Place a coin on a card. Just wave and the card will change. Mario Tarasini brings a new ultra visual card change system to the magic world. It is called "Jumping card system" and it looks impossible. Take an old trick to a next level.
1st edition 2020, length 6 min 55 s.
Headline prediction.
Here's publicity for you. Predict a newspaper headline weeks before publication. Predict an event that is to take place in the future. Can also be used on T.V. No locked boxes and no elaborate chests. This is a simple, straightforward method that is sure-fire and 100 per cent. convincing.
Performer visits the local newspaper office, or he may 'phone to inform the editor that he is sending a letter through the mail, addressed to the editor and marked "Prediction." "In this letter," he tells the editor, "is a prediction of an event or a news happening, or a front page...
15 monster effects and 8 videos. 14 major effects with cards, coins, gambling themes, mentalism, silks, predictions...and 8 brain busters.
Introduction - discussing a philosophy of "tried and true" performance that just might change your mind...and it works.
What is quantum reality? - You may not be interested in Quantum Physics...but this may open up your mind.
The Magic Effects. Quantum Quickies:
Quantum Optical Triumph - A Triumph effect that will make their heads spin...and it's very easy to do. Just watch the video.
She Has Quantum Power - Give your spectator a power that...
The effect is foolproof, self-contained and easy to perform. Want something different that sets you apart from others presenting standard feats? Here's your chance. Too easy for words. This unique teapot is capable of pouring numerous glasses of different colored sodas and finishes up with a glass of milk or coffee. The teapot can be purchased online.
1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages, video 1 min 7 s.
Culling (cards) is not a particularly fashionable technique. During the past forty years, card magicians started to pay closer attention to various ideas and techniques, especially those having broad application. In this treatise three types of culls will be examined:
An attractive rapid sketching act suitable for any entertainment. Easily acquired by means of the guide to presentations, non-technical self-instructor. Includes 30 exclusive lightning, reversible, and plain line sketches. Accompanied with the appropriate and witty patter. Anyone can do it. Little practice required. No preparation necessary.
A lightning sketch lecture.
The presentation of this amusing "Lightning Sketching" act involves no particular skill. Very little practice is required to produce the drawings that illustrate the booklet.
This ebook can also function as an introduction to learning to draw, because it takes the reader from the most simple beginnings of drawing (dots and straight lines) all the way to rather impressive sketches which can be achieved literally with a few well placed strokes.
The magician shows a card with a hole in it. He grabs the hole and stretches it. After a moment the hole morphs back to its original shape. But that is not all. The magician slowly peels the hole from the card - the hole becomes a sticker and the card is solid, restored to its normal state.
Both sides of the card can be shown (from some distance). The hole just disappears. Additional supplies may be needed in order to perform the effect. Requires arts and crafts to prepare the gimmick.
1st edition 2020, length 25 min.
A proposition bet is one which appears to give the taker an even chance and at times the best of it, but does just the opposite. Like con men, proposition gamblers pretend to be pleasant, friendly, easy-going, good fellows who would never think of double-crossing anyone. They also usually pretend that their prepared proposition bets are something they just happened to think up on the spot. They take great pleasure in beating seasoned gamblers; money is not the main objective. It's the prestige and self-satisfaction they derive from having outsmarted a top gambler, be he friend or foe.
A killer predicted card at any number effect.
A deck of cards is introduced. The magician claims that there is a prediction in the deck which he will reveal in a moment. The spectator then names any number between 1 and 52. Say the number is 34. The magician deals down to that number and out-jogs the card. As the magician points out that any number could have been named, other cards are shown with totally normal backs. The selected card is then removed from the deck and turned over. Drawn on the back of the card is the number 34.
Simple. Direct. Powerful.
This is a knockout...
An incredible Nate Leipzig card effect, now redesigned with subtlety, instead of knuckle-busting sleight of hand. A deck of cards is genuinely shuffled. The spectator then chooses a suit and removes the corresponding thirteen cards from the deck. The performer chooses another suit and likewise removes his thirteen cards. The spectator places the top card of his packet on the bottom of his packet; the magician duplicates this procedure. The spectator places his next card face down on the table. The magician does likewise. The spectator then alternately places cards on the bottom of his packet...
Kalendeck is a calendar deck. If at all it is possible to "Pre-Know" any stack, it is this. In other words, you probably already know this stack but you are simply not aware of it. If you know the basics of a calendar, then you already know most of this deck. Or you can easily pick this up in just a few minutes. It is that easy and that simple.
Kalendeck is a memorized deck which looks very random and well shuffled - both values and suits. Given any position, you know the card instantly and vice versa. It may take all of about ten minutes for you to learn this stack. Of course, practice...
From the Foreword:
From the introduction:
Magic has been divided into (1) White Magic, or the evocation of angels and beneficent powers; (2) Black Magic, or the summoning of demons; and (3) Natural Magic, or feats performed by dexterity and mechanical appliances, etc. Although believing implicitly in white magic and black magic, the medicine men, spirit doctors, and hierophants of olden times did not disdain to use natural means also to overawe and surprise their votaries.
With the passing of so-called genuine magic or sorcery we see the rise of natural magic and conjuring. In the Middle Ages conjurers...
A self-working principle which determined a person's thoughts . . . Listen to this bewildering effect. A pack of cards is shuffled and a spectator merely thinks of a card. The pack is then dealt once, twice and finally a third time into two piles. Before completing the last dealing the spectator may, if he so wishes, shuffle both halves. Despite all this, when the spectator deals through the pack he finds there are only 51 cards; the thought-of card has vanished! The performer produces the card from his pocket before the spectator names his chosen card. An astounding climax which completely...
Zodiac Oracle allows you to determine a spectator's star sign and (optionally) age while giving an engaging astrological reading.
A new method to quickly and secretly arrange cards from a small pack all the way to a full deck. No math needed unless you want to understand why it works.
Within magic, no mind approaches Bob Farmer's. Outside magic, Machiavelli came close. The evidence is presented in "The Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox." - Stephen MinchBob Farmer's Bammo Tarodiction Toolbox is both a great trick and a genuinely new method for secretly arranging cards quickly, accurately, and right in front of the spectators' noses. - Matthew Field
About what you'd expect from the guy who invented that stupid little hand trick. -...
1st edition 2020, PDF 25 pages.
Seminario sui bussolotti del Professore!
Un esclusivo seminario con Matteo Filippini, dedicato ad una delle routine magiche più importanti di sempre: i bussolotti di Dai Vernon!
In 90 minuti, Matteo passa in rassegna veramente tutto; nel video vengono infatti trattati:
Écrit en français par Jean Fare. Publié en souvenir de la Convention de Paris de 1973 de la Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques. Ce livre contient des astuces de gros plan brillantes de la plupart des meilleurs magiciens de gros plan des cent dernières années.
The reputation-making card routine with which John Blunt won the Premier Award of the London Society of Magicians for the best magical effect. Reviewing the effect, Claude Chandler wrote: "An original version of the Torn & Restored Card plus transposition etc. It is so original as to almost entirely conceal this fact. It gives us a series of new, interesting and baffling surprises, beautifully-routined. The cleverly worked-out methods make for clean presentation. Not the least of its merits and one that is valuable for close-up performance, is the fact that all evidence is disposed of and the...
Although Marlo is generally credited with the Elevator plot, analysis of the action steps taken in the Four Burglars, Jacob's Ladder, and Marlo's Penetration exhibit procedural similarities and could be presented as "elevating tricks" if accompanying patter expressed the "elevator" analogy. As far as the "elevator" trope is concerned, we can credit Bill Simon for naming rights.
A long stem rose appears in a flash of fire at the performer's fingertips.
Ideal for birthdays, weddings, anniversary wishes, mother's and valentine's day. Some simple construction necessary - nothing complicated. Make your own video greetings with personalized vocal remarks.
1st edition, PDF 1 page, video 44s.