a result, they often need help.
This text is a coaching...
New Century Pairs Re-Paired
This series of Openers & Closers (#1 and #2) have been selling like wildfire. Openers & Closers 1 sat at #1...and now, Openers & Closers 2 is #1 on the Hot List.
Now...Openers & Closers 3 is the last e-book in this series...and probably the best one! The easiest to perform "magician-foolers" and ESP effects ever. What an arsenal. There are many photos and 3 videos included.
Openers & Closers are so crucial to every magician's repertoire, that they, literally, dictate how your audiences will perceive you as an entertainer.
1) The 21 Card ESP Trick - This effect will fool all magicians...guaranteed. It begins with a clever...
Brick Tilley learned this routine in China from Mr. Fu in 1980. It is a 'cups and balls' routine but is performed with two rice bowls and three balls which appear to be small pieces of fruits. They are not really pieces of fruits but that is what they look like. Details of what they are and how to make them is in the ebook.
The video below is part one of a four part routine.
1st edition 2017, 5 pages.
An excellent collection of sleight-less card tricks. Some require a confederate but in all cases the author provides alternative methods and presentations to eliminate the need for a confederate. Each effect is taught with an effective presentation.
1st edition 1914, PDF 32 pages
Here is a miraculous, "test conditions" billet reading method that is both fiendishly clever and imminently practical. Leave it to the fertile brain of Bob Nelson to develop a billet test as good as this!
The sitter writes any question on a slip of paper and folds it tightly. She drops this into a glass tumbler. Sitter then takes her own handkerchief and places same over mouth of glass. A rubber band is used to snap around the edge of glass, holding the handkerchief in place.
The glass, containing the spectator's billet, is left standing on a table throughout the test. The performer picks...
The "tell-all" book that reveals the innermost secrets of "office" and seance mediums!
These are the very methods used by fraudulent spirit mediums to bilk the innocent public. Because this ebook lays bare the actual methods, the author chose to be anonymous, for fear of reprisals by crooked mediums and their followers. You'll learn the secrets of "Blood writing" (as sold by The Nelson Enterprises), ghostly apparitions, spirit slate writing, seance exhibitions, ballot tests, and many, many other pseudo-mediumistic stunts.
The author, a member of the Spiritualist religious movement, finally...
1st edition...
Vol. 13, No. 3, July 2017; 60 pages
Cover: David Copperfield
ENVELOPE noun: A flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document.
SWITCH noun: The act of changing to or adopting one thing in place of another.
TRANSPARENCY noun: The characteristic of being easy to see through.
SWITCHER-VOPE noun: A combination of all three elements.
If you do a search online for billet switching apparatus, you will come across a variety of devices the majority of which seem to be boxes of different shapes and sizes ranging from cardboard to perspex and antiqued oak. Some of these boxes are ingenious, some extremely expensive and...