An original paper tearing trick described in the minutest detail.
Over a decade ago, THE WORLD'S FAIR offered a prize for the best list of really outstanding magical effects. The winner of the competition was Mr. Charles Harrison ("Rajah Khan") who, although he mentioned only nine items ... some of them being big illusions like Sawing Through a Woman and the Substitution Trunk ... included John Ramsay's Paper Tearing Trick in his List. - The World's Fair, 24th December 1938
1st edition 1949, 21 pages. PDF...
Many effects from famous magicians such as Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller, Fred Keating, David Devant, T. Nelson Downs, Ross Horwitz, Nate Leipzig and of course Faucett Ross himself.
Not just an effect, it's an event. Box office records attest the tremendous value of this sensational publicity stunt. The Nelson Enterprises were the first to realize the possibilities of a stunt of this kind in conjunction with mental acts, and were the first to utilize it. The Blindfold Street Drive actually attracts thousands of people to witness the performer drive the car through the streets, while handicapped by the lack of normal vision. We know of no other stunt, or idea that could be placed into operation that is sure to attract so much favorable comment, and to impress upon the residents...
The first and only book on the technique of "projected answers to questions!"
Learn the professional mentalist's secret of projecting or carrying the replies to questions. Don't just provide a simple answer or restate the question. Use Nelson's projection technique to turn an ordinary Q&A act into a masterpiece. Not only does the spectator receive an answer to her question, but she is given a bonus in the form of additional information pertaining to her question, plus other predicted events.
The spectator is doubly intrigued at this mysterious source of information. Other spectators become...
Dedicated to all who love the macabre. A handbook for modern sorcerers and necromancers, a devil's diary of spells and incantations, for those who like to dabble in the strange and uncanny. Handbook of Horror carries on the tradition of Witches' Brew but in a rather more horrific manner!
1st edition 1969,...
Eckhard Böttcher hat über die Jahrzehnte mehr als 1000 Tricks und Effekte über seine Zauber Butike Firma vertrieben. Jeder Trick wurde detailiert beschrieben und oft mit seitenlangen Anleitungen ausgeliefert. Diese Anleitungen beinhalten wunderschöne Routinen - oft Eigenkreationen von Eckhard Böttcher, Tips, Illustrationen, Fotos und manchmal sogar lange Literaturverzeichnisse. Diese Sammlung beinhaltet alle mehr als 1000 Routinen die wir gefunden haben.
Bitte beachten Sie dass Sie nur die Anleitungen bekommen und nicht die Gimmicks oder Apparate. Vielleicht fehlt Ihnen nur die Anleitung,...
Die folgenden Routinen werden in dieser Sammlung beschrieben:
Die folgenden Routinen werden in dieser Sammlung beschrieben:
Revisiting the False Shuffle for Artifice and Magic
There has not been a complete work on Shuffle technique since the early 1970's, yet Shuffle techniques have continued to advance. In fact, there has been a significant shift in the paradigm of those at the forefront of Shuffle techniques. Further, "In-the-Hands" techniques have become increasingly common, even in the magic fraternity, as they have been in the cheating community for many years. Now, for the first time, one of the most recognized experts on the subject has released the real work, including many of his own developments, for...
From the preface:
Like its predecessors, Witches' Brew and Handbook of Horror, this book, Devil's Diary is intended for those who like to dabble in the UNKNOWN, for necromancers and sorcerers and all who haunt the blackness of the night in their attempts to conjure up shadowy shapes from the strange World of the Beyond.
The only ingredients required to cast the necessary spells are Imagination, the ability to weave a suitable tale of the Uncanny and the various methods contained within these covers.
The following pages from Lucifer's library should enable you to perform a few seemingly...
When performance opportunities from brochures, flyers and other marketing activities slow down you need to pick up the phone. Cold calling has played a major role in almost every industry. These calls fill cancellations in schedules, book shows while traveling from city to city, and can help fill those calendars during the slow months. When you find yourself waiting for the phone to ring there is no reason you cannot make a few calls and book yourself. The materials in this text will get you started.
Ken de Courcy and Billy McComb took an old chemical effect, figured out the secret that makes it work reliably, and worked out all the other kinks, to make it ready for real world performances. The effect reads like one from Lubor Fiedler.
Effect: The magician introduces a circle of yellow tissue paper and hands it to a spectator to crumple into a ball. He receives it back then, holding it at his fingertips, concentrates on it for a few moments. The tissue ball is placed on an ashtray then ... it suddenly bursts into flames and burns away.
PDF 6 pages.
You will get both a PDF and a video (download from your digital shelf).
3 Disk Monte is a variation of the street hustle often played with cards. Three black face down disks, one with a white dot, are mixed. The spectator tries to guess which disk is the one with the white dot. The disks have increasingly gained popularity due to their visibility and handling. This PDF illustrates and describes the various sleights that can be used while performing this effect. Topics include the basics plus some of the more advanced moves that can be used.
A pro stage performer opens his vault of treasured miracles, revealing his favorite magic and psychic effects, plus secrets to get your act booked.
As Nelmar, the author entertained thousands with his stage hypnotism, magic and psychic act. He reveals his favorite effects, ranging from mentalism to card effects to sleights with coins. But that's not all! Nelmar also reveals important business aspects, including how to get booked, how to make "cold" calls, and even two samples of letters he used to get more gigs.
Here's a look at what's included in this ebook:
Chapter I (MENTAL MAGIC)....
As a thank you for supporting Magic World Publishers, we are pleased to offer a free PDF digital manuscript, containing three top-notch gems of mystery by Howard P. Albright. Good tricks in themselves, yet they also get you free advertising each time you perform them.
CLUB SPECIAL - A sure-fire sensation; leaves the audience with a quantity of tokens that advertise you in unique fashion.
TALK OF THE TOWN - An uncanny mystery; your name, etc., appeals on several initialed cards from an ordinary deck. These are left with the audience so they always have your contact information at hand. ...
Die folgenden Routinen werden in dieser Sammlung beschrieben:
Die folgenden Routinen werden in dieser Sammlung beschrieben:
Here is a collection of twenty (yes, 20) choice mental and psychic presentations, most of which may be performed impromptu with little or no preparation. The Mindreader's Packet will enable you to demonstrate your apparent amazing mental and psychic abilities that will long linger in the minds of your audience.
Here are descriptions of just a few of the twenty effects contained in this ebook:
MENTAL CARDOLOGY - The mentalist correctly divines the name of a selected playing card, which is placed in his hand behind his back. May be immediately repeated. Ordinary unprepared cards are used...
A wonderful selection of tricks illustrated by Harlan Tarbell with an introduction by John Mulholland. For each author a short biographical sketch is included at the end of the book.
THE FINGER KNOWS—AND TELLS (Al Baker) A truly amazing example of mind reading.
THE GLASS TRICK (Roy Benson) An instantaneous, and seemingly impossible, disappearance of a handkerchief.
SEVEN COINS (Al Flosso) A clever sleight to cause several coins to go from one hand to the other.
THE PIERCED CARDS (Robert Harbin) An excellent manipulative method by which selected cards are caused to appear on a ribbon.
DUO-FLIGHT (Leo Hartz;...
1st edition 1967, 87 pages; 1st digital edition...