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★★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
A Very Great Deal by Scott F. Guinn

A Very Great Deal is a feature card routine straight from Scott's real-world performing repertoire.

"A Very Great Deal by Scott Guinn IS a very great deal! This is jam-packed with fun, audience participation, and a terrific surprise ending. This is worth adding to your repertoire." - John Luka

Effect: Cody is handed the deck, which he shuffles and cuts to his heart's content. You introduce a small, sealed envelope and give it to Anna to guard. Cody selects a card. You give him the opportunity to take a different one. When he decides on a card, it is placed face down on the table in full...

A Grand Exposé of the Science of Gambling by unknown

Containing a complete disclosure of the secrets of the art, as practiced by professional gamblers.

The author only identifies themselves as 'An Adept'. It covers a wide range of gambling scams, and crooked card games, including card table artifice. The information is relevant today and describes the multivarious ways marks are separated from their money.

  • The Game of Faro
    • Side Strippers
    • The Capper
    • The Chopping Deal
    • Expose of the Dealing Box
    • The Screw Box
    • Sanding the Cards
    • Rakes
    • Hollows and Rounds
    • Fifty Threes
    • The Cat Hop
    • Snaking Cards
    • How Cards are Snaked
  • Roulette
  • Chucker...
Jonathan H. Green
The Gambler's Life by Jonathan H. Green

Or the life, adventures, and personal experience of Jonathan H. Green.

It commences at his parentage and gives the whole history of the Life of the Reformed Gambler from the time of his birth until his reformation and conversion. It is a book designed as a warning to the young men of this country and is one that all should read and take warning and advice from. Beautifully illustrated from various scenes in the course of his life.

  • Preface
  • The Gambler's Life
    • Prentage
    • Elopement
    • Bad company
    • Game of Thimbles—Stool Pigeon—Betting
    • A Mother's Dying Charge
    • Mental Agony from Unjust...
Jim Saylor
Secrets of the Pendulum by Jim Saylor

With a 30+ year background in magic, mentalism, and escapes, Jim has become semi-retired from performing and is pursuing other passions which include a lifetime interest in the metaphysical, writing, teaching classes in psychic development, and giving readings online.

  • What Is a Pendulum
  • The Responses - "Yes" "No" and "Maybe"
  • The Traditional Three
  • Past, Present, Future
  • Conclusion
  • Interview
  • Charts, Photos, etc.
  • Bibliography

1st edition 2019, PDF 30 pages.

Biagio Fasano
Isolation of Royal Families by Biagio Fasano

An automatic and practically impromptu card magic effect that requires an unusual deck of poker cards whose simple preparation is done in front of the audience, if not by entrusting it to a spectator.

For each of the four suits, figures (Jack, Queen, King) and Aces are drawn, stacking them neatly in four different bundles, to represent the aristocratic members of the city's four important houses, who would like to return to being well-liked by their citizenry.

For this purpose, the two Jokers are hired as "image consultants," and their first piece of advice is that each of the members...

Biagio Fasano
Isolation of Royal Families (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Isolamento delle Famiglie Reali: Uno stupefacente Effetto Automatico, praticamente IMPROMPTU!!

Un effetto di Cartomagia Automatica e praticamente impromptu che richiede un comune mazzo di carte da Poker la cui semplice preparazione viene fatta davanti al pubblico, se non addirittura affidandola ad uno spettatore.

Per ognuno dei quattro semi vengono estratte le figure (Fante, Donna e Re) e gli Assi, impilandoli ordinatamente in quattro diversi mazzetti, a rappresentare gli aristocratici membri delle quattro importanti Casate della Città, che vorrebbero tornare ad essere benvoluti dalla...

★★★★ $4
Dustin Marks
Dustin's Triple False Cut by Dustin Marks

This is similar to Jay Ose's False Cut, with one key difference: the spectator completes the final cut. Because they complete the cut, the spectator believes it is genuine. This cut is straightforward and doesn't draw unnecessary attention. It appears to be a triple cut of the cards and it is easy to do.

1st edition 2024, PDF 8 pages.

Raphaël Czaja
Mental Infiltration by Raphaël Czaja

The spectator cuts the deck as much as he wants. The magician picks up the deck and deals the cards singly from the top. When the spectator stops him, the magician tables the deck and turns away. The spectator remembers the value of one card and the suit of another card where he stopped at. He gathers the cards - he can even cut the deck - before the magician faces him again. Then, the magician asks the spectator to concentrate and makes two assertions, one about the color and one about the value. The spectator tells him if he is right or wrong both times. Whatever the outcome is, the magician...

George Marchese
The Traveling Rope by George Marchese

Amaze your audience with this seamless and stunning illusion, perfect for any magical show and easy to perform. A spectator ties your wrists with a rope, marking the knots with his own ring or a key, only for the rope to vanish and reappear, perfectly tied with the same knots, around your partner's wrists. This happens instantly, and the rope still has his ring or key - it's the same rope! Packs flat but play's big.

A great illusion for any magician, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

1st edition 2024, PDF 8 pages.

Peter Pellikaan
Dots and Dots by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards that are blank on both sides. You stick a red spot on one of the blank cards and they suddenly all show red spots. You do the same with a blue dot and they all show blue dots. Finally, the cards return to being blank on both sides.

1st edition 2024, video 5:06.

Eddie Joseph
Magic of the Mind by Eddie Joseph

What was a $5 bargain in 1952 is a bigger bargain today. This valuable product should cost $59 when adjusted for inflation and we are selling it for only $12.

Excerpt from the foreword:

Just because one has acquired extreme dexterity in the manipulation department it does not stand to reason that MAGIC OF THE MIND can be easily presented as a bunch of tricks. The Magician appears in the role of a MENTALIST when doing MAGIC OF THE MIND. He is supposed to be working with his MIND and not his HANDS. Any attempt at speed or undue display of manual dexterity will ruin the whole thing. One should...

★★★★ $25 $17.50
Hal Saxon
The Gimmick-less Vault Vanish Stunner by Hal Saxon

The Gimmick-Less Bank Vault Vanish is an EDC impromptu stunner.

This is a challenge effect you will win every time. This is 100% gimmick-less mind-blown EDC (Every Day Carry) magic. Close-up, angle proof, fast, easy, impromptu, EDC, instant full-view reset. Perfect for beginners and seasoned magicians.

This is a phenomenal example of separating the steal from the reveal. The steal happens well before the vault/fist is opened revealing utter emptiness. This effect absolutely destroys any other "Where is it? Which hand?" effect. The reactions are amazing. I literally have spectators that...

★★★★ $5
Bob Farmer
TCF: Tarot Counting Feint by Bob Farmer

Now for a lousy five bucks, you can take the Counting Feint to a whole other world - a world filled with Tarot cards, mystic occultism and a crazed British madman, Aleister Crowley.

Consulting my Tarot cards, I know you will embrace my shameless hyperbole and fork out the lousy five bucks for Addendum #1 to TCF: The Counting Feint. It's a real deal.

The Addendum consists of four routines involving Tarot cards and a single killer card effect, "Blankjack" (even dice get in the show in some effects).

Any one of the routines will be sure to impress that girl in the bar with the inverted pentagram tattooed on...

★★★★ $5
Vincent Gagnieux
Across the Bridge by Vincent Gagnieux

Face a deadly challenge.

In front of you lies a high bridge made of eight pairs of cards, reminiscent of the perilous glass bridge from the popular TV show "The Squid Game". Each pair has one red card (safe, tempered glass) and one black card (dangerous, regular glass). A misstep onto a black card means instant failure. No second chance. The odds of crossing the bridge safely are slim—less than 0.4% chance of success. But you’re not going to let chance decide your fate!

During the preparation, the participant checked each pair to ensure it included one red card and one black card....

Richard Southall
Binary Squared by Richard Southall

The binary effect I always performed the most was called Binary Squares and it combined the binary effect with the Magic Square effect in a unique way. I have always considered this a very special effect and not only one of my best but the most enjoyable of all of my effects to perform. However, this didn't mean that there wasn't room for improvement. So I spent some time working on this, adding some new reveals, refining it, and road-testing it. Also, all the procedures that can so easily telegraph the method of binary style effects have been so well disguised that the final revelations are...

Scott F. Guinn
Tri-Optical Illusion by Scott F. Guinn

A triple open prediction.

Tri-Optical Illusion combines Paul Curry's "Open Prediction" plot with John Scarne's "Triple Coincidence," without all the dealing, shuffling, and cutting found in its progenitors. It is also stupid-easy without sacrificing a powerful impact. It does require some gimmicked cards. But if you have been doing card magic for any length of time, you almost certainly already have what you need. (If you don't, all the necessary items can be purchased from your favorite dealer for about $13.)

Those who learn and perform this will find it to be a powerful and amazing routine that is a welcome...

Unnamed Magician
Three Shades of Wonder by Unnamed Magician

Imagine an impossible location, an astounding coincidence, and an inexplicable prediction ... all jammed into one routine. Three effects in one, using two spectators. That's Three Shades of Wonder, and it's a true showstopper. Read on.


The magician introduces a deck of cards. He hands it over to the spectators so they can examine it and verify that all the cards are different. Then, the magician splits the deck into two halves, placing one half in front of each spectator.

The magician explains (as he gives a demonstration) that both spectators are to take their half underneath...

Dustin Marks
Cheating at Blackjack: the real work by Dustin Marks

This video may not be magic, but it showcases some of the most astonishing blackjack cheating moves ever captured. You won't be disappointed. It demonstrates exactly how each move is executed, featuring cheating moves from both the outside and inside. Filmed from surveillance and floorman's perspectives, it offers a comprehensive view of the action in the blackjack pit. Watch the video and see if you can spot the move before it is explained. These are all sleight of hand moves, no electronics.

Moves shown and explained:

  • Mucking
  • Two Person Muck
  • Stacking the Deck
  • Exposing the Hole Card ...
Peter Pellikaan
Colour Reset by Peter Pellikaan

You show four cards with red dots and four cards with yellow dots. When you touch the pack of red dots with the pack of yellow dots one of the red dot cards changes to a yellow dot card. You do this several times until all four cards you are holding have turned yellow. Suddenly they turn back to showing red dots. When you show the pack of yellow cards on the table they now all have blue dots.

1st edition 2024, video 6:21.

★★★★★ $15
Dustin Marks
Red Black Divination by Dustin Marks

The Red Black Divination plot is simple and perplexing, and it is one of the few effects that the more you do it, the more amazing it becomes. My method uses no peeks, shiners, or smartphones, and can be done with a borrowed deck. I created a three-part phase, each phase seeming more impossible. I also created an optional kicker that requires a setup. Once I tip the secret, you will smile. This is an effect you will do.

1st edition 2024, PDF 12 pages.

Unknown Mentalist
Nostradum Wallet by Unknown Mentalist

Peek, predict, switch, index.

This intro price will go up to $63 from July 15, 2024.

"200 releases is an incredible amount of material, congratulations! Well done on producing such a phenomenal amount of material, very impressive!" - Marc Paul

"I am happy for your success and I wish you a lot more!" - Luca Volpe

This is my 200th release to the magic community. A big thank you to each and every one of you for making this happen. I am humbled and overwhelmed by your patronage, support, love, friendship, and enthusiastic interactions.

Now about the Nostradum Wallet (NoW):

A special toolbox of physical...

★★★★★ $10
Scott F. Guinn
5-Alarm Clock by Scott F. Guinn

A powerful card routine with 5 climaxes.

"I've had a lot of fun with this. Like a great Scott F. Guinn effect, it has a minimum of moves and a maximum impact. I love the ending in the second version when the selection is revealed. Recommended!" - Victor Brisbin

Scott F. Guinn explains three variations of a card routine with five separate climaxes that will entertain and amaze any audience. In progressively stronger revelations, you prove beyond any doubt that you knew in advance the spectator’s mentally selected time of day and her chosen card.

5-Alarm Clock, the first version...

Unnamed Magician
The DWS Principle by Unnamed Magician

This ebook is about a principle (a shuffling principle) that I discovered. More accurately, it is an extension of an already existing shuffling principle. In the original principle, the deck can be given one riffle shuffle at the end of a card location routine, after which the selected card can be located. In my variant principle, the deck can be given not one but two riffle shuffles at the end of a card location routine, after which the selected card can be located.

The ebook contains a detailed essay on both the original principle and the new principle, where the two principles are compared....

Jim Saylor
The Wisdom of the Court: Performing Readings with Chess Pieces by Jim Saylor

A novel divination system using chess pieces.

"I have over thirty books and manuscripts on divination and tarot reading systems in my library and notebooks. However, because of its unique focal point (the chess pieces) and easy-to-understand explanations of various divination systems, this will be the book I will recommend for people to start their exploration of professional readings and psychic entertaining." - Rolando Santos

Jim Saylor, a 30-year veteran magical and psychic entertainer, brings to you the first-ever book on performing readings using chess pieces. As the world's foremost...

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