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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Roy Johnson
Everyman Cards by Roy Johnson

It is a selection of the card magic of Roy Johnson, in which sleights are kept to a minimum and difficult ones are eliminated. In other words, with clean handling and basic skills the effects are possible to all ... hence the title. There is variety in both effects and methods and although the majority are close-up the stand-up performer has not been forgotten.

  • Cased
  • Marloesque
  • Coloured Triumph
  • Jack Sandwich
  • "Poker Dan"
  • Miracle Divination
  • Janet

1st edition 1979, PDF 24 pages.

Daryl Easton & Jon Racherbaumer
Double Dazzling Triumph by Daryl Easton & Jon Racherbaumer

If you can perform the easy block-transfer shuffle by Dai Vernon you will be able to perform Daryl Martinez's/Easton's commercial routine with only a little practice. The routine is structured to produce maximum impact with minimum effort and it creates a lasting impression on lay audiences.

EFFECT: Two selections are made from a shuffled deck, then are returned and lost. The deck is given a topsy-turvy shuffle so that face-up cards are mixed into face-down cards. This mixture is shown to be erratic and random. When the cards are eventually ribbon-spread, all the cards are face-down except two, which...

Ed Stoddard
Forecast by Ed Stoddard

Here's a mental miracle that psychic entertainers will put to good use right away. A bonus is that at the finish, the spectator is left with your calling card as a souvenir.

EFFECT: The performer writes a prediction on a piece of paper and hands it to a spectator for safekeeping. Next, names are said aloud by members of the audience and are penciled in on several of the performer's (or a corporate sponsor's) business cards. These are then turned face down on the table, so that none of the names are visible. Any spectator is allowed to mix and select a card (a free choice) and may even change...

Unnamed Magician
Unthinkable Location by Unnamed Magician

For those of you who own several of my products, you've probably realized by now that card locations are my area of expertise. And so we're back with another location that I think is a total fooler. The best part is that it can be performed with any regular deck. Very few magicians have been able to work this one out when I showed it to them - so I am confident that with this you will be fooling all your magician friends (even the knowledgeable ones).

The main takeaway of the ebook, however, is not the aforementioned effect but rather the shuffling principle that I will be teaching you....

D. Angelo Ferri
Variations 2 by D. Angelo Ferri

A few tricks and variations of effects from House of Cards, Rosini's Magical Gems, and The Card Magic of Paul Le Paul.

Many of the techniques I teach in this video were used by both Le Paul and Rosini. One of the tricks I feature in this video is a trick referred to in Rosini's Magical Gems as Double Reverse. That immediately caught my eye because the very same trick appears in the John Scarne book Scarne on Card Tricks, a book I am very familiar with. So it is fascinating to me how all these threads of card magic can be followed.

1st edition 2024, video 36:18...

Eric C. Lewis
Magical Mentality by Eric C. Lewis

Creative thought for magicians.

While this ebook does have a trick section at the end, the majority of the content is dedicated to mental processes, habits, and exercises that will help you become a better and more creative magician. This is a part of being a magician that is rarely talked about, but it is more important than the latest and newest trick offering.

Excerpt from the Foreword:

In this work I tell you what Magical Mentality is, and how you can develop it for yourself. Or if you already have it to a degree, how you can cause it to serve you more efficiently.

The system...

★★★★★ $19.90 $14.99
Biagio Fasano
Impossible Challenge at New Zealand Poker: Triumph on Steroids by Biagio Fasano

Two different versions of an effect, incredibly impromptu and practically self-working, which stages a play at an imaginary poker game with strange rules that always make the spectator the overwhelming favorite, but where, in the end, the magician will win against all odds, closing the game in a true Triumph of the four Aces.

A truly amazing card magic effect that will leave both you, when you try it the first few times, incredulous (it still happens even to me who came up with it, I guarantee) and your audience, as soon as you manage to propose it to them.

You will learn two versions,...

★★★★★ $19.90 $14.99
Biagio Fasano
Sfida Impossibile al New Zealand Poker: Trionfo sotto Steroidi by Biagio Fasano

Due versioni differenti di un effetto, incredibilmente Impromptu e praticamente Self Working, che mette in scena una Partita ad un Poker immaginario dalle strane regole che rendono sempre lo spettatore come il grandissimo favorito, ma dove, al termine, incredibilmente il Mago vincerà contro ogni probabilità, chiudendo la partita i n un vero e proprio Trionfo dei 4 Assi!

Un effetto davvero STUPEFACENTE di Cartomagia che lascerà increduli tanto voi, quando lo proverete le prime volte (accade tuttora persino a me che l’ho ideato, ve lo garantisco!), quanto il vostro pubblico, non appena...

Raphaël Czaja
Bank Cards by Raphaël Czaja

A new take on the classic Bank Night.

Seven envelopes and a deck of cards are on the table. The magician asserts that one envelope contains a $100 bill. The game is for the spectator to find it. But the catch is that the magician will also be allowed to choose one envelope for himself. To make things fair, they will use card values to determine a random number. First, the cards are moved from top to bottom until each player stops at any card. They keep the card they stopped at. To avoid any suspicion of cheating, the spectator can exchange his card with the magician's. Then, the envelopes...

Peter Pellikaan
Azen Joker by Peter Pellikaan

You show 8 cards. Four are the aces that you place on the table. And the other four cards are jokers. Three of the jokers you put face-down on the face-up ace of spades. But when everything is turned face up, the other three aces have joined the ace of spades, and the rest of the cards are kings rather than jokers.

1st edition 2024, video 5:42

Gianluigi Sordellini
Slow ACAAN by Gianluigi Sordellini

Effect: A spectator selects a card, which they then lose in the deck themselves. The performer tries in vain to find it. To locate the card, the spectator randomly points to four cards, and at the total value indicated by these, the spectator's chosen card will be found exactly.

This routine is a blend of two routines: one by Benjamin Earl and the other by Israel Rodriguez.

1st edition 2024, PDF 4 pages, 16 photos.

Gino D'Alessandro
Ginuzzo Oil and Water by Gino D'Alessandro

Effect: It's not a true Oil and Water, but I'd dare to say it's more of a Reset disguised as Oil and Water, although with a surprise ending.

1st edition 2024, PDF 8 pages.

Jon Racherbaumer
Tri Psi by Jon Racherbaumer
  • Hull-Scam: This is a variation of the R.W. Hull trick where an unknown card is placed aside, a spectator thinks of any card in the deck, and later the unknown card turns out to be the mental selection. In this variation, two selections are made. One is mental, the other, physical. The performer finds the physical selection - say, the Ten of Hearts - then rubs it against the unknown card, which turns out to be the mental selection.
  • Hull-Quik: The magician removes a card from a borrowed, shuffled deck and places it face down on the table. He asks a spectator, "Just guessing, what's the name of this...
★★★★★ $20
Unnamed Magician
The 'Holy Grail' of Phone Effects by Unnamed Magician

"This totally fooled me! It's VERY clever and VERY deceptive." - Marc Paul

"By far the best solution I've seen for this card plot. I have numerous unpublished solutions of my own but none are as deceptive as this one. When the Unnamed Magician first shared the basic idea with me, I was blown away." - Tommaso Guglielmi

"It really does live up to its title." - Alexander Javier

"An outstanding method. The creative thought process that is needed to come up with something like this is something I can't even begin to imagine." - Tony Bianco

"A mystery for the ages. I can't see anyone, layman or magician, working...

★★★★★ $15
Wilfrid Jonson
But not to Play by Wilfrid Jonson

A practical course of instruction in the fundamentals of conjuring with cards.

Excerpt from the preface:

The aim of this book is to describe within the bounds of one volume the fundamental sleights and stratagems which are the tools of the modern card conjurer, and to illustrate the use of these tools by a representative selection of tricks with cards. No previous knowledge of the subject is presumed, and the book may be regarded as a primer of card magic.

  • Preface
    • The Art of Conjuring
    • The Cards
    • Learning and Practising
    • The Illustrations
    • Patter
    • Three Ways...
Dustin Marks
An ACAAN with a Kicker by Dustin Marks

Among the hundreds of ACAAN effects, this one stands out. It offers a unique experience for the spectator that's far from boring. The spectator takes center stage, performing most actions, which makes the effect seem totally impossible. From the outset, the spectator isn't sure what to expect. The Number deck, different and intriguing, invites curiosity. It can be examined until rapture - it's not gimmicked.

This effect is simple to perform, involving only one minor sleight - if you can even call it that and you can skip it if you want. For those considering learning a stack deck, this...

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Subliminal Numerology by Unknown Mentalist

Here numerology is only a presentational angle and a very interesting one at that, as you will find out within these pages. You absolutely do not need to know anything about numerology at all to perform these effects.

All the routines explained in this manuscript are easy and self-working but very stunning from the participant's perspective. And you will just be using one or two business cards to perform these effects. So that is as minimal as minimal can get.

A participant secretly assigns any number of his choice to each letter of his first name. And hence the name Subliminal Numerology. ...

George Sands
Ropesational by George Sands

An entire act performed with a length of rope.

Destined to become a classic of magic! Knots jump from end to end – the ends change places – the rope stretches in length – the rope is cut and magically restored – knots in the rope vanish and reappear – it keeps the audience amazed and amused from start to finish.

An ungimmicked rope is used (not supplied). No magnets, cement, snaps or other gimmicks are used. A fast-moving, easily learned rope routine.

Note: Ropesational requires more performing skill than the author's earlier release, Sandsational Rope.

Painstakingly illustrated by Ed Mishell...

★★★★ $9.95
Abhinav Bothra
ESPerience X by Abhinav Bothra

A three-phase in-hand routine that lets your audience experience what it feels like to be a mentalist with a jaw-dropping kicker they never see coming.

You show five cards, each bearing a different ESP symbol. After mixing them face down, you ask the participant to point to one of the symbols. Astonishingly, they choose exactly the symbol you named. (You hand all five cards to the participant.)

You secretly draw one of the ESP symbols on a card and the participant reads your mind and accurately guesses which one you drew. (The card with...

Gianluigi Sordellini
Oil and Water Face Up by Gianluigi Sordellini

A classic of card magic: Oil & Water. This version is done entirely face-up, a strong and unusual version of this classic effect.

1st edition 2024, PDF 4 pages.

Gino D'Alessandro
Ginuzzo Reset by Gino D'Alessandro

Four black cards magically change places with four Jacks, only to return to their original positions. The four Jacks then turn into three 3s, and it is revealed that the fourth 3 is the card initially chosen by the spectator and kept in the case.

1st edition 2024, PDF 12 pages.

Peter Pellikaan
Small Wild Cards by Peter Pellikaan

Several color changes of faces and backs combined. Watch the demo video for details.

1st edition 2024, video 3:52.

Jon Racherbaumer
Psi-Clones by Jon Racherbaumer

In these wonderful lecture notes, you will find a lovely self-working card trick called Dueling Card Tricks, which uses a unique principle discovered by Alex Elmsley. It has a great presentational theme of how a mathematician, a psychic, and a magician go about their business. It finishes with an unexpected climax and thus has everything a good magic trick needs.

This lecture was prepared for the participants of the Midwest Magic Jubilee - St. Louis, Missouri - August 5-8, 1993.

  • Pumping B'wave
  • Wide-Open Prediction
  • Hull-Scam
  • Opportune Oldie
  • Cased-In Vision
  • Ladyspell
  • Chi-Psi Opener ...
D. Angelo Ferri
Variations by D. Angelo Ferri

The three ticks in this video are variations of effects by Don Alan, Juan Tamariz, and an old-school sucker trick that appeared in Expert Card Technique.

Don Alan had a trick called Magic Ranch in which a chosen card was found in a wooden egg. I've rearranged the presentation with a new ending, the people think that a real egg is about to be cracked open in the cupped hands of the assisting spectator. The switch of the real egg for the gimmick egg is accomplished by Slydini body mechanics and within reach of anyone willing to understand and apply the concept. I also offer an alternative ending, as well as how to make the special one-way...

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