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John Mendoza Tribute (Spanish)Gianluigi SordelliniEn este ebook, se explican detalladamente las rutinas cartomágicas más significativas del artista John Mendoza. Estas rutinas, una vez aprendidas, os acompañarán durante toda la vida. La primera rutina es una clásica rutina de apertura, donde un espectador nombra un número entre 1 y 5, y de inmediato el artista, después de haber barajado las cartas e insertado medio mazo boca arriba dentro de medio mazo boca abajo, no solo reorganiza el mazo dejando todas las cartas con el dorso hacia arriba, sino que las únicas cuatro que quedan boca arriba formarán el póker del número nombrado... | $15 to wish list | |
Order in ChaosMaher AlhammadIn the chaos of a shuffled deck, the magic is not in the randomness, but in the unseen order, waiting for the perfect reveal. In these pages, I am sharing an effect using a method in card magic that many magicians these days do not use. This effect is capable of deceiving not only laypersons but also fellow magicians who are unfamiliar with the method used, and due to the nature of this routine, this effect will probably fool magicians who have a basic understanding of its application.
| $8 to wish list | |
The Lie DetectorDavide Rubat RemondThe Lie Detector is a card magic and mentalism effect that can be performed at any time and employs six cards, randomly chosen by the spectator, which put together in a pack will act as a polygraph. Alternatively, it is possible to use six cards on which to write as many names, cities, emotions, instruments, or any other idea that makes it possible to freely choose between six elements. The spectator will have to choose the six cards, one of which will have to remain a secret, to be guarded at all costs, even in the face of the four questions that the illusionist will have to ask him so that... | $10 to wish list | |
La Macchina Della VeritàDavide Rubat RemondLa macchina della verità è un effetto cartomagico che può essere improvvisato in qualunque momento e impiega sei carte, scelte casualmente dallo spettatore, che unite in un mazzetto svolgeranno la funzione di poligrafo. È possibile, in alternativa, l’utilizzo di sei biglietti su cui far scrivere altrettanti nomi, città, emozioni, strumenti o qualunque altra idea che renda possibile una scelta libera tra sei elementi. Lo spettatore dovrà scegliere le sei carte, una delle quali dovrà rimanere un segreto, da custodire ad ogni costo, anche di fronte alle quattro domande che l’illusionista... | $10 to wish list | |
Some Suit of Value for an ACAANBiagio FasanoAn unprecedented Semi-Automatic A.C.A.A.N. effect that will amaze: a spectator freely chooses, from a few cards, one representing value, one for suit, and the sum of the values of the others will return the position in the deck in which the card will be found. The title plays on the words "Some Suit of Value", where "Some" is pronounced the same way as "Sum" and both "Suit" and "Value" can be referred to playing cards. In fact, this effect involves the spectator choosing after the deck has been shuffled and cut, from a group of six cards that will be drawn, one card that will represent... | $14.90 to wish list | |
Some Suit of Value for an ACAAN (Italian)Biagio FasanoUn inedito effetto Semi-Automatico, sul tema Carta al Numero, che saprà stupire: uno spettatore sceglie liberamente, tra alcune carte, una che rappresenti il Valore, una per il Seme e la Somma dei valori delle altre restituirà la posizione nel mazzo in cui verrà incredibilmente a trovarsi! Il titolo originale gioca in inglese sulle parole "Some Suit of Value" che dovrebbero significare: "un vestito di valore", ma si potrebbero leggere in modo analgogo anche per "Somma (Sum) di Seme (Suit) e Valore"! Infatti questo effetto prevede che lo spettatore scelga, dopo che il mazzo è stato... | $14.90 to wish list | |
Propless Name and Place in 45 SecondsUnknown MentalistThis Name and Place effect is propless, gaffless, effortless, self-working and will take about 45 seconds to perform and destroy your participant. You walk up to an utter stranger. Ask her to create an imaginary person in her mind. Also ask her to give that imaginary person an imaginary name and an imaginary place, which could literally be anywhere in the world. All this happens in her mind and she reveals absolutely nothing. And you read her mind and reveal that imaginary name and imaginary place. How powerful would that be? This effect feels exactly like that to your participant. You... | ★★★★★ $18 to wish list | |
Scripted #44: The Awakening by Dan HarlanLarry BrodahlIt's Halloween...or any spooky time of the year. And you want a family-friendly scary script for Dan Harlan's "The Awakening". In this free ebook, Larry Brodahl – the author of the Scripted! Series gives you four different scripts, all using the Awakening trick. A couple of the scripts require some extra props, but most magicians probably have easy access to them. Please note that these scripts are all 1st cuts, untested, and assume you know the handling of general magic props. is free! 1st edition 2024, 14 pages. | ★★★★★ $0 to wish list | |
Unknown Mentalist Product Guide 1Unknown Mentalist | $0 to wish list | |
Under One HatAldo ColombiniExcerpt from the introduction: Regarding the routines presented in these lecture notes, I have to point out that they are based on simple ideas and require practice only to the extent that you must be familiar with the sequence of handling in order to perform the effects smoothly. Too often magicians ignore tricks which at first glance appear difficult. If the plot idea attracts your interest, give it ten minutes of your time. You’ll know soon enough if you like the trick or not. The explanations of the tricks in these notes are somewhat brief but I consider them complete enough... | $12 to wish list | |
MINT Index, Contents, BibliographyWesley JamesAlmost as challenging as reading all the card and coin material Ed Marlo packed into the 22 years of M.I.N.T. (1963-1985), is locating specific pieces of material when you want to study or review them. You certainly aren't going to learn it all in one sitting. Moreover, both Ed and Wesley liberally reference the works of other authors and their published material. With the Annotated M.I.N.T. series now complete in 14 volumes, this 15th volume will make it far easier to locate any Ed Marlo or Wesley James material from the series, as well as other referenced Indexed contributors to magic's... | $30 to wish list | |
MINT 1977 - 1979 AnnotatedEdward Marlo & Wesley JamesThe Annotated M.I.N.T. series concludes. It is now complete. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 - 1979 (M.I.N.T. I, and II) are now available in 14 Volumes, plus, in a 15th volume, all the Index, Table of Contents, and Bibliography for all 14 volumes. After releasing M.I.N.T III through VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T 1963 through 1976 this volume again departs by including three years of material. It includes the years 1977-1979 - comprised of some longer and broader Marlo explorations. As Wesley progressed toward completing the full run of... | $60 to wish list | |
Estimation: a visual deep diveDustin MarksPrice will increase to $19.97 on October 9th, 2024. Estimation is a secret weapon that enables you to create seemingly impossible effects. While it may appear challenging at first, mastering this skill is more possible than you might expect. When executed correctly, the results can be truly amazing. This comprehensive eBook covers all aspects of estimation, including prerequisites, fundamental principles, and the distinctions between "in the hands" and "on the table" estimation techniques. It also provides practical advice and describes various effects that can be achieved through estimation.... | ★★★★★ $19.97 $14.97 to wish list | |
Rehab ReduxCameron FrancisA new spin on the classic piece-by-piece card restoration. This is a real-world Torn & Restored Card that's easier to do and better on angles than most. It looks great on social media or in the real world. This is a T&R that was built for workers.
1st edition 2024, video 33 minutes. | $15 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Magisch Vierkant 1-4Dr. Hans-Christian Solka | $65 to wish list | |
CheckmateAldo ColombiniA spectacular series of 'sandwiches' with a deck of cards. Aldo Colombini is back with Checkmate, another full routine never before published in English. The routine takes full advantage of the 'sandwich' theme, where selected cards mysteriously appear between pairs of Kings, and escalates into a series of transpositions and revelations that defy logic. Much impressive is the “instant sandwich transposition”, where a selected card (that can be signed) instantly transposes from between the red Kings to between the black Kings while they are in the midst of two different packets. Each... | $12 to wish list | |
Carta al numero ACAANGianluigi SordelliniEffect: From a deck of cards, the spectator selects a card and then loses it in the deck without showing it to anyone. The performer takes another deck of cards, shuffles it, and shows that each card is in a random position. He notices two twin cards in the center. Taking advantage of this, he says it's a sign of fate and that he will use the twin cards to find the selected card, even though he doesn't know what it is. He shuffles the deck again, and magically, the pair of twin cards capture a card, which turns out to be the twin of the chosen one. Undeterred, the performer adds the value... | $10 to wish list | |
Damn Kids!Biagio FasanoAn unprecedented self-working effect in which 2 cards chosen to represent two bratty kids hiding among the other cards, will be captured by three cards called to represent daddy, a lady, and a boy. This is a new automatic card effect, accompanied by a nice story, where the magician, drawing from a common deck of cards, uses only the face cards, dividing them into three piles: the Jacks, the Queens, and the Kings. He introduces the latter as a small group of friends, four separated fathers, who decide to hold a party to which they invite four dames and four Jacks, their sons. Nevertheless,... | $7.90 to wish list | |
Damn Kids! (Italian)Biagio FasanoUn inedito effetto SELF-WORKING nel quale 2 carte scelte a rappresentare due Ragazzi Monelli nascostisi tra le altre carte, verranno incredibilmente catturati da tre carte chiamate a rappresentare Papà, Zia e Zio Questo é un nuovo effetto di Cartomagia Automatica, accompagnato da un simpatico story-telling, dove il prestigiatore, estraendole da un comune mazzo di carte, si serve soltanto delle figure, suddividendole in tre mazzetti: i Fanti, le Donne e i Re. Presenta questi ultimi come un piccolo gruppo di amici, quattro Padri separati, che decidono di indire una festa alla quale invitano... | $7.90 to wish list | |
Magisch Vierkant 4Dr. Hans-Christian SolkaDer Heilige Gral der Konstruktion magischer Quadrate ist es, ein magisches Quadrat durch eine Springertour zu erschaffen. In die 64 Felder eines Schachbretts werden die Zahlen von 1 bis 64 so eingeschrieben, dass diese nicht nur einen geschlossenen Rösselsprung bilden, sondern die 8 Zahlen in jeder Zeile und Spalte auch dieselbe Summe ergeben. Seit 2003 weiß man, dass eine mathematische Suche erfolglos bleiben muss. Durch mentale Stärke kann man trotzdem zum Gral finden. Erstausgabe 2024, PDF 39 Seiten. | $30 to wish list | |
Chinca BlankPeter PellikaanYou start by showing four cards from the back, one of which is orange, while the others have red backs. The front of the orange-backed card is blank. You table that card. As you show the three remaining red-backed cards for the second time, one has changed to a blue back. The front is again blank. One more time around, and another card has changed its back to a different color. You pick up the four cards and show their faces, but they now have all turned into four Jokers. Another magical gesture and they have changed into four Queen of Hearts. Then the four Queen of Hearts change to the... | $10 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
The Ostrich FactorGerald EdmundsonA practice guide for magicians.
What is the Ostrich Factor? As well-versed, conscientious amateurs and professionals, we know the accepted axioms of the art. But when practicing to perform, we sometimes inadvertently overlook or ignore one or more of these well-known rules. The oversight keeps our performances from being as good as they could be. We make an assumption:... | $35 to wish list | |
Magic to EntertainEric C. LewisExcerpt from the introduction: My books are written from the standpoint of a practical performer and have in view the conditions required for public presentation on the concert platform. The average magical book seems to predominate in card tricks, small mental effects, or subtle whimsies suitable only for intimate work. Such effects are rare in my own writings, and subtlety and superfine cleverness are overlooked for directness of working and clarity of effect, always having in mind that it is the lay audience that we are to entertain. So this book will, I feel, appeal again to the... | $12 to wish list | |
Masq StackUnknown MentalistMASQ Stack is a rotational or sequential stack that is very easy to learn and looks very random. You should be able to remember the sequence in under ten minutes. Given any card, you will know the next card instantly. Knowing this stack, you can perform almost all the routines out there which can be performed with a Si Stebbins or 8 Kings or similar stacks. But behind the "MASQ" there is another hidden secret. Once you know the MASQ Stack you can also perform a magic square routine anytime, anywhere to anyone without breaking a single drop of sweat. Absolutely no extra effort is required.... | ★★★★★ $12 to wish list |