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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 18 by Werner Miller

Small packet tricks, ESP tricks, spelling tricks, magic squares, and more ...

  • Déjà-vu
  • 4 times 4 for 4
  • Bingo!
  • Trinity
  • Converging Point
  • Spellinary I
  • Spellinary II
  • Penta rhei
  • Semana
  • Where's Gandalf?
  • Pick Me!
  • Attracting Butterflies I
  • Attracting Butterflies II
  • Clairvoyance Test
  • Ro-Ma Spiral 1
  • Ro-Ma Spiral 2
  • Tessera
  • Instant 4x4 Magic Square
  • Instant 5x5 Magic Square
  • Instant 7x7 Magic Square

1st edition 2021, 33 pages.

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Ghost Riser by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A selected playing card rises out of a packet that is inside a bottle. The rising takes about 8 seconds. The rising card can be handed out as a souvenir. The bottle can be inspected before the rising takes place.

1st edition 2021, video 40 min.

Peter Pellikaan
Colour by Peter Pellikaan

You start with four cards that are blank on both sides. A magic gesture and they have suddenly backs and faces.

1st edition 2021, video length 3:12s.

★★★★ $0
Werner Miller
Another Sampler: Werner Miller by Werner Miller

This is the second free compilation of tricks which require no sleight-of-hand created by Werner Miller.

  • AA37
  • Swimming With Frederica
  • Paradox Candles
  • Cupidity
  • Piercing
  • Angelina Knows
  • Nothing
  • 3x3 Magic Square
  • Multiplicative Magic Squares
  • 4x4 Magic Square
  • Follow the Star!
  • Off-Form Psychic
  • ESPadrilles
  • Fusion
  • Invocation
  • Penta rhei
  • As Often As You Want
  • Trick #12
  • Trick #29

1st edition 2021, 21 pages.

Wolfgang Riebe
Commercial Card Magic by Wolfgang Riebe

A teach-in video for card magicians who are searching for reputation-building commercial tricks that are fast, visual, and mind-blowing for a lay audience, yet will also blow away fellow magicians. Full performance video followed by a detailed explanation of every trick. 8 tricks in total of which 5 can be performed with a borrowed deck.

ALL BACKS: Ideally performed with a borrowed bicycle 'seconds' deck, but any deck can be used. All cards change to double backs, except for the chosen card.

OUT OF THIS WORLD - OUTDONE! The ultimate impromptu version of this classic using a borrowed deck,...

★★★★★ $10
Burling Hull
Expert Billiard Ball Manipulation Part 2 by Burling Hull
  • Settings
  • Chapter Eight More Original Hull Effects
    • Rainbow Spheres
    • Novel Method Of Obtaining Balls
    • Ball Through Handkerchief
    • Finish For Ball And Hkf.
    • B. H. Latest Color Change
  • Chapter Nine Special Balls
    • The Excelsior Ball Trick
    • Chameleon Ball
    • Multiplying Balls
    • Rouge Et Noir
    • Hkf. And Ball
    • Polychromatic Ball
    • Ball And Goblet
    • Ball And Hkf. Change
    • "Top Vest Servante"
    • Attachments
    • Ball - Holders
    • Ball Pull
    • Clutch Pull
    • Vanishing Ball
    • Henry Hardins Auto Vanishing Ball
    • The Sucker
    • Ball Spider
    • Other Apparatus
  • Chapter Ten Special Balls Designed By Author
    • The "Poufe" Ball ...
★★★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Super Session #13: 2 Poker Chip Transpo by Gregg Webb

A clean and fast transposition of two poker chips.

Only two poker chips are used - nothing extra is required. This trick is based on an original coin effect by Sol Stone, to whom this ebook is dedicated.

"Love the poker chip transposition. Easy to do and really practical -- it's a good example of why and when to use the Spellbound Change. This is a quick trick I'll use." - Ed Brown

1st edition 2021, PDF 2 pages.

Peter Wilker
Methods for Minor Miracles by Peter Wilker

This work builds on Wilker's The Creation of Magic. It is helpful to have read it, but it is not required.

There is a definite mathematical theme running through this ebook. Not that there is any heavy math involved, just that the routines have an underlying mathematical basis. Wilker has a variety of interesting presentations and throw-offs that disguise the mathematics during the performance.

"Methods for Minor Miracles is an enjoyable and worthwhile read." - Stephen Hobbs
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1. Stacks And Double Stacks
    • Weighty Cards
    • One Third Lucky
    • Signpost
    • Match Point
    • Double Stack Principle
    • Animal Kingdom ...
Peter Pellikaan
Bizarre Hole by Peter Pellikaan

You present three blank cards and a Joker. The Joker has a big hole located close to a corner. The hole magically moves to the center, then vanishes entirely, and then the four cards change into the four Jacks with no holes showing anywhere.

1st edition 2021, video length 3:15s.

★★★★★ $8
Brian T. Lees
Senior Center Shows by Brian T. Lees

Senior centers can be a strong market. They already practice social distancing and are anxious for fresh entertainment. This text identifies changes for these types of show, contact goals when speaking with the Activity Director, and follow-up activities to entice future bookings.

  • Preface
  • The audience
  • The activity director
  • The budget
  • Contact
  • Performance
  • Follow-up
  • Wrapping it up
1st edition 2021, PDF 20 pages.
★★★★★ $15
Peter Pellikaan
All Backs by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards which have red backs on both sides. They change to blue backs, then to four queens with different colored backs, none of them having a red back.

1st edition 2021, video length 6:54s.

★★★★ $11
Tommaso Guglielmi
Mind Influence by Tommaso Guglielmi

Two semi-automatic ACAANs.

In the main effect, the spectator mentally moves an imagined card into the deck in an imagined position only. All this happens without the mentalist touching the cards and without knowing which card and what number the spectator has thought of.

In the second ACAAN, the spectator generates a random card and number then counts to the generated position and will find the card. All this happens without the mentalist ever touching the cards.

The two effects are very easy to perform and do not require any sleight-of-hand.

1st edition 2021, PDF 8 pages.

Ken Muller
Sanitized Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application as a variation of Thrifty Telempathy for use in a "no-touch" or social distancing environment, to include senior centers and venues with physical disabilities. It features several mechanical forces in place of Beta Framing including the "Manna Concept" that will be new to many performers.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.

Ken Muller
Steroid Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application using a standard book test in a two-phase presentation that can greatly enhance its impact and astonishment. The book test must be of a novel "can be passed out" variety book. This can easily segue into Thrifty or Basic Telempathy. ABAT experience is recommended but not essential.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 19 pages.

Ken Muller
ABAT Telempathy by Ken Muller

Any book - any time

This is a 'stand-alone' application for a completely impromptu demonstration using any novel found at the site or provided by a spectator. This has less potential astonishment impact than Thrifty or Basic but gains in the completely "free choice" area. It features the "Teach Posture" and Beta Framing. This approach is an ideal back-up for the other applications and essential for the completely prepared mystic performer.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.

Ken Muller
Thrifty Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application for situations in which no printed novel is common or available. This unique approach gets around the "your book" taint of a standard book test and features the "Mental Test Posture" and Beta Framing. Maximum flexibility for a variety of venues and audiences. The recommended "best place to start" in the Series.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 22 pages.

Ken Muller
Engage Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application featuring the basic application suitable for a home or business impromptu demonstration. It requires performing competence and experience with either Thrift or ABAT Telempathy and those ebooks for reference. This approach allows for the highest degree of audience engagement and impactful experience.

A Novel Thought ebook is also recommended.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 64 pages.

Ken Muller
A Novel Thought by Ken Muller

Not for those who already have Telepathy Once Removed.

This is the "Concept, Theory and Method" companion for the stand-alone ebooks Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy, designed for those competent in one or more of these applications who wants a "Graduate Course" in presentation methods.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 91 pages.

Ken Muller
Telepathy Once Removed by Ken Muller

Telepathy above and beyond a book test. Innovative methods, sleights, and stratagems.

Once Removed offers a novel approach to demonstrating telepathy between two people. It allows a performer to receive multiple mental images from an audience volunteer, based on a freely selected book never read by either person before. Move beyond any book test to an astonishing telempathic experience.

This is the master guide for the Once Removed Series from which A Novel Thought, Engage, Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy evolved.

This ebook includes all of these applications, plus the concepts and theory behind Beta Framing, Imbed, Tritech, Book...

P. K. Ilango
I Sei Fogli Ripetuti Climax by P. K. Ilango

Questo effetto unisce quello della ripetizione delle sei carte con quello del giornale strappato e ricomposto con una meravigliosa presentazione di Ken De Courcy.

Un quarto di foglio di giornale, viene strappato in sei pezzi. Due pezzi vengono scartati. Quando i pezzi vengono contati, ci sono di nuovo sei pezzi…

Questa volta vengono scartati quattro pezzi. Quando i pezzi rimanenti vengono contati, ci sono di nuovo sei pezzi di carta!

Infine, vengono scartati cinque fogli di carta. Ora nella mano è rimasto solo un pezzo di carta. All'improvviso l'unico pezzo di carta diventa il foglio...

★★★★ $12
Peter Wilker
Euromagic by Peter Wilker

From the preface:

Each of the six chapters of these Lecture Notes contains one routine; but there is no connection between them except that they are all "European". European? Isn't magic international? Of course, there is no specific European or American or Japanese branch of our art. What I mean by European is on a more personal level. I am a Swiss living in England, to be precise in Cornwall, with many friends in my home as well as my adopted country, but also in Germany. Over the years we constantly exchanged ideas on particular tricks and on magic in general. In all my books I used many...

Brick Tilley
Fine Art of Palming Cards by Brick Tilley

Palming cards, and getting away with it, is one of the most difficult skills in the magician's toolbox. If you've ever wanted to master this sleight here is your chance. This concise tutorial will get you started, or improve your current technique, in order to raise your confidence level. This lesson covers the one-hand top palm.

1st edition 2021, PDF + video (length: 16 s)

★★★★★ $5
Paul Curry
Sealed Miracles No. 2 by Paul Curry

Here's an expanded and updated edition of the second and final Paul Curry manuscript in the series with a pair of powerful effects that'll give you a reputation as an outstanding magician and psychic entertainer. Both of these card miracles exhibit the brilliant methodology that you've come to expect from Paul Curry.

Think Of A Card

A spectator merely thinks of a card. The performer jots down the name of a card. The spectator names his card and the performer shows what he wrote - it's the name of the thought-of card. A clean-cut, logical effect.


This is a variation of the...

Paul Curry & Oscar Weigle
Sealed Miracles No. 1 by Paul Curry & Oscar Weigle

Here's an expanded and updated edition of a Paul Curry manuscript that contains not one, but two powerful effects that will give you a reputation as an outstanding magician and psychic entertainer.

Probability Zero

A batch of business cards are numbered and mixed, with their number sides down. A truly sensational climax is reached when a spectator, although he selects the cards at random and doesn't know the numbers on the cards, succeeds in arranging them in numerical order. Is it just chance? Not likely - the odds are over 300,000 to 1 against it.

The Color-Changing Deck

A new...

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