Almost as challenging as reading all the card and coin material Ed Marlo packed into the 22 years of M.I.N.T. (1963-1985), is locating specific pieces of material when you want to study or review them. You certainly aren't going to learn it all in one sitting. Moreover, both Ed and Wesley liberally reference the works of other authors and their published material. With the Annotated M.I.N.T. series now complete in 14 volumes, this 15th volume will make it far easier to locate any Ed Marlo or Wesley James material from the series, as well as other referenced Indexed contributors to magic's...
The Annotated M.I.N.T. series concludes. It is now complete. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 - 1979 (M.I.N.T. I, and II) are now available in 14 Volumes, plus, in a 15th volume, all the Index, Table of Contents, and Bibliography for all 14 volumes. After releasing M.I.N.T III through VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T 1963 through 1976 this volume again departs by including three years of material. It includes the years 1977-1979 - comprised of some longer and broader Marlo explorations. As Wesley progressed toward completing the full run of...
Estimation is a secret weapon that enables you to create seemingly impossible effects. While it may appear challenging at first, mastering this skill is more possible than you might expect. When executed correctly, the results can be truly amazing.
This comprehensive eBook covers all aspects of estimation, including prerequisites, fundamental principles, and the distinctions between "in the hands" and "on the table" estimation techniques. It also provides practical advice and describes various effects that can be achieved through estimation. With over 35 high-quality photos, you will gain...
A new spin on the classic piece-by-piece card restoration.
This is a real-world Torn & Restored Card that's easier to do and better on angles than most. It looks great on social media or in the real world. This is a T&R that was built for workers.
1st edition 2024, video 33 minutes.
A spectacular series of 'sandwiches' with a deck of cards.
Aldo Colombini is back with Checkmate, another full routine never before published in English. The routine takes full advantage of the 'sandwich' theme, where selected cards mysteriously appear between pairs of Kings, and escalates into a series of transpositions and revelations that defy logic.
Much impressive is the “instant sandwich transposition”, where a selected card (that can be signed) instantly transposes from between the red Kings to between the black Kings while they are in the midst of two different packets. Each...
Effect: From a deck of cards, the spectator selects a card and then loses it in the deck without showing it to anyone. The performer takes another deck of cards, shuffles it, and shows that each card is in a random position. He notices two twin cards in the center. Taking advantage of this, he says it's a sign of fate and that he will use the twin cards to find the selected card, even though he doesn't know what it is. He shuffles the deck again, and magically, the pair of twin cards capture a card, which turns out to be the twin of the chosen one. Undeterred, the performer adds the value...
An unprecedented self-working effect in which 2 cards chosen to represent two bratty kids hiding among the other cards, will be captured by three cards called to represent daddy, a lady, and a boy.
This is a new automatic card effect, accompanied by a nice story, where the magician, drawing from a common deck of cards, uses only the face cards, dividing them into three piles: the Jacks, the Queens, and the Kings. He introduces the latter as a small group of friends, four separated fathers, who decide to hold a party to which they invite four dames and four Jacks, their sons. Nevertheless,...
Un inedito effetto SELF-WORKING nel quale 2 carte scelte a rappresentare due Ragazzi Monelli nascostisi tra le altre carte, verranno incredibilmente catturati da tre carte chiamate a rappresentare Papà, Zia e Zio
Questo é un nuovo effetto di Cartomagia Automatica, accompagnato da un simpatico story-telling, dove il prestigiatore, estraendole da un comune mazzo di carte, si serve soltanto delle figure, suddividendole in tre mazzetti: i Fanti, le Donne e i Re. Presenta questi ultimi come un piccolo gruppo di amici, quattro Padri separati, che decidono di indire una festa alla quale invitano...
Der Heilige Gral der Konstruktion magischer Quadrate ist es, ein magisches Quadrat durch eine Springertour zu erschaffen. In die 64 Felder eines Schachbretts werden die Zahlen von 1 bis 64 so eingeschrieben, dass diese nicht nur einen geschlossenen Rösselsprung bilden, sondern die 8 Zahlen in jeder Zeile und Spalte auch dieselbe Summe ergeben. Seit 2003 weiß man, dass eine mathematische Suche erfolglos bleiben muss. Durch mentale Stärke kann man trotzdem zum Gral finden.
Erstausgabe 2024, PDF 39 Seiten.
You start by showing four cards from the back, one of which is orange, while the others have red backs. The front of the orange-backed card is blank. You table that card. As you show the three remaining red-backed cards for the second time, one has changed to a blue back. The front is again blank. One more time around, and another card has changed its back to a different color.
You pick up the four cards and show their faces, but they now have all turned into four Jokers. Another magical gesture and they have changed into four Queen of Hearts. Then the four Queen of Hearts change to the...
A practice guide for magicians.
"As fine an exposition of this kind of material as I have ever read . . ." - Mike Close
"Fifty years from now this might be right on that shelf next to 'Magic and Showmanship'." - David Goodsell
"It will turn you into a better magician." - David Regal
What is the Ostrich Factor? As well-versed, conscientious amateurs and professionals, we know the accepted axioms of the art. But when practicing to perform, we sometimes inadvertently overlook or ignore one or more of these well-known rules. The oversight keeps our performances from being as good as they could be. We make an assumption:...
Excerpt from the introduction:
My books are written from the standpoint of a practical performer and have in view the conditions required for public presentation on the concert platform. The average magical book seems to predominate in card tricks, small mental effects, or subtle whimsies suitable only for intimate work. Such effects are rare in my own writings, and subtlety and superfine cleverness are overlooked for directness of working and clarity of effect, always having in mind that it is the lay audience that we are to entertain.
So this book will, I feel, appeal again to the...
MASQ Stack is a rotational or sequential stack that is very easy to learn and looks very random. You should be able to remember the sequence in under ten minutes. Given any card, you will know the next card instantly. Knowing this stack, you can perform almost all the routines out there which can be performed with a Si Stebbins or 8 Kings or similar stacks.
But behind the "MASQ" there is another hidden secret. Once you know the MASQ Stack you can also perform a magic square routine anytime, anywhere to anyone without breaking a single drop of sweat. Absolutely no extra effort is required....
This is the classic work on how to set up and operate a lucrative psychic reading business. Richard Webster has decades of experience as a psychic reader and in this ebook shares his proven methods of success, including a full sample reading and step-by-step explanations, as well as advice on how to provide comprehensive, satisfying readings to your clients, how to extend the length of your readings, how to handle repeat business, and how to make money in private practice.
Richard Webster is your perfect guide to becoming a successful private psychic. As well as many years as a psychic...
"As a total newbie, I've always wanted to explore swami or nail writing, but there were too many choices so I had no idea where to start. I also love the list of tricks. I think I'll proceed down the lie detector route too. Thanks a bunch Hal." - Bill Peterson
Swami Theory 101 is a workshop-style swami writing tutorial for true beginners to this form of magic and mentalism.
The swami writer magic and mentalism trick is a classic effect where the magician appears to predict or reveal a thought-of piece of information, such as a number or word. The trick relies on a small, concealed...
"Bob Cassidy's work with Anneman's Fourth Dimensional Telepathy is legendary. Seeing him perform 4DT live is a masters-level lesson in how to present mentalism. As great as his performance was, there were certain things about the mechanics of his handling I didn't care for. With A Nod to Bob, Scott has ingeniously eliminated all of these, with what may be the most streamlined, efficient handling yet. Three envelopes, three business cards and a couple of pens. Utterly Brilliant." - Bill O'Connell
"I purchased "A Nod to Bob" last night and it's absolutely brilliant. No faffing around with...
Using a small packet of cards, a spectator fairly creates a playing card which was predicted by the magician.
A packet of playing cards is on display. On one side: A mix of every value (from 2 to King) and every suit. On the other side: A mix of red and blue backs. The spectator is asked to create a random card. First, he selects which back color represents the suit and which one represents the value. Following the magician's instructions, he mixes the cards up and cuts them as many times as he wants. Then, he deals the cards on the table in six pairs. Finally, he picks one pair with a red...
A spectator names a number from 1 to 5. The magician takes the deck of cards, shuffles it, and after doing so, lays the cards out like a ribbon on the table, and only 4 cards remain face up, that is, the four-of-a-kind poker hand made up of the number chosen by the spectator.
1st edition 2024, PDF 4 pages.
Das MacGyver Square ist ein universelles 4x4 "Instant Magic Square" (IMS). Das magische Quadrat ist für ein IMS vergleichsweise gut für magische Summen von 50 bis 100 ausbalanciert und sehr einfach ohne Dubletten zu konstruieren. 8x8 magische Quadrate sind aufgrund ihrer Größe für TV-Auftritte beliebt. Das Quadrat wird im Rösselsprung ausgefüllt. Für eine TV-Talk-Show wurde eine Methode zur Konstruktion eines magischen Quadrats mit zwei Daten von Zuschauern entwickelt. Sie kommt ohne komplizierte Berechnungen aus. Das Quadrat wird sehr schnell ausgefüllt. Die Vorführung ist gedacht...
This is a compilation of two booklets that gambling house supply companies sold. The first part, Master Key, describes various ways playing cards can be marked. Illustrations of many marking methods and systems are included. Some of these methods go under the names of shade, glaze, block-out, line, build-up, trim, sorts, etch, swell natural or edge work, and others. The author of this section is unknown. It appears to be culled from various gambling house supply catalogs.
The second part, Run-Up Systems, was culled without credit from S. W. Erdnase's famous book The Expert at the Card Table. It explains several methods of stacking...
This ebook is packed with amazing card magic. Intended for advanced card workers, this is expert material for the person who wants top-notch, subtle work. It contains 45 great tricks.
This is my go-to effect. Once you have done this effect, the spectator will believe you can read their facial expressions and more.
If you are looking to: build rapport with spectator(s), learn a memorized deck, and perform jazz-type magic this effect is your incentive.
I have gotten more incredible responses from this effect than any other. The method looks extremely fair. The only sleight, if you call this a sleight, is riffling cards off of your index finger. Learning this effect will make your magic better.
Note: You will need to know any memorized deck perfectly.
1st edition...