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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 104


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★ $60
Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT IV Unauthorized by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

More than the thirteen major Marlo items Ed contributed to New Tops Magazine in 1981 - not to mention new sleights, finesses, and subtleties - all these items have been largely unavailable since their publication. Wesley James has added another year of material toward fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."

As with Wesley's previous release of M.I.N.T. III, these long-unavailable Marlo items could have been all Wesley compiled. Still, this volume would have been an important contribution to the literature of card magic. As tribute to Ed, Wesley wanted this volume to offer more....

★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Nicely Stabbed! by Ian Baxter

Ian Baxter here, introducing something new from me in the 'Card Stabbing' arena. Nicely Stabbed! offers not one but two approaches to this evergreen card mystery. But rather than have me rattle on about this, I'll ask reviewer and fellow Australian David Jones to offer his opinion.

When Ian Baxter told me that his next manuscript involved the concept of forcing an unknown card, I was intrigued, to say the least. What resulted from this offbeat thought was a very clever, streamlined and almost sleight-free method for a known classic. A spectator stabs a card anywhere into the deck and ends...

Dick Cole
New Card Tricks with the Mark Twain Stack by Dick Cole

The Mark Twain stack is a Si Stebbins stack with a four-apart sequence in SHoCkeD order. It was first published in the February 1935 issue of Modern Mechanix and Inventions magazine. This is a reproduction of this article.

The Mark Twain stack, also called the Riverboat stack (see for example Magic Card System), due to the abundant gambling on Mississippi riverboats, gets its name from the practice on these riverboats to frequently having to measure the water depth. If it was two marks, pronounced 'mark twain', it was ok.

1st edition 1935; PDF 4 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Si Stebbins
Si Stebbins Teaches Tricks by Si Stebbins

This is the first known publication of the Si Stebbins stack and several tricks that go along with it. It is a reproduction from the Sunday 18th December 1898 issue of the St. Louis Post Dispatch newspaper.

1st edition, 1898; PDF 5 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Gerald Edmundson
Revisiting Bill Simon's Prophecy Move by Gerald Edmundson

The original Prophecy Move in Bill Simon's book Effective Card Magic has been a favorite with magicians since its publication. The spectator places a business card or playing card between two cards at a random position somewhere in the middle of the deck. The move forces the top and bottom cards of the deck. A myriad of variations and tricks with the sleight have surfaced through the years.

The author first describes his version of the move. This in-the-hands handling accomplishes the move using natural movements in spreading the cards. Neither hand turns over when performing the sleight as in the original version. Gerald...

★★★★★ $15
Roy Walker
Walker's Card Mysteries by Roy Walker

Walker's Card Mysteries is a book of highly useful and original card conjuring. The forty odd items deal with systems, sleights and subtleties, while each experiment is worked out in the most minute detail. Accurate illustrations enhance the value of the publication.

From the Preface:

...the following problems have, without exception, been submitted to a thorough test, which has resulted, here and there, in the elimination of a weak point. Thus it is with complete confidence in their practicability that these ideas are made public. A few have received prior publication in The Sphinx but the majority...

J. Stewart Smith
Further Thought on Cards by J. Stewart Smith

J. Stewart Smith presents more of his mystifying card effects, accomplished without knuckle-busting sleight of hand. The author was something of an enigma, eschewing public performances in favor of fooling magicians and mentalists at magic conventions. After a process of continual refinements from demonstrating his effects under the critical eyes of magicians, he would assemble a small number of his latest creations and issue them in small, limited-edition booklets. To say that his books are hard to come by is a gross understatement. This is a shame since the magic is priceless.

Smith was...

★★★★ $10
Edwin Hooper
Card in the Orange by Edwin Hooper

The Effect of the Card in the Orange ranks with that of the Bank-Note in Lemon, or the Card in the Egg effect, but has one main advantage over the other two and that is that it is easier to do. Although the impact on the audience is precisely the same, the trick can be performed under any conditions and is literally worry-free. The Card in the Orange is one of those effects that, in the right hands, can be a reputation-maker. The whole effect depends entirely upon showmanship and presentation.

  • Edwin's Routine
  • What You Require
  • Another Method
  • Knife Force
  • Simplicity Force
  • The Glide ...
★★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Most Impossible Diviniation by Joseph B.

As you can understand from the title this is an impossible divination. The method is becoming more and more diabolical.

The effect is a classic: the spectator chooses a card and the magician finds it. Here, however, the conditions are strict for the magician. There is seemingly no way the magician could find the card. The deck is shuffled while the performer looks away. Despite this, he will be able to find the chosen card face down. All this with a normal, borrowed, totally impromptu deck.

1st edition 2022, video 12:03

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Deckless Angels and Devils ACAAN by Unknown Mentalist

Please note that this is deckless. And that does not mean propless. Two double blank business cards are used in this effect, with something written/printed on them of course, as you will get to know in this manuscript. This ACAAN is notoriously unknown as DAD ACAAN. And this is completely different than the earlier Deckless ACAAN.

3 different participants freely and randomly choose a card value, a number, and a suit. All are fair choices...or so it seems. And you read all 3 minds with a uniquely stunning impact. You can even perform this to a single participant or even in a virtual show or a video call....

★★★★ $8
Joseph B.
Fooler Fooler Fooler by Joseph B.

The magician attempts to find the spectator chosen card under impossible conditions. In the end, he also manages to find the four aces. Everything is done with a normal deck of cards. Requires minimal sleight-of-hand.

1st edition 2022, video 12:52

Jonathan H. Green
Games and Tricks with Cards by Jonathan H. Green

You will find here card tricks, cheating exposes, card games, and gambling stories.

A later expanded version of this book was published under the title Gamblers' Tricks With Cards Exposed and Explained.

  • Chapter I
    • Invention Of Cards
    • Mysterious Trick Of Thirty Six Cards; Telling The Card You Look At Without Seeing The Pack.
    • To Tell A Card Thought Of
    • Three Jacks As Thieves, Caught By A King As A Policeman
    • To Burn A Card And Fin'd It In A Watch
    • How To Shift Cards
    • The Four Associates
    • To Make A Card Jump Out Of The Pack
    • How To Change Cards To Pictures
  • Chapter II
    • All Fours
    • Deceptions Used In The Game Of All Fours
    • How To...
★★★★★ $6
Vincent "Vinny" Boyar
Ghostly Seconds by Vincent "Vinny" Boyar

A version of a strike-second deal that the author calls the "shutter" method, referring to the shutter of a camera.

This version could be easier for some to perform than a classic strike-second because the coordination of the thumbs is built into the method itself. While the author claims that his method is practically self-working, there is some amount of practice necessary to acquire the knack. Still, his discovery has earned the praise of top-flight card experts, who have called it perfect in action and imperceptible to the keenest observer.

The second deal is an indispensable sleight...

★★★★★ $5
Mark Cahill
High Noon by Mark Cahill

There are so many possibilities with a stacked deck, or better yet, "Impossibilities." That's because these decks look regular but what you can do with them quite casually can appear incredible. It's an old stack that's still worth its salt is, "The Si Stebbins Stack." It's sorta the granddaddy of this kind of amazing card magic. And it has a mathematical build to it that allows for a variety of other approaches as to magically finding a selected card and or knowing where or what a card is as to its position. This effect is a refreshing and fun way I found to make a bit more magic happen...

Mystic Alexandre
A Sweet and Simple Swindle by Mystic Alexandre

Mr. T is an underground gambler, the man who wrote the Pro Guide to the Lucky Log, and the exclusive manual for "Bingo Bango". Now he brings you A Sweet and Simple Swindle. Two of them actually, because the PDF includes an additional bonus swindle with playing cards.

Both dead easy to do, no sleight of hand, no complicated tactics, just a sweet advantage to you, where the mark will believe they have the better of you all along. No marked cards or anything of the sort, both of these use a regular deck of playing cards that can be borrowed, so easy a kid could take advantage of this ... if...

★★★★ $10
Burling Hull
Nine Great Card Tricks by Burling Hull

Most tricks explained require a double backer, sometimes the same back double-backer, sometimes a different back double-backer.

  • Introductory
  • The Two Fold Miracle
  • Insto-Transpo!
  • The Startling Stop!
  • The Double Force
  • Double Comedy Relief
  • "Satan Behind You"
  • Chameleon Backs
  • Remote Control
  • False Faces

1st edition 1933, 8 pages; PDF 14 pages.

★★★★ $15
Oscar Hugo
Magi Card System by Oscar Hugo

A comprehensive treatise devoted to a brilliant cyclical stack system for professional magicians and mentalists.

This ebook covers the topic in great detail, including ten lessons for learning the system, plus how to use the Magi System to its utmost, including clever false cuts and shuffles that'll hide the fact that a setup is used at all. Also included are mechanical methods that can optionally be combined with the Magi System to make it even better.

The ebook contains a mix of effects that are easy to do and ones that take some skill. All are explained in an easy-to-follow manner,...

★★★★★ $9.90
Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Snibbets by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

An easy-to-calculate version of the Si Stebbins stack.

The name 'Snibbets' (Stebbins reversed) was coined by Rusduck. It denotes a reversed Si Stebbins stack where instead of adding 3 to get to the next card's value one substracts 3. The first to publish a negative step version was Ernest Hammond in The Magic of Tomorrow. While this may seem a rather inconsequential change, it has some advantages over the classic Si Stebbins stack. In this ebook, Dr. Solka takes you through the details of this lesser-known version of Si Stebbins.

1st edition 2022, PDF 47 pages.

★★★ $9
Joseph B.
Kpyto by Joseph B.

A new method to learn the identity of three (could be less, and could also be more) truly freely selected cards from a borrowed shuffled deck.

A real weapon that can also be used in other routines. A powerful effect and a fooler not only for layman but also for magicians. The magician is able to reveal the identity of three cards randomly taken by the spectator under impossible conditions. This method is unbelievable and diabolic at the same time. Everything with a borrowed shuffled deck. The magician always looks away.

  • no switch
  • no palm
  • no mirror or shiner
  • no doubles
  • no crimp ...
★★★★ $5
Mark Cahill
PCAN: Predicted Card At Number by Mark Cahill

The spectator shuffles the cards, and magi removes one card as an open prediction for all to see. A three-digit number is called by the spectator and the magi deals cards to the table to match each digit, leaving a random card to the side for each number. The three cards placed aside are then added up to the random number they achieve. With the deck now face down, that number is counted down to, and miraculously it reveals the mate to the prediction card initially laid on the table.

No dupes, no gimmicks, no tape, no magnets, no smoke, no mirrors, spectator shuffles, any 3 digits named. ...

★★★★ $8
Burling Hull
Double Magic with Cards by Burling Hull

Card tricks requiring one or more double-facers.

The 18 tricks were supplied by U. F. Grant. Burling Hull writes:

Once in a decade, comes an array of unique and miraculous card mysteries - and introducing revolutionary magical principles in this branch of mystification. Such are the card feats in this book. Many of the experiments have been viewed by American foremost magical critics, and pronounced "Amazingly Ingenious".


This book includes some amazing deceptions with DOUBLE FACE CARDS (cards with faces printed on both sides) which may be introduced into almost any standard pack (and frequently...

★★★ $9
Mystic Alexandre
Listen and It Will Speak by Mystic Alexandre

A minimalist storytelling mentalism card routine.

"This is a truly thoughtful and beautiful presentation - the sort of thing that really warms my heart. The presentation here is the thing. And what's really nice about it, is that it is easily adaptable to other effects if one so desires. I love it!" - Sudo Nimh

A special competition was underway at a famous monastery and all the monks were quite eager to do well. The Master had pointed out a very special tree that lived in the woods surrounding the monastery grounds and the monks had been asked to write a story about this tree. The winner...

★★★★★ $5
Sayan G.
S.G. Spread Control by Sayan G.

A utility move that allows you to control a card to the top, to the second, or a few cards down from the top.

I have created this move back in 2010 to control a card to the top of the deck. Over the years I have refined it to this point, now I am confident enough to share it with the magic community. With this move, you can not only control a card to the top but also to the second position or a few cards down from the top. This move is easy to perform without any knuckle-busting exercises.

1st edition 2022, video 22:20.

Charles C. Eastman
Subtle Card Sleights by Charles C. Eastman

Tried and tested card tricks requiring no skill.

  • The Sensitive Touch
  • A New Card Force
  • Locate It
  • Out Of The Pocket
  • The Subtle Exchange
  • Simplified Telephone Mind Reading Card Trick
  • The Turnover Deception
  • The Invisible Card
  • It's Reversed
  • A Unique Card Force
  • Byplay
  • Reel Magic
  • For The Reader Of This Manuscript

1st edition 1932, 3rd edition 1973, 19 pages; PDF 18 pages.

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