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Displaying 102 to 125 (of 10397 products)
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★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
Future Test 2025 by Unknown Mentalist

The previous versions of this routine, Future Test 2019 to Future Test 2024 were very well received. This routine can also be performed in almost all performing situations - one-on-one, close-up, parlor, street, virtual show, or even on a video call.

Future Test is a 'packs small plays big' kind of effect. Actually, it packs very small in your wallet and plays very big to a full room or in a virtual show or even over a video call. This effect is done on the back of your business card which you can later leave with the participant as a souvenir or send over to the participant's phone as a virtual image...

Gianluigi Sordellini
Mr. Diseau ACAAN by Gianluigi Sordellini

A true masterpiece of precision and impossibility: Mr. Diseau ACAAN. If you're looking for an effect that combines the charm of Card at Any Number with a fully interactive experience for your audience, this routine is perfect for you.

Imagine this: a spectator freely cuts a deck and selects two cards, leaving them face down on the table without looking. Next, they choose a card from several packets, memorize it, and reassemble the deck. Only then are the initial two cards revealed, their values added together, and the resulting number used to count down in the deck. The card found at that...

Gino D'Alessandro
Sandwich Reverse by Gino D'Alessandro

Take your audience on a surprising magical journey with Sandwich Reverse. Imagine starting with a classic in card magic: the two Jokers capture a card chosen by the spectator in a simple and straightforward effect. But just when the audience thinks they know what's going to happen, you completely flip their expectations. In the end, it's the chosen cards that capture the Joker, leaving everyone speechless.

This routine combines the beauty of simplicity with an unexpected twist that will delight both beginners and experienced card magicians. Easy to learn, highly impactful, and incredibly...

★★★★★ $10
Peter Pellikaan
Yes Twist by Peter Pellikaan

A twisting the aces type of effect. You show four cards from the back and state that they are the four aces. The aces, one by one, magically turn around showing their faces. Then they all change to the ace of clubs. And then they change their backs.

1st edition 2024, video 4:47.

Jon Racherbaumer
Edward Marlo's Think Ace by Jon Racherbaumer

The Think Ace effect is a hybrid, reduced to a packet trick. It was inspired by an effect described to Marlo by Bill Simon in 1955.

  • Introduction
  • Beginnings
    • Touch Turn
    • Named Reverse
    • Think Ace
    • Gaffed Think Ace
  • Tributaries
    • Swindle Think Ace
    • Technicolor Think Ace
    • Four-Card Technicolor Thought Number One
    • Four-Card Think Ace Number Two
    • More Four-Card Technicolor Thoughts
    • Cased-In Technicolor Thought
    • Tabled Think Ace
    • Spread Think Ace
    • Contingency Aces
    • Bold B'wave
  • Unanswered Letters

1st edition 1993, PDF 35 pages.

★★★★★ $8
Ed Stoddard
Perfected Sealed Message Reading by Ed Stoddard

Here's another psychic miracle from the professional mentalist who brought you Forecast and other top-flight miracles. Perfected Sealed Message Reading is an entirely new method and routine for reading sealed cards and envelopes.

As you know, the Q&A act is the highlight of the psychic entertainer's act. It involves audience participation, mystery and suspense. Plus, the spectators get a huge thrill out of hearing the mentalist's answers to actual thoughts on the mind of fellow audience members.

This presentation will baffle the best in the business, as each card and envelope is returned, as...

★★★★ $6
Sam Dalal
Enigmas and Illusions by Sam Dalal

Many magicians I know are as interested in both tricks and puzzles and integrate the two.

While elaborate mathematical, logical, or chess puzzles or crosswords have little "performance value", there are many optical puzzles, geometric paradoxes, illusions, ambigrams, after-image generators, and the like, that make for an excellent lead to a magic effect, or for performance as an effect by itself, or as a memorable keepsake printed on the back of your calling card or publicity folder or even your admission tickets. They can also be used as memorable "give-aways" for your assisting spectators,...

Eric C. Lewis
Modus Operandi 2 by Eric C. Lewis

This is part two in the "Modus Operandi" series. It continues with chapter 5.

  • Chapter Five. Card Magic For The Platform
    • The "Perfect" Torn And Rising Card
    • Tickets, Please
    • "Stop"
    • The Imaginary Aces
    • The Jumbo Card Guillotine
  • Chapter Six. The "Lewis" Utility Lift Tray
    • How To Build The "Lewis" Lift Tray
    • Methods Of Concealing The Lift
    • The "Slam-Thru" Glass Of Milk Penetration
    • Another "Magic" Welding
    • "Vanibowl"
    • "He Go - He Come Back"
  • Chapter Seven. Conjuring With Cubes
    • The Escaping Cube
    • The Tantalising Tubes
    • British - Always On Top
    • The Repeating Die Through Hat
Walter Gibson
The Book of Secrets: Miracles Ancient and Modern by Walter Gibson

With added chapters on easy magic you can do, with and without playing cards.

In this book, the secrets of ancient miracles and of modern magic have been thoroughly explained. No phase of the mystic art has been neglected. The reader is initiated into the secrets of antiquity. He is told of the methods of mediaeval wizards; and the secrets of modern wonders are disclosed to him. He is led behind the scenes to study the magic of the stage; true facts of Oriental mystery are brought before him. The secrets of the Hindu fakirs are revealed in detail, based upon the testimony of trained investigators...

Dustin Marks
Multiple Outs Prediction by Dustin Marks

Are you looking for a fun effect to perform that leaves the spectator in awe? This is an effect for you. You are in complete control all the time, yet it appears the spectator makes all the choices. You relax and focus on your presentation rather than worrying about the method. This approach incorporates multiple outs into a card trick without relying on suspicious props or your pockets as an out. This method provides multiple options to easily handle different outcomes based on what your spectator chooses.

  • Easy to do
  • No sleight of hand
  • No card indexes
  • No using your pockets as an out ...
★★★★ $7
Raphaël Czaja
Triplesp by Raphaël Czaja

Three novel tricks with a regular E.S.P. deck.

Two cards are selected in a packet (the five E.S.P. symbols); one by using a freely chosen number and one through elimination. The two symbols have been successfully predicted.

After they cut the deck, two spectators are given a packet of cards each from which they memorize any card. They lose their card into the deck and concentrate on their symbol. Each thought-of symbol can be removed from the deck and placed in front of the appropriate spectator.

The spectator is given...

Gianluigi Sordellini
Mr. Diseau Assembly by Gianluigi Sordellini

Four Kings, after being dealt to four different spots on the table, gather under a single packet, transform into the four Aces, and finally return to their original positions.

1st edition 2024, PDF 11 pages, 52 photos.

Gino D'Alessandro
Ginuzzo Sandwich by Gino D'Alessandro

A sandwich effect with a twist. The performer has three spectators each chooses a card and loses it in different parts of the deck. Then, the performer takes two Jokers, stating that they will find the selected cards. However, the final twist is that one spectator's card will end up sandwiched between the other two spectators' cards.

1st edition 2024, PDF 7 pages, 42 photos.

$14.90 $7.45
Biagio Fasano
Twisting the AC...AAN by Biagio Fasano

An incredible new "Any Card At Any Number" effect that magically comes to fruition, despite the fact that the card and a set of numbers are chosen by a spectator, in a carousel of cards turned face to face and back to back.

An A.C.A.A.N. that develops into a dance of cards, realizing itself on the edge of the impossible.

Twisting the AC...AAN is a new card magic effect themed "Any Card At Any Number," in which the magician, shown and quickly shuffled a deck of cards, holding the deck face-up in his right hand, begins to drop the cards into the palm of his left hand, performing a dribble...

$14.90 $7.45
Biagio Fasano
Twisting the AC...AAN (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un incredibile nuovo effetto di Carta al Numero che magicamente si realizza, nonostante la Carta e una serie di Numeri vengano scelti da uno spettatore, in una giostra di carte rivoltate faccia contro faccia e dorso contro dorso!

Un A.C.A.A.N. che si sviluppa in una Danza di Carte, realizzandosi al limite dell'Impossibile!

Twisting the AC...AAN è un nuovo effetto cartomagico a tema "Any Card At Any Number", in cui il prestigiatore, mostrato e mescolato velocemente un mazzo di carte, tenendo il mazzo a facce in alto nella destra, inizia a far cadere le carte sul palmo della sinistra,...

Peter Pellikaan
Onmogelijk by Peter Pellikaan

Yes, this looks impossible. You show four cards. Turn over one and the rest also magically turns over. That is just the warming-up effect. The real stunner is when you turn over the cards and suddenly three of them have big circles cut from their center and the fourth has changed color.

1st edition 2024, video 4:45.

★★★★★ $6
Joseph Ovette
Miraculous Hindu Feats by Joseph Ovette

Excerpt from the Foreword:

Every so often an increase in the number of "fakir" demonstrations is noted not only in this country but abroad. In some cases the performer is buried alive, or subjected to tortures beyond those the human flesh, or human mind, can endure.

Oft times, these feats strike the fancy of the public and huge salaries are given the fakirs. The demand for such a book as this one, as a result, has grown and we hope that the answer to many of these feats will be satisfactorily explained to the reader. Here, too, may be a little idea for which the legitimate performer has...

Jon Racherbaumer
Lecture Notes 1 by Jon Racherbaumer

Excerpt from the opening remarks:

My advice - as pedantic as it may sound - is simple: AVOID COMPLACENCY. NEVER ASSUME THAT YOU KNOW IT ALL. When it comes to the Real Work, we never stop learning. Look at cardmen like Vernon and Marlo! Both continue to explore the subject, look for flaws, seek perfections, discover new things. Lectures, books, notes, and sessions with our brethren are invaluable aids; however, we must never forget that learning the Real Work is an exciting, life-long pursuit; a challenge that obstinately renews itself no matter how old, experienced, and knowledgeable we become. ...

Eric C. Lewis
Modus Operandi 1 by Eric C. Lewis

Excerpt from the Foreword:

This is a book with a guarantee; a guarantee that every item with one exception has been mastered and tested by myself. ... As in my "Studies" series, all effects in this present book are complete in themselves. They are not mere tricks, gadgets, or "moves." Each one has been carefully routined and described in full to bring out the correct methods of presentation, and in all cases, entertainment value has been very carefully considered. With the routines in this book you will entertain as well as mystify.

  • Modus Operandi
  • Foreword
  • Chapter One: The "Lewis"...
★★★★★ $6
Ed Stoddard
Brainstorm by Ed Stoddard

Another brilliant mental effect from the mind of Ed Stoddard. This time, Stoddard presents a book test, using any book, that you can perform anywhere. A spectator chooses a word and you name it instantly.

Utilizes an ingenious, natural method that can't be beat. Plus a healthy dose of Stoddard's brand of subtlety and refinements that make it so easy to use. Imagine the shock and awe when you present this at the home of a friend or family member, using their own book.

(To be upfront about it, while the original dealer ad stated that you can use a borrowed book, and do it impromptu, you...

★★★★★ $9.97
Dustin Marks
How to Create Your Own Cardbox by Dustin Marks

Why create and print your cardbox? Several reasons:

  1. To keep your decks organized
  2. Easy to read cribs
  3. Reveals
  4. It's fun, at least to me

If you are like me, you have many decks set up for different effects and I needed a way to keep them organized. This is the best method. I simply code the decks and print it on the side or bottom of the cardbox. With step-by-step directions and photos, creating your custom cardboxes is easy. A customizable PSD file (Adobe Photoshop) and SVG file (Scalable Vector Graphics) are included with this download.

Note: You need to have a basic knowledge...

★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Hands Off Book Test by Unknown Mentalist

Do not be fooled by the low intro price. This is an absolute killer. Hands Off Book Test or in other words, HOBOT is very much like a ROBOT, fully automatic, very efficient, highly effective, self-working, and self-sufficient. Once you hand over the book to the participant, you do not touch it again during the entire routine. You do not just reveal a single word (although you can do that too) but you reveal about 10 to 15 words - one from each line from top to bottom of the page in the correct order as the participant is silently reading the page to himself. It appears as if you are plucking...

D. Angelo Ferri
Variations 3 by D. Angelo Ferri

This video includes a variation of the Bert Allerton trick Eye Popper, a transposition of two cards. This trick appeared in his book The Close Up Magician.

Two Don Alan card tricks using jumbo cards: Big Deal and A Comedy card trick.

A Paul Rosini card trick taken from House of Cards, two selected cards are found after the magician has failed to find them. This trick features a variation of the Paul Le Paul Top Change. Several variations are suggested.

A comparison of Malini's handling as compared to the handling in the book: The Magic of Matt Schulien, Schulien called it 'Put It Back In The Deck'. There are two comedy card tricks from Schulien: Catch The Light, and The Professional...

Peter Pellikaan
Square Hole by Peter Pellikaan

You show two cards from both sides. One is the Queen of Hearts and the other is the Jack of Spades. The Queen of Hearts has a big square hole cut from its center. You briefly put these two cards together, separate them again, and suddenly the Jack of Spades has a round hole cut from its center and the Queen of Hearts is restored without a hole. The hole moved from the Queen to the Jack and changed from a square hole to a round hole.

1st edition 2024, video 2:33.

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